Chapter 1029

The sun was gradually setting, and after Zheng Shiyan returned to the room, Lin Cheng was bored on the sofa and watched TV.

It just so happened that today's Premier League morning game was defending champion Manchester City playing Arsenal. Lin Cheng was excited to watch a strong dialogue.

The result is very real, Arsenal was bloodbathed 0:5, adding another record to the tragic record.

As a Milan fan, Lin Cheng really sympathizes with Arsenal fans.

At any rate, Milan's ancestors are also richer, and it is also a wealthy club that permanently retains the Big Ears Cup. After a long period of downturn, it has gradually improved in the past two years.

Nana, on the other hand, was getting worse year after year, and was beaten out of tragedy every year.

Of course, looking at the excitement, Lin Cheng happily ran to the domestic Arsenal fans to post on the forum to pick things up.

Keep it up, don't fight for the fourth!At least without having to face the real king of North London.

The King of North London was originally called by Arsenal fans, because they have been the strongest team in North London for a long time.

However, with the rise of Tottenham in recent years, Arsenal's dominance in North London has been challenged, and Arsenal's humiliation in the European arena is also countless.

It is also unlucky for Arsenal. Every year, they desperately strive for fourth place to qualify for the Champions League. They also performed very well in the Champions League group stage, and they can rush to the top [-] of the Champions League every time.

As a result, every time the group qualified, it was a tragedy. They went back to draw lots and hit the universe team and were slaughtered.

7:2, 5:1 three times, in recent years Arsenal has been beaten by Bayern in various tragedies, and Bayern has been dubbed by the fans as the real king of North London.

Arsenal fans are also starting to show off now. Not only did they not refute Lin Cheng, but they left messages saying that Lin Cheng's proposal was very constructive. It is true that they are gradually getting closer to Chinese football fans.

After playing with his mobile phone for a while, Lin Cheng felt a little hungry. He only ate a little airline meal on the plane at noon, and he didn't eat much in the afternoon.

I sent a message to Jung Si Yeon and asked her if she wanted to eat supper.
Zheng Shiyan replied no, Lin Cheng ordered something by himself.

Not to mention, the stewed elbow in the big hotel seems to be better than outside.

With the TV on, eating supper and drinking wine, Lin Cheng felt very comfortable.

Of course, wine is beer, and Lin Cheng can't stand the soju that Koreans are used to, but drinking some beer is not a big problem for Lin Cheng.

After a while, Zheng Shiyan came over.

She handed the phone to Lin Cheng, "Enxi misses you?"

"Crooked! Enxi."

"Uncle! Uncle!"

Hearing the little girl's Nunuuo voice coming from the phone, Lin Cheng grinned happily.

"Is Enxi good today?"

"Enxi is so good! Xiaoying and Enxi took Hanzai for a walk today! Hanzai's papa stinks! Xiaoying also got a very precious Pokémon card..."

The little girl chattered about today's experience with Lin Cheng. Lin Cheng sat down on the floor and listened patiently, and then seriously discussed with the little girl.

Zheng Shiyan sat on the sofa and turned down the volume of the TV. Listening to the conversation between the two, she felt a little warm for no reason.

In the past, she was afraid that the little girl would always be shy and withdrawn. Fortunately, Lin Cheng made Enxi lively.

The little girl hadn't seen Lin Cheng for a week and she had a lot to say, her little mouth kept talking, and with the little girl Xiaoying interrupting from time to time, Lin Cheng insisted on chatting with the two girls for a while before handing over the phone to him. Zheng Shiyan.

"Mom will be back soon, you have to be good."

Seeing Zheng Shiyan hang up the phone, Lin Cheng withdrew his gaze, "Sister Shiyan, let's eat something together, you didn't eat much for dinner today."

Zheng Shiyan was about to refuse, but Lin Cheng said: "You don't mean to say you want to lose weight, do you? You must not lose weight."

Pretentiously looking up and down, Lin Cheng exaggeratedly said: "You are not fat, and every loss of such a perfect figure is a loss."

Zheng Shiyan rolled her eyes at him, then sat on the sofa and moved her chopsticks.

"By the way! Sister Shiyan graduated from Kyung Hee University, right?"


"When did you join the TV station?"

The two chatted casually while eating supper, and Lin Cheng didn't even care about what was playing on the TV screen.

Lin Cheng himself had almost eaten before Zheng Shiyan came, and his alcohol capacity was very poor, and he was in a slightly drunk state after a can of beer.

"Hi! I'm done eating, sister Shiyan eat slowly."

After hiccupping, Lin Cheng lay on his back on the floor and closed his eyes to rest.

Accidentally touched a soft spot on his arm, Lin Cheng subconsciously pinched it with his hand.

It feels very good.

Probably because of the intuition of the old pervert, Lin Cheng felt something was wrong, opened his eyes and looked over, only to find that his hand was on Zheng Shiyan's calf.

Zheng Shiyan was kneeling beside her, her legs were put together by her side, and Lin Cheng's hand was resting on top of it.

Quickly withdrew his hand, Lin Cheng secretly glanced at Zheng Shiyan.

She raised her eyelids slightly, glanced at Lin Cheng, then lowered her head and sipped the food on the table.

Alcohol is a good thing.

Although Lin Cheng would become crazy when he drank too much, but he became more courageous in this slightly drunk state.

Seeing that Zheng Shiyan didn't respond, Lin Cheng took the courage to reach out and touch the shapely legs wrapped in stockings secretly.

Hiss~~~It feels so good.

Knowing what he was touching, Lin Cheng felt that the touch felt even better this time.

He sneaked another glance at Zheng Shiyan's reaction, and found that she was staring at him expressionlessly with her head down.

It can be said that Lin Cheng did it unintentionally the first time, but it's hard to explain this time.

Lin Cheng quickly removed his paw.

After all, he was still very afraid of Sister Shiyan, and started talking nonsense out of desperation.

"Uh~~ There seems to be something dirty in your stockings, let me wipe them off for you."


Zheng Shiyan responded and stopped looking at him.

Huh?Did she believe it?
Lin Cheng was just a little dizzy, and of course he didn't drink until his IQ dropped to a negative number. He knew that Sister Shiyan was just too lazy to investigate.

Does being too lazy to pursue it mean she doesn't mind?
She didn't frown at me anymore, does that mean she doesn't hate me?
She likes me, right?
I knew that Sister Shiyan must like me.

At this time, Lin Cheng's thinking was very divergent, and since Zheng Shiyan's reaction was outrageous, he began to be passionate.

So, he reached out and touched Sister Shiyan's beautiful legs.

Sensing Zheng Shiyan's eyes on him again, Lin Cheng deliberately didn't look at her, gritted his teeth and gently rubbed her calf with the palm of his hand.

The calves wrapped in stockings are well-proportioned and elastic, and they feel so good that they explode.

Huh?Sister Shiyan still didn't respond?

Lin Cheng raised his head in surprise.

Zheng Shiyan still lowered her head and sipped at the food, as if she didn't notice Lin Cheng's movements.

It's just that her eyelids trembled slightly, and she seemed a little restless.

Lin Cheng's mind suddenly surged with ecstasy.

She really likes me?

Brother Cheng is not pretending to be affectionate!
(End of this chapter)

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