Chapter 288
Port Paradise isn't the only team imitating, nor will it be the last.

They are discussing while watching the game, and some other clubs are also doing the same thing.

If there is no game today, about [-]% of the teams are discussing the 'possibility of formulating the route in advance'.

Of course, it is only a 'possibility' at the moment. After all, some teams have different styles and have their own style of play. It is not so easy to change suddenly.

For the remaining [-]%, some are resting, some are training, and some... are teams like Wuxing and Tiangong.


Five elements e-sports club, private hall.

Wu Zhan, Bai Mu, and Passing Three are all there.

"What's the matter, the commentary is too exaggerated, Lao Bai can do it easily, how can it be so exaggerated." Wu Zhan said, then turned to look at Bai Mu: "I'm talking to you, at least give me a look .”

Bai Mu didn't speak, and really looked at him, but only one.

Then, he turned his head away and continued to look at the screen.

At this time, the game has reached the fifth stage, and the dark fairy tale slowly came to the northeast edge of Area C without a high ranking.

It’s still full, and it’s still at the edge of the northeast. The two teams before them didn’t choose the edge, and moved to a deeper position in the circle. But the dark fairy tale was unlucky. Just cut them away.

Bai Mu watched carefully, and after more than ten seconds, he suddenly said: "They are about to fall."

Wu Zhan and Lu Guo looked at the same thing, but they didn't see any enemies around Diablo Fairy Tale.

Passing by, I couldn't help feeling puzzled: "Who lost? There is no team around them."

Bai Mu smiled slightly, as if he had the ability to predict the future, and said softly but confidently: "Look, it will fall right away."

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the dark fairy tale on the screen started to move, found a route, and headed into the circle. Halfway through, Jiang San was kicked out of the car.

Not long after his death, when Fang Luoqing was about to reach her destination, she was set on fire by nearby enemies and stepped into Jiang San's footsteps.

Wu Zhan opened his mouth wide: "Wow, that's true... As expected of Lao Bai, you have been counted."

However, Bai Mu had heard it too many times and became numb. He didn't react at all to his flattery, and explained very plainly: "The general route is correct, because they can only enter the circle in this direction. It seems that the ponytail The contestant has a good memory, and she did not forget the route Ding Wen set for her. But she didn't make a good judgment, and the route deviated a bit, in fact..."

"We shouldn't have lost people."

At the match scene, in the backstage of the guild hall, Ding Wen sighed with some pity.

As he was worried about before, he can formulate the route, but it is impossible to formulate it in such detail and put all the terrain into it.

When encountering a similar marked route, when there are large or small discrepancies, you have to judge by yourself.

If Ding Wen is on the field at this time, there is a [-]% probability that Diablo Fairy Tale will not drop anyone on the way to the circle.

It can only be said that it is a pity, but ponytail can't be blamed. After all, she made her debut as a substitute, and her overall performance is already very good. At least three people have successfully entered the circle. Some teams have been stuck in their current positions. If you can't even enter the circle, you will be out of the game.

Compared to them, the ponytail is pretty good.

Ding Wen glanced at the remaining number of people. There are still more than 10 people in the venue, full-staffed, and participating in the edited. Finally, there are nearly [-] teams.

The Boneyard is not lost on a rainy night. Five people lie down in the open space, and no one can see without oil lamps and flashes.

In this map, there is only fog in some places, and other places are normal, so it will be easier for players to find each other, and there will be more lone wolf remnants.

"Jiuchiroulin should have won this game, and it's enough for us to be in the top five."

Ding Wen said almost the same words as Daji before, a bit helpless, but not desperate.

If you can't see the circle, no one knows where the circle is.And the luck of this Jiuchi Roulin is simply overwhelming. At the sixth stage, they are still the center of the circle. As long as the last cut corner is not so outrageous, they are basically the first.

Yan Juan smiled and said, "Fifth is not bad, we have guaranteed points, but Team Ding, can I have an opinion?"

"Of course you can, you say."

Yan Juan said: "After the game, you can give Xiao Han some psychological counseling. She played too conservatively, and we haven't got a single elimination point. You have to tell her to let go of the game and don't worry about the score. "

"You're right, it's a bit conservative."

Ding Wen naturally noticed the problem he said. It may be because he has not played for too long. Han Gedan was a little nervous on the court. It seemed that he didn't have much confidence, and he didn't seem too daring to command Fang Luoqing and the others.

She can command and has a certain talent for commanding, but she is prone to nervousness.

In the training match, it was impossible to tell whether the players were nervous or not, so before the first match was over, Ding Wen was thinking in his heart, whether there were any good countermeasures, such as transfers.

Thinking about it, he suddenly asked Yan Jian: "How do you think Xiao Jiang is doing today?"

Cigarette thought for a while, but didn't answer, but looked at Yin Haze: "Boss, what do you think?"

Yin Haze didn't expect the topic to come to him, and was a little caught off guard: "What do you think, his performance is okay."

However, Li Zhenpi, who has been silent all this time, seems to have a different opinion: "If you ask me, he can barely pass. His performance today is not as good as Li Hei."

After finishing speaking, he turned on the magnetic watch on his wrist, called up the video of the first scene, and then stopped at a certain scene: "Look, at that time, he and Xiaofang Shouxin were at the entrance of the west city of Yangcheng, and outside the city was the Western Region And Datongmu. Here..."

Li Zhenpi circled Jiang San's position with a light pen: "Because he heard too many cars, it was obviously not a team, so he was in a hurry, knowing that he couldn't kill them with traps, so he wanted to pull them out in advance and bury them here." point."

When he was serious, he was really not obscene at all, and the others listened attentively to what he said.

"Liu Shen, I also heard your first-person voice at that time. You can go to that position, but you need to wait. The time you requested is 10 seconds, but he moved in the 9th second. Maybe you are playing on the court. I couldn't feel it for a second, and I didn't notice it at first, but I found out later when I replayed..."

Speaking of this, his tone was very dignified: "It is because of this second that the Western Regions caught the opportunity. After revealing his position...instantly kill him!"

After Ding Wen listened, he thought silently.

He really didn't know about this, because he wasn't with Jiang San at the time, and the news of the elimination came almost at the same time as the time he set. After the game, he was still thinking, if only he had waited longer.

Of course, although it had no effect on the result, both he and Jiang San had to bear the blame.

Jiang San was a little too anxious, but he himself gave a very accurate figure too confidently.

Under the circumstances at that time, switching to other conductors may not be as detailed as a few seconds, but will only say that you are waiting, and you can determine the specific time yourself.

While thinking, Li Zhenpi sighed again: "Originally, I planned to tell you as soon as the game was over, but you got too many points, and you are getting excited, so I don't want to disturb the excitement at that time, wait Let’s talk about it after five games today. But since you asked about Jiang San, I think it’s better to talk about it first, and don’t wait for the replay after the game.”

(End of this chapter)

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