I can see the finals

Chapter 217 Another defeat!The strength of new teammates!

Chapter 217 Another defeat!The strength of new teammates!
"Nb! This is a special attack point research, right?"

Bai Mu died and did not retreat, and had been observing Ding Wen's perspective. Although he couldn't hear the content of their exchange, they could clearly see their various tactical arrangements and action intentions.

At this time, seeing the two points that Yanjuan and Fang Luoqing stepped on, destroying the long-range defense line in the troubled times in one fell swoop, even Bai Mu couldn't help but shine.

This must have been specially researched, even repeated training many times, otherwise it would not be able to achieve such an effect!
As the most brilliant commander in District [-], Bai Mu knows how difficult it is to study all the maps and terrains of the survivors. It is no exaggeration to say that he can guarantee that... there is no player in the world who can map all the points in all the maps. Memorize it, because the memory required to be able to memorize it is simply too strict.

Maybe there are such memory geniuses in other fields, but this kind of genius will not come to play games. Professional players are beautiful and can make money. Compared with scientists, compared with those useful talents in countries that contribute their strength to the development of science and technology, professional players Players are nothing.

After all, technology is the primary productive force, and professional players play games, and professional stars can at most replace actors and singers before the new calendar year, which will not help the development of technology.

Closer to home, because it is too difficult to memorize all the terrains, usually when the team is training, they will only deliberately practice those large popular areas, or a certain team in a certain game will leave everyone with a certain terrain. Only when you have a deep impression will you be known.

Oh, it turns out that this place should be played like this, and this is the right place!

That's probably what it means.

Regarding gas stations, not to mention other pictures, there are many in Lost Cities alone. Gas stations in different terrains have different offensive and defensive positions.

For example, at the gas station in Chaotic Times, Qianshoutang's position is correct, but the choice of the first spirit arrow grass bandit is undoubtedly very poor.

The coach often says that if you have a high point, you must take the high point.This sentence is correct, but not all choices have to be high points.

Take the vandal's point of view, there was no cover at the high point of the gas station, and he didn't know where the opponent's stand was, so he went to the high point recklessly, and it turned out to be the most obvious and eye-catching target.

So whoever dies if you don't die?

The two stand positions arranged by Ding Wen are exquisite, one for COSCO, and from Bai Mu's point of view, they are both the most perfect positions.

If he is the defender of the gas station, Shiraki will let the team's long-range position be parallel, guard at the door, and enter the bunker at any time after attacking, so that the opponent's position is not easy to hit.

Next, if he fails to prevent the opponent from driving close, Shiraki will let the team members smoke to prevent the opponent's melee control of the periphery and trap himself in the gas station.

"Being close is inevitable. There is still a chance to smoke, but the troubled times will definitely be gone."

This is Shiraki's view.

But what will the commander in troubled times do?

Bai Mu didn't know, and neither did Ding Wen.

The ID of the commander in troubled times is a counselor, and he should have a high IQ based on his name, but in fact, on the contrary, his command ability is not much better than that of Mu Tongmu, and it is not much better.

When the three of Ding and Wen drove to the near point, they came to the entrance of the gas station.

Then, the three of them in the troubled times... came out together!
One is holding a cracked knife, the blade is surrounded by black, and is smeared with poison; the left hand is in shackles, and the right hand is an ink knife, which is a classic combination of gladiator and prisoner; the last one is carrying a gourd and holding a blue-green Scimitar, after going out, the silk thread of the handle of the scimitar flicked, and immediately circled away, flying towards Ding Wen and the others who had just got off the car!
"What the hell... Eastwalker plus medicine king?"

Ding Wenwen and Baimu were surprised and puzzled at the same time.

Of course, the more important thing is... They actually rushed out?
Looking for a chance to escape without smoking?

Could it be that they want to make a quick decision, get to the nearest enemy as soon as possible, and forcibly smooth out the gap in numbers?
Hmm... Although this is also a strategy, Ding Wenwen and Baimu feel extremely stupid.

The idea of ​​the counselors is likely to be like this. When they are fighting close to Ding Wen, the rear frame position is not easy to aim, and it is easy to accidentally injure teammates; Chance of hitting.

As long as they can make a quick decision and kill the three of Ding and Wen in time, it will be impossible for the next two positions to come back.

They can't come, they can't form a siege, and of course 'being surrounded' doesn't exist.

"Hey, it's too easy to think about the problem."

Bai Mu couldn't help but shake his head regretfully, Chaos World didn't even know what the auxiliary profession was on the other side, and there was a lack of information. If they knew that Ding Wen was a full-fledged psychic, they might not dare to rush forward so recklessly.

"They probably thought that Ding Wen had appointed a trap expert and concentrated all resources on it, and they were on the defensive side, so they dared to rush forward?"

Although the counselor's talent is not outstanding enough, he still has the most basic command ability.

Two of his team members were hit by different long-range weapons, indicating that Ding Wen was not among the two on the other side, and through observation, he locked that there were three people in the car, so Ding Wen, who is an expert in traps, must be among them.

Trap experts are better at defense than offense. With this logic, the strategist immediately ordered his teammates to follow him without any hesitation.

how to say……

In fact, it's hard to say.

After all, trap experts are indeed stronger than defense.

But the problem is, they don't know that Ding Wen's resources are all concentrated on psychics.

In the absence of a key piece of information, this close combat that is easy to fight and can be fought... is not necessarily the case.

The wilderness swordsman player with a cracked knife rushed to Ding Wen's eyes first, but before that, the counselor's scimitar came first, turned quickly sideways, and flew towards Ding Wen's neck.

"Hit the little yellow duck first! He is Ding Wen!"

There is no way, Ding Wen's outfit is too conspicuous, and he is a support, so it is easier to attract hatred.

In the past, when Ding Wen was attacked by a scimitar, most of them would be stunned, and then sweat and tremble because of the illness.

In fact, he reacted in the same way now, staying in place and unable to dodge.

But the difference is...he didn't die this time.

It was not attacked either.

At the moment when the scimitar cut his throat, suddenly - white light burst out!
Then, there was a crisp sound of the mirror breaking, and then, a pair of snow-white and gloomy claws stretched out from the mirror that appeared in front of Ding Wen out of thin air, and raised their hands to grab the scimitar.

Immediately, the thread controlling the scimitar tore apart from the counselor's hand, and was directly confiscated by the mirror ghost.

"Fuck! Psychic medium?"

The counselor cursed secretly, and then went into the supermarket at the gas station without looking back.

Without a weapon, he becomes a useless person. The medicine king can only add blood and smear poison, and he can't fight, so if he doesn't run now, when will he wait!

And having said that, he can also be considered a strategic retreat, because he has a bunker in the gas station, and he can safely heal his teammates.

Ding Wen outside can't fight either, the scene is at most 2V2, with his blood increase, he may not necessarily lose.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he entered the gas station, a pair of hands emerged from the smooth wall, and then Ding Wen's whole body got out of the wall and came in front of the counselor.

"Dixian also has it?"

The strategist turned pale in astonishment, aren't you playing a trap?Why are all the resources given to psychics?
But after the shock, he immediately stabilized his mind.

Everyone is support, there is no weapon with great lethality, who is afraid of whom.

Thinking about it, the counselor casually picked up the chair beside him and threw it at him!

With a slap, Ding Wen was hit hard by the chair, and his HP was -1.

When the strategist got his hands, he threw away whatever was around him. Immediately, all kinds of messy furniture, objects, and small shelves were thrown out, all flying towards Ding Wen.

Ding Wen's expression remained the same, watching his blood volume decrease slowly, little by little, without any pain, and then calmly began to summon the paper figurine.

They are 'fighting' here like a house, but the battlefield outside is extremely fierce.

Jiang San and Li Huo faced each other, and the two sides fought hard.

The counselor's command level is similar to that of Mu Tongmu, but the strength of the other players cannot be compared. After all, all Datong Mu starts, and they... are a mix of substitutes.

So even Astro Boy can't beat Jiang San, how can these two little-known players win in troubled times?
Ding Wen's unique vision of selecting people is reflected here again.

The two youth trainees only need to concentrate on fighting, and don't have to think about anything else, and their fighting talents are brought into full play.

After the two sides fought each other for a few moves, Li Huo's opponent could no longer keep up with his knife speed, and the poison on the knife was wiped off in vain, and Li Huo could not be cut at all.

Finally, on the sixth cut, Li Huo found an opportunity and slashed him in the stomach.

Red blood mixed with black blood poured out from the latter's wound, his poison was useless, but Li Huo used it on him first.

In today's version, almost everyone has poison, and those who don't are either top experts or fools.

"Counselor, add blood!"

The poisoned person felt a chill in his heart, and shouted at the counselor at the gas station in a panic!

"What are you doing? Add blood! Isn't it within the range?"

He yelled twice before the counselor's struggling voice could barely be heard: "Wait, it's not easy for me to add."

your uncle...

After the words fell, he was stabbed again, with bitterness on his face, watching his blood keep beating, becoming less and less, and his fighting spirit became weaker and weaker.Not long after, Li Huo found another opportunity and cut it to the ground.

And Jiang San seemed to have a tacit understanding with him. When Li Huo defeated his opponent, he just happened to put his last punch fiercely on the opponent's face.

In the troubled times, the only two capable team members both fell to the ground. At this time, Fang Luoqing and Cigarettes hadn't arrived yet, and the battle was about to end, leaving only the two assistants in the gas station shop.

Ding Wen took another six or seven paper figurines, made a medicine bag for himself, and then looked at the counselor who was cutting more and more paper figurines with his bare hands, like mowing grass:
"Are you still fighting?"

 Another three thousand words!In a sense, it can be regarded as an addition!

(End of this chapter)

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