
Chapter 339

Chapter 339
"Is there anything extraordinary about the jade robe?"

Outside the Tianbao auction, Lin Cangxue asked.

"In ancient times, after the death of a peerless powerhouse, in order to ensure that the body would not be damaged, he made a golden jade garment to preserve the body!"

Jun Qingcheng explained.

"And ten thousand years ago, after the establishment of the Great Ming Dynasty, the gold-threaded jade garment has become the body-protecting divine garment of princes of all ages!"

"In the system of the Ming Dynasty, the gold-threaded jade clothes were divided into four grades of heaven and earth, black and yellow. The yellow-grade golden-threaded jade clothes can only be worn by generals and ministers. The black-grade golden-threaded jade clothes are the personal belongings of princes. Only the successive emperors of the Ming Dynasty are eligible to wear the earth-level jade robe!"

"Then what about the Heavenly Jade Clothes?"

Lin Huang turned his head and asked.

"Since ten thousand years ago, there has only been one piece of heavenly jade robe, and it was worn by an ordinary woman!"

Jun Qingcheng said calmly, but it caused everyone's eyes to widen. They were all a little inconceivable, and Jun Qingcheng continued:
"In the Great Ming Dynasty, Tuobaxiao, the founder of the dynasty, rose from a scumbag, swept across the world, wiped out ten imperial dynasties, and unified the Sky Continent.

"But Tuoba Xiao, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, entered the rivers and lakes to fight for the world. His original intention was only because of the death of his childhood sweetheart, so he left his hometown. Yuyi is just to preserve a woman's youthful appearance!"

Lin Huang's expression froze slightly, he didn't expect that the unique sky-level golden jade dress on the mainland was only because of a woman, she kept her ageless face! "

"Isn't it just a piece of ragged clothes, what's so rare!"

Bai Xiaopang said contemptuously from the side, spun exaggeratedly, showing off his colorful robes.

Jun Qingcheng pursed his lips and smiled, looked at the Tianbao auction in front of him, and said with a smile: "The reason why the golden jade clothes can preserve the body is because it can be integrated into the warrior's body to form a strong defense!"

"Isn't that still a rag?"

Jun Qingcheng shook his head, stared at Bai Xiaopang with contempt, and then said:
"The making of each gold-threaded jade garment contains the profound meaning of a sacred body in the world, or the profound meaning of a false holy body!"

In the arena, Lin Huang's expression suddenly froze.

Others may not know what the Eucharist is, but he knows it all.

At the beginning of the ancient times, there was a holy body in heaven and earth.It can move mountains, shake the sky, conquer Kyushu with one punch, and break through ten thousand spells with one force.Each one is extremely powerful, killing the world with its physical body.

But among the 99 holy bodies, most of them were born from the bloodline, and it is rare for ordinary warriors to succeed in cultivation.

In the cultivation system of body sanctification, warriors have tens of thousands of shackles in their bodies from the beginning of birth, limiting the strength of warriors.As for those beings who became gods in the heaven and earth, all the shackles in their bodies were broken, and they slaughtered all generations with their invincible bodies.

In today's world, it is too difficult for warriors to become holy physically.If there is no way, even a strong man above King Wu will bleed to death if he tries to forcibly cut off the shackles in his body.

When Lin Huang killed Xue Shenji back then, he obtained the Invincible King Kong of Martial Art, which recorded the method to break the nine shackles in his body.

But even if he broke the nine shackles, he only possessed the initial qualifications for physical sanctification.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang's view of the golden jade clothes has changed drastically.Although it is a foreign object, it can be integrated into the body. Even if it only contains a trace of the profound meaning of the holy body, it still has inestimable value.

In the field, Jun Qingcheng suddenly remembered something, and continued:
"More than 3000 years ago, there seemed to be a tomb robber named Sun Hanying on the mainland. This person was good at finding dragons and acupuncture points. He once entered the Seventeen Tombs of the Ming Dynasty by himself!"

Lin Huang frowned slightly, with doubts and surprises in his heart.

The so-called Great Ming Dynasty was a peerless divine dynasty that ruled the Sky Continent ten thousand years ago.The Seventeen Tombs of the Ming Dynasty are the tombs of the emperors of all dynasties, so it is not a good place.

I'm afraid that those who guard the tomb all have holy realms.

What kind of person is Sun Hanying, who dared to make an idea of ​​the Seventeen Tombs? It was lawless.

"Later, Sun Hanying stole seven gold-threaded jade garments from the Seventeen Tombs, and wore all of them on her body, realizing the profound meaning contained in the golden-threaded jade garments, and became holy overnight!"

Outside the Tianbao auction house, the eyes of all three were wide-eyed.

Wearing seven pieces of golden jade clothes, the body became holy overnight.

... This is a real tomb robbery, stealing himself into a saint!
"Be good..."

Bai Xiaopang's narrowed eyes were full of admiration, and he thought that after returning home, he would learn Fengshui and Kanyu from Qin Xuance, and go to rob the tomb too!
Lin Huang turned his head, looking at the Tianbao Auction Field not far ahead, his eyes sparkled.For warriors, such a treasure as golden hazel jade clothing is rare.

Even if it was a yellow-ranked jade robe, it was enough to drive all warriors in the Eastern Spirit Realm crazy.

You must know that a yellow-grade golden-threaded jade garment can only be worn by those who have passed away in the Great Ming Dynasty after their death.Not to mention the awe-inspiring spirit of the literati who are in the prime minister.

Only warriors who are qualified to be generals, even at least have the realm of martial saints.

As for the golden jade clothes, Lin Huang naturally wanted it.The owner of the auction site, Zhou Tianbao, didn't know the true value of the Jade Clothes. He only thought that the Jade Clothes had a strong defense, but he didn't know that it contained the profound meaning of the Holy Body.

Lin Huang not only wanted to get the golden jade clothes, but also wanted to use this treasure to lure out Song Wugui from the uncle's mansion of the Lingyun Dynasty.

After all, this is the main purpose of the four of them coming to Lingyun Dynasty.

"When will the auction start?"

Lin Cangxue asked suddenly, presumably because she had some thoughts about the golden jade clothes.

"Counting the days, it should be seven days later!"

Lin Huang replied.

"Boss Lin, do you have money?"

Bai Xiaopang spoke suddenly, and looked at Lin Huang with a silly smile.It made the latter's smile stagnate... It seems that he really has no money!

When he came out of the Great Xia Dynasty, he brought out more than 3000 million taels of gold. Later, for Ye Haihua, Lin Huang gave almost all his belongings to Lu Han.

Although Lin Huang still has some in his hands, if he wants to participate in such an auction, he is probably no different from a beggar.

"I have one!"

Jun Qingcheng raised his head, looked at Lin Huang quietly, and asked a little unconfidently: "This time I ran away secretly, and only brought [-] million taels of gold, is that enough?"

Two bangs.

Lin Huang and Bai Xiaopang fell to the ground at the same time.

Seeing the two of them fell down, Jun Qingcheng drooped his eyelids slightly, as if he was a little lost, and twirling his fingers around his sleeves, he said, "Other than that, I only have 1000 million taels of purple gold!"


Before they got up, they fell to the ground again, looking at Jun Qingcheng strangely.

Lin Huang shook his head helplessly, thinking that Jun Qingcheng was in the top family in the mainland, and he had never spent money since he was a child, so he didn't have any concept of how much money it was. He didn't know how amazing wealth it was.

A piece of purple gold can be worth 100 yuan of gold.

11 billion gold is enough to buy a dynasty.

"Enough...enough enough..."

Bai Xiaopang's four-hundred-pound body flipped over nimbly, opened his palms and opened his mouth with a mean smile. It looked like he wanted to borrow money from Jun Qingcheng, but before he even opened his mouth, he was kicked away by Lin Huang. go out.

Lin Huang looked at Jun Qingcheng and smiled, took the latter's little hand, and led the three of them straight into the auction...

(End of this chapter)

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