Chapter 890 Judgment

When they all got together to talk, the policeman named Gad Schilling stood at the door with an uninterested expression on his face.Luo Binhan walked up to him with his hands in his pockets and greeted him.

"I heard that you are looking for me." Luo Binhan said, "I don't speak German, can we speak English?"

"No problem." The other party replied in English.

This straightforward answer surprised Luo Binhan.It's not that he hasn't met that kind of person before. Some shop assistants will pretend not to understand him when he speaks English, but their eyes can always fall on what he said; when asking directions in English, a well-dressed old man He stared at him dully, and when he walked away, he muttered abusive words, which happened to be something he could understand.

It was obvious that he would run into this kind of person again tonight.Although the other party also spoke some English when he first showed up, that didn't prevent him from hurting him with the local accent and slang that the locals were proud of.Robin-Han has little feeling for this kind of thing, because it is no different from what he thought before, and the belief that one language or bloodline is superior to another and deserves a better life is just one of the many principles of existence. An example ofBut he was a little worried that Yu Xiaorong would have an attack, because she was not the kind of character who could tolerate other people talking nonsense in front of her every day, she couldn't bear a self-righteous nonsense.

"Let's go talk in the yard." Luo Binhan said, turned his head and glanced into the room, pretending not to understand Yu Qingshu's wink and Yu Xiaorong's gesture, "Sorry it's not convenient to stay in the living room and talk, actually I just feel that the room It's a bit stuffy in here, and I want to go outside to blow some air. Would you like a drink? Tea? Coffee? I can help you get a cup in the kitchen."

There was a false enthusiasm in his voice, the exaggerated tone of a hospitable host on a theatrical stage.And Gerd Schilling smiled at him, baring his teeth almost as much as he did.The drenched policeman followed him out into the courtyard and wiped the bloody stain off his face again, only to end up with some sort of weird pattern like a tribal tattoo.He also noticed that Luo Binhan was staring at him.

"I just came from a bar," he said, "and some drunk bastards started a fight. Damn, one of them spilled a beer on me."

"It's a lot of trouble, isn't it?"

"I'm leaving this weekend."

Luo Binhan silently considered another question.Gerd Schilling complained to him about his family, and he complained about his work.Is it really complaining to a stranger, or is it some kind of technique to try to induce empathy? Maybe he feels that Luo Binhan is like someone with family problems, or someone with an invisible debt crisis?

He didn't know whether the other party was a police officer or a detective, but decided to let his courtesy stop there.With his hands still in his pockets, he walked toward the front door of the house when Gerd Schilling reached out and grabbed him by the crook of his right arm from behind.Luo Binhan looked back at the hand in some astonishment, and then looked up at Gerd Schilling.The other party also looked at him expressionlessly, and the fingers holding him were as hard as iron hoops, enough to leave bruises on a person with delicate skin.

"No need," said Gerd Schilling casually.Luo Binhan couldn't tell if the other party's tough guy style was just posturing. He really felt as if he was on the stage, playing the role of a stupid, timid and ignorant rich gringo.

"Why not?"

"It's very interesting." Luo Binhan said, but he wasn't really listening.He began to feel that this person was too talkative, a little familiar, and his English was surprisingly good.Rarely did he meet someone among the old residents of Regenberg who could speak English so fluently and quickly.Gerd Schilling wasn't like the obvious proud German speakers he'd known, but somehow he didn't like him.He thought it might be that he was not fair enough, because Yu Xiaorong's attitude would definitely affect him.

Gerd Schilling smiled. "I don't care about that."

Luo Binhan was not going to take this incident out, and still talked about his whereabouts last Saturday, but he paused when talking about the anonymous package, and did not mention the details of their inspection, only saying that Doppler Colon brought his own dog passing by.He waited for Gerd Schilling to say "Wait a minute," but the other party didn't ask anything.He kept talking until he turned off the lights and went to bed that night, and Gerd Schilling didn't make a sound.In the end, Luo Binhan had nothing to say, so he could only pass the handwritten invoice to the other party for a look.

"Did you find something you wanted to see?" Gerd Schilling asked unexpectedly.

What he said was Americans, but his eyes looked at Luo Binhan up and down, making it clear that he didn't just look down on Americans.Luo Binhan could only laugh it off: "I think the person you mentioned disappeared in New Guinea."

Gerd Schilling glanced at the unfolded handmade invoice.It was hard to tell whether he saw anything clearly in that casual glance, and he put on a dry smile on his face: "You have described the events of last week in detail, and you have a good memory."

"Then what have you been doing for the past two years?"

Robin Han didn't struggle.His first reaction was to look around, and found that there were no passers-by around, and the camera in front of NO.15 could not capture their positions, nor could they record their voices.Both of Gerd Schilling's hands were within sight of him.

"After all, it was my first day home." Luo Binhan said, "It's the first time in two years. It's hard not to be impressed."

Speaking of this, Gerd Schilling gestured for the house behind him with his hands, as if he wanted to use a bracket to frame the whole NO.15.Luo Binhan felt a certain muscle on his cheek twitch for no reason, and he quickly returned to that bored expression.

"Isn't it nice to be rich?" Gerd Schilling continued to raise his hands, his eyes sweeping back and forth among the flowerbeds and fountains illuminated by night lights, "What a lovely yard, what a lovely family. Yours That mother was such a nasty woman, she almost threw me out. And your sister, who must be a critical and self-righteous girl. But then again, your mother is a decent person with a decent job. She must have There will be decent sons. There's no reason to do bad things, is there? I mean, I've never seen anything like that in the movies where rich people wear masks because they're bored, pick up guns to rob banks, or tie passers-by to their own villas to do something. I don’t believe in this, because they have plenty of safe ways. Why do you want to fight us with guns? They sell stocks and start companies. Make a lot of money. But of course, this is just me complaining. I know I know that business people have difficulties in business, and being the boss is not easy! You are carrying a lot of people's livelihood!"

"You should find a doctor first." Luo Binhan said, "I will stay at home tomorrow, and I have nothing else to do anyway."

Gerd Schilling was still staring blankly at the night light in the front yard, around which moths were circling.He had said so many gossips before, but when Luo Binhan talked about the main topic, he didn't seem to be listening at all, as if he wanted to annoy people on purpose.

"Are you married?" the other asked.


"That's an African country."

Luo Binhan finally came to his senses.He turned his head to stare at the other person, not trying to hide his surprise.But the other party seemed to take it for granted, as if it was as common as asking a stranger about the weather.

"Go there to find cannibals?"

"Just to relax."

"I don't think it's time yet—does it have anything to do with your case?"

He was almost there, but when he caught sight of the light in the second-floor bedroom, another crazy image flashed through his mind: Gerd Schilling took the receipt and suddenly tore it to pieces like a Like a madman, he stuffed the scraps of paper into his mouth and munched.His reason did not have time to make any judgments on this wild idea, but his wrist that was about to be handed out retracted, and he unfolded the receipt close to his chest, so that Gerd Schilling could see the information on it clearly.

"Who knows for sure." Gerd Schilling said lightly, "Our investigation was originally a needle in a haystack. Maybe the murderer has already gone to another area by now. The dead is a foreigner, maybe it is a foreigner Deliberately asked him out to us. It's possible now, because new faces don't attract so much attention here, not as they did decades ago."

"Unless the director just wants them to die." Gerd Schilling interjected, with an expression of "I know, I know" on his face, "I've seen that kind of movie too, and I don't want to wait for the police to support me They all have to die. But then again, the killers in the movies don't have a beautiful house like yours. We are a simple place here, there are no dark secrets, and like I said, I am holding Good intentions, chatting with our clean and reliable local residents, go through the process, like this job can be done with less than two people. So I said to Seibo, 'Hey, why don't you stop working overtime today ?Can your wife bear that you miss your anniversary without nagging?', and then I came by myself."

"Hey," he said, almost lightly, "you know someone died in the woods last Saturday?"

"Then what are you in charge of?"

"A trip to cleanse the soul." Gerd Schilling said, "It's really a panacea. People used to go to islands, beaches and woods to relax, but now there are not enough places, and people start to go more desolate. run somewhere, as a solution to the troubles at hand. We have churches and schools and hospitals here, and some people think that the wild woods and a bunch of blood-drinking savages can heal themselves and be wiser than us civilized people. But It's really fascinating. I remember a rich second generation went to Africa a long time ago. What's his name? It should be an American, engaged in the oil industry, but there was no news in Africa. I guess he was eaten by cannibals. Huh, Americans."

"It's just routine," said Gerd Schilling. "My God, you can't imagine how boring murder detection is. It's not as relaxing as when you play silly computer games and sit in a soft chair. Shake the mouse on the mouse, tap this footprint, bump that tire, we're literally going to search every corner of the woods, and shoot flashlights into those goddamn bushes and mud puddles. Gonna question everyone who touches the edge, even if you know Ninety-nine percent of the testimony this guy will tell you is bragging. Like hearing horrible gunshots and screaming and suspicious strangers in hoods. It's all bullshit. If you put everyone Take every imaginary bullshit you say and the case will never be closed. But then again, when your boss asks what's going on, you can't do nothing, can you? Your notebooks and reports There's got to be something in there. That's the way it is—well, you seem like a solid witness and won't tell me you saw some dubiously dressed Eastern Europeans pass your garden. You wouldn't tell me that, Right?"

"Business matters," he said in a nonchalant tone, "the business of my hometown won't wait for me to delay it for a few months."

"There is no such thing." Luo Binhan replied.But he thought of the way Yu Xiaorong rolled his eyes at him.She would not agree to call Luo Binhan a reliable witness.It might be an old trick, but it usually takes two people to pull it off.Thinking of this, he looked around, as if he wanted to find a tree in the yard that would help sing a good face.

"I understand." Luo Binhan said, "About that dead man in the forest..."

"Murder, robbery, violence," Gerd Schilling said slowly, "I was sent here at the criminal level. Of course, we are a small place here, and there are not so many corpses and murderers. Most of the time I deal with it." It's all stupid shit, like a drunken moron who comes home and slaps his wife in the face, or slaps a brat... and sometimes you meet one or two that go too far, and you're bound to be there too Read it on the news."

"I... no, I don't have anything in particular to see, I just walk around."

Luo Binhan shook his head noncommittally.

"Ah," said Gerd Schilling in a drawn-out tone, "a man with a business to do, what a blissful fellow."

"That's not it. Guinea is. New Guinea is in Oceania, and part of its territory belongs to India. I have relatives who have been there."

"I don't think this has anything to do with what happened last Saturday?" he said decisively. "It's really getting late. I have to go back to the house to take care of something. Good night, Officer Schilling."

"I'm really appreciative," said Gerd Schilling. "That's true. You see, I don't actually believe you did it. I don't think you had anything to do with it. Like I As I said earlier, I am not a person who hates the rich."

Luo Binhan almost couldn't hold back a troublesome smile.He looked at the other person a little puzzled, feeling as if he had accidentally lost his way when he went back to his hometown to visit relatives.Before that, he had seen so many fictional stories about the police, and heard many real stories about the police, although not all of them were from this country, but he always felt that he knew more about this profession than ordinary people.He almost believed that he could identify the various clichés that the police would throw on a suspect, from the most rigid to the most flexible.But maybe he took life too lightly.He never thought he would hear such a conversation when he was interviewed by the police for the first time.What kind of trap is this?Or is the other party really a rare strange policeman?
"Hmm..." He picked his words, "Thank you very much?"

"I'm sure you've heard," said Gerd Schilling, "everybody knows about our little place. A murder can keep them talking about the fall from now on. . . , are you going to stay here until autumn?"

"It's getting late." Luo Binhan said, "I think we should get straight to the point. You'd better go back and treat the wound as soon as possible."

But now Gerd Schilling's wound was bloodless.There was no pain on his face, his eyes looked radiant, and the light from the front yard reflected in his pupils, as if a needle-sized sharp point shot out from the depths of his skull.Luo Binhan looked at this accidental spectacle with a little fascination, and imagined a scene in his heart: the policeman's eyes suddenly shot out light like searchlights, shooting through his shoulders and pinning him firmly to the ground.While letting his fantasy run wild in the grotesque atmosphere, he let his rational part take over the topic: "I know you will ask me about my whereabouts on the day of the crime. I just arrived in Regenberg that day, from the city's airport. Come..."

"What's the matter?" Gerd Schilling asked languidly, "You remember some stranger who broke into your yard last week?"

Jokingly, he punched Luo Binhan's chest with his fist, as if he was handing him an olive branch.Although doubts were brewing in his mind, Luo Binhan still didn't say anything.

Words about last Saturday's trip flowed out of his mouth.He had already thought about it in his head before going out, so he didn't have to worry about wording and pronunciation.He just stared at Gerd Schilling, watching him turn his face away with little interest, half of his face was illuminated by the light from the room.It was the light from the bedroom on the second floor, it must be Yu Xiaorong peeping at the window of the bedroom.He didn't want her to get involved, so he took two steps to the side to make sure that the people in the bedroom couldn't see what was going on below.

Luo Binhan glanced at him secretly, trying to weigh how much mockery there was in this sentence, but the other party suddenly raised his hands and looked at him with a smile on his face: "Don't mind me saying that, I'm serious, Man. It's not easy being a working class man these days. Guys like us have to run around and deal with drunks covered in vomit and knock on people's doors at this late hour...but I'm ok Way, a guy gets killed and people ask who's in charge? That's when we get out there, and as fast as possible. People don't care that I have a few rowdy kids to deal with ——Is there anything more important than catching the bad guys? The woman in the family said so, and the face she gave me is not the same. "

Gerd Schilling let out a long ah.There was something uncomfortable in that tone, as if he thought he knew some secret about Robin Han.Robin Han reckoned that this was another tactic, and he couldn't complain about it, because he himself had used a similar tactic against that red-haired Anthony Marple.

"...That's it." Luo Binhan said, "That's all I remember. If you need to find the signer on the invoice, you can write it down or take a photo."

"Africa! What? Interested in wild animals?"

"That's not true," Luo Binhan said, "I was thinking... I don't know much about your work, but I thought you always act in twos and threes. It's always like that on TV! One old bird leads one Novice, or two old partners. I rarely see a policeman acting alone unless-"

"Before I got out of the car, I asked the driver to issue an invoice," he held up the paper in his hand, "I think he's a regular job at the airport, and it's not difficult to find him."

"What a pity. The forest in autumn is a wonderful beauty. I think it is more beautiful when the harvest is full of fruits than in summer. Besides, you have such a lovely family here."

"I think there is nothing wrong with my passport and visa," he said.

Gerd Schilling cocked his head sideways as if to say forget about the bad luck.Luo Binhan looked at the street outside the yard to see if any drunks who were making trouble had been arrested, but he didn't see a police car.He had heard that there was a bar in Regenberg, but he hadn't actually been there, and it probably wasn't too close.Maybe Gerd Schilling parked the car a little farther away on purpose so that drunken nonsense wouldn't keep him from working.

"I think you've seen something more special," said Gerd Schilling casually.His eyes squinted again, and there was a needle-sized light in his pupils.That look is so strange.For a moment, Luo Binhan suspected that this person was playing tricks on him.He couldn't help thinking that maybe Jing Juan and Fa Ke's arrangement was not so perfect in terms of procedures, and those who cared would find his whereabouts suspicious in the past two years.He shouldn't stay any longer, and his intuition made him want to end this long and aimless conversation, and immediately go back to the room surrounded by music and lights.

"It's scary." Robin Han said.He didn't deliberately put on a worried or compassionate look.That's too low-level, or it's too difficult to act realistically, but any policeman with some experience will not accept this.He and Gerd Schilling looked at each other, smiling falsely, waiting to see what the other would do next.In the end, Gerd Schilling's expression changed, and he suddenly adopted the tone of a middle school boy discussing playing a prank on a teacher who doesn't like him.

What he hinted at might be a family homicide, but what suddenly flashed before Robinhan's eyes was the face of Lenny Collein left in the newspaper before he was imprisoned.Klein was not in the country when he went on trial, so he only heard about the proceedings after the fact.It was not an easy process, and the prosecution struggled to convince the judge that Collein's mental problems were not enough to fully absolve him of criminal responsibility.

"I don't know." Luo Binhan said with a dry smile, "I didn't go to Africa to find cannibals anyway. There are really many other things to see there, such as trees, flowers, and grass. Oh, of course, there is also the Lion King. "

Luo Binhan could have refused to answer, or answered vaguely.But he feels that the answer has been known to too many people by now.He had already answered so many people that he no longer felt guilty, but said flatly: "Travel to Africa."

"Excuse me," he repeated, pulling his elbow back.The other party was still tugging at him, his fingers seemed to be embedded in the flesh.This is a dangerous but clear signal.Luo Binhan no longer forced a smile.

"Please let me go," he said calmly and easily, "I have nothing more to offer you about your case. If you still want me, go talk to my lawyer, actually, What this means is that you have to talk to my mother. I hope you don't expect too much from her kindness, after all—that's how you treated my sister just now."

He was about to shake off Gerd Schilling's fingers with just enough force to break free without hurting him.But Gerd Schilling was also stronger than he looked.He stared at Luo Binhan, his narrow and cold eyes were shining brightly, and his breathing was rapid.

"I have a very important question," Gad Schilling gasped, his voice sounding hissed. "Do you believe in God?"

(End of this chapter)

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