Dow and Carbon-Based Monkey Breeding Guidelines

Chapter 923 can be regarded as an ending

On Saturday afternoon, they returned to Lihai City.Luo Binhan saw the news in several office groups and knew that Nan Mingguang was still in the company today, so he asked Luo Jiayang to send him to the headquarters.

Nan Mingguang was in a good mood and just smiled when he saw him appear. "Going to Aries City?"

"I'm going to take a look at that piece of land." Luo Binhan said, "Are we going to get it?"

"Still thinking about it. We talked about this issue yesterday, but there's no rush. What do you think of it there?"

"I don't think we can make any money in two or three years. Moreover, the migratory birds in the wetland have not been coming recently. I don't care if I want this piece of land."

"Just think of it as a place to play chess." Nan Mingguang said, "After all, the scenery there is pretty good, so it's good to use it as a vacation."

Luo Binhan didn't answer for a while.He didn't think about anything, he just felt very calm, a calm that could accept any outcome.Nan Mingguang continued: "Yesterday we talked about your report with the Finance Department."

"how to say?"

"Let the auditors come in first. Lingfan knows a partner in the firm who can handle this. Let them come and take a look next month."


Nan Mingguang said something one after another, still so casually.Luo Binhan always felt that he was trying to spy on him, but he couldn't say that he was pressing too hard.After they finished discussing their arrangements in a business-like manner, Luo Binhan went into his office to sort out the documents and arrange a meeting with the finance department next week.At this time, Lu Jin walked in and handed him the document bag in his hand.

"What?" Luo Binhan asked casually.

"Director Luo asked me to hand it over to you."

"Ah." Luo Binhan said, "I know." After Lu Jin left, he opened the bag and looked at it. There were two books inside.One is "For the Father", written by Kafka; the other is "Behavioral Psychology", the author is called John Watson.

This is a family tradition, and Yu Qingshu has done something similar: when they feel that there is something inappropriate to say directly to their child, they give him a book and hope that he will understand it on his own.But he didn’t know John Watson, so he checked online.He found that this person should be a well-known psychologist, and he advocated a research method that abandoned the internal investigation method; he did not think it was necessary to study consciousness, or invisible and intangible psychological activities; all psychological activities were only related to Behavior, and controlling people's behavior is equivalent to controlling people's psychology.Based on this theory, he proposed the famous cry immunity method in the field of early childhood education: when the baby cries, parents should not hug it. Only when it stops crying can they be rewarded. This can help the baby establish correct behavior. and independent personality.

Luo Binhan suspected that this was what he needed to understand in this book today.John Watson once proudly announced that if he was given ten babies, regardless of blood or race, as long as they were allowed to freely design their growth environment, they would be able to guarantee that these children would be trained to become any type of person, including doctors, lawyers, artists, and entrepreneurs. Home even beggars and thieves.This declaration was in line with Luo Binhan's needs. He also wanted to know what kind of environment could train Luo Jiayang into a gentleman.But when he continued to research with great expectations, he saw that the psychologist's three children all suffered from depression as adults. One daughter was an alcoholic, one son was homeless, and one successfully committed suicide in his 30s.He couldn't help but pick up the "Behavioral Psychology" and tapped it on the table twice, wondering whether the person who gave him the book really knew the author's life.

Before leaving the office, he put both books on the top of the bookshelf, a place dedicated to display and gathering dust, and then went home.Going out, entering, going upstairs, going downstairs, he felt that life was gradually becoming a regular cycle. This feeling was even stronger when he looked at the empty fish tank on Sunday morning.

"They're all dead." Yu Xiaorong said, biting her pencil shaft.

"They're all dead." Luo Binhan said calmly, and went out to buy fish again.The weather got bad again this Sunday, cloudy and windy, but the ice-blue greenhouse roof of the Flower and Bird Market became brighter and clearer.When he saw the shed roof from a distance, he suddenly had a premonition in his heart.This is his third time here. He met Shi Qi the first two times.

What about today?With this deliberate thought in mind, he walked into the market. Instead of going straight to the fish shop, he looked left and right for a figure wearing a hat.He walked past the fish shop and the aquatic plant shop, but there was no one inside.This was a bit unfair, because the previous two times Shi Qi had jumped out when he was unprepared, and somehow, she could always pick the most embarrassing moment for him to appear.But today he had prepared in advance, but she didn't show up.Maybe she didn't have a blind date today - Luo Binhan still didn't understand what she meant by what she said last time.

He walked to the intersection at the end of the market under the ice-blue roof.When he looked up at the busy road, he caught a glimpse of a hat under the street lamp opposite. It was an azure beret with an octopus-shaped metal badge on it.Luo Binhan immediately hid behind a street tree, quickly crossed the road when the light turned green, and then suddenly shouted behind her: "Shi Qi!"

Shi Qi jumped up in shock.She seemed to have completed the entire turning movement in the air, and when she landed, her face was facing Luo Binhan.This successful counterattack made Luo Binhan a little happy, but he pretended that it was unintentional. "I saw you again." He said, "What? You have a date today too?"

"Are you here to buy fish again?"

"Yes. Everyone died again." Luo Binhan said.This time he looked at Shi Qi carefully, trying to remember her image clearly.Today she was wearing a knee-length skirt of the same color as her hat, with a white shirt underneath, giving her a somewhat peculiar navy look.Her face was still half hidden under the beret, and she looked younger and more lively than last time. "You seem to really like hats," Luo Binhan couldn't help but say. After meeting three times, he felt that they were familiar enough to say these words, "Do you go out wearing a hat every day?"

"Yes. Because I have to wear it."

"There's not much sunshine today."

"I'm afraid of the wind." Shi Qi said with a smile and stretched out his hand to press the top of his head. "If it blows too much, I will have a headache."

"Have a headache due to the wind? When did you get it?"

"Probably when I was in college. I was working part-time as a tutor at the time, and the hot water in the school bathhouse was limited to a limited time. I often had to rush to the student's home after taking a bath. Probably because I didn't blow dry my wet hair too many times, and finally... This problem has fallen into place.”

Luo Binhan looked at her a little strangely, but didn't think about whether he should ask further.He also knew very little about the disease and had no useful advice to give.

"Are you here for a date today too?" He changed the subject, "Last time you said...what did that mean?"

"Last time?"

Her head tilted slightly, and her beret slipped a little.Her expression and tone seemed to be surprised, but Luo Binhan saw a slight smile on her lips.She undoubtedly remembered. "Last time," Luo Binhan said, "it seemed that someone skipped the blind date and told me that they didn't date anyone at all."

"Because there really isn't."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"You're lying to your parents. I told them I was dating."

"Okay!" Luo Binhan said, "Catch him on the spot!"

"Do you still want to snitch?"

"That's not a big deal, I did something similar last week anyway."

"You said you were just here to buy fish last time, right? So, was it a lie then?"

"That's not the case." Luo Binhan said.Shi Qi still looked at him with distrust, so he vaguely stated that he had a party arranged by his elders last week, but it was delayed because his cousin made trouble.He used his cousin's affairs to turn off the date and then went out to fool around. Shi Qi also used the excuse of a blind date to go out and fool around.No one can laugh at this matter.

"Are you really lying to your parents?" He asked Shi Qi, "Then why are you always hanging around here? I didn't see anyone watching you."

"My aunt sent me here. She was originally responsible for picking me up, but she didn't come last week because of something else."

"Isn't she never suspicious? She only sees you every time? Someone should come out with you, right?"

"Because it's only been three or four times. I just said that the discussions were not very satisfactory... I might ask next time."

"What will you do then?"

"Let's talk later."

"Your parents won't let you sneak in every time. Sooner or later, they will let you take someone to have a look."

"Will not."

"They're not in the city?"

"My dad is in jail." Shi Qi said calmly.

Luo Binhan's smiling face froze.He wanted to naturally adjust his surprise and sympathy, but Shi Qi looked at him straightly, as if he didn't want him to have a big reaction.

"That's it." Luo Binhan said, "Ah...then, is it serious?"

"For economic crimes, the sentence is life imprisonment. Counting from my senior year of high school, I will have to be in prison for at least five more years."

Luo Binhan no longer knew what to say.No part of his social training had ever taught him how to comfort a friend whose father was in jail, assuming the situation at hand.He reluctantly found a response that was not meritorious: "It's not your fault."

"My mother sold the family house to pay off the debt," Shi Qi continued, "so we moved away."

"Is it getting better now?"

"Well, all the debts have been paid off."

Luo Binhan finally found his footing.He was about to say a few words of praise for this family's unyielding suffering, but Shi Qi didn't seem to see him speak, and instead said to himself: "Then my mother was hospitalized."


"Advanced breast cancer." Luo Binhan was completely silent.Now he no longer has to ask why Shi Qi had to work part-time in college. "So," he said, "spend more time with her?"

"She didn't want me to accompany her," Shi Qi said. "She wanted to see me get married before she left."

Then all the puzzles were solved.Luo Binhan looked at the person in front of him, and finally felt that she was no longer mysterious and difficult to understand. It turned out that the person in front of him was just a mortal who was tired of life and trapped in his fate.It's just that she didn't seem to be very friendly to him today - this was something he just noticed. She talked about so many embarrassing personal things in one breath, and she wasn't prepared to abide by any social rules at all.And it wasn't caused by passion, because she was looking at him intently, with a faint smile on her lips, waiting to see how he would resolve this dilemma.

He was a little confused, thinking that maybe she was just too sad, and sad people are inevitably angry and sensitive.However, Shi Qi's expression seemed very calm, with a hint of contempt.Scared?She seemed to be asking silent questions and urging him away.This was also the first time that Luo Binhan felt that she was not an introverted and shy person, but a hard-to-please and aggressive person.He was almost hitting her edge.

"Aren't you happy?" he asked.

"What does this have to do with you?" Shi Qi said, but his tone was not intense, as if he was really asking a question.She looked at Luo Binhan for a while, and then said, "When you care about others, you always seem to be pretending."

"Have it?"

"Then do you really care?"

"What do you care about?"

Shi Qi shook his head.Luo Binhan felt that he was becoming more and more unpopular recently. It seemed that everyone disliked him. Even Shi Qi suddenly became angry with him.But because of this, her face became clearer than ever before.What he finally saw was a face with personality, with light and slender eyebrows, and soft facial features, except that the bone in the center of the bridge of the nose was slightly raised, with a less conspicuous knot.A weathered and polished edge.Her neck is slender and long, and the arc connecting it to her shoulders is very graceful, which can be called the most outstanding feature of her body.And his previous impression was correct. She did have straight hair, and when she let it down, it just covered her back.Shi Qi, there is a big difference between her and the people he has been in contact with recently, that is, her name suits her very well.

"It's too windy here." He suddenly said, "Let's find a shelter from the wind."

The face under the hat looked at him, and his eyes slowly changed.Now more details are becoming clear.There is a small blue mole on the left side of her nose, and her ears are closer to the ears than most people, probably because she often wears hats.

"Okay." She said, but her feet didn't move.At that moment, Luo Binhan felt that he understood what was going on.His mind seemed to be split in two. One half was surprised by this incident, while the other half was calm and told him that this was just a destined development.He just pondered for a moment, and then proactively suggested: "Let's go to the tea room last time."

They went to the same place again.In the shadow of the lamp filled with incense sticks, Shi Qi spoke in a calm tone about the family changes she experienced in her senior year of high school.For the first time, she knew the specific terms of the crime of bribery, and compared with this most serious one, bill fraud and tax evasion were not worth mentioning.The family didn't want her to know so much, so she couldn't even name a few specific names, but since the big tree fell, the vines attached to it naturally fell with it.Then she went to other places, barely completed the undergraduate course at the normal school, and also paid off the last debts between relatives.

"So," Luo Binhan said, "medical expenses?"

"It's already been raised. Social security, social donations, my brother's and my salary, and my grandfather's savings all add up to almost the same amount."

"Is it really enough?"

Shi Qi sat there with a dull smile on his face. "Three years at most." She whispered, "How much more is needed?"

They sat in relative silence.After a while, Shi Qi said, "Tell me about you too."

"What's wrong with me?"

"Your sister," she paused, "should be only half blood, right?"

"My parents remarried."

"When did this happen?"

"You said remarry?"

"It means my parents are divorced."

"We separated a long time ago." Luo Binhan said, "We separated before high school."

He told the story briefly, which should have been difficult, but when he did get it out it fell flat.Maybe it was because the tea room was dark, or maybe it was because Shi Qi told her own story first.In front of such a troubled man, his family problems seemed insignificant.They talked about Yu Qingshu's current situation, and also briefly mentioned Luo Jiaotian.Regarding Luo Jiaotian's mother, Luo Binhan, he could only shake his head. He really didn't understand her well enough.

"No wonder," Shi Qi said, "you were always unhappy in high school."

"Aren't I happy?" Luo Binhan said, "I am already one of the most noisy people in the class."

"But you're always a little fake, like you're on stage. It makes people think you're not being honest."

"That means I didn't act well enough, otherwise you would have thought I was sincere."

"Can't you just tell the truth?"

"I don't remember what lies I said." Luo Binhan asked, "How did I offend you in high school?"

Shi Qi looked at him in surprise: "Offended?"

"It's about the class dance." Luo Binhan reminded, "Since you are telling the truth, you must at least tell me the reason."

"Well, I'm just too nervous. My gastrointestinal condition is not good, and I tend to vomit when I'm nervous."

"But we have rehearsed before." Luo Binhan said. He was finally able to point out this fact in front of the most suitable person. "We have rehearsed a long time ago, and you were good during the rehearsal. It's just that the person you were rehearsing with was not me." .”

Shi Qi stared at him in front of the light, his expression very blurry and difficult to distinguish. "Because I wanted to tell you something at that time."

"But you don't want to say it anymore?"

"It's meaningless anymore - that's what I thought at the time. Later, something happened at home, so I wasn't in the mood to think about anything else."

"Time flies so fast." Luo Binhan said.He felt that Shi Qi was thinking the same thing as him.Everything changes, and eventually it comes back to where it started.Things happen again and again, and what will happen tomorrow is just what happened yesterday.He unconsciously reached out his hand, but then Shi Qi's bell rang.She picked up her phone and took a look.

"My aunt is here to pick me up," she said. "It's time for me to go."

"I'll give it to you." Luo Binhan said.

"She's right outside."

"I know."

Shi Qi put down his phone and looked at him speechlessly.Luo Binhan waited for her reply, feeling a strong premonition in his heart.That is an illusion that people often have when standing on a peak or on the top of a building. He feels that outside his body, another self is looking down on his own destiny, knowing the final result to which all this will lead.Nothing is new, but that doesn't matter.Now he waited, accepting whatever consequences were given to him.

"Then," Shi Qi asked, "will you come again next week?"

"Do we have to choose here?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"What do you want to do in the middle of the week?" Luo Binhan suggested, "There is always somewhere to go."

Shi Qi just smiled silently, as if he felt that there was no good outcome in this matter.But Luo Binhan had already stood up. He handed her the hat on the table and followed her out of the tea room.There was an old van on the street outside. The middle-aged woman in the driver's seat had a pair of light and slender eyebrows, and she did look a bit like Shi Qi.She looked surprised to see him and greeted him warmly.Luo Binhan also greeted back, opened the car door and let Shi Qi sit in.He watched the van go away and then went home.

Yu Xiaorong stayed at home that day.She had already begun to take on the challenge of reading Chinese novels. She spread the scrap paper with scrawled characters all over the table, and Fina lay down on the thickest pile of paper to sleep.When Luo Binhan walked into the house, he saw that she had used some method to pin a pencil on the top of her head without falling off.

"What are you doing?" Luo Binhan asked.

Yu Xiaorong only looked up at him impatiently, not even bothering to say hello - then she looked up at him a second time, and then stopped staring.

"Where's the fish you bought?" she asked.Luo Binhan lowered his head and looked at his empty hands. "Forgot," he said calmly.

"Then what did you do when you went out?"

"I'll buy it next week."

"You will start raising a fish tank soon." Yu Xiaorong said.

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