This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1060 Ah P: Do my teammates still want to win?

Chapter 1060 Ah P: Do my teammates still want to win?

Verus flashed and started a group in front of the five people, which seemed radical, but at the moment when the shock wave of the clockwork ult was formed, Morgana gave Verus the black shield, so that Verus would not be pulled by the shock wave.

After Lin Cheng R flashed first, he immediately retreated, and turned back E evil spirit arrow rain shot.

Even if the position is not considered scattered, Verus R flashed first but was not immediately retained when C9 lacked control.

However, Gnar TP's position is at the entrance of the red square wild area, and he has already landed and rushed behind the clockwork. E jumps forward and prepares to flash and shoot big.

But Chaowei has also been following Lin Cheng, and the moment he saw Da Gnar's head exposed, he had already flashed the R skill and clicked on Gnar's head.

Sett's big move was amazing. The priority was ridiculously high. Danar jumped into the air and entered the range of Sett's big move. Before he landed, he was thrown back by Seti over his shoulder and fell into the middle of the crowd.

The rain of evil spirit arrows had already triggered the withering effect on Clockwork, and Clockwork lost a lot of HP.

Moreover, Ah P has no room for manipulation, and the clockwork has not yet broken free from Verus' control, and Morgana's Q skill is darkly imprisoned.

When Lin Cheng was pulling first, his teammates were not idle. Originally, the small assistant didn't dare to go first because he might expose himself and Ashe, who were half blood, to the firepower of the opposite side.

But when Lin Cheng took the lead to attract the attention of others, Effort Barrel decisively flashed into the field and fired a small cannon, so that Zven didn't have the first time to follow the clockwork to output Verus.

With his teammates to share the pressure, Lin Cheng took a step after he was done and immediately began to turn around and walk A's imprisoned clockwork.

Qian Jue gave up fighting the dragon when Verus R was flashing, and rolled forward trying to output Verus, but was dragged back by Sett's E skill and collided with Gnar.

Although Xiaopao's big move immediately pushed Sett out of the field, Chaowei's control was over, and Lin Cheng had already slashed A twice quickly to disable the mainspring.

W activates, Q piercing arrow starts charging.

Coincidentally, the chains of corruption spread. The narrow terrain at the mouth of the dragon pit and the pressure given by KT personnel entered the arena. Except for Karma, the other three people were all entangled by the chains of corruption.

However, before being imprisoned, Xiaopao moved up in time to open his position.

An arrow struck.

Qian Jue activated the big move Yang Ling in advance.

The arrow passed through the three of them.

Qian Jue and Gnar both have three layers of withering effects superimposed by the chain of corruption, and due to the damage from Seti's entry and Morgana's ice, both of them have unhealthy HP.

An arrow flashed across.

Qian Jue Gnar and Clockwork's three blood bars bottomed out at the same time.

If it weren't for the spirit of the sheep, Lin Cheng might have killed three times.

But before the opponent could rejoice, the big move of the wine barrel fell into the sheep spirit, and the three of them were blown out.

Verus shot back the clockwork that was blown to the front, and the two who were blown to the other side were harvested by Ashe.

On the other side, Xiaopao was still imprisoned by the chain of corruption after W landed, and the position where Zven jumped in panic was not far from Verus.

Lin Cheng unwinds the clockwork, presses up one step and starts to face Xiaopao with A.

Lin Cheng has no skills to trigger passively for the time being, so he chooses toughness.

Just now, Verus saw that the clockwork was dying in the Lamb's Breath, and he only had less than one-third of his health. Zven saw that Lin Cheng's teammates were not around immediately, and wanted to be tough to the end.

But don't look at the high damage burst of the small cannon set, why fight the two-piece Verus before the Kraken has come out?
Moreover, Lin Cheng clearly knew that Xiaopao's E skill had already been handed over below, so naturally he wouldn't be afraid.

Even if Verus's two-piece outfit does not trigger the passive, his ability to stand up is not weak.

Mozong provides a good attack power. The W skill itself makes Verus's basic attack with magic damage, and Nash's Fang is also passive with additional damage.

Even if the resistance of the small cannon is counted, Verus alone now has close to 50 extra damage every time he draws A, and Nasher's Fang and passive attack speed also allow Verus to slip away A.

As a result, Xiaopao and Verus, who were almost full of blood, lost their blood quickly against A.

The small cannon of the E skill CD can't instantly kill Verus with a third of his HP. Instead, it is because of the effect of the W withering quiver returning the skill CD, and Verus' Q skill will be fine soon.

Lin Cheng's AQ triggers the passive and directly takes Xiaopao away.

"Double Kill!"

Karma below also did not run away, and was retained by the ice flash W, and Mr. Dai scored a triple kill.

Wawa: "Oh! C9 was stunned by Brother Cheng this time! Verus's big move imprisoned four people, and the backhand of Sett and the barrel was so beautiful, Gnar entered the field and was directly carried away by Sett. As soon as Qian Jue opened up to protect his teammates, they were all blown out by the wine barrels, and KT played a perfect team battle."

Huainan: "This Pomorgana is not big, and Ice is empty first. I thought it was C9's chance, but Brother Orange, Verus is too ruthless! An enhanced Q directly makes C9 explode."

Wawa: "After all, it's a 12-minute two-piece Verus. If C9 can't drop Brother Orange in seconds, he will shoot an arrow, especially when he triggered the withering effect on more than one person just now."

"Brother Cheng is awesome! AD flashes forward!"

"Brother Cheng played like a Kenan, so brave!"

"It's outrageous damage! Although the equipment is good, why does his Q skill hurt so much more than armor-piercing armor?"

"After all, 12 minutes ahead of everyone on the opposite side is a big one, which is understandable."

"If there is another hat, RWQ can directly face anyone in seconds, believe it or not?"

"This is the charm of the long-handed top laner of AD! The dream of showing off the teacher."

"This is obviously an AP top laner, but he looks like an AD when he is flirting with Xiaopao."

"Facts: Xiaohu also played EDG in the spring game with a 12-minute two-piece suit. He also played Gnar, and he also used the AD top laner."

"Don't talk nonsense, Xiaohu uses Jodeljes."

"It's a man-machine attack, C9 will be zero-blocked in this posture."

"C9 is too good, none of them look human, especially Ue Nakano."

"That's not what you said about Ah P when he knocked out Uzi."

After this wave of team battles, KT directly took off with all members, not only taking down the dragon, but also easily breaking the opponent's outer tower in the middle.

Lin Cheng made the French shoes at home, and the next one is ready to go to Luden.

Lin Cheng's outfit actually made the opponent very uncomfortable.

If Verus had pure armor piercing, Gnar would not be too afraid of Verus as long as his father produced a large piece of armor after the vest and cloth armor shoes.

Armor-piercing Varus itself is designed to consume the opponent's back row heroes' blood volume from a long distance, but its ability to consume the front row is very poor. It is often seen in the arena that the three-piece armor-piercing Verus may not consume too much Move the front row with only one piece of physical armor.

But now that Gnar's armor has not been stacked, just wearing a cloth armor shoe + father's vest, and then found that the opposite side has switched to AP, Fudge feels as uncomfortable as eating a cockroach.

Knowing that the opponent may have to use all AP in the future, but now Verus' AD damage to Gnar is still too much.

When he saw the equipment panel again, Mr. Fudge asked in the team voice: "What equipment should I produce?"

Ah P was very entertaining, and asked: "Do you still want to win?"

"I think it's more realistic to think about how not to get zero seals first."

 Ha ha!I finished coding before I even started upstairs today!

(End of this chapter)

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