
Chapter 341 Gathering

Chapter 341 Gathering
In the guest hall, Yan Shan looked slightly stunned, he didn't expect Lin Huang to agree so simply.

As a businessman, he will never expose his bottom line until the end. With his status in the auction house, it is enough to lower the commission to 15.00%.

Originally, he wanted to find some good goods from Lin Huang, but he didn't expect the latter to suddenly change his style.

It really caught Rock Mountain by surprise.

What Yan Shan never noticed was that in the corner of the interior guest room, two guys, the big white cat and the little black, were moving on tiptoe, each holding two big pills in their arms, half of which had been gnawed off.

And the belly of the two guys was swollen, obviously they swallowed a lot of valuable things.

Lin Huang didn't know when these two guys slipped out and what unreasonable things they did.

In the hall, Lin Huang coughed twice, attracting Yan Shan's attention, helped the two little fellows leave quietly, and then continued: "Master Yan, the tigers are staying in the auction house, I will take my leave first! "

Yanshan nodded immediately, thinking that he could see the profound meaning of earth-level martial arts, but he was very excited, so he didn't pay attention to other things.

Afterwards, Yanshan handed Lin Huang a white jade spirit card, and said with a smile: "There are 1000 million in the card, which is regarded as the deposit for Tiger Roaring Eight Huangs to stay in the auction house. With this card in hand, you can participate in all activities under the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce. auction!"

Lin Huang nodded with a smile, took it casually, and then left indifferently.

"Brother Lin Huang, I actually don't need money!"

After walking out of the Tianbao auction house, Jun Qingcheng stared at Lin Huang quietly, seeming a little unhappy.

Lin Huang smiled, held the latter's little hand, and said gently: "It's useless for me to keep those two volumes of martial arts in my hands, it's better to auction them off to make them clean!"

Jun Qingcheng groaned twice, still a little displeased.

Not long after, several people walked out of the scope of the auction house.Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, and saw two figures, one big and one small, one black and one white, squatting at the corner of the street.


Wang Wang!

Seeing several people appear, the big white cat and little black cried out excitedly.The big white cat wrapped its round belly and sat on Bai Xiaopang's belly.

And Xiao Hei flew onto Jun Qingcheng's shoulder with a whoosh, embarrassing Lin Huang who raised his hand to greet him.

Jun Qingcheng held Xiao Hei in his hands, with a doting smile on his face. Although this little guy was dark all over, he was cute, and his big eyes were flickering and cute.

"This is... Linglong Pill?!"

Lin Huang looked at Xiao Hei's bosom, where most of the pills had been eaten away, and said in amazement.

Xiao Hei stared at Lin Huang hummingly, waved his two little hands, and proudly picked up Linglong Dan and took a bite, filling his stomach full.

Lin Huang was speechless, Linglong Pill is the most healing holy medicine, it only needs a little powder, and it can make the bones of ordinary people raw.

A complete Linglong Pill is enough to bring a dying Wuhou back from the gate of hell.

Such a precious thing, at least worth a million gold, was actually eaten by this little guy as a bean... This kind of treatment is simply frighteningly high.

Lin Huang turned his head to look at the swollen abdomen of the little black cat and the big white cat, and couldn't help feeling a little dizzy.

How many good things in the Tianbao auction house have been moved into his stomach?If the people in the auction house know...

Lin Huang only felt a chill down his back.

At the street corner, the two instigators looked indifferent, and Xiao Hei broke off half of Linglong Pill and handed it to Jun Qingcheng, which made the latter laugh.

Lin Huang had no choice but to grab the black loach and throw it into his own mysterious sea.


Less than half an hour after the three of them left, Tianbao Auction House released the news.

Seven days later, at the Tianbao Auction, not only the gold-threaded jade clothes appeared in the world, but also two volumes of mysterious martial arts were auctioned together!
All of a sudden, the forces of all parties were excited.

Most of the powers don't know the preciousness of the golden jade clothes, but they regard the earth-level martial arts as a must-have.

In just a few days, Lingyun Imperial City was full of warriors.People from all the major families, dynasties, and sects came here one after another.

Just to see the elegant demeanor of that earth-level martial arts.

Among them, Lin Huang even saw Nan Yunlie's figure, and he presumably came here for the earth-level martial arts.

In the restaurant close to the auction house, Lin Huang pursed his lips and smiled. Even though he had expected it in his heart, he never expected that a volume of ordinary martial arts would cause such a big commotion.

If he threw out the ground-level high-grade martial art Invincible King Kong, what kind of disturbance would it cause?
After drinking a glass of wine, Lin Huang smiled helplessly, the layout of the Eastern Spirit Realm was too small after all.This area is like a cage, trapping the formation of warriors.

In the past few decades, apart from Xuanyuan Tibing and Yan Zangfeng, who were unwilling to leave the East Spirit Realm, Lin Changtian was probably the only one who walked out.

In just a few days, Lingyun Imperial City was full of warriors.

Throwing a bowl down from the restaurant at random would probably hit a large number of warriors with good backgrounds and identities.

And Lin Huang has been paying attention to the changes in the uncle's mansion from the beginning to the end.

Song Wugui was afraid of the thirteen kills, so he didn't dare to go out easily, and there were ten Marquis accompanying him, so it was not easy to kill him.

And the jade robe with golden strands has a great defensive effect, which can block the full blow of the strong Marquis Wu.For the latter who is trembling at the moment, I am afraid that there is no small temptation.

After all, with this jade robe with golden strands, it can block the assassination of the thirteen kills.

And Lin Huang threw out two volumes of earth-level martial arts, not only to make money, but also to add another straw to Song Wugui's heart.

With the golden jade clothes in the palm and a volume of earth-level martial arts, the latter will definitely appear in the auction.

As for how many things Song Wugui could swallow in one gulp, it was not Lin Huang's consideration.

Time passed, and it was seven days later.

Lin Huang led a few people and entered the Tianbao auction house again. As for the two little guys, the little black and the big white cat...

Both Lin Huang and Bai Xiaopang deliberately ignored them.

"My little friend came at the right time. Today there are two volumes of martial art fairs. It must be a big event in my auction!"

It was Yanshan who greeted them a few days ago.The latter is hale and hearty, his wrinkled face is full of radiance, and he looks extremely excited. He presumably has learned something about the roar of tigers in the past few days.

Lin Huang nodded and smiled, without saying too much, after handing over the other volume of Emperor Wufa Nine Swords A Jue to Yan Shan, he led the crowd, chose a private room in the auction house, and waited for the auction to start.

At the same time, they are also waiting for Song Wugui's arrival.

It didn't take long for the entire auction house, which could accommodate more than 3000 people, to be full of people.Lin Huang glanced over and saw people from the four major sects and the ten great dynasties.

There are also a large number of warriors who Lin Huang doesn't know, but who vaguely have the aura of Marquis Wu.

"Boss Lin, will the grandson come?"

In the VIP room, Bai Xiaopang said arrogantly.

Lin Huang frowned, and scanned the venue several times, but he never found Song Wugui's figure.Then Lin Huang swept across a row of private rooms, and said silently:
"Perhaps, he was already in the venue!"

Lin Cangxue nodded and didn't say much, but her bright eyes kept moving back and forth, full of keenness.

After only a quarter of an hour, the entire auction hall slammed, and all the lights gathered on the auction stage.

Accompanied by the brilliant light and the crisp sound of footsteps, a woman suddenly appeared on the auction stage, with a graceful and seductive body, exposing a large piece of snow-white jade-like skin, and a charming posture appeared between her smiles.

The woman did not speak, but it caused a commotion in the venue.

Then, the woman raised her jade arm slightly, lifting off a piece of black cloth on the auction stage, revealing the hidden treasure, shining brightly under the gorgeous lights...

(End of this chapter)

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