
Chapter 338 Lingyun Dynasty

Chapter 338 Lingyun Dynasty
In the void, Bai Xiaopang's big hammer did not fall in the end, and was stopped by Lin Huang.

Lin Huang put away the Suppressing Demon Knife, squatted down, looked at Ci Sheng who was covered in blood, and said calmly: "I respect Master's compassionate heart, but what Master did is really ridiculous!"

Lin Huang took out a white handkerchief, wiped off the blood from Ci Sheng's head, and continued:
"The catastrophe of the East Spirit is about to happen, so where is the empty door and the place of innocence? Although the Wuchan Temple is dedicated to practicing Buddhism, but the ground under the feet is the land of the East Spirit Realm!"

"I want to come to the master who has practiced Buddhism for a hundred years, and he has never experienced the world of mortals. He only knows that with one-hearted compassion, he can cross the world, but he doesn't know that there is right and wrong in the world, so he can't cross it!"

"I have heard a Buddhist saying that killing is to protect life, and cutting karma is not beheading. If the Buddha is angry, he also holds a butcher knife! Since the ancient Buddhas are always angry, why did the master bind himself in a cage? "

"This time, I won't kill Lei Li. But next time, if Grandmaster insists on protecting this person, I'm not afraid to be a villain or kill a good person!"

After Lin Huang finished speaking, he stood up.

In the middle of the avenue, Master Cisheng still did not open his eyes, but he sighed, "As long as the poor monk walks in this world, he will not be able to see the existence of evil with his own eyes!"

"Stubborn old bald donkey!"

Bai Xiaopang cursed fiercely, if Lin Huang hadn't stopped him, his hammer would have smashed the latter together with Lei Li.

In the middle of the road, Lin Huang smiled flatly, and led the three of them away.

When the four of them drifted away, Ci Sheng suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, his withered body moved, and he picked up his back and headed towards the Wuchan Temple.

"Boss Lin, that old bald donkey didn't fight back, why didn't he just kill them both!"

Along the way, Bai Xiaopang complained and kept waving the big hammers in his hands. It seemed that the pair of hammers were hungry and thirsty, full of bloodthirsty desire.

Lin Huang smiled, "It's a coincidence that he appeared!"

"What do you mean?"

Lin Cangxue asked.

Lin Huang shook his head, "I don't understand, but it's just a coincidence anyway. This place is Shanhe Pass, which is remote. Wuchan Temple is [-] miles away, why did it appear here and rescued Lei Li !"

"...Never mind him, the next time I meet this old bald donkey, I'll smash his head off!"

Bai Xiaopang said arrogantly.

Lin Huang smiled, and turned his head to look at the leaving figure of the old monk, with a pensive look on his face.

"Boss Lin, where are we going next? Should we go to the Lingyun Dynasty to kill Song Wugui's grandson, or Cao Mingsheng, that stinky Confucian!"

Bai Xiaopang then asked, his eyes filled with excitement.


In the East Spirit Realm, there are four major auction houses.As long as there are treasures in reality, most of them flow into the four major auction houses.

Among them, the Scarlet Auction is the most. After all, the Blood Triangle is the most chaotic place in the East Spirit Realm.Regardless of the origin of the treasure, as long as the price can be paid, even if it is Xuanyuan Tibing's things, he dares to sell or buy.

Besides that, there are three other auction houses.

One of them is in Xuanyuan City, and the baby is the cleanest.With Xuanyuan Xuanyuan Mansion as the backing, it is not clean but also very clean.And this auction house only auctions things that are absolutely treasured.The specifications and grades are two points higher than those of the other three major auction houses.

The other Jiang's auction house is controlled by Jiang Licheng, who ranks second on the Wuhou List.However, after the incident at King Wu's tomb, the Jiang family disappeared, and the Jiang's auction house was also closed.

And the last auction house is in the Lingyun Dynasty.

It is called Tianbao Auction House.

In this world, there are some things that cannot be solved with money.But many things can also be solved with money.At the beginning, Xuanyuan sent troops to fight for many years, conquering cities and plundering land, and finally turned the Beiyan Dynasty into the Beiyan Dynasty.

And in the Lingyun Dynasty, there is also a person named Zhou Tianbao, who turned the Lingyun Dynasty into the Lingyun Dynasty.

However, Xuanyuan Tibing created the Beiyan Dynasty with a million-strong army, but Zhou Tianbao forcibly created a dynasty with his endless wealth.

No matter how powerful a warrior is, there will be a price.

And Zhou Tianbao is very rich, with wealth like a mountain.Using innumerable treasures of heaven and earth, they smashed the Marquis Wu of the East Spirit Realm to the Lingyun Dynasty.Among the top ten dynasties, in terms of the number of Marquis Wu, the Lingyun Dynasty is the first.

And as the richest man in the Eastern Spirit Realm, the Tianbao Auction in his hands also contained all the strange and weird things in the Eastern Spirit Realm.

Whether it's martial arts, formations, pills, or weapons.

Or exotic beasts, rare treasures, and beauties.Or things with unknown origins and functions may appear in Tianbao Auction.

and so……

Among the four major auctions in the East Spirit Realm, the Tianbao Auction is the most popular, and anyone from all religions and streams can enter, whether they are emperors, generals, or traffickers.

And as early as three months ago, a lot of troubles gathered in Lingyun Imperial City.It's just because of the birth of the character thirteen kills and the fight with Lin Huang that the situation in this place is much colder than before.

In Lingyun Imperial City, Lin Huang led the three of them on a stroll through the streets, looking a little leisurely...

"Song Wugui is the uncle of the Lingyun Dynasty, and he is also the commander-in-chief of the soldiers and horses in the dynasty. In addition, he has the realm of Marquis Wu. It is not easy to enter the uncle's residence and kill him!"

The four walked side by side, Lin Cangxue said concisely.

"You must not enter the uncle's residence!"

Lin Huang nodded, and continued: "As a lurking poisonous snake, his mansion must be full of traps, and ordinary people may never come back when they enter. And even if he loses, it will be easy for him to escape. !"

"Then lure this grandson out, and the young master will kill him with a hammer!"

Bai Xiaopang snorted.

"According to the information from Feng Wanli, since the comeback of this person, it is hard to find his whereabouts every time he travels, and there are ten Wuhous around him who are casual. It is very uncomfortable to find him and then kill him. easy!"

Lin Cangxue continued.

Lin Huang smiled lightly, then stopped suddenly, and turned his head to look at a huge palace not far ahead, stretching for miles from east to west, towering like a cloud, and hundreds of feet in length.

The top and bottom of the giant hall are all glittering with gold, and I don't know if it is really made of gold, or if it is painted on the outside.

Such a magnificent and magnificent hall is even more wealthy than the Lingyun Palace, and it is even unique in the entire East Spirit Realm.

It's not pretty, but it's too flashy.

The five big characters of Nai Treasure Auction House are like gold bricks piled up, and they look extremely radiant in the sun.

Too vulgar!
It's just unbearable.

But it made everyone who passed by swallow their saliva.

Bai Xiaopang didn't say anything else, he just hugged the wall of Tianbao Auction House and was about to chew on it, trying to pry off two pieces and steal them away.

Lin Huang looked at Bai Xiaopang helplessly, shook his head, and then explained, "When I left Xuanyuan Mansion, Qin Xuance told me one thing!"

Outside the Tianbao auction house, both Jun Qingcheng and Lin Cangxue turned their heads to stare at Lin Huang.

"As early as three months ago, the Tianbao Auction House released the news that they will auction an item called the Jade Clothes!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"Golden Jade Clothes?"

Jun Qingcheng opened his mouth in a little surprise, his delicate little face seemed to be somewhat disbelieving, it seemed that the golden jade dress in the girl's memory was not an ordinary thing, it should not appear in the East Spirit Realm...

(End of this chapter)

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