
Chapter 345

Chapter 345
In the private room, Lin Huang couldn't help smiling when he heard the asking price outside. The price of 6000 million was much higher than what he had expected.

But when Lin Huang was not paying attention, Bai Xiaopang yelled again in the private room: "Sixty-five million!"

Lin Huang's face trembled suddenly, and he kicked the latter to the ground.

In the auction house, the warriors who were the only ones left to bid were stunned for a moment, and then they turned their heads to look at the private room where Lin Huang was. In a fit of rage, they wanted to go upstairs with their knives and cut the bastard to death.

As soon as Bai Xiaopang opened his mouth, he would scare off the two families.

It wasn't until half a quarter of an hour later that the elder of Qianyin Valley said jerkyly, "Sixty-six million!"

In the private room, Lin Huang let out a long sigh of relief.If there were no more bids just now, I would have to buy Tiger Roaring Eight Wastes, and I would have to pay the auction house an 18.00% commission.

This time, Lin Huang didn't dare to let Bai Xiaopang mess around.

In the end, after Yaoyao repeated three times on the auction stage, Hu Xiao Ba Huang was taken away by Qian Yin Gu at a price of 600 million.

"Boss Lin, it's okay for me to raise the price, I know that 500 million is not the limit!"

Bai Xiaopang spoke triumphantly, with a look of wisdom pearls in his hands, and that look was even worse than Qin Xuance's.

Lin Huang sipped his wine and remained silent, vowing that he would never bring Bai Xiaopang into the auction next time, the pressure on his heart was simply too great.

After the auction of Tiger Roaring Eight Desolation, there is only the last item left in this auction, another volume of martial arts by Lin Huang - Emperor Nine Swords Ajue.

On the auction stage, the enchanting woman didn't have any unnecessary nonsense, she just reached out and took out the scroll in the jade box, and slowly unfolded it.

In an instant, the entire auction house was filled with howling sword energy.In the void, there seem to be nine long swords, which can kill the world in all directions, making them invincible.

Compared with Tiger Roaring Eight Desolation, Emperor Nine Swords Ajue is even more eye-catching.On the mainland, warriors who use long swords as weapons account for at least [-]%.

However, Tiger Roaring Eight Desolation, which is more suitable for warriors with tiger-type martial spirits, has great limitations. Emperor Nine Swords Ajue is different.

Amidst Yaoyao's voice like a silver bell, countless warriors in the arena stared at the volume of martial arts with burning eyes, their gazes emitting a faint green light like wolves.

Like Tiger Roaring Eight Desolation, the starting price of Emperor Nine Swords A Jue is 1000 million.

In the private room, Bai Xiaopang was about to call out a price of 6000 million, but was blocked by Lin Huang's punch. This guy was really frightened.

In the auction house, countless people glanced at the private room where Lin Huang was located, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. The trustee of the auction house was finally discovered by conscience.

"500 million!"

"2000 million!"

"Twenty-six and a half million!"


This time, the bidding finally became normal.Each side spoke harmoniously and gently, but the price of the Emperor's Nine Swords, Ajue, was soaring all the way.

"6000 million!"

At this moment, another voice sounded in the auction house, which shocked everyone.

More than 3000 warriors suddenly turned their heads and looked at the private room where Lin Huang was.Together with Lin Huang, they all looked at Bai Xiaopang, who was sitting sprawled on a chair, with his hands spread out and his face full of innocence.

This time, it's really not Bai Xiaopang doing something again.

"Nan Yunlie, what do you mean?"

In the auction house, an old scolding voice suddenly sounded.

I saw two elders from Fengyulou and Tianleizong standing up at the same time, glaring at the old man in the corner of the auction house.

It was Nan Yunlie from Piaoxue Palace.

He was the one who spoke just now, and immediately raised the price to 6000 million.

In the arena, Nan Yunlie looked at the elders of the two major forces, but his face was full of leisure, and there was a gentle smile on his old face, "What's the point, my Piaoxue Palace is also rare for such precious martial arts Mile!"

The elder of Tianlei Sect snorted coldly: "You already have Xuepiao Renjian in Piaoxue Palace, do you still want to get involved in this volume of martial arts?"

Nan Yunlie smiled all over his face, twitching the braids on his temples, and said with a smile, "The one with the highest price gets it. I, Piaoxue Palace, want to get another book of martial arts, can't I?"

The elder of Tianlei Sect's face sank, and he said sharply: "Could it be that you, Piaoxue Palace, really want to be an enemy of our Tianlei Sect and Fengyu Tower?"

"For the enemy?"

Nan Yunlie frowned, then stretched his waist, and said casually: "A disciple of my Piaoxue Palace can kill the suzerain of your Tianlei Sect. Are you qualified to be an enemy of my Piaoxue Palace?"


The elder of Tianlei Sect showed embarrassment and anger, and stared at Nan Yunlie furiously with his halberd fingers, his fingers trembling with anger.

Seeing this, Nan Yunlie spread his hands more calmly, and then learned Bai Xiaopang's previous method, and raised the price himself: "Sixty-five million!"

"7000 million!"

Before Nan Yunlie finished speaking, the elders of Tianlei Sect angrily raised the price to 7000 million.

"Two hundred thousand and one taels!"

Nan Yunyeol said with gentle eyes.

The elder of Tianlei Sect's eyes froze, his old face showed murderous intent, he gritted his teeth and said: "7000 two million!"

"7000 two million and one taels!"

Nan Yunlie immediately raised the price, causing the elder of Tianlei Sect to flush, as if he was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood, but the latter directly choked him back.

"Seventy-five million!"

At this moment, the elder of Fengyulou suddenly opened his mouth, causing the elder of Tianlei Sect to turn his head and look at the latter in disbelief. Unexpectedly, Fengyulou stabbed himself from the back at this moment.

The elder of Fengyulou was full of sneers, staring leisurely at the elder of Tianleizong.

Now, both Piaoxue Palace and Qianyin Valley have earth-level martial arts, how can Fengyulou fall behind.Although Fengyulou and Tianleizong have the same aura, but facing the temptation of the emperor's nine swords and Ajue, the two major forces are not grasshoppers on the same rope! "

"Seventy-five million!"

The elder of Tianlei Sect gritted his teeth and felt that the elder of Fengyulou in front of him was more hateful than Nan Yunlie.

"Seventy-five million!"

The elder of Fengyu Tower laughed.

In the arena, Nan Yunlie calmed down, watching the good show leisurely.Elder Qianyingu was even more heartbroken. He bought the Tiger Roaring Eight Desolation at a price of 600 million, and his heart was bleeding.

But at this moment, compared with the 700 million martial arts, he suddenly became happy.

In the private room, Lin Huang happily tapped the armrest of the seat with his fingers. This volume of Emperor's Nine Swords and A Jue is as good as the Golden Thread Jade Clothes and the Four Elephants Township Map.

Lin Huang glanced at it, and found that it was Bai Xiaopang who was sneaky and wanted to bid, so he kicked him on the ground.

"Seventy-five million!"

In the field, the elder of Tianlei Sect gritted his teeth, his eyes were gloomy like a vulture, staring at the elder of Fengyulou, his heart was bleeding.

Seventy-eight million is already the limit of Tian Leizong.

"you win!"

After pondering for a moment, the elder of Fengyulou spread his hands and said with a smile.

The elder of Tianlei Sect gritted his teeth immediately, but his tense mind relaxed.

Half a quarter of an hour had passed, and Yaoyao on the auction platform repeated his bid twice, but no one participated in the auction again.

"Seventy-eight million and one taels!"

Just when Yaoyao was about to make a final decision, Nan Yunlie in the field spoke again, raising the price by a couple of dollars with a smile on his face.

"you you……"

In the arena, the elder of the Tianlei Sect suddenly got up, pointed at Nan Yunlie with trembling fingers, and after saying a few words of you, a mouthful of old blood spewed out, and then he fell to the ground with his head up. dead or not.

In the private room, Lin Huang frowned slightly. Nan Yunlie bid such a high price for martial arts, which put a lot of pressure on Piaoxue Palace.Thinking of earning money from his own sect, Lin Huang always felt strange.

"Seventy-five million!"

At this moment, the elder of Fengyulou spoke again.He allowed Tian Leizong to obtain this martial art, but he could not allow Piaoxue Palace to obtain it.

Otherwise, with two volumes of earth-level martial arts in the hands of Piaoxue Palace, I am afraid that it will not be long before they will monopolize the top four sects.

In the arena, Nan Yunlie heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the elder of Fengyulou speak. In order to kill Tianleizong, he also took a lot of pressure in his heart.

Not to mention 800 million, he doesn't even have 5000 million now!
In the end, Emperor Nine Swords Ajue was taken away by Fengfenglou at a price of 900 million.

In the private room, Lin Huang also heaved a sigh of relief, with a slight smile on his face. The two volumes of martial arts made him a full 500 million yuan. 390 million.

It can be said to be full.

And next, it's time to get the golden jade clothes and lure Song Wugui to appear...

(End of this chapter)

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