I can see the finals

Chapter 394 Weakness Unsealed

Chapter 394 Weakness Unsealed
Hearing that the footsteps disappeared, Ding Wen's heart tightened, and he quickly got ready.If the other party went upstairs, the voice would not be so sudden. He must be planning to enter the door, or something new happened outside.

After waiting for a few seconds, the sound of pushing the door still didn't sound, so Ding Wenneng decided that it was the second possibility.

The man outside seemed to be thinking of ambush, hiding at the corner of the stairs.

The interior of the buildings in this old-fashioned community is not very wide, and there are only two rooms on the first floor, which are still opposite to each other, and the distance between each other is only a few meters.And the corridors are naturally not that wide. If that person hides in the blind spot, there is a high probability that he can overshadow unsuspecting enemies.

Ding Wen pricked up his ears, ready to listen to the elimination information.

The first thing he heard were two rapid cracking sounds, and an obvious rebound. Some hidden weapon hit the metal stair railing, and the other was silent, probably hitting the opponent's body.Players will not scream because of pain, they will not scream, and the opponent is very likely to have been tricked.

"The person who ambushed was the Buddha of Ten Thousand Hands."

Ding Wen silently wrote down the information, and then continued to listen.

After the two hidden weapons were fired outside, there was no special sound in short breaths. Ding Wen seemed to have heard some very faint footsteps indistinctly.

This time the footsteps were not made by the ambushing person, otherwise Ding Wen would have heard it, the only possibility is that the ambushed person saw that the situation was wrong and was about to retreat downstairs.

Without advance skills, in such a narrow corridor, it is almost impossible to get close to Wanshou Buddha. If that person retreats, it is undoubtedly the most sensible choice.

Ding Wen originally planned to keep still and concentrate on listening to the movement, but unexpectedly, a roar that pierced the eardrum suddenly came from outside.


The roar was mixed with panic, and at the same time covered up other voices.

As the scolding ended, the elimination message sounded in the third second.

"Player Five Elements丨Wu Zhan eliminated Huangquan丨Mandala with Mo Dao!"

Old acquaintance.

Ding Wen listened silently, his brows slowly furrowed.

Wu Zhan came so early?

This is not a good thing.

After the elimination message was over, the Wanshou Buddha who was in ambush retreated at the same time, spreading his legs and running upstairs.

The chaotic and hurried footsteps went away, followed by Wu Zhan's footsteps.

"Fortunately, that person ran downstairs."

Ding Wen didn't panic at all, knowing that Wu Zhan would not come in unless he was deaf.

Sure enough, Wu Zhan didn't stay outside the door of 501 for a while, and then went upstairs to chase after him.

"Where's Xiao Fang? Why hasn't she come yet?"

Suddenly, Ding Wen regretted it a little. If he had known about it, he would have told Building B to the other party.

Now that Wu Zhan entered Building B ahead of schedule, with the strength of the players on the current floor, almost none of them could stop him. If Fang Luoqing was here, at least he would be able to match, so that no one would run away.

Not to mention Xiao Fang, even King Zhou and God of War didn't show up, but Ding Wen clearly remembered that they were not dead, and he didn't know what they were doing now that they weren't in the circle.

While my thoughts were wandering, new footsteps suddenly came again!
Ding Wen immediately came back to his senses and listened attentively.

Wu Zhan is still following people?

But Ding Wen didn't know, the more interesting thing was yet to come.

Because this person... actually pushed open the door of 501!

Ding Wen's expression changed, he was nervous and looking forward to it.

It doesn't matter if you come in, the important thing is that this person should not be too powerful, nor too cautious, the kind who rummages through boxes and boxes.

If this kind of person is really... No way, Ding Wen can only fight him.

Thinking about it, Ding Wen quietly took out the only common equipment scalpel on his body: "I can stab 5 times in 7 seconds, um...it should be possible."

It's been a long time since Ding Wen has used a knife, and Ding Wen is really not sure about his current hand speed. In the new version, ordinary equipment can no longer be upgraded and synthesized. That is to say, the knife is still a hammer, and the arm is still a head. Deals 1 damage.

Not counting amulets, everyone has 10 blood points.Ding Wen's mechanism has a hard control time of 5 seconds. Although he is not yet clear in what form the mechanism is controlled, as long as he can control it, he must throw ten knives within 5 seconds, one less knife Will not work!
"Huh~ Let's try it. I used to be able to do it very easily."

Ding Wen secretly encouraged himself, held his breath, and looked out through the only gap in the wardrobe.

The newcomer was not in a hurry to enter the bedroom. He seemed to be very patient and carefully checked the hall.

"Oops, it's still a very cautious one!"

Ding Wen secretly felt that something was wrong, and almost had a premonition that he would not be able to catch the other party.

With this kind of personality, he would definitely use other means to check the closet, and would never open it himself.

How to do it?

Ding Wen seized the time to think about countermeasures.

At this moment, Wanshou Buddha, who had escaped before, was caught up by Wu Zhan.

"Player Five Elements丨Wu Zhan eliminated Mu Linghua丨Bai Xing with Mo Dao!"

Hearing this message, Ding Wen didn't think there was anything wrong, but the people in the lobby became impatient, and they didn't take their time to line up. Big footsteps sounded, and they walked straight to Ding Wen's bedroom!
"It's not necessary, Wu Zhan is still upstairs."

Ding Wen couldn't help feeling confused, but more excited, he immediately widened his eyes to see the appearance of that person.

White dress, water cloud sleeves, light boat pattern, double lapels in bronzing.

The person who came was... Shiraki!
But Ding Wen didn't care who he was, he just stared at him firmly without moving his eyes.

Just when Bai Mu was about to walk in, Ding Wen suddenly let out a long, long sigh of relief like an untightened balloon, clenched his fists with tears of joy, and even failed to control his emotions, directly Shouted: "Nice!!!"

Three years, a full three years.

The strange disease that caused people to panic and sweat... finally disappeared!

This time, he saw Bai Mu as if he saw it 800 meters away. There was no tension, no panic, some... just ecstatic!
"who is it?"

Hearing the sudden voice, Bai Mu stopped immediately, with Dao in front of him, put on a posture of confronting the enemy, and looked coldly at the wardrobe: "Come out."

"It's me." Ding Wen pushed open the closet with ease, and waved to him with a smile: "Me."

After seeing his fashion, Bai Mu recognized him, but he became more cautious because of this: "What is that thing on your head?"

"It's okay, I'm not your enemy." Ding Wen didn't intend to fight, and wanted to come out and have a chat with him, but Bai Mu stopped him: "Stand back! Stay away from me!"

Ding Wen retreated helplessly, and then looked at him with a smile: "It's okay, you will come in sooner or later."

"I can drill the bottom of the bed." Bai Mu also smiled back.

Smart people don't need to talk too much, Ding Wen knows that he is hiding from Wu Zhan, and he also knows that Ding Wen knows that he knows.

For Wu Zhan, no one is more familiar than Bai Mu. He knows very well that Wu Zhan will come down after chasing someone, so after a few seconds of smirking with Ding Wen, he did not try to attack him, but decisively chose Next to the bottom of the bed.

He had to hide, because Wu Zhan's footsteps... had gradually sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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