I can see the finals

Chapter 136 Crushed, or evenly matched?

Chapter 136 Crushed, or evenly matched?
Who will be able to join Qi Qi in the finals?

Is it really the happy forest that Ding Wen said?

The two commentators don't know, because they are still guessing where the finals will be.

Yi Yan: "Muzi, if you could choose, which one would you choose?"

Mu Zi smiled and said: "I can only choose by ignorance. After all, who can say for sure about making circles, it's too random."

Yi Yan: "That's right, the probability of choosing one of the four is 25. I think the players on the field should be as big-headed as you. I don't know which one to choose is the right one."

Muzi: "But having said that, I'm quite surprised that the bridge wasn't cleared away."

Yi Yan nodded: "Yes, from North Bridge to South Bridge, everything is in the circle. Oh, yes, do you think it is possible..."

Muzi: "It's hard to say. Among the four safe areas, the area of ​​the bridge is the smallest. Theoretically speaking, the probability here is the lowest, but...because Qi Qi is on the bridge, it may be really possible."

Yi Yan laughed: "I'm pretty much what you think. Qiqi's luck in the circle today is so good, DW seems to have opened his eyes. They are in the finals every time, and the last time is No.3. If the luck has not left They, I feel that this final circle will almost be brushed on the bridge!"

The seventh stage is coming to an end, and the answer to one of the four choices will be announced soon.

Everyone looked at the map, staring intently and focused.

Finally, three of the four safety zones gradually faded from bright light to grayish white.

The final final circle...appeared!

——Nine-curved Bridge!
This is the fifth round of finals.

The center point of the bridge is the location of the final battle.

And this position, Qi Qi happened to be here.

Yi Yan and Mu Zi looked at each other with a little surprise, obviously they didn't expect that their random guess would actually become a fact.

Qiqi's luck is really that good!

They once again appeared in the finals.

"I bet... Forget it, I don't bet on anything, Qiqi's team has definitely mastered the rules of making circles!"

"Yeah, this is too exaggerated. Every one of them appeared in the final circle. Apart from mastering the rules of the circle, I can't find any other explanation."

"I think you are the most exaggerated. It's only five, not dozens. The base number is too small to be the result of the judgment. There will always be some teams that are lucky one day, which is normal!"

The audience talked a lot, and the two commentators actually had their own opinions, but they didn't have time to express their opinions, because with the appearance of the finals, the game was in chaos, and the crazy battle started again.

Now, their first task is to explain these battles.



In the middle of the bridge, Ding Wen has finished releasing everything that should be released.

Taking out the binoculars, he looked at the bridgehead to the south.

The field of vision is not empty, but very lively.

With just one glance, he saw at least seven or eight players, fighting in a group and fighting hard.

Passing by is also looking at Nanqiaotou: "Happy Lin is going to resist the pressure."

Ding Wen: "It is to resist pressure. Every team that wants to cross the bridge has to fight with them."

Passing by and looking back at him: "Then you still say they are opponents in the finals."

Ding Wen smiled softly: "But I didn't say...they will appear in front of us in full. However, if they are smarter, it will be treated as if I didn't say that."

Lu Guo sighed a long time: "It seems like another dull victory."

Fang Luoqing: "I like the word you."

Passing by: "Why?"

Fang Luoqing rubbed her stomach: "Because I'm hungry, it's best if I can finish the game quickly, I want to go back to eat."

Passing by he laughed: "According to our performance today, Wang Changchun may have to spend again."

Ding Wen didn't get involved in their topic, but suddenly asked: "How many did you kill today?"

Passing by and thinking about it, his memory was a little fuzzy: "Twenty or so, maybe a little more."

Ding Wen: "Is there thirty?"

Passing through: "No... I gave the last one for nothing. If you count this one and finish it, it should be about the same."

Ding Wen smiled and said, "Hey, today's murderer is stable."

It was rare for Passing by to be humble once: "It's just a round of killers, not the whole season."

He is indeed humble, what is the concept of five 30+ eliminations?An average of six kills per game is an average of 6 KD.

Although there are only five games too few, the latter number will gradually drop, but playing games under Ding Wen's command, the number will not drop too low, probably around three or four.

Of course, such a high KD is only for the PGL league, and PGK is another matter. After all, the intensity of the game is different, and the strength of the players will be much different. The difficulty of KD between the two cannot be compared.

Back to the competition, the few people were chatting and laughing, but Nanqiaotou was fighting fiercely, and the style of painting was completely different from this side.

While talking and joking, a large list of players appeared in the elimination information. After the seventh stage of the circle shrinks, there are very few remaining teams in Nanqiaotou.

Ding Wen glanced at the number of people, and there are still 9 after removing them. The ranking score is 100%. They have already broken through the 10100-point mark, surpassing the [-] points of the "Ancient Civilization" four years ago.

However, Qiqi's score will not stop here, the game is still going on, they may get more points, and even win the final victory of this game.

Of course, it may not be appropriate to use 'even', because it is a matter of course.

After playing slowly, getting stuck in the north, and forcing away all the enemies, the ending of this game... is actually doomed.

With the shrinking of the final circle, the 9 players from Nanqiaotou fought for the final battle. As Ding Wen expected, they stood out from the crowd and won the final victory... It really was Happy Lin!
They are not a big-bodied team like the Lions. When they found that all the teams were scrambling to cross the bridge, they finished the first wave, and then temporarily chose to be invisible, retreated to the shore to find a cover, and waited for the final death. It's almost done, and then come out to clean up the mess.

This is a wise move, not only to ensure the integrity of the team, but also to qualify for the finals, but the number of eliminations will be a little less.

After destroying the last lark duo remnants, they drove to the final battle location.

When driving halfway to the center of the bridge, the thieves and heroes stopped immediately and took out their long-range weapons.

The old man in the green forest took the lead, followed by the king of the mountain and the nine in command to drive in the front.

Only when he passed by did he emerge from the back of the car, and the bullets of the thieves and heroes behind him flew towards him immediately, so he could only shrink back quickly.

"Old Ding, they have two guns!"

"I heard it, don't panic, hold on."

Happy Forest's fight is very layered, far away from the frame, close up and hard to stick.

No way, after all, this is on the bridge.

On a bridge with no cover except vehicles...!

They can only choose to fight like this!
From the perspective of God alone, the strengths and weaknesses of both sides are [-]-[-], and the outcome is hard to say.

Both Qiqi and Happy Lin have a chance!

But...is that really the case?
(End of this chapter)

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