Dow and Carbon-Based Monkey Breeding Guidelines

Chapter 924 can be regarded as an ending

Yu Xiaorong’s prediction has been partially confirmed.The next weekend, Luo Binhan still failed to buy new fish.He didn't have time to go to the flower and bird market, but the fish tank couldn't be empty after all, so he called and ordered a few fish to be delivered.Yu Xiaorong was very disdainful of his way of using manpower at every turn, but Luo Binhan felt that he had a good reason.

"I already have an appointment for the weekend," he said, "I'm going to visit the high school with someone."

"With whom? Your good friend?"

"Zhou Yu is still working overtime. I'll go with other classmates."

At the weekend, he and Shi Qi met at the gate of the high school, walked along the widened road, and talked about every classmate and teacher they remembered.When they mentioned Zhou Yu, Luo Binhan paused.He felt that now was the time to speak out.

"Zhou Yu," he said simply, "she passed away."

Shi Qi suddenly turned his head to look at him.Her large-brimmed sun hat decorated with shell flowers slipped from her head and fell into her arms.Luo Binhan wanted to pick it up, but his hand bumped into her arm, feeling that Shi Qi's skin was much warmer than his own.

She paid no attention to his actions. "When?" she asked, her voice trembling a little.

"A few years ago. She and Zhou Yu were engaged, but there was an accident." Luo Binhan paused, "An object fell from a height."

Shi Qi had no doubts about the cause of his death.She stood there blankly, digesting the news Luo Binhan said. "With Zhou Yu?" she repeated hesitantly.

"How could you really regard them as brothers and sisters?" Luo Binhan asked incomprehensibly, "Which pair of brothers and sisters would get along like that? And, think about it, if two children of similar age were born, who would pronounce them? Such similar names? How inconvenient it would be to call them names."

Shi Qi stood there without saying a word for a full 2 ​​minutes.Then she finally recovered.She forced a smile and put her hat on her head hastily. "But their temperaments are indeed very similar."

"You mean they both don't fit in."

"No. They... are all a bit scary." She paused for a few seconds, "But Zhou Yu is actually quite easy to talk to."

Luo Binhan looked at her strangely, suspecting that he had heard wrongly, or that she was just speaking kindly to the deceased.But Shi Qi then asked: "How is Zhou Yu doing now?"

"Not great. But better than previous years."

"You two are nothing alike." Shi Qi looked at him and said, "Why do you have a good relationship?"

"What's the point? I think many people like to make friends with opposite personalities." Luo Binhan said, "Who can bear to have another self next to you? Is your brother's personality similar to yours?"

"He's more like you."

"Really? Which point?"

"He often splashes water on his pants when washing his face."

"What are you talking about!" Luo Binhan said loudly, "You really saw it!"

Shi Qi may have wanted to laugh, but he successfully held it back.She repeatedly stated that she didn't mean to do it, but Luo Binhan had already begun to settle old scores, pointing out that she was embarrassing him every time they met.Not to mention the disaster caused by the goldfish's escape, she also caused a serious shadow on his social dancing, completely eliminating the possibility of him becoming a ball star - although it was unlikely in the first place, this was the last nail in the coffin. .

"What happened last time?" Shi Qi asked, "I just saw you standing in front of the store."

"That's when I was thinking about decorating Zhou Yu's house." Luo Binhan said, "I can't explain it now, but you will understand if you see his look."

"There may be a chance in the future." Shi Qi said.Her voice didn't sound contradictory.

They went to the school to visit several past teachers that Shi Qi had not had time to meet last time.Some of them still had deep memories of Luo Binhan, and they were surprised when they saw him and Shi Qi appearing together.But they didn't ask anything, and seemed to think that this was just how things were going in the world.

Things in the world will continue to develop according to their most common and ordinary laws.Time passes unshakably, and the heat of midsummer becomes more intense day by day.There was a new movie in the theater that was well received. Luo Binhan accompanied Yu Xiaorong and Shi Qi to the movie once.Yu Xiaorong's evaluation was average, but Shi Qi liked it very much, so Luo Binhan bought a small pendant related to the film for her, and she accepted it.She is really cautious about accepting gifts and is not willing to be treated when going out to eat. Sometimes Luo Binhan feels that she is a bit too strict in this regard.He tried paying the bill in advance, but Shi Qi just said a few polite words. It felt like holding a picked pebble in the palm of his hand. It seemed to be polished smooth, but when he tightened it, he found that it hit the palm of his hand.

So, he loosened his palm slightly and continued to adjust the method and strength.They get along very naturally, although they haven't been defined in one word yet.At the aquatic plant exhibition in the Natural History Museum, among the waterlilies, philodendrons and calamus, they talked about Shi Qi's painting from long ago.The conversation about hobbies extends to work.Shi Qi is working in an early childhood education institution. Occasionally, old customers will introduce odd jobs to her and ask her to help take care of their children.

"Are they safe to let someone as young as you take care of their children?" Luo Binhan asked, "How many at a time?"

"It usually doesn't take long. And I also have experience taking care of my younger brother."

"You like doing this?"

"No, I'm looking for a slightly easier job, like an office clerk or something like that."

At that time Luo Binhan had already opened his mouth.He thought he might be able to help.But Shi Qi looked at him directly under his hat, with the same expression as when he rushed to pay the bill last time.So he didn't say any more, just smiled a little confused.

"Don't you always want to owe others a favor?" He asked softly, "Even as a friend?"

"If they are just ordinary friends."

"What's the point?"

"If one day we have a quarrel under the same roof," Shi Qiye said with a smile, "how can I stand firm?"

Then he understood a little more, and the hidden edges and corners on the cobblestones were gradually revealed.Strangely, he found that the perception of a person's temperament can also affect the outside world.He once thought that Shi Qi was gentle and delicate, at least in appearance, but now he saw many detailed features in her face, all of which hinted at her almost stubborn toughness.Her smile always has a limit, her eyes are full of consideration and scrutiny, and the closer she gets to her heart, the more defensive she becomes.She is the kind of person who has experienced a huge crisis and has since lost her sense of security. She values ​​dignity, is sensitive and likes to prepare for a rainy day.But these traits didn't bother him—it was familiar territory to him, as his mother and sister had similar traits.He has spent so long dealing with this type of opposite sex that he has almost become path dependent.

In the evening after returning from the aquatic plant exhibition, a new batch of fish was also delivered.Luo Binhan cleaned the bottom of the tank while changing the water, taking out the greasy pebbles on the bottom sand and scrubbing them.He held them one by one in the palm of his hand, trying to find which one best matched his impression of Shi Qi.Yu Xiaorong kicked his calf from behind, telling him to quickly make room for her to brush her teeth.Luo Binhan turned his head and saw that she was still holding Fina in her arms, and subconsciously wanted to pull her scalp.He stopped in time, remembering that Fina was no ordinary lizard.He had almost forgotten its true origin.

Three days after that night, Zhou Yu was released from the laboratory and returned home.Luo Binhan drove to see him and found that he had become sleepy and haggard again.He suddenly lost his interest in joking and became strongly aware that Zhou Yu was really at risk of dying young.

"Have you ever considered changing your job?" Luo Binhan said to him, "This job will be helpful for your PhD? You can't live like this forever, can you?"

"It will be better in a while."

"How long is a while?"

"About two or three months."

"Then you can go back to normal routine?"

Zhou Yu responded ambiguously.But this time Luo Binhan didn't allow him to be vague: "Will you be able to take a vacation by then?"


"Let's find a place with a good climate for vacation." Luo Binhan asked directly, "How about Dianyun?"


"Maybe I can bring my sister with me in time." Luo Binhan said after thinking. Then he thought of Shi Qi and asked, "Is it possible to cure late-stage breast cancer?"

Zhou Yu's closed eyes opened.He slowly turned his head to look at Luo Binhan. "Not too possible."

"Are you having a headache? What's the problem?"

"Have you had a headache lately?"

"No, let me ask. What caused it?"

Zhou Yu thought for a while, and then began to explain to him the various possible causes of wind headaches: migraine, hypertension, vascular neuropathic headache, trigeminal neuralgia, allergic rhinitis - Luo Binhan listened to every word that came out. It was meaningless, so he quickly interrupted Zhou Yu and asked him whether these diseases could be cured through medicine.

"If it's related to upper respiratory tract infection, there may be a way to do it, but for other things, we can only treat it slowly."

"That's it?" Luo Binhan asked, "No matter how good the medicine is, it won't work?"

"Instead of relying on drug treatment, it is better to prevent it in advance. For this disease with complex causes, it can only temporarily relieve the pain, and it is impossible to eradicate the problem at once."

"I thought migraines were a common disease."

"Common diseases and being treatable are two different things, right?" "Then what exactly can our medicine cure?" Luo Binhan asked, "How many diseases can be completely cured?"

“…What does complete cure mean?”

"Just like never being sick?"

Zhou Yu raised his head and thought for a while. "Lobar pneumonia." He replied seriously.Luo Binhan didn't know why he was so serious all of a sudden.

"I met Shi Qi again last week." He said carelessly, "We went out for a walk together."

Zhou Yu's eyes opened again, with an expression of silent contemplation on his face.Luo Binhan waited for him to make a real reaction, but he just said: "Yeah."

"You have nothing to say? Don't you think it's too sudden?"

"It's more reasonable."

"What does it mean to be reasonable?"

"What Zhou Yu said before seems to mean this."

"What did you say behind my back?" Luo Binhan asked desperately, "If tomorrow is the end of the world, aren't you two going to notify me?"

"Nothing like that... Do you want restaurant recommendations downtown?"

"Did you collect it yourself?"

"Zhou Yu's."

"Oh," Luo Binhan said immediately, "Let me see it?"

Zhou Yu opened the review software on his mobile phone, and Luo Binhan sat over and flipped through each item. "What do people with bad stomachs usually eat?" he asked.

He finally chose a little-known Yunnan restaurant.The signature mushroom rice noodles are very delicious and lightly seasoned. The owner proudly claims that there are no artificial flavors in the soup.Luo Binhan didn't care much about this. He had no personal grudge against MSG, but Shi Qi really preferred this sweet and light flavor.She also liked quiche and fried bean curds, but when she saw the "insect chowder" on the menu, she gave up the bean curds without hesitation.

"Really?" Luo Binhan said, reading the ingredients listed next to them - bamboo worms, bee pupae and grasshoppers, "Are you sure you really want to eat them?"

Shi Qi nodded vigorously three times. "I've wanted to try it for a long time," she said.Luo Binhan thought she might regret it when the real thing came, but she didn't. She ate every fried insect, just as naturally as eating milk pancakes.She thought highly of the bee pupa, but not the grasshopper.

"It's a bit prickly." She put down her chopsticks and said.

Luo Binhan looked at her thoughtfully: "Maybe you are very suitable to be a cosmic person."

Another person suitable to be a cosmonaut is Yu Xiaorong.She was very angry when she heard about Luo Binhan's whereabouts. "You went out to eat fried bugs," she asked, "but you didn't know to bring me one?"

"Why are you eating that?"

"Those are grasshoppers and bee pupae! Anyone would want to try them!"

Luo Binhan announced that she was also suitable to be a cosmonaut.Yu Xiaorong asked him what he meant, but Luo Binhan was suddenly stuck.He found that he could hardly remember the special diet he had adopted during his distant journey.He was a little forgetful, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

But that's what it is.The universe, and all the big pictures associated with it, were slowly disappearing from his mind.He began to treat Fina as an ordinary family pet and stopped talking to the things in the fish tank at midnight.Once they lurk in daily life, talked about lightly or ignored, strange objects become part of daily life.One night when he came back from a business trip to a branch in another city, he went into the small bathroom attached to the bedroom to wash up without thinking, and then fell asleep.It was only in the afternoon of the next day that he remembered that he had forgotten Li Li, but Li Li didn't show up to protest anyway.

The weird memories faded away, and in the repeated passage of time, Shi Qi's figure became increasingly clear.Her voice and manner, her slightly scrutinizing eyes when she spoke, the way she reached out to hold her hat... They were usually very busy and only met one day on the weekend, but they sent messages on their mobile phones frequently.Nothing special, just talk about what you had for lunch or where you plan to go on the weekend.One time Shi Qi sent him a photo of a fried flower spider, and Luo Binhan commented that it was a bit too radical.He also sent Shi Qi an old still photo. In the photo, the actress was wearing a giant decorative hat with a brim as big as a coffee table and piled with edible tropical fruits.Shi Qi also commented that he was too radical.

Finally, one day after they went to the Dian Restaurant, he went to Nan Mingguang's office to discuss how to arrange the audit team that would come in next month. Nan Mingguang gave him the names of the relevant personnel, and then mentioned that he had a classmate. My daughter is visiting relatives in the city.When they were talking, Xiao Rong, who was responsible for reporting the details, sat next to him holding the computer, trying to pretend that he was a ball of air.So Luo Binhan was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "I have appointments for the past few weeks."

Nan Mingguang looked up from the document. "When?" he asked with a smile.

"Not long."

"How did you meet?"

"Former classmates."

"Why don't you bring me to get to know him?"

"We haven't reached that stage yet," Luo Binhan said. "How many more months?"

Nan Mingguang made no secret of his interest in this matter, but still let him go gracefully.Xiao Rong followed him out with a dazed expression on her face, but it was hard to tell whether she would spread the content of the conversation.This doubt made Luo Binhan feel a little annoyed, and he felt that he should express it in a more appropriate occasion.

He finally decided to accept it.This was not a shady matter in the first place.But he couldn't help but start to imagine the consequences of this matter. Where would everything lead?What do everyone think of Shi Qihui?
On the fourth weekend after abandoning the flower and bird market, he and Shi Qi were walking outside the city stadium and heard a concert being held inside.The sound equipment is excellent and can be heard clearly even from outside the venue.Shi Qi recognized a song she liked, so they stopped and listened.A scalper came up and asked them if they wanted to buy tickets, but Shi Qi shook his head and refused - if they were in the venue, they wouldn't be able to talk to each other.

Luo Binhan was looking down at a group of ants busy moving when Shi Qi suddenly asked him: "Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"A little doubtful." Luo Binhan said.


"If you don't know someone well, how do you know if you like them?"

"Aren't there people who are naturally hard to deal with? Even if you don't know each other, you will feel disgusted when you see them."

"This is true." Luo Binhan said, "I believe it."

"Then you are also the type who will fall in love with you as soon as you meet him, right?"

"Have you ever felt that way?"

Shi Qi looked at him and smiled slightly.For a moment Luo Binhan thought she was going to admit it. "I haven't," she said. "I'm not that type, but I have a friend who is. Every time she falls in love, she always decides at the first sight. She doesn't even know the other person's name, but she feels that she We are already very familiar with each other, and we can even guess his hobbies and personality."

"I think," Luo Binhan interjected, "the partners these times should be pretty handsome, right?"

"I feel fine."

"But she didn't keep talking for a long time, right? It seems that love at first sight is not very accurate."

"It was like she had met them in a previous life - that's what she said. She also believed that maybe she did marry them in other parallel worlds."

"She gets married a lot." Luo Binhan said.

They continued to roam the pedestrian street until the ants' warning to Luo Binhan came true, and a heavy rain, which is common in summer, drove them towards the parking lot.By this time, Luo Binhan's understanding of wind headaches had improved a lot, and he knew that Shi Qi must not be exposed to the rain. "Shall I take you back?" He opened the car door and let her sit in. "Where are you going?"

Shi Qi reported his address.He drove there according to the navigation, and finally found the entrance of a very old semi-enclosed community.The buildings are all low-rise, showing their age and giving off a sense of desolation.So Luo Binhan said nothing.He estimated that Shi Qi would not let him know her specific address, so he had to park the car at the gate of the community.But Shi Qi said, "Want to come to my house and sit down?"


"The place is a bit small. However, there should be no one at home right now."

Luo Binhan followed her instructions and drove the car into the community.There was thunder in the sky, and they quickly got into the corridor and climbed up the narrow stairs to the sixth floor.Shi Qi was panting. Luo Binhan lowered his head and suddenly realized that she was still wearing leather shoes with high heels. "Why are you wearing this?"

"I have an interview this morning and I want to look taller."

"New job?"

Shi Qi seemed to want to answer him, but his feet slipped on the steps.Luo Binhan immediately gave him a hand from behind.When he caught up, he accidentally grabbed the railing. When he pulled it back, he found that his hands were covered with rust and dust.Shi Qi reminded him not to let his clothes touch the wall, otherwise he would inevitably be covered in lime.They maneuvered through a minefield, avoiding piles of clutter on the walkways and a large cage of smelly hamsters.It was quite a technical task to walk through such corridors every day without getting dirty clothes, but they finally reached the end point: the room at the highest point of the building.

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