
Chapter 340 Rock Mountain

Chapter 340 Rock Mountain
After entering the auction house, Bai Xiaopang and Lin Cangxue were stunned by the scene before them.After all, the two of them have never been out of the East Spirit Realm, nor have they seen the big world.

The entire auction house seemed to be inlaid with gold.The golden light surged with vast rays of light, so frightened that Fatty Bai covered his eyes, feeling a little glaring.

White jade steps, night pearls as lamps.

It is simply rich and powerful, together with Lin Huang and Jun Qingcheng, it is a bit shocking, even in the big domain, there are few such magnificent places.

Afterwards, a woman with a graceful figure walked into the auction house, with exaggerated curves, exposing a large snow-white chest, causing Bai Xiaopang to stare straight at her eyes, which were full of passion that could not be vented.

Jun Qingcheng glanced at the woman, then turned to stare at Lin Huang.

cough cough.

Lin Huang coughed twice, staring straight at the top of the auction house, not daring to look around.

Jun Qingcheng lowered her head, looked at her slightly raised breasts, and then at the bottomless ravine in front of the woman, and groaned twice.

"A few distinguished guests, please!"

The woman's body was slightly curved, and with a smile on her delicate face, she led the crowd towards the VIP hall.

"I don't know what they are talking about here? Can the little girl be useful?"

After entering the VIP room, the woman asked with a smile after pouring a few cups of good tea for everyone.

"Auction something small!"

Lin Huang coughed and took out a volume of martial arts.As soon as the martial arts came out, there was a roar of a tiger in the whole VIP hall, which frightened the woman who received her so that her complexion turned pale, and she cried out:

"Earth-level martial arts!"

Looking at the scroll with flashing tiger patterns in Lin Huang's hand, the woman swallowed her saliva, her chest trembled twice, but she still couldn't fully regain her composure, and said excitedly, "Wait a minute, I'll go invite Master Yanshan!"

As she said that, the woman hurried away with small steps, her slender waist twisted, and she tightly clamped Bai Xiaopang's eyes.

"Boss Lin..."

Bai Xiaopang shouted without moving his gaze.

Lin Huang turned his head, slightly puzzled.

"This is much more attractive than that little brat we used to grab the wall and peek at the princess of the Great Xia Dynasty. These legs... tsk tsk, you can kill someone just by looking at them!"

Bai Xiaopang said with relish.

Lin Huang's face immediately collapsed, he just felt that the VIP room was like the twelfth lunar month in winter, and before he had time to explain, he was thrown out by Jun Qingcheng.

Lin Huang was furious in an instant, and after rushing into the VIP room, he kicked Fatty Bai flying away, and then looked at Jun Qingcheng who was full of frost with a flattering face.

Not long after, an old man with white beard and hair appeared in the VIP hall. He was dressed in a light blue round-neck gown.

However, when the latter saw the scroll in Lin Huang's hand, he couldn't keep calm, cupped his fists and said:

"Old man Yanshan, I don't know what to call my little friend?"

"Lin Changsheng!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth and said, except for Bai Xiaopang, the other three of the four had changed their appearance and didn't want to attract too much attention. After all, Lin Huang and Lin Cangxue are now somewhat famous in the East Spirit Realm.

Yan Shan laughed, and then led the four of them into the guest room, and asked a little excitedly: "I heard that you want to auction off the martial arts, can you let me have a look?"

When speaking, Yan Shan's eyes never left the scroll in Lin Huang's hand.

Lin Huang smiled slightly, and handed over the scroll.

Yanshan immediately took over the martial art with both hands excitedly, looked at the tiger pattern on the scroll, couldn't help but caressed it in a big loss of image, and then slowly opened it...

In the guest hall, the roar of the martial arts became more and more wild.

"Sure enough... it really is an earth-level martial art!"

Listening to the sound of martial arts in the void, Yan Shan's expression suddenly became extremely excited, as if he was holding a treasure while stroking the scroll over and over again.

One must know that earth-level martial arts may be nothing to Lin Huang.But for today's East Spirit Realm, it is a complete peerless treasure.

So far in the East Spirit Realm, only Piaoxue Palace possesses earth-level martial arts, snow is floating in the world!
In addition, even Xuanyuan Tibing may not have such coveted things.

You must know that among the four sects and ten dynasties, no matter which side has a volume of earth-level martial arts, it may stand out instantly and become the champion.

Although Piaoxue Palace is only listed among the four major sects, Yanzangfeng, who holds Xuepiao Renjian in his hand, is the martial arts myth of the year. In terms of true background, the other three sects combined are no match for Yanzangfeng.

Therefore, when Yanshan heard that someone was coming to auction earth-level martial arts, he instinctively couldn't believe it.

Until now, the latter's pair of withered old hands tightly grasped the martial arts in his hands, feeling the powerful power contained in it, and he was completely convinced and shocked.Looking at the scroll in his hand, his bewildered eyes were full of burning longing, as if he had returned to his youth, the courage to venture into the world alone.

"Earth-level low-grade martial arts-the tiger roars in the wild, do you know how to get into the eyes of the master?"

Lin Huang said with a smile.

"Little friend is joking!"

Yanshan smiled maturely and said, "I don't know how you want to auction it. One is to sell it directly to Tianbao Auction House, and the other is to have Tianbao Auction House auction it on your behalf with a 20.00% commission!"

"20.00% five?"

Lin Huang frowned, feeling a little displeased, the commission of the general auction house was only 20.00%, but Tianbao auction house was 20.00%.

"Compared with other major auction houses, Tianbao auction house will pay more attention, so the commission will inevitably be more expensive!"

Yanshan explained awkwardly.

Lin Huang shook his head, and said: "20.00% five, but directly divided a quarter of my martial arts, Tianbao Auction is really not easy!"

"If you can store the martial arts in the auction house before the auction, I have the right to cut off 5.00% of the commission!"

Yan Shan gritted his teeth and looked at the scroll in Lin Huang's hands reluctantly. He also wanted to use the convenience of his status to hold this martial art in his hands and study it for a few days, and maybe he could find an opportunity to break through.

Lin Huang curled his lips and smiled, "Perhaps, Master Yanshan can reduce the commission to 15.00%!"

"This is impossible!"

Yanshan said decisively, "In the Tianbao auction house, the commission has never been reduced to such a low level!"

Lin Huang smiled, and then took out another volume of martial arts from the ring, and placed it in front of Yan Shan.The moment the martial arts appeared, there was a sharp sound of sword chant in the room.

Yan Shan's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately stood up from the chair, looking at the scroll in front of him, feeling a little at a loss:
"Two... two volumes..."

Lin Huang nodded with a smile, and then continued, "It's also an earth-level martial art, the Emperor's Nine Swords A Jue!"

Cough cough cough.

In the guest hall, Yan Shan coughed violently, obviously because he was too excited.According to legend, there is only one volume of earth-level martial arts in the Eastern Spirit Realm, but he has lived for most of his life, and today he sees two volumes of earth-level martial arts, so how can he remain calm.


Yan Shan immediately said, "This is the maximum authority that this old man has!"

In the internal guest hall, Lin Huang still frowned.But when he saw the two little things in the corner of the guest room, he agreed without the slightest hesitation...

 It's Mid-Autumn Festival again, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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