
Chapter 346 Song Wugui

Chapter 346 Song Wugui

A grand auction finally came to an end. After all, only a dozen or so families had the financial resources to bid for the treasures, and more people lost their money and became spectators.

In the guest hall, Elder Yanshan's face was full of red, he felt that Lin Huang in front of him was extremely kind. Not only did he have the honor to witness the roaring wilderness, but he also made the auction house more than 600 million yuan.

"Little friend, these two things are the World Map of the Four Elephants Town and the Jade Clothes with Golden Threads that you took!"

"There are 400 million in this white jade card, which is all the remaining assets after deducting the two treasures!"

Yan Shan opened his mouth with a smile, and handed the three things to Lin Huang.

"Thank you Master Yanshan!"

Lin Huang smiled warmly, but he was not so enthusiastic. The latter did nothing, but made a net profit of more than 600 million. Lin Huang was very upset.

Afterwards, Lin Huang threw the Sixiang Zhenshi Tu and the Baiyu Card into the storage ring, and took out the gold-threaded jade dress, with a tsk-tsk admiration in his mouth.

The golden-haired jade garment contained a trace of the mystery of the holy body, which was what Lin Huang valued.

Seeing that Lin Huang took out the gold-threaded jade garment, Jun Qingcheng who was at the side groaned twice, and said, "Don't wear it!"

Lin Huang turned his head in doubt, and saw Jun Qingcheng frowning his eyebrows, his face was full of jealousy, "That woman named Yaoyao wore it, you are not allowed to wear it!"

cough cough...

In the guest hall, Master Yanshan suddenly coughed.

Lin Huang also smiled in embarrassment, and after handing the golden jade dress to Lin Cangxue, he took Jun Qingcheng's little hand and said with a smile, "I wouldn't even wear it if I was killed!"

Jun Qingcheng snorted twice before the jealousy on his face slowly disappeared.

In the guest hall, Lin Huang and Yan Shan had a polite conversation, and then led the three of them to leave.

At the street corner outside the auction house, the big white cat and the little black thief were looking around, and from time to time, they would touch their round belly contentedly, looking naive and stealing how many miraculous medicines.

And Xiao Hei's body also seems to have grown up quite a bit, becoming about a foot long, like a pitch-black little snake, but with horns on its head and claws shining.

Lin Huang and Bai Xiaopang made a move, carrying the two little guys, they hurried out of Lingyun Imperial City.

The so-called common man is not guilty, but pregnant is guilty.

At the auction, a few people won the Sixiang Township Map and the Golden Jade Clothes, so they will naturally be remembered by those who are interested.

The simple thing is that with the two major martial arts in front, most of the warriors are probably going to intercept and kill Qianyingu and Fengyulou.

Lin Huang can deal with the upcoming Song Wugui with peace of mind.

After leaving the Lingyun Imperial City, the four of them went directly into the Qinglong Mountain Range, where the jungle was densely covered, and it was a very good battlefield, and it was not easy to be noticed.

In the jungle, it was quiet, and there seemed to be no life at all.


In less than half an hour, a group of 11 people appeared, stepping on the dead branches, seeming a little reckless.

Among these people, surrounded in the center is a burly middle-aged man. The latter looks very ordinary, but his eyebrows are stained with blood, and he dare not be underestimated.

The middle-aged body is surrounded by ten black-clothed Marquis, and the aura gathered together is like a deep sea.

In the jungle, Song Wugui frowned slightly, and saw a chubby body moving a hundred feet ahead, at a frighteningly fast speed.

Song Wugui waved his arm and ordered everyone to chase and kill him.

As for the golden jade clothes, he is bound to get it.Only in this way can he block the extremely secretive assassination of the thirteen human characters, and be able to turn defeat into victory when the thirteen human characters are shot.

It's just that Song Wugui never thought that among the four little dolls he was chasing and killing at the moment, there were two people with the character thirteen kills.

Fighting in the jungle, everyone thinks they are hunters, but they don't know who is the real prey.

In the jungle, Bai Xiaopang ran wildly, causing loud voices.Dozens of people came running wildly behind him, their speed was extremely fast, far beyond Bai Xiaopang's comparability.

Lin Huang and the others were nowhere to be seen.

It wasn't that Lin Huang wanted to use Bai Xiaopang as a bait, but that the latter's dominant body couldn't hide it.

In just a few breaths, the dozens of black-clothed Marquis who were chasing and killing Bai Xiaopang came right in front of Bai Xiaopang, causing Bai Xiaopang to pause in his footsteps.

Without any words, everyone directly killed Bai Xiaopang.

call out!
At this moment, a ray of light suddenly flashed out from the jungle, catching many Marquis Wu by surprise, and within a breath, a Marquis Wu was beheaded in the middle.

Everyone frowned, and suddenly there was a girl in a crimson dress and a snow-white gauze in the jungle.

The girl holds a three-foot green blade in her hand, standing like a fairy.

Song Wugui frowned, feeling the power of Jun Qingcheng. After sweeping the eyes of the nine Wuhous, he raised his eyebrows confidently and said with a smile: "This Marquis is not interested in the map of Sixiang Zhenshi, so I handed over the golden jade clothes , Ben Hou is willing to offer 1000 million to buy it!"

In the jungle, Jun Qingcheng remained silent.Lin Huang, who was hiding, showed a smile. He didn't expect Song Wugui to snatch things so morally.

"Don't agree?"

Seeing that Jun Qingcheng didn't reply, Song Wugui frowned, and then waved decisively, "Just kill them all!"

All of a sudden, the nine Marquises of Martial Arts violently rose up, and they all rushed towards Bai Xiaopang and Jun Qingcheng, sweeping the entire jungle with momentum, like a raging sea.

Jun Qingcheng raised his head without fear, Qiu Shui's eyes were boiling with fighting intent, and then a sword pierced out...

Among the dead ancient trees, Lin Huang's eyes were sharp, staring at Song Wugui who was standing indifferently in the field, only between the latter's hands and sleeves, he suddenly rushed out, crossing Yama with one hand, and slashed at Song Wugui. return.

Song Wugui's complexion changed drastically, and he instinctively raised his spear to meet the enemy, but they all saw a terrifying cross knife light slashing down on his head, and it landed on himself with a bang.

In the jungle, Song Wugui flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

Lin Huang followed him like a shadow, holding the Suppressing Demon Saber in his hand, and then slashed with the Killing God Sword, intending to chop off the latter's head with one blow.

At this moment, when Song Wugui landed on the ground, a long spear roared like a long dragon and rushed towards Lin Huang. The terrifying aura tainted made Lin Huang's heart tremble, and he immediately backed away.

After one shot, Song Wugui also stood up, coughed twice with pale eyes, but there was no scar on his body.On his chest torn apart by the saber energy, a piece of iron armor was exposed, on which was reflected the light of a cross sword, but it was not broken after all.

Song Wugui held his hand, stared at Lin Huang with sharp eyes, and said with murderous intent, "Who are you, and why do you know to ambush me here?"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and smiled, but didn't answer, but raised the Demon Suppressing Saber again, and fought towards the latter.

Keng Keng Keng.

In the jungle, the sound of the jingle of gold and gege constantly sounded.Jun Qingcheng and Bai Xiaopang stopped the nine Wuhou who guarded Song Wugui.

Lin Huang fought with Song Wugui at the same place. The two men clashed frantically with swords and long spears. Every move was extremely shocking, and the battle was evenly matched.

But Song Wugui was wearing iron armor, but his defense was surprisingly strong. Lin Huang's long-prepared Cross Yama didn't even break through it. It was very difficult to kill the latter in a short time.

In the arena, Song Wugui showed contemptuous expression on his face, and he stabbed out one after another, each shot exuding incomparable domineering, and even possessing the realm of Marquis Wu, which made Lin Huang feel a little bit hard.

"A little baby dares to ambush Benhou, do you really think that Benhou is a sick cat?"

Song Wugui sneered, the scream of the blood crow suddenly sounded in his body, making Song Wugui's aura soaring, faintly possessing the power to suppress the audience...

(End of this chapter)

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