I can see the finals

Chapter 395 Analysis in the Cabinet

Chapter 395 Analysis in the Cabinet




This is not the sound of weapons colliding, but the sound of blades dragging the floor and touching smooth floor tiles.

At this time, Wu Zhan was dragging that fierce-looking long knife, wandering outside step by step.

He didn't continue to go downstairs, nor did he enter the house, but just paced back and forth in the corridor.

"He's in Callow."

These four words appeared in the minds of the white wood under the bed and Ding Wen in the cabinet.

Unlike those players who were in ambush, Wu Zhan just stood on the corridor so blatantly, not afraid to expose himself, waiting for other players to go upstairs.

It's already the seventh stage. Anyone can judge the position of the final circle and the plum blossom pile. There are not many people in the building now because some players are far away from each other, and some players are deadlocked with each other in a certain place.But no matter what, the contestants always have to come to Building B to come to the finals.

Since it was an individual competition, coupled with the narrow terrain of the floor, and Wu Zhan's personal melee strength, it was not particularly stupid for him to do this, at least there was some logic in it.

If it were Bai Mu or Ding Wen, they would definitely not dare to be so arrogant, but that's fine, as long as he doesn't come in.

"Are you sure you don't want to come to my place?" In the bedroom, Ding Wen asked in a low voice with the wardrobe half open.

It doesn't matter if he speaks now, he's busy outside, as long as he keeps his voice down, Wu Zhan won't be able to hear him.

"I'm fine under the bed." Bai Mu was indifferent and declined politely.

"But you can't fight back under the bed."

"No, it's okay." Although Bai Mu said so, his heart was a little loose.

"Hey, I'm just a support, you're melee, what are you afraid of!" Ding Wen threw out his trump card.

After finishing speaking, he immediately added: "Besides, my agency can give you assistance. When Wu Zhan comes in, I can provide control, and then you can kill him."

This sentence finally moved Bai Mu, actually thinking about it carefully, no matter how mysterious the mechanism master is, he is only an assistant after all.

How can there be a second person in the auxiliary profession?Although Bai Mu is the commander, his close combat strength is not bad, so there is no need to be afraid of being in the same closet with a support.

Thinking about it, he kept as quiet as possible, slowly crawled out from under the bed, and tiptoed to the closet.

"Even if the two of us work together, we may not be able to beat him." He expressed his worries.

Ding Wen was not worried: "At least we can fight back."

As he spoke, he gently closed the cabinet door, revealing only a gap for people to see.

The light disappeared in an instant, and the wardrobe was plunged into darkness.

"Don't point the knife at me." Ding Wen said quietly.

"I do not have."

"How not."

"Did you see it?" Bai Mu couldn't help asking.

"I didn't see it." Ding Wen sighed, and said very calmly: "But I lost blood."

"Sorry." Bai Mu smiled awkwardly, and moved the knife back.

Ding Wen: "You should know Wu Zhan very well."

Bai Mu: "Nonsense."

Ding Wen: "Will he come in to check?"

Bai Mu: "It's hard to say."

Ding Wen: "Then we should discuss how to fight after he comes in."

Bai Mu didn't understand, so he said, "How else can you fight, you charge me."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly became vigilant: "Wait, you are not lying to me, are you? In fact, your organization has no control at all?"

Ding Wen: "Am I that kind of person?"

He patted his chest and promised earnestly, "I won't lie to you."

"Hehe." Bai Mu sneered and didn't take his words to heart. People like them, who would dare to trust each other easily, the reason why he dared to stand with Ding Wen was because of the latter's auxiliary status. Otherwise, even if he couldn't fight back, he would definitely hide under the bed.

"Okay, let's discuss it first, let's talk, how many seconds can you control?"

"Five seconds." Ding Wen said truthfully.

five seconds...

"That's definitely not five seconds, 100% six seconds or more."

Of course Bai Mu wouldn't believe it, thinking that his words were reserved, thinking in his heart, he couldn't help but be surprised by the powerful restrictive ability of his mechanism. After all, except for octagonal chess players, there are very few professions that give long-term control.If Ding Wen can really control it for more than 6 seconds, then Wu Zhan is really no match for the two of them.



Bai Mu's problem of being good at analysis has committed again: "If he can really give such a long-term control, why does he hide? The two of us can directly join hands and go out to fight Wu Zhan."

Naturally, the analysis of the problem cannot be limited to the surface, and multi-level logic must be considered, so Bai Mu continued to think downwards.

"He doesn't know my strength, is he afraid that I won't be able to kill Wu Zhan during the control time? Well, probably not, unless his control ability is limited in some way, otherwise I will kill a person who can't move and close his eyes I can also get it."

"Strange, then why did he say he wanted to discuss it?"

"Don't rush, absolutely don't rush, I absolutely can't lose my sense of control because of this... Oh yes! I can think from his point of view first."

"If I were Ding Wen, what should I do in the face of an enemy with excellent melee combat ability? Let's start with the premise. I have control, but I don't have the ability to kill. First of all, I don't know the enemy's thinking, and I don't know what he will do. I won't shoot at me... Assuming that there is no shot, I can use my control ability to invite cooperation, stabilize him, and maintain a state of peaceful coexistence for the time being."

"That's right, I did the same thing. I lured him into the closet by hiding under the bed. But I didn't do anything else, but first tested his details with ambiguous information. Yes, he was Seeing that I have mentioned my mechanism to control the time, I will definitely say some of my abilities accordingly, after all, it is a new profession, and he must not know me very well."

"So... what if once you understand?"

Bai Mu's eyes gradually lit up: "Even if he only told me half-truths and half-false information, it was enough for me to grasp—"

"Hello, are you asleep?" Ding Wen interrupted abruptly.

Bai Mu hadn't recovered yet, facing Ding Wen who was cold and interrupted his thoughts, the first sentence he opened his mouth was: "Bai Mu, you—"

"What did you call me?" Ding Wen was shocked.

"Oh no, Ding Wen." Bai Mu changed his words immediately, and then smiled a little awkwardly: "I'm not asleep, you continue talking."

How could Ding Wen not understand what he was doing, and couldn't help but feel melancholy: "Brother, are you Cao Cao? I really didn't lie to you. There is no need to analyze, let alone think in another way. I just want to discuss with you. The sequence of shots."

It turns out his trap is here!

Bai Mu instantly became vigilant.

"Is there such a possibility that before the game...he had already colluded with Wu Zhan!"

It's not impossible!

After all, Wu Zhan has been wanting to kill him for a long time, and this is not an easy task, because Wu Zhan has no long-range ability, and it is not so easy to chase someone who is only focused on running away, so he found Ding in advance. temperature.With a passing relationship, Ding Wen should have no reason to refuse... Yes, Yinren is something he has always liked to do, and he will definitely agree!

Thinking that when the two of them were facing the powerful enemy Wu Zhan, they were suddenly betrayed by the "Allied Forces" at the critical moment, Wu Zhan did not control him but controlled himself, Bai Mu's heart suddenly became half cold.

"I said, can we still talk normally?" Seeing that he was silent for a while, Ding Wen had no choice but to speak up.

"Yes, yes." Bai Mu responded, but he couldn't help but deny the analysis just now.

"No, if he has a good collusion with Wu Zhan, he can speak out directly and ask Wu Zhan to come in and kill me..." Bai Mu looked serious, thinking hard: "So, what is he planning, um..."

(End of this chapter)

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