
Chapter 377

Chapter 377
Outside the Great Xia Dynasty, the four of them were silent, riding a big white cat all the way towards Wuchan Temple.

After all, parting makes people sad, but there are a few things in life that can fulfill one's wish.The only thing that can be done is to turn the sadness of parting into a driving force for progress.

Lin Huang stayed in the Divine General's Mansion for half a month.Counting the time, the eight-armed Shura cauldron was almost at Wuchan Temple.

In the East Spirit Realm, the blood crow army became more and more powerful. In less than two months, it was like a snowball, accumulating millions of soldiers and horses.

Millions of soldiers and horses are millions of puppets controlled by the blood crow.

Yin Yang Valley has not yet been born, but the catastrophe it can bring has already begun.

Its army of blood crows is even more invincible.According to the news from Feng Wanli, the person who commanded the Blood Crow army was actually Song Zhimou, a ghostly talent.

Presumably the latter was also controlled by the Blood Crow.

In the East Spirit Realm, Song Zhimou's reputation was not outstanding.But Lin Huang knew that in his previous life, when Qin Xuance destroyed ten dynasties by himself, the only defeat he suffered was Song Zhimou.

How can this person be an ordinary person!

In order to suppress the army of blood pressure, Xuanyuan Mansion has dispatched an army of 60 troops, and it is difficult to suppress the army of blood crows that are popping up like locusts everywhere.

However, the major dynasties and dynasties in the Eastern Spirit Realm still maintained a wait-and-see state, and never dispatched a single soldier.

On the way to Wuchan Temple, the four people walking all the way unexpectedly met Wuchan Temple Cinan again.

The latter was wearing a cassock and holding a Buddhist bead, but his whole body was stained with blood, and there were deep wounds on his bald head, making him look particularly ferocious.

However, the latter didn't seem to care about his injury. After seeing Lin Huang and others, he showed a relieved smile.

"Master, what happened to Wuchan Temple?"

Seeing Ci Nan's blood-stained cassock, Lin Huang couldn't help but frowned, feeling rather bad in his heart.

"The Blood Spirit Hall has invaded the Wuchan Temple, and is currently trapped in the Forest of Three Thousand Steles!"

Ci Nan showed compassion, but there was a trace of murderous intent in his peaceful eyes, and then he continued: "Lu Hanlu, benefactor, has rushed to Wuchan Temple with the eight-armed Shura cauldron, and is also hiding in the forest of three thousand steles! "

"The Blood Spirit Hall is here for the eight-armed Shura cauldron?"

Lin Huang was startled, and then asked.

"They still don't know the secret of the Eight-Armed Asura Cauldron. They came here to Wuchan Temple to overthrow the pagoda and completely cut off the eighth barrier of the Yin-Yang Valley!"

Lin Huang's complexion changed slightly, he helped Ci Nan, and walked towards Wuchan Temple at a faster speed.

The Blood Spirit Palace was trapped in the forest of three thousand steles, presumably it was the heroic souls of Xuanyuan Mansion who appeared and stopped the latter.However, as time passes, accidents are bound to happen, even Lu Han, who is under the protection of the Forest of Three Thousand Steles, cannot escape death.

"Master Wuzen is now..."

The five of them sat on top of the speeding big white cat, and the wind howled past them.Lin Huang asked while treating Ci Nan's injuries.

"Master is sitting down!"

Ci Nan clasped his hands together, his old face was full of regret.

Lin Huang couldn't help feeling sad in his heart, looking in the direction of Wuchan Temple, his heart felt like a boulder was pressing on him, and he couldn't breathe.Ye Wuchan, who suppressed the Eighth Path and was detained for more than 200 years and never stepped out of the pagoda, finally passed away.

"Is the one who appeared in Wuchan Temple the Blood Spirit Marquis or the Blood God Marquis?"

Lin Huang then asked.

"If the Blood God Marquis appeared, the poor monk would not be in such a mess. The poor monk fought against the Blood God Marquis, and lost in less than thirty moves. The latter seems to have not exerted all his strength, and may have entered the realm of Martial King !"

Ci Nan closed her eyes and lowered her eyebrows, looking helpless.

Lin Huang's heart was shocked, and based on Ci Nan's current state, he guessed that the Blood God Marquis had the state of King Wu.In the underground palace of Tianlong Mountain back then, the Blood God Marquis was breaking through the realm of the Martial King.

At that time, Lin Huang made a move and broke the latter's state, causing the latter to almost suffer backlash.

Originally, Lin Huang calculated that it would take at least two years for the Blood God Marquis to re-enter the peak of Marquis Wu and get his finger on the realm of Marquis King.It was unbelievable that the latter would break through and become King Wu so quickly.

In the vast Qinglong Mountains, the big white cat turned into a giant beast with a size of ten feet, and its limbs were full of shocking power.Every time it flies out of the sky, the ancient wood mountain range quickly retreats and flies towards the Wuchan temple.

But on the second night after Lin Huang and the others saw Ci Nan, there was a sudden shock in the East Spirit Realm.

Under the vast and dark sky, the invincible figure of Xuanyuan Tibing manifested again, making everyone in the East Spirit Realm look up and see that majestic figure.

In more than ten years, this is the second time that Xuanyuan Tibing manifested the void and appeared in front of the world.

In the void, Xuanyuan's soldiers were flying with blue hair, and looked at Wushuang with contempt. When the latter raised his hand, it caused the mighty storm in the world, and also made all the warriors in the East Spirit Realm hold their breath and look up.

"I am the second generation descendant of Xuanyuan Mansion No.30, Xuanyuan Tibing!"

Under the bright moon sky, Xuanyuan's voice of raising troops spread for millions of miles, covering every corner of the East Spirit Realm like thunder from the nine heavens.

Lin Huang was shocked when he heard the sound that came to his ears.It is thousands of miles away, but its voice can be heard. I don't know how far Xuanyuan Tibing has reached.

Or there are some mysterious means.

"In today's world, a great catastrophe has fallen. In the east, there is the Blood Spirit Temple to slaughter the common people, and in the west, the blood crow army slaughters the city and destroys the country, causing the world to be filled with hatred and sentient beings to flee!"

"In the Yin-Yang Valley, there is still an evil king. The evil king's disaster is enough to make my generation of warriors perish for life. It is enough to make my East Spirit Earth never see the sun!"

"Xuanyuan's military promotion is a myth in the world. Facing the calamity of the Yin-Yang Valley, he dare not claim victory. There are even blood crows who restrain our Xuanyuan army and slaughter our Dongling people!"

"Currently, I don't know the lords of the Eastern Spirit, but I don't know if there are people who will follow me to kill the evil spirits of the Eastern Spirit. Or Jiangyang robbers, scholars of Confucianism and Taoism, opera actors, who are willing to help my Xuanyuan family, Xuanyuan's soldiers will welcome them!"

"Xuanyuan Tibing, thank you here!"

Up and down the sky, Xuanyuan's voice of raising troops was like a mighty thunder, resounding endlessly throughout the world.The human righteousness and arrogance in Na Balie's figure are even more fascinating.

Even though the figure manifesting the sky disappeared for a long time, the East Spirit Realm was completely boiling.

Countless warriors and generals looked up, their emotions were inexplicably agitated, and they only felt a power in their bodies, wanting to vent it out, and go to the world for a while.

In the middle of the night, a Confucian scholar in white threw a pen, spent all his belongings to buy a domesticated monster, and headed towards Xuanyuan City.

Some actors left the stage, and rushed to Xuanyuan City in red makeup.

There is a general in the court who orders his troops at midnight and sends his troops out of the city.

There was an old man who sat up quietly, looked towards the direction of Xuanyuan City and burst into tears, and walked out of the dilapidated thatched hut on crutches.

There is a brothel woman who throws a piano and holds a sword and comes out of the building!

An old eunuch with a decayed dynasty suddenly opened his eyes, one step out of the palace, one step out of the city gate, one step towards Xuanyuan City.

There are also lunatics in the prison who raised their heads to the sky and shouted loudly, killing people and escaping from prison.There was a wicked bandit who looked up at Changtian and meditated, and then rushed out to Xuanyuan City!


A piece of paper calling for troops made Dongling Realm blood boil.Countless warriors, literati, and famous generals all headed towards Xuanyuan City, like rivers flowing into the sea.

Like an arrow piercing the clouds, thousands of troops come to meet each other.

This is the myth in the world, this is Xuanyuan Tibing, and this is the Xuanyuan family that has guarded the East Spirit Realm for thousands of years.

In the mansion of the general, Lin Beichen woke up in the middle of the night.His white hair was cold and his face was old.But just this night, the old man's hunched back seemed to straighten a lot, and the wrinkles between his brows melted away, making him look extraordinarily high-spirited.

It seems to recall the years when I used to hold a long gun, straddle a fierce horse, and conquer the world.

"Where is Zhao Changfeng?"

The old man let out a moderate roar, which shook the entire Shenjiang Mansion.It was so shocking that outside the gate of the general's mansion, the man who had already ordered troops rushed into the mansion...

(End of this chapter)

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