I can see the finals

Chapter 218 So Fierce

Chapter 218 So Fierce

"The player's dark fairy tale丨The giant eliminates the troubled world with an ink knife丨Counselor!"

"Player in troubled times丨The hero was finally eliminated..."

"A player in troubled times 丨 Heroes are finally eliminated..."

The first three of the Five Elements are due to the small number of people, and Datongmu is due to being yin, plus the follow-up circle problem, the two have their own disadvantages, so it is understandable to be eliminated by the dark fairy tale group.

But now it is a real strength to capture the gas station. It must be an exaggeration to forcefully push away the troubled times.

As we all know, the defensive side has an innate advantage, and the advantage is not small. Although the overall strength of the troubled times is not good, but as the defensive side, if the garrison position is not bad, generally speaking, any team that wants to attack them , At least one or two people have to pay the price.

No matter how weak the strength is, you can always change it, right?

In any case, Troubled Times is a PGK team, not something that PGL can compete with. No matter how powerful a super expert is, they are still human, and human beings must follow the game mechanism.

Therefore, the troubled times are very dissatisfied with the loss. If the game is resumed after the game, the key reason for their own loss is probably the Spirit Arrow player who climbed to the top of the gas station, and he will definitely take the blame.If he hadn't died and made no mistakes, how could Dark Fairy have captured the gas station so easily?
What's even more embarrassing is that, apart from assisting Ding Wen, the remaining four people were not even injured.

This is... even more embarrassing.

Thanks to the training match, otherwise they played like this in the official game, and the club's official blog would 100% be overwhelmed by those crazy fans.

But then again, Ding Wen also showed them, including Bai Mu, the new version of the psychic... how powerful it is!
Of course, it is a fully matched psychic!
Compared with the popular Southwest Medicine King, the psychic is not inferior at all, and even stronger to a certain extent.

However, these are all things that the coach studied after the game. When he returned to the field, Bai Mu still did not retreat and continued to watch Ding Wen.

The dark fairy tales are currently in full swing, and they feel unstoppable. Although they have two pure No. [-] positions, it seems unreasonable, but under Ding Wen's command, these unreasonable things have all become reasonable.

The two newcomers from the youth academy both played to their strengths. They made three near-point charges without missing a single shot. Ding Wen has been firmly in control of the situation, allowing them to face the most suitable enemy and the most suitable number of enemies.

These three times, as long as they got close enough, the battle could almost be declared over.

"Their style of play has changed...it has become so aggressive."

Shiraki thought silently. He had watched the entire PGL promotion match. Qiqi's style was mostly circles and straight shots. He tried to avoid other enemies in the early stage, and then used traps as an important means of auxiliary defense.

It was at the end of the game that Qiqi's score was too high, so Ding Wen changed his style of play slightly and tried more different styles of play.

But in PGK, the first training match of Dark Fairy Tale, Ding Wen's style suddenly changed, from a more operational style of play to a fierce fighting style.

Counting the Luofengtang in the first stage, Diablo Fairytale has fought against four teams so far, three were completely wiped out, one was seriously injured, and two remotes were lost. The team's strength is a bit too scary.

In fact, thinking about it is also true. At that time, there were only two capable players in Qiqi, and Ding Wen could only serve food with food, and his style was more operational; but when he arrived at PGK, he was paired with two talented rookies, and his combat effectiveness immediately increased.

So now Diablo Fairy Tale can fight as well as fight, can operate, and can also be positively attacked by others, not to mention that the new version is still a strong support version. Even Ding Wen's lack of combat power and the only weakness has been made up for.

"Sure enough, I've come to the right place. They really are a big problem."

Bai Mu had no choice but to be thankful for his care and prudence. If he hadn't come, he wouldn't have known that Ding Wen didn't even have an adaptation period, and he could seamlessly integrate into PGK, like a fish in water, and he didn't look like a newcomer promoted from PGL at all.

People always say that youth training players are newcomers, lack of experience or something, but don't forget that Ding Wen has only played for a month, which is 'newer' than these youth training.

This is the most terrifying!


Next, Dark Fairy Tale went through a short period of rest and adjustment. They were the last team from the north. There must be no one behind them, and other teams with positions would not rush to grab their gas stations.

Before the sixth stage, it is time for equal corner cutting.

"Don't worry about moving for a while, first observe the two teams to the west and watch their movements."

Ding Wen only said this sentence, he knew where the next corner cut was. Although the circle didn't go to the gas station, it was not far away.

The countdown to the fifth stage began, and after 30 seconds, Ding Wen finally issued a new order.

"Jiang San, Li Huo, you two go to the third bid; Xiao Fang, the fifth bid; cigarettes, you follow, let's go to the front to check first."

Naturally, there was a reason for choosing a gas station as the impact point before.

The limit of the telescope and the scope can be detected is almost the same, regardless of factors such as bunkers and high points, if viewed in parallel, the game setting is a distance of 500 meters.If you stand at a high point, you can see farther, and it is not a problem beyond 800 meters.

Ding Wen doesn't need to collect the field of view information that far away, about 400 or 500 meters is enough, because the cutting angle of the sixth stage is a little northerly, they only need this distance to enter the circle.

The gas station is the best choice for observing this distance among the previous three points.Moreover, it is easy to go to the south, and it is not easy to get stuck by the team in the middle. It is very smooth to reach the northern edge of the next safe zone.

"This is to drive people away."

Bai Mu couldn't see the circle, but it was not difficult to know from Ding Wen's actions that Diablo Fairy Tale wanted to drive away all the western teams who were with them in the north.

Note that it is driving, not card.

Because the choice of those teams was not limited to Ding Wen's direction. Once they found that there were people on the path to the east of their own, they could turn south and avoid them if they could.

Again, the defensive side is always better than the offensive side, so if you can't fight these teams that are out of position, then try not to fight.

"It seems that the circle shape you speculated is a north chamfer."

Bai Mu watched for a while until the sixth stage opened, and then confirmed his conjecture.

"Well... it can be regarded as cutting back to the true north, and the distance into the circle is not far."

Bai Mu is still very good, all his guesses were correct, the teams from the northwest were driven away as expected, and they entered the circle from their respective south sides, and one of the teams who wanted to try it was knocked out by Fang Luoqing One, I didn’t dare to try again, and immediately turned south.

Area D itself is only one-fifth of the map, and now part of it has been wiped away, the remaining area is naturally getting smaller and smaller, and there are also fewer spots that can provide a place for the team.

Through Ding Wen's perspective, Shirley discovered that he had seen the "villa complex" in the north of the current safe zone with a telescope, but the latter saw more of the second-floor buildings on the east side of the villas.

"You don't want to enter the villa, but the problem is, there are people on the second floor."

Bai Mu looked at it, as if he had put himself in it.

"Is there any better point... There seems to be no more. If it doesn't work, you can go to the villa group to hang around. Although it's not easy to get out, it's still better than the second floor."

This is Shiraki's idea. He thinks that as a team entering the circle, it is best to lower your eyes a bit. After all, the good points have been divided up by the teams in the circle. They have nothing to choose. They can go wherever they can. That's it.

But Ding Wen was totally different from what he thought.

His eyesight is 'high'.

"According to the arrangement just now, get in the car!"

This is……

When Shiraki saw that all members of Diablo Fairy Tale got into the car and rushed to the second floor, he was immediately shocked!

"Are you going to rush again?"

There are so many villas next to it, after all, there are no villas that can be entered. Do you have to pick a place with people?

This is... too fierce!
(End of this chapter)

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