I can see the finals

Chapter 290 Three battles, the dark children's chapter after the transformation

Chapter 290 Three Wars, A Dark Fairy Tale After Transformation

Cigarette: "Good guy, can't bear it after only three games?"

Ding Wen: "Eh... Who did you learn the words from?"

Cigarette: "Xiao Fang."

Ding Wen: "Okay."

Li Zhenpi: "So, what will be the change then, don't you play support?"

Ding Wen: "Fight."

Li Zhenpi: "Huh?"

As soon as Ding Wen's answer came out, he couldn't help but became more confused: "I understand, you play support, Han Gedan can play, so Xiao Li should make up one or three to play the 5th position?"

Ding Wen shook his head: "Of course not. When I get back to the club, I'll tell you about the lineup after the change. There are too many people in the backstage, so it's not suitable."

"Okay, go back and talk." Li Zhenpi nodded, and then didn't ask any more questions.

In the fifth game, the next player was exile, and the one who played was Zuo Huer, Fang Luoqing played 2, he played 4.

The final match of the second round came to an unremarkable end. The Dark Fairy Tale only scored 400 points, but with the points from three or four matches, it was considered to have met Ding Wen's expectations, and even more.

In general, the substitutes performed well in the three games. Regardless of the points scored by Ding Wen, they are also at the level of a mid-level team, at least they will not fall behind.

Today's No. [-] is undoubtedly a dark fairy tale. They got too many points in the first game, and the teams in the last three games didn't give it in vain, and there was a situation where the points dropped to zero.So even after Ding Wen left the field, Jiuchi Roulin suddenly rushed to catch up and scored three big points, but it was a pity that they still couldn't surpass their total points.

Of course, the total score refers to today's score. If you add up the two rounds, Jiuchi Roulin still doesn't belong to the first echelon of points, probably around eleven or twelve.

There are five groups in the first stage of the league, and forty teams will be eliminated. If there are more than a dozen teams, it is still not safe. They must enter the top ten. This is the ranking line that must be entered.Fortunately, there are still three rounds of the group competition. Judging from the strength of Jiuchi Roulin in the next three games, they still have enough time to catch up. The other teams must not be careless.

But the dark fairy tale does not belong to the category of "worrying team", and Jiuchi Roulin knows that they have just gotten rid of Ding Wen for three games, and they will soon see... that familiar and lovely face again.


The game ended, as usual, it was the interview session. Although Ding Wen only played two games, he ranked first with a high elimination of 27 kills, far surpassing those players who played five games, and won the single-day kill king for the first time .

The MVP was given to King Zhou of Jiuchi Roulin.

Hmm...isn't it weird?

A player who was paid for nothing in two games suddenly exploded in the last three games and forcibly took away Ding Wen's MVP.

If Ding Wen played five games, the MVP would definitely not be his turn, but he only played two games, and there is no data for the second game, so after careful consideration by the game officials, it was finally given to King Zhou.

If it weren't for his outburst, Jiuchi Roulin wouldn't have been able to chase so many points, from the end to the middle.

Metaphysics is really amazing. Ding Wen seems to have a bad luck buff. When he is present, even if he does not meet with King Zhou, the latter will still encounter various bizarre deaths.

As soon as he left, the bad luck disappeared, and King Zhou became alive and vigorous in an instant. In the last match, he even went three in a row and killed three Peerless players including God of War.

If Ding Wen hadn't had several swiping screens in the first game, perhaps his series of threes would have been listed as the best shot of the day.

Five of today's top ten shots are Ding Wen's, two of him, and two of Fang Luoqing's final round piercing through smoke and fighting with the holy monk. Wine pool meat forest.

On the whole, the best shots are mostly in the first game. After all, this is a classic game that is destined to be recorded in the annals of history, and it also has a special meaning. During the interview, what is played on the big screen in a loop is mainly the first game. game clips.

Skipping the boring interview session, Ding Wen couldn't refuse the request of those fanatical fans when the contestants left the field, and stayed in the clubhouse for half an hour to take a group photo.

It wasn't until the hall was about to close and everyone had to leave that the fans let Ding Wen go and watched him leave the backstage with nostalgia.

Ding Wen didn't know how many fans Diablo Fairy Tale has attracted today. After returning to the club's forum, he found that the forum had already exploded. It looks good now, and it doesn't look so shabby anymore.

And the increase in fans continues. According to this trend, the official blog of Diablo Fairy Tale will soon exceed the 100 million mark, and 200 million is not a dream.

As for Ding Wen's personal account, the number of followers is outrageous. He actually has more followers than the club, and has already passed 100 million.

It is true that millions of followers are not a lot for a strong team like Wuxing, but for a new team that has only been established for a month...it is already a lot.

Ding Wen strolled leisurely on the forum for a while, and then logged off.

There are many people who praise him, but there are also many who scold him.

Don't even think about it, these people are most likely fans of Rainbow Girls.

Rainbow Girl itself is not annoying, what is really annoying are those extreme fans. Although there are normal fans, they only account for two-fifths.

Ding Wen's "self-eating evil results" has long been psychologically prepared, so his mood was not affected by it. He should eat and sleep.

The interval between games passed so smoothly.

Regarding the questions raised by Li Zhenpi in the background and Ding Wen's own thoughts, he also talked a lot with the players during this period, and solved some minor problems that occurred during the game.

Li Zhenpi's doubts were not without reason at the time, because the substitution in Ding Wen's mouth... no one really thought of it!

The rookie Jiang San who was trained as the starter fell to the bench, Han Gedan took the No. [-] position, and the other players were still in normal positions.

Before, Yanjuan was still saying that Ding Wen only had three games off, but he didn't expect that he would do the same.In the third round, he will continue to play and adapt to the new lineup with Ding Wen.

Of course, this lineup is not fixed. To use a sentence that has been said countless times... that is, enough, not afraid of waves.

If Han Gedan's performance fails to meet expectations, Ding Wen may continue to use the previous lineup.

And having said that, with him in Han Gedan, you don't need to think about commanding, so maybe you won't be nervous. Watch the three rounds of the second half of the next day.

During the break, the Dark Fairy Tale training match was not played. In the evening, Ding Wen took the new lineup to play ranked.

Needless to say, the ranks are naturally random killings, but Han Gedan's melee strength is gradually reflected. With her extremely fast hands, her talent in the first position is also displayed in front of everyone after she does not play support.

She is only 21 years younger than Jiang San by three years. She is not an old player, and the young people's reflexes are still there. This made Ding Wen more convinced of his opinion.


In the blink of an eye, the day after tomorrow, the third round of the Mayan Jungle match started.

Before the contestants' entrance ceremony, several people in Jiuchi Roulin also saw Ding Wen. Unlike the first time they met each other, they were all smiles, and even ran over to greet Ding Wen and the others warmly.

"Oh, you guys are really amazing, the first place in the group is sure to be secured!"

"Yes, yes, Team Ding, you are so fierce, how can the team behind us chase after you?"

But despite what they said, there was no expression of difficulty on their faces, and they were very relaxed.

Ding Wen didn't say anything, just smiled subtly and chatted happily with them, the atmosphere was peaceful.

"Next, let's invite the first team to play today...Dark Fairy Tale!"

"Let us welcome them to the stage with the warmest applause!"

The loud and clear voice of the host sounded in the clubhouse and was clearly transmitted to the backstage.

Several people in Jiuchi Roulin also laughed and clapped together.

But as she patted and patted, Daji suddenly noticed something was wrong, and the applause gradually weakened: "Captain Ding... what are you doing?"

Ding Wen suddenly looked at her strangely: "What else can I do, go on stage."

(End of this chapter)

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