
Chapter 376

Chapter 376
The passage of time, like the sun and the moon, cannot stop.

Lin Huang is in the mansion of the general, so he can naturally keep his ears to the world affairs, accompany Lin Beichen every day, lead Jun Qingcheng to the wind and snow, or practice quietly, and understand his own way of martial arts.

The Divine General's Mansion can be peaceful, but the world outside has been turned upside down.

When Lin Huang left Xuanyuan Mansion, there were countless puppet armies controlled by blood crows in the East Spirit Realm, attacking the city and looting the land and wreckage.

Now that two months have passed, the puppet army formed by the blood crows has grown stronger and stronger. Like devils from hell, they have emerged from all over the East Spirit Realm and occupied one tenth of the territory of the East Spirit Realm.

Along with the surrounding areas of the Great Xia Dynasty, an army of blood crows began to appear. If it weren't for the quick response of the Divine General's Mansion, and the [-] Divine Generals battalion killed them with thunder, the Great Xia Dynasty would have already fallen into a bloody torrent.

After half a month of training in the Divine General's Mansion, Lin Huang was also preparing to leave again.

Dong Ling's catastrophe is approaching, although he doesn't have a heart to save the world, but under the collapse of the nest, there are no eggs left.Moreover, he wanted to obtain the relics of the Buddha God in the eight-armed Shura cauldron, so it was his responsibility to suppress the Yin-Yang Valley.

Xie Qinghou lived in the Blood Spirit Hall for ten years for Yin Yang Valley, and finally died in Qinglong Mountain Range.

How could he hide in the palace of the general.

In the courtyard, Lin Huang looked at the sunset in the sky, like a burning cloud, and like blood soaked, exuding a palpitating atmosphere.

Walking in the God General's Mansion, looking at every plant and tree here, Lin Huang couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face.

This time, he didn't know what a tragic battle it would be.

I don't know if I will come back alive.

Although the Great Xia Dynasty was only a corner of Dongling, it was after all the place where he had lived for more than ten years.I have struggled with life and death on the mainland for ten years, and dreamed of this mansion countless times.

Now that I am about to leave, how can I not remember every plant and tree here.


Lin Huang pushed open Lin Changtian's courtyard door, looked at the old man under the old locust tree, his expression became inexplicably complicated, with reluctance, nostalgia, and worry...

Under the old locust tree, the old man holds a teapot in his hand, enjoys the rare time on the rocking chair with his eyes closed, his leisurely look is mixed with the desolation of the twilight, and he keeps talking, as if recalling the years of war :
"Hell is empty, and the devil is in the world. The dark night will follow forever, when will the dawn come? I hate that the sun and the moon have sunk to the west, and I hate the loess buried heroic souls. I hate that the infamy is passed down from generation to generation. , I will bury the Qianqiu Bureau. Just ask the heroic spirits, if he shoots a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops and horses can meet each other? Then ask the heroic spirits, can the battle blood be rekindled with the order of Tuoba..."

Suddenly, Lin Beichen stopped chanting the ballad, opened his eyes and looked at the young man at the gate of the courtyard, with a smile on his old face.


Lin Beichen asked with a smile.


Lin Huang nodded and sat beside Lin Beichen.

"Got to go?"

Lin Beichen asked again, the smile on his face undiminished.

Lin Huang nodded again, but didn't reply. The old man beside him seemed to be smiling lightly, but the look of desolation in the corner of his eyes made people feel distressed.

"Remember what grandpa said two years ago when you left the Great Xia Dynasty for the first time?"

Lin Beichen put down the teapot in his hand, and pointed to the old wine on the stone table.

Lin Huang filled the wine and handed a glass to Lin Beichen. Holding the glass in his hand, he nodded with a smile on his face.

"Big man, you should carry a three-foot sword, and achieve invincible merit!"

Lin Beichen smiled immediately, "Grandpa was once young, and his blood was boiling. But grandpa was born in a humble background, and his vision is not as far-sighted as yours. Since you can see higher places, you have to fly like an eagle. Even if you can't Realize your ambitions, and you won’t have any regrets!”

"Although grandpa is reluctant to part with you, I, a man from the Lin family, have never hesitated like a woman. If you die in battle, grandpa will collect your body even if you die. , help grandpa tie up that little bastard!"

"I got it!"

Lin Huang smiled and nodded.

"Did you remember the ballad of grandpa just now?"

Lin Beichen asked suddenly.

Lin Huang was taken aback for a moment, then nodded hesitantly.

"This is a ballad that my Lin family has passed down from my ancestors to this day. Grandpa doesn't know what it means. But back then, when your father sent you and Cang Xue back, he mentioned this ballad!"

Lin Beichen continued.

Lin Huang looked a little surprised, but didn't ask any more questions, he just reached out and helped Lin Beichen up.

"This time, grandpa won't send you to the gate of the city!"

Lin Beichen held Lin Huang's hand, with a lonely and peaceful expression on his face, "Outside, you must protect your sister. Once she fell into the altar, even if she returns as a legend now. But these years have been too hard, my daughter It's not easy for grandpa to ask about my family's complicated thoughts!"

Lin Huang grabbed Lin Beichen's hand instead, and nodded solemnly.

"There is also that little girl in Qingcheng. I think she has already stepped into the Marquis of Wu realm at a young age. She must have a great background. He is willing to be with you, so you must not let her down!"

"If you dare to be ungrateful, even if you are my grandson, grandpa will break your leg! When a man is outside, he has to bear his tears and blood, but he can't feel guilty, you understand!"

"Grandson remembered it!"

Lin Huang nodded seriously.

The two walked very slowly in the mansion, and along the way Lin Beichen said a lot of things to tell Lin Huang. Although they were all commonplace words, they filled Lin Huang's heart with warmth.

When the two reached the gate of the mansion, Lin Cangxue and Jun Qingcheng were already waiting for Lin Huang.

Even Bai Xiaopang sat down in front of the mansion gate.

"I'll have a few words with your sister!"

Lin Beichen patted Lin Huang on the shoulder, then waved to Lin Cangxue.

At the gate of the mansion, Lin Huang looked at the old man hunched over, commanding Lin Cangxue with a smile on his face, which made the latter feel sour and blushing, and couldn't help feeling disappointed.

Back then... Lin Beichen wouldn't be so nagging!

"Qingcheng little girl, come here, grandpa has something to tell you!"

Suddenly, Lin Beichen looked at Jun Qingcheng with a smile, causing the latter to be a little astonished, and looked at Lin Huang with a little blushing and confusion.

Lin Huang smiled gently, grabbed Jun Qingcheng's hand and walked up to Lin Beichen.

Looking at the quiet and clear young man in front of him, the smile on Lin Beichen's face became more and more peaceful:

"My Lin family is weak, so it is definitely not as good as your family. But grandpa believes that Xiaohuang has the appearance of a dragon. If you are bullied by him, come to grandpa, and grandpa will support you!"

Afterwards, Lin Beichen took out another piece of ancient jade from his bosom, and continued: "This token should have been given to you by Xiao Huang's mother. But even grandpa has never met Xiao Huang's mother. Just Grandpa can only do it for you, the only piece of ancient jade that the Lin family can give you is suitable, if you accept it, you have to call me Grandpa!"

Jun Qingcheng was taken aback for a moment, and turned to look at Lin Huang, seeming a little puzzled.Lin Huang was smiling, signaling Jun Qingcheng to accept it.

Jun Qingcheng bowed his head, with a hint of shyness on his face, secretly forgetting the simple Lingyu in Lin Beichen's hand, took it over like a thief, and said in a voice like a mosquito:

"Grandpa... Grandpa!"

Lin Beichen's hearty laughter suddenly sounded in the mansion of the god general, making Jun Qingcheng's snow-white face blush like blood.

"Okay, let's go, grandpa is going to rest!"

After laughing, Lin Beichen smiled and waved, looking a little tired.

Lin Huang and Lin Cangxue felt sore in their hearts, lowered their heads silently, knelt down to bid farewell to Lin Beichen, and walked out of the Mansion of the Divine General without looking back.

In the God General's Mansion, Lin Beichen watched several familiar figures gradually disappear, and the smile on his face remained undiminished.But laughing and laughing, the old eyes were full of tears.

(End of this chapter)

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