Chapter 889 Interrogation

When it was almost nine o'clock in the evening, Yu Xiaorong and Hannah finally went back to the bedroom, claiming that they had some homework to prepare.Without Hannah's laughter and Yu Xiaorong sitting on the sofa, the living room suddenly became deserted.Even if the melody is cheerful on the record player, it is as unreal as the echo of the dead.

Luo Binhan really wanted to turn on the TV to create something more alive than a record player.But Malcolm was already leaning on the sofa pillow, breathing deeply and falling asleep.The remote control is pressed under his buttocks, half of which is exposed outward.He was busy enough today, so Luo Binhan gave up the idea of ​​using the remote control, but walked to the table and poked his head to see what Yu Qingshu was writing. "Greeting card?" he asked, trying to read the words on the red card backwards.He vaguely recognized the words "youth" and "graduation", but before they could form a sentence, Yu Qingshu flipped the card over, revealing only the blank back.

"What are you writing?" Luo Binhan said loudly on purpose, trying his best to hide the smile on his face.Yu Qingshu pushed his head back.

"Liu Ling may come over tomorrow." She said hastily.

"To see Fluffy and Mal?"

"Look at you too. You haven't seen each other for two or three years."

When Luo Binhan heard this sentence, he was still thinking about the words he saw on the greeting card, and he blurted out: "She doesn't like me very much."

Yu Qingshu looked at him as if he had just uttered a dangerous spell.In order to eliminate this inappropriate atmosphere, Luo Binhan immediately reached out, pretending to steal the cards on the table.Yu Qingshu had no choice but to knock off his hand: "Don't make trouble here."

"Then what can I do?" Luo Binhan said, "Why don't you come and dance?"

Yu Qingshu raised his eyebrows, seeming to find this idea very interesting. "Taught it in your school?"

"I have taught the national standard for a few days." Luo Binhan said, he saw that Yu Qingshu really wanted him to perform live, begged for forgiveness, said that he had long forgotten, and brought out the old story about his face scaring the female classmate to vomit shirk.It was the first time his mother had heard of it, and her reaction was similar to Hannah's, but more ruthless.

"She may have a digestive problem." She said with considerable certainty, "My friend's daughter is like this. She will vomit after strenuous exercise."

This is something they will never be able to verify.In Luo Binhan's impression, what he followed in middle school was a kind of rigid and old school rules, which were much stricter than ordinary public schools.A boy who goes to talk to a female classmate for no reason will definitely attract attention, so he is not familiar with the female students in the same grade.Of course, Zhou Yu was an exception.In addition, it was difficult for him to accurately remember the names of most of the female classmates, including the one who asked Zhou Yu to come to the rescue.An unsolved case, unless he went back and dug out the graduation book and ruled out each face one by one.

He swears that he has quit the dance world for life, and his mother just looks at him happily, with a trance similar to drunkenness on her face.She grabs his wrist and shakes it across the table to the music, the way her upper body moves when dancing.The candles used as decorations for the atmosphere had been put away long ago, but when the shadow of his arm was swaying on the table, Luo Binhan felt that it was not the shadow that danced, but the chandelier above their heads, the fire hidden in the light.He regained his composure, and heard his mother whispering like a dream: "You should find a companion."

"This has nothing to do with our previous topic," he protested, "How about we talk about it after the Chinese New Year?"

"Someone should be in charge of you," Yu Qingshu smiled, and the light seemed to be spinning on her face, "You are the kind who takes a whip to take a step forward. If no one is watching, I don't know that you ran away again." Where did you go?"

"This is choreographing me." Luo Binhan said.He exerted a little strength on his hand, and it no longer swayed completely according to Yu Qingshu's rhythm, it almost became the kind of game where children shake each other's arms vigorously to see who can't stand it first.But he still didn't take his hand back.He looked at the shadow on the table, thinking about something he had never told anyone.And they're about the "rule of survival" thing.

The criterion of survival is not a concept of wisdom, profound or even difficult. It is a conclusion that people can easily observe and draw in their limited life and life. Those things that people can learn from trivial things.Everyone lives by certain rules and believes that these rules will make his life better.For his parents, Nan Mingguang, or all the old-school people who used to be in the same circle as them, they believed that a wide network of people or a solid social relationship can be invincible in the battlefield of life, at least in the impact of the general environment Survived; people like Malcolm believed in romance and beauty, in the intimacy that biological instinct and trivial daily life can accumulate, even if it does not bring him success in the worldly sense, it can keep his soul eternal peace; some people believe that Blood and local affection, or some kind of "morality" based on customs, that may be the "loyalty" in Liu Ling's mouth; there is another kind of person, like his cousin Luo Jiayang, who claims to believe nothing, but in fact On the contrary, what he believes is that by denying the above-mentioned various norms, through pure self-interest, self-proclaimed ruthlessness and "spicyness" that he is proud of, he can become a person who controls his own life and even the lives of others.

He did think about these believed maxims, and observed that they sometimes succeeded, sometimes failed, and sometimes were indistinguishable.And since no one escapes death, everyone can reserve his own opinion about what kind of life is successful or worthwhile.

He held his mother's wrist and could even feel her pulse beating.This is the person who brought him into this world, the closest distance between them ever, no other form of relationship can get closer in fact or physically, this closer than Malcolm, than Zhou Yu , It is better than the blood bond he and Yu Xiaorong can achieve.But even with such a relationship, even if every bone and every nerve of him was shaped by absorbing her life, she still couldn't control his thoughts, she couldn't make him believe in a certain Survival criteria.Even if she is the person in the world who is most afraid of him losing his life, she can't replace him in deciding how to live.

The flickering light and shadow and the vivid pulse made him dizzy.The strange atmosphere that reverberated in the fountain square in the evening quietly entered the house again.He suddenly had an urge to tell Yu Qingshu everything, to admit all the failures, shame and bewilderment he had felt for so many years.He already knew she couldn't guide him anymore, he just wanted her to know... let her accept...

The doorbell rang.

When the bell rang for the second time, Luo Binhan hadn't recovered yet, and was just thinking about those trivial things.But when Yu Qingshu stood up and said "Zhou Yu is back", he woke up suddenly and frowned suspiciously.

"It doesn't seem to be Zhou Yu." He said, and stood up from the table.When he finished speaking, the doorbell had already rang for the third time.This can be considered impatient by the standards of ordinary people, not to mention that Zhou Yu has always been extremely patient when knocking on the door and ringing the bell—in Luo Jiayang's words, the time he knocked on the door three times was enough time for everyone in the entire underground dance hall to keep their eyes open. Pants on.

Luo Binhan moved slowly from the table to the door, just ahead of Yu Qingshu, but he was in no hurry to open the door.Luo Jiayang, tonight he thought of Luo Jiayang twice in a row, the cousin who asked him to go to the detention center to fish him out late at night, and this didn't seem to be an auspicious omen.

Before he took two steps, he heard a door slam open in the corridor on the second floor, and then Yu Xiaorong's swift and decisive footsteps came down and stopped in the middle of the stairs.Luo Binhan turned his head to look at her, and read a look of surprise and uncertainty on her face.The moment they looked at each other, Luo Binhan concluded that this matter must have something to do with her, at least she knew something.

His lips twitched silently, which seemed to express the meaning of asking.Yu Xiaorong looked at Yu Qingshu, then shook her head slightly.Her expression was a bit puzzled amidst the unhappiness, but it was far from being in a first-level alert state, which was enough to show that the person outside the door was at least not a professional killer who opened fire in the face.

Luo Binhan decided not to embarrass his imagination.He quickened his pace and opened the door before the fifth bell rang.Standing outside the door was a man with his head lowered, as if studying the pattern of the mat under his feet.For the first few seconds, Robin Han couldn't see his face at all, only because of the wet black leather coat, he took him for Doppler Colon of the dog park.

He instinctively wanted to ask Yu Xiaorong to deal with it, but at this moment the other party raised his head, revealing a face with a black and swollen left side, and blood slid down his cheeks into the neckline.He should be much younger than old Cologne, probably ten years younger than Malcolm.When he squinted his swollen left eye to look at Luo Binhan, his face showed a typical tough guy indifference.

Luo Binhan's eyes followed the blood on his neckline, wondering where the other party was injured, or whether it was his blood.He saw the source of the bloodstain disappear into the other's dark forehead hair.This person is not a neighbor he is familiar with, nor does he seem to be a friend of Malcolm, and his temperament is not very similar.

"Help me?" he asked in English.

"Don't mind my face, I'm here to find someone." The man also replied in English, grinning with one side of his mouth, instead of smiling to show friendliness.

Luo Binhan stepped aside, enough for everyone in the living room to see the strange visitor's face, but not wide enough for him to walk into the room.He stared firmly at the other's hands hanging on both sides, and only pricked up his ears to listen to the movement behind him.

Malcolm on the sofa had already woken up, and his deep breathing during his sound sleep turned into vague murmurs.Yu Qingshu pushed away the chair, probably wanting to come over to check what happened, but someone got there first.Yu Xiaorong came to the door in three steps and two steps in parallel, and pushed Luo Binhan to the door frame for another half meter.She crossed her arms and looked up and down at the guests hanging outside the door.

"Ged Schilling?" she said.

"That's right," the man replied, lowering his head to look at Yu Xiaorong from beginning to end, "You are right, little girl."

If Luo Binhan is still unable to discern the emotional color of a German speaker from the tone and tone of his voice, then Yu Xiaorong's unkind expression and the contempt in the other's eyes are enough to explain him.This is not necessarily a person who maintains respect for strangers of the opposite sex and children, and it must not be one of Malcolm's artist friends.

Luo Binhan stretched out his finger, tapped Yu Xiaorong's tense shoulder, and asked in Chinese, "Who is this man?"

Yu Xiaorong was still staring at the other side, and answered him in Chinese with barely moving his lips: "Police."

"What did you do again?" Luo Binhan asked reflexively, Yu Xiaorong immediately took time out of his confrontation, and gave him a hard look.

"I didn't do anything! He's... I guess he's coming to see you."

"Nonsense," Robinhan said, "I haven't missed any trash this week."

Yu Xiaorong wanted to say something, but at this moment Yu Qingshu had already walked to the door, stretched out his hand to push his pair of children away, and then spoke a long and fast sentence fluently.Luo Binhan couldn't understand a single word of this rare daily conversation, but he could tell that there was a certain rigid tone in these high-speed syllables, some skilled pauses and accents, a kind of professional indifference, and also It was what Malcolm described as "speaking like a lawyer".

Taking advantage of this time, he quietly pulled Yu Xiaorong over to the sofa.Leo also got in through the small door in the backyard, looking at the stranger with hostility.Yu Xiaorong reached out to touch its ears before it started barking, and kept giving it commands to be quiet.

"Okay," Luo Binhan said in a low voice, "what's going on here?"

Yu Xiaorong's face was straight, her lips were drawn into a straight line: "The tourist who died in the woods."

"Don't tell me you killed it." Luo Binhan said.When he saw the real anger in Yu Xiaorong's eyes, he immediately shut his mouth.

"We're talking business!" she growled. "Can you hear me out?"

Luo Binhan made a gesture of invitation.

"The day he died was the day you came here." Yu Xiaorong said quickly, "Doppler told me that the man died very strangely, as if he was killed by a long machete or some kind of weapon without a handle. "

Luo Binhan moved his lips, wanting to say that this was quite different from the version Yu Xiaorong gave the night before.But he didn't do it, because he judged that Yu Xiaorong was really angry at the moment, even though he didn't know what the problem was.

"Unfortunately," he said perfunctorily, "but what is this policeman doing here?"

"Because you are a suspect."

"Oh..." Luo Binhan said, "Oh?"

He looked down at Leo, who was also glancing at him under the little master's palm.He thought for a while, then asked in shock: "Am I the only one in your entire town who doesn't have an alibi?"

"You are a foreigner at the right time." Yu Xiaorong emphasized, "foreigner."

"I thought that would make me feel right at home."

"Who do you think you are?" Yu Xiaorong asked sharply, "Diplomatic ambassador?"

Luo Binhan shrugged, and touched Leo's head again.He felt very weird, as if he accidentally broke into the stage of a drama that was being performed, and the audience also regarded him as a character in the script.But that was all, the scene had practically nothing to do with him, and he didn't know a single line.

"I'm a suspect," he said. "Then what is he going to do? Just handcuff me? Your mother will start trying to make him lose his job tomorrow."

"He'll say he just wants to talk to you."

"Is this legal?"

"He didn't search you, he was just 'investigating' - like he would just say he was questioning you, not 'interrogating'."

"Indeed. Then why don't I just go to bed and fall asleep now." Luo Binhan yawned, "If I don't go to bed on time, I will die. Let him find a time that belongs to a living person. After all, he is quite dedicated, or you guys The police here are all looking for someone to talk to?"

Yu Xiaorong rubbed Leo's ears uncertainly, as if considering whether Luo Binhan's strategy was feasible.She suddenly asked, "It's not you, is it?"

"what do you mean?"

"That dead man in the woods has nothing to do with you."

"You read too many detective novels." Luo Binhan knocked her on the head.

"You guarantee that you have nothing to do with this matter."

"I have to admit that I have something to do with this matter," Robin Han said earnestly, "I joked with your mother about this matter this afternoon. I am guilty. But I don't think your mother will confess me. "

Yu Xiaorong stared at him for a while, his face gradually softened.This seemed unbelievable to Luo Binhan, as if she really suspected that he went to the woods to kill someone.A brother and sister who love each other shouldn't think like this, besides, Yu Xiaorong is much more enthusiastic about the topic of murder than he is.He should investigate her too.

Hannah poked her head out from behind Yu Xiaorong: "What are you talking about? Can you speak English?"

"Talking about me," Robinhan said, switching to English, "about how I killed a guy right off the plane last weekend, while using perfectly fake taxi receipts to create an alibi."

Hannah laughed, "Really?"

"The invoice is still in my room."

He walked back to the guest room and took out the spare handwritten invoice from the outermost layer of the suitcase.With this invoice, it is not difficult to find the driver who took him. The neighbors with good eyes and ears and the monitoring at the door of NO.15 are enough to prove his whereabouts after getting off the taxi.He handed the invoice to Yu Xiaorong for a look, and announced with his eyes that he was as safe as the diplomatic ambassador and could do whatever he wanted in front of all the police in this town.

"I heard about the dead man in the woods, too," said Hannah, in a cheerful voice like a murderer returning to a crime scene. "I wonder what news the police have."

"The news from the police is that the man in front of you is very suspicious." Luo Binhan said, "And I want to expose to them who is the most suspicious person in this room."

"Obviously," Hannah mused, "is the one that's always been forgotten, the one we shot dead on Mahjong night. People always rule out the dead first. , but it’s all fake death.”

Luo Binhan wanted to tell some nonsense about how Zhou Yuhui fell asleep at the murder scene, but the conversation between Yu Qingshu and the visitor stopped suddenly.The three of them watched Yu Qingshu approaching, with sullen expressions on their faces.

"It's nothing." She said succinctly, "it's about work."

Luo Binhan and Yu Xiaorong glanced at each other.

"I heard he's here to investigate the case." Luo Binhan said, "What we said this afternoon has leaked out, Mom. The fire can't be contained in the paper."

Yu Qingshu glared at him: "I told him you don't know anything about this matter. If he insists on talking to you, then find a normal time to come here with the documents he should have."

"Why are you so unfriendly?" Luo Binhan shook the receipt in his hand, "We can also make it easier for him, since I really have nothing to do with this matter. Did you know this policeman before? How is his temper?"

"He was transferred from nearby. I didn't know him before."

"Oh?" Luo Binhan said, glancing at Yu Xiaorong triumphantly, indicating that he had caught the news that she and Doppler Colon were secretly dealing with other policemen.

Yu Xiaorong stood calmly, without showing any discomfort. "This man can be rough," she whispered quickly in Chinese. "He doesn't like foreigners. He may have beaten homeless people."

Luo Binhan didn't feel too nervous.Even if the person standing outside the door was a real communist, he didn't think the other party could really do anything to him.He has no shortage of witnesses to prove his innocence, no lack of money, and no lack of local connections.He was already the toughest of all foreigners.He could have gone back to the guest room and gone to sleep if he wanted to, but that wasn't particularly advantageous, since there was no need to make the relationship between the rest of the house and the local police particularly bad.After all, he wasn't someone who was going to live here long-term.

Malcolm also leaned over from the sofa.Compared to everyone else in the room, his attitude toward the police was a genuine relaxation.This is strange to say, but Luo Binhan has an intuition that Malcolm may have seen more policemen from various countries than Yu Qingshu.And if the one outside the door catches him spending the night in the park, maybe he will take the opportunity to give him a good beating.

"With your physique, you can beat him." Malcolm promised confidently, "If you feel unsure, just shout."

"Mar!" Yu Qingshu said sharply.

Luo Binhan felt that he had an obligation to terminate the suspects' staff meeting.He shook the invoice in his hand: "I'll go talk to him—anyway, I even found the evidence from the bag."

(End of this chapter)

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