
Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Looking at the old monk who suddenly appeared, Lin Huang's expression was slightly condensed, and there was a rare look of guard in his eyes.

A person who can make Jun Qingcheng feel as if he is facing a great enemy is an ordinary person.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Lin Huang took back the Suppressing Demon Knife and asked calmly.


I saw the old monk paused, chanting the Dharma with his palms together, his body was still a little stooped, but he raised his head, revealing a wrinkled face.

The old monk looked old, but his eyes were peaceful and seemed to be full of compassion.

"The poor monk has no kindness from the Zen temple!"

The old monk bowed and said.

"No Zen Temple?!"

Lin Huang's expression was startled, looking at the withered old monk in front of him, his heart was full of surprise.Prior to this, Xuanyuan Tibing had mentioned Wuchan Temple.

But he never expected that within half a month, he would meet someone from Wuchan Temple.

In the arena, Lin Cangxue and Bai Xiaopan were a little puzzled, they had never heard of Wuchan Temple.This Wuzen Temple, which existed for more than two hundred years, can be said to be buried in the loess, and few people in the East Spirit Realm know about it.

But Jun Qingcheng didn't pay attention to Wuchan Temple, the long sword in his hand was already ready to go.

"Old bald donkey... what do you want to do?"

Bai Xiaopang spoke arrogantly, although he was not in tune, he was not really stupid.The latter appeared here and rescued Lei Li from Lin Huang's knife, so he must have a plan.

Bai Xiaopang waved the hammer, showing off his power with pride.

"The poor monk asks the benefactor not to kill again!"

Ci Sheng said peacefully, "It is said that saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. The benefactor saves one person by killing one person less. It can be said to be an immeasurable merit."

"Master, do you know that if I kill one person, I can save several people!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and sneered.


Cisheng recited the Buddha's name in a calm and unhurried manner, "All living beings in the world have their own feelings. When killing people, hatred will arise, and hatred will kill again. Repeatedly, such as reincarnation, hatred will not stop in the end, and it is not the way to stop evil. Only crossing Only when people take refuge will they prove the prosperity of all living beings!"

"Master is very knowledgeable!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "I don't know if the master can save all the sentient beings in the world to convert to Buddhism? If he can't, crossing just one person can change the world? If good thoughts can't teach the common people, the only way to prove the way is with blood!"

"The benefactor has such a killing intent!"

With a compassionate expression, he raised his eyes to look at Lin Huang, and said dryly in his voice, "The art of killing is to cultivate inner demons. The more you kill, the more prosperous the inner demons will be. If the benefactor does not turn back soon, he will surely die in the future." Become a demon!"

"I was possessed once!"

Lin Huang smiled.


Cisheng was chanting the Dharma again, looking at Lin Huang's eyes with compassion, "Since this is the case, I hope that the benefactor will follow me into the Wuchan Temple to wash away the evil thoughts in my body. The so-called sea of ​​suffering is boundless. It is the world of Bodhi!"

Lin Huang shook his head with a smile, and suddenly asked, "I wonder if Ye Wuchan is here?"

"There is no Zen master!"

Cisheng nodded and smiled, "But once you enter the Buddhist sect, you will no longer have a body of ordinary things, and you will have no thoughts of the world of mortals. My teacher once said that there is only Wuchan Temple in the world, so why not Ye Wuchan!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and smiled, and his tone became fierce, "Since Ye Wuchan is still alive, please ask Master Cisheng to help me. Since saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, then more than 200 years ago, Xuanyuan Wuxiang Did he ever feel guilty when his wife committed suicide and fell into the moon tower?"


Monk Cisheng's expression froze, and he suddenly didn't know how to reply.

More than 200 years ago, Xuanyuan Wuxiang died to seal the Yin-Yang Valley.The Xuanyuan family is the blood-killing spirit hall, and the whole family is dressed in white to enter the East Spirit, and the East Spirit is kept small.

And Xuanyuan Wuxiang's wife, Sanshang Wuchan Temple, asked Ye Wuchan to come out of the mountain, but she never even saw Ye Wuchan face to face.In the end, she was forced to die on the head of Luoyue City, committing suicide!

"The matter of Xuanyuan, my family teacher held it as a lifelong hatred. For 200 years, I have recited the human sutra a hundred times a day, and I only wish to save two people!"

Monk Cisheng continued.

"Then please tell me, Master Cisheng, has it ever worked?"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and asked.

Monk Cisheng was stunned again, but he didn't know how to answer. In the end, he could only put his palms together and recite Amitabha Buddha.

In the middle of the avenue, Lin Huang pulled out the Suppressing Demon Knife again, with a stern look on his face, "Since Ye Wuchan and Xuanyuan Wuxiang and his wife couldn't save him, how can the master save the Blood Spirit Hall? The thief!"

Monk Cisheng bowed his head and said nothing, but he took a step forward slowly and stood in front of Lei Li.

Jun Qingcheng then drew his sword and stood beside Lin Huang.

"When compassion and kindness are powerless, why not hold a butcher's knife and kill a bright blue sky?"

Lin Huang stepped forward with a faint smile, not afraid of the latter's terrifying power at all.


Monk Cisheng heard the astonishing murderous intent in Lin Huang's mouth, chanted the Buddha's name in horror, sat down with his legs crossed, and stood in front of Lei Li, "The words of the benefactor are sharp, and the poor monk sighs. But the monks are merciful Since the poor monk is here, he absolutely cannot tolerate the killing of the benefactor. If the benefactor insists on going his own way, he will step on the poor monk's body!"

"Old bald donkey, you dare to threaten me, Boss Lin!"

Bai Xiaopang was furious immediately, picked up a hammer and smashed it on Ci Sheng's head, the speed was so fast that Lin Huang didn't even have time to react.

Monk Cisheng sat cross-legged in front of the four of them, but he never avoided Bai Xiaopang's sledgehammer.With a loud bang, the latter's head was cracked and blood was all over his face.

Lin Huang frowned and stopped everyone from taking a few steps back.

The monk in front of him looked haggard, but he didn't know what amazing ability he was hiding, which made Jun Qingcheng afraid of it.If the latter is violent, I am afraid that everyone present will not be able to stop his methods.

However, Ci Sheng didn't move at all, and even slowly closed his eyes, saying compassionately:

"The poor monk has a saying that if the benefactor insists on killing the benefactor Lei, he will step on the body of the poor monk... Don't worry, the benefactor will never fight back!"

Ci Sheng said with a smile on his face covered in blood.

"Old bald donkey, that's what you said!"

Bai Xiaopan snorted twice, and landed another hammer on the latter's head.With a clanging sound, countless cracks were split in Ci Sheng's head.

As long as there is one more blow of the hammer, Ci Sheng's head may be directly shattered.

Lin Huang gradually frowned...

In the middle of the avenue, Ci Sheng stopped speaking, like a rotten ancient tree, stopping Lin Huang and others from walking.

"His grandma, you have a hard head!"

Bai Xiaopang suddenly became angry, with his incomparable physical strength, with one blow of an iron hammer, the head of an ordinary Marquis Wu could be broken into eight pieces, but this old bald donkey survived two hammers.

In the middle of the avenue, Ci Sheng's cassock was stained red with blood, but he remained motionless, with a peaceful and indifferent expression on his wrinkled face.

It seems that he has seen through life and death.

"You old bastard, don't think that I really dare not kill you. Anyone who stands in my way deserves to die! If you want to save Lei Li, that is helping the evildoer!"

Bai Xiaopang said arrogantly, and raised the big hammer in his hand again...

(End of this chapter)

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