I can see the finals

Chapter 289 New Lineup

Chapter 289 New Lineup

Ding Wen listened carefully to every word Li Zhenpi said. The topic about Jiang San was brought up by himself. Some small details of the game, he decided to solve the latter problem first.

Going back to the first one, according to Ding Wen's understanding, Jiang San's mistake was actually not as serious as Li Zhenpi said.

You know, players are human, and there is no player who doesn't make mistakes. Compared with the small mistake Jiang San made, the other teams made real mistakes.After a game, no matter whether it is good or bad, if you pick carefully, you can pick out at least a dozen mistakes.

Are the five elements and Tiangong strong enough? Very strong!

But even they make mistakes in every game, but they make very, very few mistakes.

Ding Wen felt that the first hand was perfect, but his small flaw was that Jiang San was too anxious and the other was too confident. It is not difficult to correct this kind of thing after the game.

His philosophy is different from Li Zhenpi's. Despite the latter's usual sloppy appearance, his requirements for players are so strict that he pays too much attention to details.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this in itself. The Dark Fairy Tale itself is a team that emphasizes discipline. It is commonplace for other teams, but not for them.

As he got along with Li Zhenpi day by day, Ding Wen's opinion of him gradually improved a lot. In his relief, he did not forget to bring the topic back to the real reason why he took the initiative to bring up Jiang San.

"I'll tell them when they're done. What I want to say is another thing."

Ding Wen asked: "Leaving aside the mistakes, what do you think of Xiao Jiang's overall performance so far in two rounds?"

Li Zhenpi was stunned, and then replied: "Don't talk about that mistake, his overall performance is not bad, there is no problem in tactical execution, and he is very obedient...By the way, why are you asking this?"

Ding Wen didn't answer, and the cigarette next to him suddenly said, "Didn't you find out?"

Li Zhenpi was stunned again: "What did you find?"

Cigarette: "He lacks a little spirituality. Of course, what I mean is that compared with Xiao Li, he is a little less interesting."

A long time ago, before the first round of the competition even started, Ding Wen asked them for their opinions on the support issue. He meant that there were at least two supporters in the team, and he took two of them, and the remaining one needed to be supported. Any one of them with melee.

After some consideration, Jiang San was afraid to choose due to various worries, and finally the task of being a support was handed over to Li Hei.

The match lasted seven games. With only one attacking class, Li Hei's performance was exceptionally perfect, and he could hardly find any faults. On the contrary, Jiang San, who chose all attacking classes, performed mediocrely, and he was very obedient, but There is no bright spot, just a pure tool man.

The spirituality in the cigarette mouth is reflected here.

After Li Huo quietly entered the city, the instructions given by Ding Wen were not so detailed. He just said that he should use a psychic to hold Daji back as much as possible, so he was suspicious. In order to disturb Daji's mind, he has not been discovered yet by using his own ideas and rationally using the characteristics of the two professions of shadow cat and psychic medium.

In addition, he stood outside the city alone, killed Shen Gongbao first, and then picked Daji. He also won, which is even more commendable.

Ding Wen can give tactical arrangements, but he definitely can't help with the details of the battle.First of all, he couldn't see it, and secondly, even if he saw it, Li Huo couldn't listen to his dictation to fight, because just listening to Ding Wen BB's kung fu, Li Huo would have been killed by the opponent long ago.

So seeing that Li Zhenpi was still puzzled, as if he didn't understand, Ding Wen said bluntly: "To put it simply, I feel that the space that Xiao Jiang can dig...is not as big as Li Huo."

Hearing this, both Yin Haze and Li Zhenpi's expressions changed. The former remained silent and didn't express any opinions, while the latter asked directly: "You mean, Xiao Jiang's potential has reached its end?"

"It's not the end, he still has room for improvement in combat power, after all, he is still young." Ding Wen patiently explained: "I mean, his position has been fixed, he can only play the number one position, he cannot Then try other professions. As for Xiao Li, I feel that there is still room to tap other talents, maybe..."

Li Zhenpi hurriedly asked: "Maybe what?"

Ding Wen looked at the screen. At this time, the dark fairy tale in the game has been eliminated, stopping No.5.

He didn't have any special expressions, and couldn't tell whether it was good or bad, he just said: "Maybe we can try... to change the lineup."


After the third match, the final winner was Jiuchi Roulin. They successfully won the first place in this round with fifteen kills.

Dark Fairy Tale has only one elimination, plus ranking points, this one got 600 points, not amazing but qualified.

While King Zhou, Trojan Horse, and Earl of Jiuchi Roulin were all on stage for an interview, Ding Wen came to the competition area alone.

Seeing him coming, except for Fang Luoqing, the other four stood up quickly and shouted, "Team Ding."

"It's okay, sit down." Ding Wen pressed his hands, motioning for them to sit down, then leaned against the iron plate in the cubicle, and said with a smile: "How do you feel?"

Han Gedan showed shame: "Captain Ding, I'm sorry, I..."

"You've done a good job." Ding Wen hurriedly interrupted her: "Besides, I didn't come up because of this. Didn't I say that, let's just let go and fight, don't think about this or that... ...well, that's right."

Ding Wen didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Xiao Han, can you play another position?"

"Ah?" Han Gedan didn't expect his question, and his face was blank for a moment: "What position? I've never played anything else before."

"Try it." Ding Wentong said in an encouraging tone: "You are still in command, but in terms of position, you and Xiao Li can adjust."

Hearing this, Li Huo raised his head in surprise, looking at Ding Wen blankly as if he hadn't expected it.

But even though he had doubts in his heart, he still readily agreed: "Okay, I will play support."

On the side, Jiang San's eyes wandered between him and Han Gedan, and he remained silent.

"This is not good." Han Gedan looked a little nervous: "Xiao Li played pretty well in the first position, but I suddenly..."

"Not suddenly." Ding Wen backed away from the iron plate, as if he didn't think it was such a big deal, and said with a relaxed and happy smile: "Okay, that's it, the fourth game is still the four of you, and the last game I will No matter how appropriate the transfer is. It’s still the same sentence, don’t worry about points, come on! Let go and fight!”

Ding Wenban came and went quickly. After saying this, he stepped off the stage immediately, and did not review the game with the players just now.

Maybe after the fifth game, maybe he didn't think it was necessary. Anyway, the few people in the competition area didn't understand his thoughts.

At the beginning of the fourth game, Han Gedan still adhered to the superior tactics and led the players through the first four stages safely. In the fifth stage, his luck was better than that of the first stage. Circle luck, they exchange five YAM.

After the end game, they ranked fourth with 6 kills, ending the fourth game.

Han Gedan is naturally not as exaggerated as Ding Wen. The score of the fourth with 6 kills is 1200 points, which is about equal to the first place with 2 kills. The score is considerable.

In addition, after being transferred, her performance in the first position was not bad, and she took two kills.

However, her old problem is still nervous, especially if she does not play support, she has become a number one who needs to focus more on combat, and the pressure has almost doubled.

So Li Zhenpi in the backstage was still very confused, and didn't understand Ding Wen's intention to make a substitution. From the surface, the only 'effect' after the substitution was to supercharge Han Gedan and make her more nervous. It's useless.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Unexpectedly, Ding Wen was still nodding secretly, as expected.

So Li Zhenpi couldn't hold back anymore: "Liushen, can I ask?"

Ding Wen seemed to know what he wanted to ask, just smiled, and answered very briefly: "In the third round, I plan to change the lineup."

Li Zhenpi was stunned: "Isn't it changing the lineup now?"

Ding Wen shook his head: "It's not the same, because after the third round... I will play again."

(End of this chapter)

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