This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1061 There is no such thing as the soul of AD

Chapter 1061 There is no such thing as the soul of AD

The happy atmosphere in the C9 team is very strong. After everyone accepted the salted fish setting, they played less nervously.

Of course, Gnar still had a hard time on the road.

The mixed injury of Varus in the big advantage situation of Mozong + Nash really caused headaches for the opponent.

At this time, the main Q Verus's Poke ability and line clearing ability are actually quite strong, and he also has a strong continuous output ability. The opponent's damage in small-scale battles in the early stage is not enough to kill Verus with Morgana's protection in seconds. Verus No one can bear the damage of walking A to cooperate with wither.

In the final analysis, Lin Cheng's equipment is too far ahead, and Verus's equipment is not very deterrent when the two sides have similar economies.

However, if the team battle is delayed to the later stage, Lin Cheng will try to reduce the level of A as much as possible. When the clockwork is equipped, he will go up to A and it will be easy for him to take a set of damage and die suddenly.

Gnar felt uncomfortable, and Verus didn't suppress as hard as before at this time. It didn't make sense for the hero with short legs to press down on the opposite second tower with insufficient vision.

KT was not in a hurry, and took advantage of the defensive towers in the middle lane to switch lanes and unplug C9's only bot lane tower, and then all members returned to the city to replenish their vision, ready to start oppressing the red team's vision.

After gaining an advantage, KT's control of vision is the basis for their snowballing. This wave of going out has two control guards on all players.

Mr. Dai even pulled back after pulling out Knife of Fury and bought two control guards on him.

Entering the line-changing stage, KT placed Ashe in the middle, and Seti and Verus dealt with the two side lines.

Little Peanut and Effort set up a round of jungle around Lin Cheng's lower half area, so that Lin Cheng can safely press down the pawn line to the opponent's second tower, and the red side's toad and blue BUFF are given to Lin Cheng, and the treatment is honorable.

In fact, when Lin Cheng takes out a hero like Qinggangying, he will actively wander around and feed his teammates, but when he gets a hero who needs to bear the output responsibility, his teammates are often desperate to protect Lin Cheng's development.

Verus' wandering efficiency was not high. After pushing the line, Lin Cheng went into the wild area to eat wild monsters under the cover of his teammates. Even Little Peanut disabled the three wolves and pulled down two steps, which happened to allow Verus to shoot an arrow from a long distance. Lose.

It's like a king's treatment.

The blue team itself has a hero like Han Bing with a strong ability to detect vision, plus the pressure from the ten control guards who went home just now, the C9 wild area can't be said to be pitch black, but it's not too bad.

Qian Jue and Karma were caught forcibly making vision, and both died in the wild.

The second pioneer C9 naturally has no intention of competing.

The vanguard was killed, and a roar resounded through the canyon.

Then Peanut didn't pick up the Pioneer's Eye on the ground, and Verus, who ran a long way on his legs, picked up the Pioneer's Eye.

Wawa: "What kind of treatment is this? Is this pioneer for Brother Chengzi?"

Huainan: "The point is that Morgana wasted time playing the vanguard for half a day, but after the game she called Verus to pick it up. Brother Cheng's status in the team is a bit outrageous."

Wawa: "I'm looking forward to the meeting between KT and RNG! I wonder who has a higher status in the team, Xiaohu or Chengzi?"

After winning the vanguard, Lin Cheng took advantage of the situation and began to lead the pawn line. The two brothers Nosuke also mainly focused their vision on the upper half of the area.

In 18 minutes, the third dragon in the audience was about to be refreshed.

This game is Fire Dragon Soul. Just now, when the upper half of C9 was under too much pressure, they chose to arrange the vision of the lower half in advance. They valued this little dragon very much.

When the little Reaper was exploring the field of vision in the river, he was attacked by the opposite side and used his big move and flash.

"Don't worry, wait for me to take the tower! There is only one Gnar on it."

Lin Cheng brought the top lane to the second tower, and released the canyon vanguard on his body.

Pioneer knocked down the second tower on the red square top lane in front of Gnar.

In fact, Lin Cheng has the opportunity to R Shanner, as long as he eats the chain of corruption, Xiaonar will die.

But after all, Gnar is worthless and the profit is not that great. If the opponent dodges Verus' R flash, Lin Cheng will be so sad that he won't be able to eat dinner.

So, after the vanguard came out, he chose to return to the city behind.

After returning home and leaving Luden, Lin Cheng immediately TP dropped his own F6 eye position.

On the opposite side, Gnar quickly cleared his troops and piled up his anger after killing the residual blood vanguard, and pressed TP when he just got bigger, because Lin Cheng returned home first, and Verus actually arrived about two seconds before Gnar.

At this time, Xiaolong had just refreshed, and the two sides were frantically pulling in the river.

"Are there eyes on the shore?"

"It's been lined up here, and there are no eyes on it."

After a brief communication, I found that Karma was standing in the grass in the middle of the river and was consuming RQ. He had touched the Verus partition wall above the corner wall of the Dragon Pit and made a big move.

Chains of Corruption in the Shadows hit Karma with precision.

Karma shielded herself.

Lin Cheng activated W and began to charge the Q skill Piercing Arrow.

Just now, the teammate subconsciously retreated two backs in order to avoid Karma's RQ. Lin Cheng made a sudden attack and the teammate failed to deal with the damage at the first time. Only Morgana gave a Q skill control from a super long distance.

Before his teammates came up to make up for the damage, an arrow flashed across.

Karma died suddenly.

Seeing Lin Cheng make a move, Chaowei on the other side walked around from his triangle grass and prepared to enter the arena.

But the triangle grass has a red square eye position, and Xiaopao pushed Seti away with a big move in advance, preventing Chaowei from entering the field.

C9 turned around and retreated when Karma was killed. The wine barrel and ice didn't keep many people, and KT had no choice but to give up.

The two sides debated for a long time, thinking that this wave was going to be a big fight, but in the end, the dispute ended with Verus almost killing Karma solo.

However, it is still very profitable for KT to successfully win the drawing dragon.

Next, KT still steadily consolidated its advantage by squeezing the vision in the jungle, but because of the poor information brought by the vision, Lin Cheng finally found an opportunity after being counseled by C9 for a long time.

The second tower of the red square on the top road has fallen, and Lin Cheng wandered around in the wild area and touched the middle road and moved his hands on Ah P.

No one from KT was seen in the front, and Ah P was clearing the line at the second tower.

Just as the clockwork QW cleared the line, Lin Cheng suddenly flashed the big and medium clockwork R from the shadow of the side wild area.

It has been 21 minutes now, and Lin Cheng has an extra useless stick on his body.

Clockwork has almost no magic resistance on him, and when Luden is triggered by the chain of corruption, Ah P loses more than a third of his health.

W is activated, and the piercing arrow of the Q skill begins to charge.

At the moment when the clockwork imprisonment effect was about to end, the arrow flashed across.

Three layers of wither effect trigger.

Lin Cheng only ordered the level-13 E skill. At this time, Verus, who was level [-], already had a level-[-] W. The damage of the enhanced piercing arrow detonating three layers of withering effect was extremely exaggerated.

Even if Clockwork put a shield on himself, he still died suddenly under the tower.

Wow: "Wow!!! What kind of damage is this? The RQ is instant? This is a clockwork full of health! And it has a shield on it! The middle laner with full blood was seconded by bad AD? This is unscientific! I can't accept it, This is not the AD status quo!"

Huainan: "Well~~~ After all, Verus has three and a half pieces of equipment! Seconds with almost no dual resistances are reasonable, and Brother Chengzi is no longer an AD player at this time! This is a pure AP burst. Russ, this wave mainly relies on passive AP damage."

"Fuck!!! What is this thing?"

"I saw it once in the European server. Didn't Brother Cheng learn from the masters of the European server?"

"In the later stage, AP Verus RWQ can directly fill up blood in seconds, big bug, can you believe it?"

"Where is the agreed AD order? Where is this AD?"

"Tell me a joke! Verus didn't wind up for a second."

"Things without the soul of AD!"

(End of this chapter)

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