I can see the finals

Chapter 137 Crushed!Perfect ending!

Chapter 137 Crushed!Perfect ending!
"Xiao Fang, don't let them drive closer!" Ding Wen shouted.

Happy Forest can post, but not driving.

Even if they can drive, not everyone can drive.

Because if there is a rook, some traps and boards can't play its role.

"I know, leave it to me."

Fang Luoqing, who was hiding in the back of the car, listened to the voice and argued for her position. When she raised her hand, the reeds immediately flew out in a circle!
According to the previous deployment, she did not choose to beat people, but chose to beat the tires.

After all, there is no vision, and the people on the vehicle are not easy to fight, but there are twelve tires, which are the best to fight.

Of course, good play is relative, and it is a scorer.


I don't know whose tire was knocked out, and there was an obvious sound of a flat tire immediately.

Then, there was a sudden sound of brakes, and the vehicle with a flat tire was forcibly stopped!

Ding Wen yelled again, and then the four of them pulled out the mist and threw it in the opposite direction through their own vehicle!

Immediately, thick smoke billowed up and spread between the two sides.

With the smoke, the two players ordered by Happy Lin also lost their vision and couldn't take care of the teammates in front of them.

"We're here too!"

They immediately got into the car and drove towards the old man in the green forest.

The three cars in front of Happy Forest had a flat tire, and the remaining two did not dare to drive forward. Although they could still drive as close as Qiqi, the teammates behind couldn't catch up, and the number of people charging was also small.

They can't always beat the opposing team with four.

The remaining number of people on the field is certain, five of them, seven or four, this can be seen from the map.

So Qiqi sealed the cigarette, locked his sight, and the two who hadn't been blown out could only get out of the car, hid behind the car, and waited for the follow-up teammates to come.

Old man in the green forest: "Be careful of them mixing smoke!"

Thieves: "It's okay, their number four is dead, they have to stand up when they pass by, DW is a support, and there are only two people who can get closer, we have three, they dare not stick to their faces!"

Because they were afraid of Ding Wen's trap, their original plan was to use a vehicle to forcibly top them, and the two behind them would work together to pass by, to minimize the threat posed by the trap, but this plan failed, and Fang Luoqing stabbed them Kill it.

They are not Xiaying, and they don't know Fang Luoqing's strength at all. In addition, they have never fought her in the first four rounds, so this sudden knife is undoubtedly beyond their expectation. The tires of the speeding vehicle... exploded!

This is so exaggerated!

Absolutely a master!
In Team [-], there is actually a hidden powerful person!

The old man in the green forest couldn't help feeling a little worried.

He was the one who drove the car with the flat tire, so he could feel the horror of this knife better than others.

"The reeds, the Eastwalker..."

In Qiqi's team, there are always some strange and unpopular professions.

The point is that these unpopular professions are still very strong, which makes people very sad.

"Don't worry, we'll be here soon." The wandering thief shouted from behind again: "If the smoke clears, if we haven't arrived yet, don't forget to fill up the smoke!"

A handful of hard-won defeats taught them a lesson.

If you play Qiqi, you have to be tough and reckless. Don't go around in circles with them, otherwise, they must be the ones who suffer.

After the Maya map was played, their coach came up. The latter has been in the audience, and he naturally has a much higher understanding of Xinqiqi than the players who played the game.

According to the observation conclusions of the previous games, their coach found that Xinqiqi is a team that mainly manages and emphasizes the first entry into the circle. Their frontal strength should be very weak. In the previous few games, they did not see much of them fighting against others. Either persuading the fight to act as a weasel, or relying on traps to ambush and quickly destroy the opponent.

So to fight them, the first point is to prevent traps. Once the traps can't play their role, the next thing will be simple.

As the saying goes, it is not unreasonable to be a master of SB.

Of course, Happy Forest is not SB, but they can't compete with Qi Qi in terms of brains, tactics, and... whoever is more reckless!

Who is more fierce!

The happy forest in the final round carried out the coach's intention. Although Fang Luoqing's knife was not what they expected, the aura of a 'reckless man' cannot be lost!

While waiting for the thieves, the old man from the green forest was also filling up cigarettes, forcing them to live together.

Pedestrian thief: "Captain, you will take my car for a while, and the four of us will rush at the same time! Try to crush them all in one fell swoop!"

The old man in the green forest: "I know, I'll wait for you."

Soon, the two thieves arrived, and at this time, the smoke was almost gone.

The time to charge came, so the five of them got into the car together, ready to attack Qiqi.

But at this moment, a pair of stern black iron claws suddenly pierced through the roof of Shan Da Wang's car, and grabbed the latter's neck...!

King Shan would never have dreamed that there was someone on the roof of his car. After being pinched by the neck, his reaction was a bit slower.

Suddenly, the claw shadow shook in the car.

Two more claws, and the King of the Mountain was directly killed!

"Player Seven Seven丨Fang Luoqing knocked down the King of the Mountain with the Abyss Black Claw!"

"It's a shadow cat!" The old man in the green forest changed his face suddenly, and shouted loudly: "They came in mixed with smoke!"

Qiqi actually sent someone to stick it closer!

How dare they do this?

Don't you know... there are five of us?

The old man in the green forest was in shock, but he couldn't care less about Fang Luoqing who was smoking.

He couldn't find it.

The remaining four of them had no choice but to bite the bullet and step on the accelerator, speeding up to the north with a brave momentum!

When the smoke came out, the field of vision suddenly became clear.

The old man in the green forest saw Qi Qi and their vehicle.

But...the car was not lying in front of them.

Instead... rushed straight over!
Two people, two cars.

It directly bumped and stopped the front row bandit and the nine in command,
Two loud bangs!

Because of the game mechanism, all the people who had collided with each other were thrown out of the car and fell aside.

There are two in Qiqi and three in Happy Lin, because the latter has two people in a car.

The next second, passing gunshots rang out.

With the help of the stagnation of the characters on the ground, passing by three consecutive headshots to penetrate the nine handles, and took away a member of Happy Forest again.

And Qi Qi and the two who fell were Ding Wenwen and Xiao Chong.

The moment they waited for the end of the stiff movement, they threw out a few shots of fog to block themselves.

They were surrounded by mist, so that the old man in the forest and the wandering robber couldn't find the target if they wanted to attack.

Then, because there was no smoke on their side, Fang Luoqing drew a knife from her back.

The reeds flew by lightly, as if inadvertently, a knife... was scratched on the throat of the traveling thief!
The No.3 happy forest player fell to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, there were only two of them left.

As for Xiaoyao Hero, the car that was not hit and stopped failed to stop, and plunged into the car formation where Qi Qi was originally staying.

Passing by seems to have known for a long time, listening to the sound, retracting the gun, and drawing the knife, all in one go, and quickly fell off the happy hero who got out of the car.

So far, there is only the old man in the green forest left in Happy Forest.

The same team, the familiar plot, once again...only he was left.

The old man in the green forest stood where he was, with a helpless smile, and once again felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Everything seems to be set up, Happy Lin is completely led by the nose, and there is nothing he can do.

He didn't expect that Qi Qi would not focus on defense and trap tactics, but would do the opposite and take the initiative to meet her.

This is still a victory in terms of tactical arrangement. Every step of action has been carefully planned, link by link, grasping Happy Lin's psychology and choices in different periods.

Happy Lin didn't want to play tactics with them, but Ding Wen forcibly created tactics with the help of cars and smoke.

The most important thing is...it's so fucking done!
This made the old man in the green forest extremely desperate and helpless.

Their advantage is the vehicle, but their defeat is also the vehicle.

Of course, he didn't know.

Ding Wen prepared two plans.

It's not that he doesn't play traps anymore, it's just that it's useless, and Happy Forest is... gone.

Before the chariot formation, he had placed a large number of traps and chessboards long ago.

Assuming he didn't cooperate well with Xiao Chong's collision, and if he made a mistake and let one more person come over, it doesn't matter.

If you stay behind and cooperate with these trap boards, you can also kill two people.

So, no matter what, Happywood is mortal.

And the number one in this hand is also Qi Qi... must take it!

In the last four-on-one, there was still an open space, and the old man in the green forest had no chance of making a comeback.

"Player Seven Seven丨Passing by with ion cannon to eliminate Happy Forest丨Green Forest Old Man!"

With the appearance of the elimination information, Qiqi ended the game with a 22 kill high elimination victory, a perfect end... all the games today!
 Thanks to His Majesty Hanhuang and Xuan Xinzhi No. 1000 for the 500 tip, and thank you for the [-] tip for spending time or preparing to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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