
Chapter 336 An old monk

Chapter 336 An Old Monk

Han Qingtian's death caused turmoil in the East Spirit Realm.But the real storm is far from coming...

Half a month later, Lin Huang and the others appeared at Shanhe Pass thousands of miles away from Xuanyuan City.

With the Shanhe Pass closed, Lin Huang stood holding the sword, looking at the beautiful mountains and rivers inside the pass and the long yellow sand outside the pass, stroking the Demon Suppressing Sword with a calm expression.

Beside Lin Huang, Jun Qingcheng and the others stood side by side, and Bai Xiaopang held two huge hammers, looking extremely burly.

In half a month, four people traveled thousands of miles from east to west, came out from Xuanyuan City, and killed 27 people from the Blood Spirit Hall before Shanhe Pass.

The name of the thirteen kills has already set off a monstrous wave in the East Spirit Realm.

In less than three months, five or six hundred people died, and each of them had a decent identity and strong strength.

People in the East Spirit Realm were panicked for a while, fearing that at a certain moment, a sharp sword would suddenly appear and pierce through his chest.

"The last three are left!"

Beside Lin Huang, Lin Cangxue said calmly while stroking the three-foot Qingfeng.

In the allocation of thirteen kills, Lin Huang and Lin Cangxue had the last three on their assassination list.

The leader of the mercenary alliance is resolute.

The Song Dynasty of the Lingyun Dynasty had no return.

The great scholar Cao Mingsheng.

"These three people all have the realm of Marquis Wu, so it's not easy to kill!"

Lin Huang frowned, but he didn't show any fear.

Now that the four of them are here, don't say that Jun Qingcheng has the strength to be listed on the list of Marquis Wu.Even Lin Huang and Lin Cangxue, as well as Bai Xiaopang who was carrying two big hammers, all had the strength to kill Marquis Wu.

Lin Huang and the others appeared here to intercept and kill Lei Li, the leader of the mercenary alliance.



Half a day later, there was a booming sound in Shanhe Pass, as if thousands of horses and troops were coming, causing the ground to tremble continuously.

Lin Huang raised his head, and saw a group of mercenaries suddenly appeared ten miles away, all of them were riding second-level monsters, full of aggressive aura.

There are as many mercenaries as there are hundreds.

At the core of the mercenaries, a middle-aged man in purple clothes stepped on the third-level monster flying tiger and flew forward in the void, fully revealing the realm of Marquis Wu.

Lin Huang's eyes fixed on the latter.


The leader of the mercenary alliance, Wuhou Erzhongtian, is the head of mercenaries in dozens of surrounding dynasties. He once hunted and killed fourth-level monsters in the realm of Tianyuan.

Looking at his demeanor, he also looks like a strong man, but it is a pity that he is a member of the Blood Spirit Hall.

Looking at the burly middle-aged man, Lin Huang raised his brows, and appeared majestically. With a mask on his face, he rushed down Shanhe Pass with a knife.

Lin Cangxue accompanied Lin Huang behind him.

Holding two hammers, Bai Xiaopang rushed towards the group of mercenaries.Jun Qingcheng held his snowy cheeks, and followed Lin Huang closely without losing sight, with a sweet smile on his brows and eyes.

In less than half an hour, the three stopped hundreds of mercenaries.


Hundreds of mercenaries stopped, looking at the three people blocking the way suddenly, full of vigilance.

Among the mercenaries, Lei Li frowned suddenly, staring at the leader Lin Huang, and said solemnly: "Dare to ask, but the word thirteen kills?"

"Herringbone Thirteen Kills?"

The mercenaries around Lei Li were taken aback for a moment, their ruthless eyes showed fear.They just thought it was just an ordinary exit, but they didn't expect to encounter the thirteen kills.

In the middle of the avenue, Lin Huang nodded calmly, but it caused hundreds of mercenaries to retreat dozens of steps in unison.

In the records of Dongling Realm, there has never been a mistake in the character thirteen kills.

"If you want to leave the customs and escape to the Blood Spirit Hall, it is already impossible!"

Lin Huang said calmly, pointing to the red-clothed girl on Shanhe Pass, and continued: "If you kill yourself, your whole body will be kept; if you don't, your head will be in a different place!"

Lei Li frowned, and there was a ruthless look between the brows, "The so-called thirteen kills of the human character should be proficient in the way of assassination. Since you have appeared majestically, can you still kill me?"

"This Marquis wants to learn something today. What is so powerful about the so-called thirteen kills? It can make people in the world terrified!"

Lei Li's figure shook, and a pair of huge wings appeared behind him, like a blood eagle, exuding a palpitating aura.

"Kill them for the lord, and reward a million taels of gold!"

Lei Li shouted loudly, commanding the hundreds of mercenaries around him, and at the same time turned into a blood shadow, and rushed towards Lin Huang.

Lin Huang smiled slightly, and drew his sword to fight.

Lin Cangxue and Bai Xiaopang were in the middle of the avenue, not moving a muscle.

In the field, hundreds of mercenaries looked at the two people fighting, swallowed their saliva and looked at Lin Cangxue and Bai Xiaopang in front of them.They were a group of desperadoes, so facing the temptation of millions of gold, they were naturally a little hard to resist.

The so-called seeking wealth and wealth is just like this.


A mercenary shouted suddenly, and they were the first to kill Lin Cangxue and Bai Xiaopang.Afterwards, all the mercenaries rode monster beasts and ran towards the two of them.


In the avenue, a big white cat suddenly appeared and barked like a dog. It didn't sound like it was barking at all, but rather aggrieved, which funnyly destroyed the sense of urgency of the battle.

However, right after the dog barked that whole life, hundreds of second-level monsters under the crotch of the mercenaries all collapsed to the ground, trembling and whimpering, not daring to take a step forward.

It seems that that big white cat is the peerless king among monsters.

When hundreds of mercenaries saw this scene, their pupils shrank sharply.However, he couldn't restrain his forward figure, and continued to kill Lin Cangxue and Bai Xiaopang.

Then, Lin Cangxue drew out her long sword.

Bai Xiaopang raised two big hammers, like a overlord supporting the sky.


The war came in a hurry, but also in a hurry.

In less than a quarter of an hour, hundreds of mercenaries were lying on the ground.Where Lin Cangxue's sword fell, all the mercenaries were killed and no one survived.

Under Bai Xiaopang's iron hammer, all the heads were blown off.

In the void, Lin Huang had already tore apart the thunderous wings, and his fists were glowing golden, falling on the latter's body like raindrops, each punch was full of explosive power.


Lei Li was punched to the ground by Lin Huang, making a big hole, lying in it unconsciously.

Lin Huang drew his knife, knelt down and looked at Lei Li in the big pit, with a look of killing on his face.

At this moment, Jun Qingcheng on the Shanhe Pass suddenly discovered something, the crimson figure turned into a rainbow, and came towards Lin Huang fiercely.

In the middle of the avenue, just as Lin Huang was slashing fiercely with his long sword, he found that the Demon Suppressing Sword was imprisoned by a mysterious force and could not cut a single bit.

Jun Qingcheng stood on the tiptoe of Lin Huang, and Qiu Shui stared at the front.

Lin Huang raised his head immediately, and saw an old monk with a withered figure appeared not far in front of him.

Wearing a blue cassock, holding a rosary, and reciting the Dharma, he bowed his head and walked slowly on the avenue.


A sound of Buddha Dharma is boundless, calmly resounding in the void, but it reveals endless power of vows.While the old monk was chanting Amitabha Buddha, he lifted the Demon Suppressing Knife in Lin Huang's hand...

(End of this chapter)

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