
Chapter 344

Chapter 344
After Sun Wuhou stepped down, Yaoyao took off her gold-threaded jade garment and hung it on the jade stand on the auction platform.

Afterwards, the charming woman turned around, swept across the venue with her slightly enchanting eyes, and said with a smile: "The starting price for the gold-thread jade dress is 800 million!"

"1000 million!"

Before Yaoyao could finish her sentence, someone in the arena began asking for a price, obviously unable to sit still.

"1000 two million!"

"400 million!"


In the auction room, the sound of asking prices kept ringing, causing the auction room to erupt.

"2000 million!"

Bai Xiaopang walked out of the private room again, looking at the price increase of 200 million by the crowd, his face was full of disdain, and he mentioned 2000 million as soon as he opened his mouth, attracting a sharp light from the crowd.

Bai Xiaopang was happy and unafraid, before everyone raised the price, he provocatively said again: "Twenty-five million!"

The crowd who bid the price suddenly became angry, wishing to tear that fat man to pieces on the spot.

"3000 million!"

In the arena, there was an ordinary voice, which attracted Lin Huang and Lin Cangxue's attention. The voice came from a private room not far away.

"Thirty-one million!"

"Thirty-one million!"


In the auction house, the sound of asking prices kept ringing out, drowning out the previous asking price of 3000 million.And in that private room, a asking price of 500 million was announced not long after.

"4000 million!"

In the auction house, Bai Xiaopang slapped the railing and yelled, causing Lin Huang's expression to be shocked, and he almost kicked Bai Xiaopang away.

4000 million, has reached the limit of the golden hazel jade clothes!

Sure enough, as soon as Bai Xiaopang's voice fell, many people in the auction hall calmed down and sat down, no longer participating in the competition for the golden jade clothes.

And in the private room not far from the few people, it also became quiet, and there was no more sound.

Lin Huang's expression froze, and he secretly thought something was wrong...

Outside the private room, Bai Xiaopang had a smug expression on his face, showing off how rich and powerful he is!

Only half a quarter of an hour later, after Yaoyao on the auction stage repeated it three times, the final decision was made immediately, and the golden jade dress was auctioned by Bai Xiaopang at a price of 4000 million.

"Boss Lin, young master, I bought you a piece of clothing, it's worth a lot!"

Bai Xiaopang shook his big butt, walked into the private room triumphantly, but saw Lin Huang's face was dark, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and scratched his head, "If you don't like it, if you don't like it, then I'll dress it up myself! "

In the private room, Lin Huang couldn't bear it anymore, and the one who flew up was to hit Bai Xiaopang with a hammer.

"Perhaps Song Wugui will deliver it to our door when we get the jade robe!"

After Lin Huang taught Bai Xiaopang a lesson, Lin Cangxue opened his mouth to speak.

Lin Huang clapped his hands and nodded, thinking that this is the only way to go, but it's a pity that Bai Xiaopang increased the price too much, scaring off the people in the private room before, and he didn't know if it was Song Wugui.

It's just that Song Wugui took a picture of this thing, and he followed the clues, and then killed people and robbed them without spending a penny.But now Bai Xiaopang messed around, but 4000 million was wiped out in an instant!
At the price of four thousand, killing Song Wugui made Lin Huang feel a little distressed.

After being beaten up, Bai Xiaopang just walked out of the box with a sigh, waiting for the subsequent auction, thinking that he must vent out the resentment he got from Lin Huang.

After the auction of the golden jade clothes ended, the breathing of more than 3000 people in the auction room became short of breath. Looking at the jade box wrapped in black cloth on the auction stage, they couldn't help swallowing.

Yaoyao didn't have any extra nonsense, and while twisting her waist, the water snake held up one of the jade boxes, and said with a charming smile:
"The next two collections are really the bottom of the box in this auction. I think all of you adults are here for this!"

Saying that, Yaoyao waved her hand and lifted the black cloth, revealing the scroll in the jade box.

Swiping a pair of jade hands slowly opened the scroll.


The moment the scroll was opened, there was a sharp and mighty roar of a tiger in the auction house, which shocked the expressions of everyone present, as if they saw the king of beasts coming down the mountain to kill the wilderness.

And on the glittering scroll, there is also a phantom of a fierce tiger sleeping soundly in it, and the breath caused the wind and thunder to shake, and the momentum opened and closed.

In the venue, the leaders of the various forces showed their eyes and were full of longing.

In the private room, Lin Huang tapped the armrest of the seat with his fingers, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Although these two volumes of martial arts are nothing to him, they are like deadly poison to Dong Ling warriors. Hold it in your hand.

Strictly speaking, the earth-level martial arts are much different from the sacred body secrets in the jade robe.But Dongling warriors don't know the secret of the golden jade clothes, and the earth-level martial arts are too rare.

Previously, Bai Xiaopang took pictures of the Four Elephants Township Map and the Golden Thread Jade Clothes, but it cost a total of 500 million. Now Lin Huang is pointing to the two volumes of martial arts that can be bought at a good price.

On the auction stage, after Yaoyao whetted everyone's appetite, she finally gave a charming smile, "The low-grade martial art of the earth ranks, the tiger roars in all directions, and the starting price is 1000 million!"

"4000 million!"

As soon as Yaoyao finished speaking, there was a coquettish and enchanting voice in the auction room, causing Lin Huang in the box to spout out a mouthful of tea, looking at Bai Xiaopang outside, his face trembling.

In the auction house, everyone was stupefied, and turned their heads to look at the big fat man upstairs, their fingers clanging, as if they were holding a mouthful of old blood, but they couldn't spit it out.

Together with Yaoyao on the ring, her delicate little face was frozen for it.

As the auctioneer of the auction house, he has met Lin Huang, Bai Xiaopang and others, so he naturally knows that the origin of martial arts comes from these people.

Unexpectedly, that big fat man raised the price by 3000 million at once, breaking the Tianbao Auction's price increase record twice in one day.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a support!

"Forty-one million!"

After a short period of resentment, everyone also returned to their senses.Now is not the time to trouble that little fat man, grabbing martial arts is the real business.

"Forty-one million!"

Bai Xiaopang spoke again, his face full of arrogance, which attracted everyone's murderous intent.

"5000 million!"

The little fat bird didn't pay attention to everyone, and raised the price for himself.

In the box, Lin Huang's face was covered with black lines, and he dragged Bai Xiaopang into the room with his own hands. He was so lawless, Lin Huang was really afraid that if this guy walked out of the auction house, he would be beaten to death with sticks, and he and others would be implicated. .

After seeing Bai Xiaopang being dragged into the room, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then opened their bids.

"Fifty three million!"

"5000 two million!"

Previously, Bai Xiaopang raised the price of martial arts to 5000 million with a few moves, which has scared off most of the warriors. Now, only people from the four major sects and ten dynasties are able to compete.

However, people from these major forces are also very cautious about raising prices.

"What a bunch of idiots, they're so stingy to raise a price!"

In the private room, Bai Xiaopang was still cursing, obviously resentful that he couldn't make trouble.

In just half an hour, the price of Tiger Roaring Eight Wastes was raised to more than 6000 million by people from various forces.And still participating in the bidding, there are only three left...

(End of this chapter)

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