I can see the finals

Chapter 216 Attack: Gas Station!

Chapter 216 Attack: Gas Station!

The main reason for the popularity of the edge play of the new version is naturally inseparable from the corner cutting in the fifth stage.

Cut the corner to the edge position where you are, and the edge of the card can not only get elimination points, clear the enemies directly behind, but also launch an impact on the high ranking!
Therefore, there is a higher upper limit for card edge play, and it is not limited to elimination points.

But what if you don't wait until the corner is cut?
Then... just push.

Push forward like a bulldozer!

This is also the best opportunity to show the strength of the team in team battles.

Ding Wen solved Datongmu behind, but then they will also enter the circle. For the current Diablo Fairy Tale, it is only for this training match, and the problem of advancing is not particularly big.

Ding Wen saw the performance of the three new teammates in the brief fights with different enemies just now, and he was very satisfied.

Don't look at the one-on-one trial training, none of them beat Fang Luoqing in close combat, it seems that they are not that good, but after all, that is Fang Luoqing, now replaced by other people, the talents of Li Huo and Jiang San are undoubtedly revealed, exceptionally prominent.

Several people from the Five Elements are substitutes, so no comparison is made.But the five members of Datongmu were all starting. Jiang San was able to draw with Astro Boy with his thigh, and it was a gladiator who drew with a swordsman, which really surprised Ding Wen.

Having these teammates also gave Ding Wen the confidence to push all the way.

Next, the circle continued to shrink, and the monster behind him was also approaching.

From west to south, with the acceleration of the vehicle, they soon came to the northwest edge of the next safe zone.

If you go around, you can't get in. If you go around, it's not very easy to go around. There are several important key points around the circle, all of which are stationed by teams, and the enemies who want to enter the circle outside the safety zone are stuck.

This kind of phenomenon rarely occurs in the old version, but it is the norm in the new version.

The high-ranked teams and the mid- and low-ranked teams are interlocking and restrict each other. The lower the rank, the easier it is to get stuck. There is no way around it.

The teams on the edge of these safety zones are stuck in Dark Fairy Tale, and the teams further inside the circle will also be stuck in the former. Only the teams in the real circle of destiny can rest easy and not be afraid of being stuck by any team.

There are three key points in front of Ding Wen, the No. 3 ranch in front, the medium-sized gas station 100 meters to the left, and the small housing complex 100 meters to the right.

Because Ding Wen was heading northwest, the small building complex on the right was also the limit of the next safe zone, and if he went any further, he would leave the safe zone and enter a dangerous area surrounded by countless monsters.

So, which direction should we break through?

Ding Wen already had the answer in his heart.

As a circle-chasing team, they were not qualified to stop and observe at this time. Time was running out, and Ding Wen had already decided on the best choice for the rush point long before the Datongmu was wiped out.

"Follow the route and head to the gas station on the left!"

Ding Wen can see the circles of all stages, and he is very clear about where the cutting angle of the D area is given in the sixth stage. After rigorous calculation, hitting the gas station is the best choice, which is conducive to the continued transfer to the next stage.

"Li Hei, you changed the label, let Xiao Fang make up, Jiang San, make up the thread..."

Ding Wen issued various orders in an orderly manner.

"Okay, Xiao Fang goes to the fourth bid, and the cigarette rolls to the third bid. Li Huo will drive me, and Jiang San will follow!"

"Remember, you must wait for the cigarettes to be in place before charging, and then wait for Xiaofang to be in place!"

Ding Wen gave one last instruction, and then the dark fairy tales dispersed into 113, each of them went to perform their own tasks and reached the marked point.

After 20 seconds, the cigarette was in place: "Xiao Fang, move, I'm here."

Fang Luoqing: "Soon, there are still six seconds."

After six seconds, she said quickly, "I'm here."

"Drive!" Ding Wen said to Li Huo and Jiang San, and then said to the remaining two: "Send us there!"

"no problem!"

The two jeeps started, the engines roared, and they sprinted out, heading straight for the gas station in the safe zone.

They didn't collect information on whether or how many people were in the gas station.But let's fight as if there is a full formation inside.

The sound of the car was getting closer and closer, and the people in the gas station heard the sound, so immediately a person climbed to the top of the gas station, bent his bow and set an arrow, and began to accumulate power, ready to give a fatal blow when the car got closer. Hit the car directly.

There are really people inside!
And the person who climbed to the top of the gas station is obviously the Shadow Cat and the Spirit Arrow, because only the former has the ability to climb to the highest point that no one else can climb.

80 meters...

70 meters...

60 meters...

Ding Wen calculated the distance and time, and finally when the vehicle was more than 60 meters away from the gas station, he shouted: "Xiao Fang, hit!"

That is to say, after he said this, the Spirit Arrow player on the top of the gas station felt that it was about the same, so he let go of his hand, and the sharp arrow that had been planned for a long time broke away immediately, and quickly flew towards the oncoming jeep.

But in the next second, heavy gunshots rang out!
Different from the dull sound of heavy military sniping, this gunshot was also mixed with a chilling tearing sound.

It was as if some kind of creature was torn apart by a huge force, and it wailed vaguely.

And the bright sky seemed to become dark instantly with this bullet.

The Lingjian player's complexion changed, and he was about to turn over, but it was already too late.

Like a sharp blade, the bullet directly split his face in two, and exploded in the air in an instant!

The golden light of the amulet lit up, but it immediately shattered layer by layer, visible to the naked eye flashed across his body, and disappeared without a trace.

The dark fairy tale is dual-core, Ding Wen has 3+3 Di Xian, Fang Luoqing... naturally also has.

This heavy sniper is a new 3+3 weapon after the revision of the ocean heavy sniper - Abyss Fission!
So even if the Spirit Arrow player had the amulet on his body, he still couldn't stop the headshot damage from the 'Abyss' gun. He was killed by a single shot and fell down from the top of the gas station.

"The player's dark fairy tale丨Aladdin knocks down the troubled times with the fission of the abyss丨Grass bandits!"

"It's high." Fang Luoqing reported with a flat face.

"Cigarettes!" Ding Wen shouted again.

If the troubled times are fully edited, it is certainly impossible to have only one frame position, at least two or more.

The grass bandit's spiritual arrow is the first barrier of the gas station, and it is responsible for the farthest and widest area of ​​defense.

And the arrow he shot before the fall did not cause fatal damage to the two people in the jeep. After all, it was a high-speed vehicle, and the preview landing point and distance were very difficult. The head car flew by and missed.

As soon as he fell to the ground, the player in charge of the second defensive barrier in the troubled times was also ready to make a move.

He is a Qianshou Tang with a hidden weapon and poisoned, and he is also the most threatening profession to the vehicle.

Although the hidden weapon has been revised and has a longer range, in order to make the locust stone hit more, he did not rush to do it, but raised his hand when the vehicle was getting closer to the gas station, intending to destroy the dark fairy tale directly by numbers head car.

But he was worse than the grass bandit, the latter fell down at least with his hands out, but he didn't even raise his hands before raising his hands. Behind a few giant trees about 60 meters away, two cold lights suddenly appeared !

There was a flash in front of his eyes, and two pear blossom nails flew towards his eyes suddenly, and then drilled into his eyes!

"Attention, you are in a 'blind' state!"

While the blood volume plummeted, Qianshoutang player also heard a prompt from the system.

Fortunately, it was only two pear blossom nails, so it wouldn't kill him.His life was saved, but he could no longer make any effective attacks on the enemies in the car.

The double car carrying the three people is still speeding, and the rush point is also continuing.

In less than five seconds, the two people who were in charge of the long-range support in Chaotic Times fell down, leaving only two melee and one support in the gas station.

(End of this chapter)

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