Chapter 1028 Heartbeat
Today's shooting was just a simple shoot of some posters, but Lin Cheng also felt that it was tiring enough.

It is easier to make money by playing games.

It was almost [-] o'clock in the afternoon when the shooting ended. After a simple meal, the reception staff led them to the hotel that had been arranged in advance.

Because of the developed tourism industry in Jeju Island, almost all the big hotels here are built in the form of resort parks. However, because of the epidemic, these hotels currently receive very little passenger flow. The huge and bright hotel lobby can't see a few guests except the staff. The figure looked a little deserted.

I don't know if it's because the hotel is cheap due to the epidemic, or because the brand really values ​​Lin Cheng, and the room they stayed in is very luxurious.

The room is fully equipped, not to mention that there is a spacious balcony, and the transparent glass guardrail faces the distant mountain peaks, with beautiful natural scenery.

It was just at sunset, Lin Cheng took off his suit jacket and lay down on the chair on the balcony without any image, stretching.

"Hey~~~ I'm really exhausted today!"

Zheng Shiyan took Lin Cheng's coat and hung it on the shelf, "Go to rest, I'm going back to my room."

"Don't! It's okay anyway, just watch the sunset."

Lin Cheng was a bit reluctant to let Zheng Shiyan leave, after all, such an elegant and charming OL is too eye-catching, one more look is worth it.

"Nothing to see."

Hearing Zheng Shiyan's words, Lin Cheng curled his lips.

Why is this woman so rational?

"Oh, sister Shiyan! How come you... such a beautiful scenery, normal women would think it is beautiful, right?"

Zheng Shiyan glanced at Lin Cheng sullenly, "You think I'm abnormal?"

"Uh~~~That's not true, I was just joking..."

Lin Cheng choked, and waved his hands helplessly, "Forget it! You go back, I'll stay here by myself for a while."

Zheng Shiyan didn't speak, she stood by the balcony with her arms folded, looking at the sunset in the distance.

Lin Cheng was taken aback.

Miss Shiyan, what do you mean by this?
How to say go and not go?
Of course, Lin Cheng was not stupid enough to ask her why she didn't leave.

As far as the eye can see, the red sunset like a half disk is exposed in the lush valley in the distance. The clouds are very low, and the rays of light seem to smudge the whole world, and the outline of the mountain peaks is also outlined in red lines, which is extremely enchanting.

The scenery is really beautiful, but the people are even more beautiful.

Zheng Shiyan turned her back to Lin Cheng, and Lin Cheng could only see half of her side face, her fair and crystal clear cheeks and nose were dyed a faint pink by the setting sun, and the tall figure seemed to be covered with a layer of glow by the setting sun.

Lin Cheng had an inexplicable heartbeat.

This woman is really beautiful, even if she tries hard to look like a stranger.

If it is said that Sister Shiyan's face and temperament are already amazing, what's even more exaggerated is that she is gazing at the sunset with her arms folded at this time, the round and towering majesty makes Lin Cheng feel that it is even more magnificent than the mountains in the distance.

The waist line is slender and soft. From Lin Cheng's point of view, Zheng Shiyan's curves under the hip-covering skirt are sexy yet dignified, and her legs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings are well-proportioned and elegant.

In Lin Cheng's opinion, black stockings are more attractive, but flesh-colored stockings make Sister Shiyan more elegant, and they are two different beauties.

Of course, Lin Cheng wasn't interested in taking a look at what a woman with a bad figure wore.

But Sister Shiyan was different, even though she had already put on the hotel's disposable slippers, even her ankle wrapped in silk stockings had a strange allure in Lin Cheng's eyes.

Aside from character, Lin Chengzhen doesn't know any shortcomings of this woman.

As if feeling Lin Cheng's gaze, Zheng Shiyan turned to look at him.

Lin Cheng quickly looked away guiltily.

"Would you like to sit down? Are you tired from walking in high heels all day?"


"Then you sit."

Lin Cheng consciously got up and got out of the chair, and sat down on the floor next to him.

There were still chairs in the room, but Lin Cheng didn't bother to move them, anyway, the hotel balcony was very clean.

Zheng Shiyan sat down gracefully, and her beautiful legs in stockings were a beautiful sight.

"Sister Shiyan, this endorsement contract is bothering you."


Zheng Shiyan responded lightly, and did not look at Lin Cheng, as if she was still immersed in the beauty of the sunset in the distance.

Lin Cheng probed: " you want to think about the matter of the manager again?"

Originally, the endorsement fee prepared by Innisfree for Lin Cheng was directly doubled. Zheng Shiyan's role in it was too great, but she was just helping out and refused to take the commission of the agent's contract, which made Lin Cheng feel very sorry .

The same goes for the contract with the club, but if you change to a professional agent, you may have already made money from Lin Cheng.

Zheng Shiyan didn't speak, as if she didn't hear Lin Cheng's words.

Lin Cheng was a little helpless, he didn't understand why Sister Shiyan, who had always been rational, was so persistent, and she didn't want her to leave her TV station job to become a full-time agent.

This woman's mind is too difficult to guess.

"By the way! How did you charge so much for the endorsement fee? I almost thought the other party was a fool."

Zheng Shiyan didn't explain too much about the negotiation methods, but just said: "Continue to play well, and your worth will be even higher in the future."

Behind Lin Cheng's top performance is the huge Chinese e-sports market, and Zheng Shiyan is well aware of its value.

Among other things, is the value of Asia's number one star Sun Xingmin high enough?

The entire Chinese football team is not worth half of Sun Xingmin's leg, but Wu Lei's endorsement fees from domestic advertisers when he joined the Espanyol were much higher than Sun Xingmin's.

This is the gap in the market.

Seeing that Sister Shiyan was not interested in discussing this topic in depth, Lin Cheng decided to find other topics.

Zheng Shiyan has a cold personality, and most people might not feel comfortable getting along with her, but Lin Cheng is familiar with her personality and doesn't feel awkward.

"You can't see such a scene in Seoul, can you?"


"Why don't we go shopping in Jeju Island after the shooting tomorrow morning?"

According to the plan, there is still a group of makeup photos to be taken in the snow tea garden. Since the outdoor light does not meet the photographer's requirements this evening, the two parties agreed to continue shooting tomorrow morning.

"No! Go back and get ready for work."


Lin Cheng was a little helpless. Although the relationship was already very good, it was obvious that they couldn't chat like ordinary friends.

Fortunately, Lin Cheng was thick-skinned enough, so he was just rambling about to find topics.

Zheng Shiyan listened carefully and occasionally answered.

When the two talked about Enxi's little girl, Zheng Shiyan became obviously different.

She began to take the initiative to talk about Enxi.

When was the last time the little girl wet the bed, the little girl was frightened into tears by the cockroaches, the first time the little girl entered kindergarten...

It's all some ordinary little things, Zheng Shiyan always had a faint smile on the corner of her mouth when she said it.

At this time, she looked very gentle, as if she was a different person than usual.

Lin Cheng suddenly became jealous of Enxi.

This woman was so gentle at times.

(End of this chapter)

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