This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1131 Xiaohu: The day I was single-killed by KT top middle

Chapter 1131 Xiaohu: The day I was solo-killed by KT's upper middle

Nightmare and Lu Xi'an switched to the top lane and were taken turns to be single-killed by Lin Cheng's knife sister. No one expected that these two brothers had a shorter survival time than the other on the top lane, and forcibly played League of Legends as a time-limited survival game.

Judging from the content of the first 8 minutes of the game, RNG Fang Daomei's BP decision-making problem is very big.

However, RNG has achieved a clear advantage in the second half of the round, and it is hard to say whether it has anything to do with their decision to play the sword girl.

In this version, everyone will basically play AD and jungler in the first round. It is because KT BP helped Lin Cheng take the sword girl in the first round. After being targeted in the second round, the choice of KT's duo seemed very unpopular in this version. Just off the road and something happened again.

In 9 minutes, Peanut activated the Canyon Pioneer.

Lin Cheng had already returned home naked and dilapidated.

Galio switched to the middle lane ahead of time, and he was about to reach six experience points at this time, and the red team was determined to win this pioneer.

And even if Nightmare had a big move, RNG didn't choose to come over and force this wave to pick up the vanguard.

Daomei blind monk is too powerful in the early stage, this is still a 4-0 Daomei, RNG is still relatively sober in this decision-making.

Seeing that the four on the red side showed their heads in the middle and upper half, Titan and Kai'Sa immediately pushed forward to drive away Calista under the tower, preparing to exchange for the plating.

Lin Cheng originally wanted to TP to fight a wave of Kai'Sa, but this time Xiao Ming learned to be smart. Before pressing the line, he lined up the line holes in the back, and did not give Lin Cheng a chance to TP around the back.

Seeing that the two sides were about to exchange the vanguard for two layers of tapestry in this wave, just when KT had already let down its vigilance, Rambo inserted a control guard into the grass in the river through the wall.

The little Reaper in the river didn't think too much, and ran over aggressively to make eye contact.

Nightmare suddenly turned off the lights and flew towards Galio.

Rambo gave a big blow, and Lucian slid over and swept out the holy gun from a long distance.

At this time, Daomei was still running on the road, Morgana had just killed the vanguard, and the blind monk turned back to eat the front line of the middle tower. Effort was a little out of touch with his teammates, and was quickly melted at the mouth of the river.

After Galio's death, Morgana took off the Eye of the Pioneer and retreated in time, and the two sides did not get entangled again.

Miller: "Hey! What is Effort doing? You dare to row with your eyes?"

Wawa: "Effort is so interesting! Wei Zhenyan fished and he really took the bait! Then RNG made money in this wave. They lost the vanguard in exchange for a Galio head and a bot lane tap. Although Galio is not very valuable, but the support dies Kalista will have to shut herself down for a while in the bottom lane."

Remember to tease: "Seeing that Brother Chengzi is so smooth, his teammates are starting to give him strength!"

"Laugh! True Eye Fishing!"

"Never mind! Galio can really deliver it!"

"Aya Hirano in the LCK version, are you kidding me? There were already signs of recovery this year, but I didn't expect MSI to do it."

"RNG Effort! Who has an opinion?"

"Sister Dao went on the road to kill through, and this support has been sent."

"Brother Chengzi was fooled! You have eyes!"

Today's game was very programmatic, the battle broke out very tightly, and the replay of this wave of RNG three people catching Galio to death just ended and the audience found that Xiaohu was dead.

This is a wave of single kills from Chaowei.

Nightmare and Rambo had just left, Xiaohu pushed the line carelessly and was hit by the blind monk raising his hand Q.

Chaowei made a gesture and waited for two seconds, and the second-stage Q went up to slow down E.

Lucian's E skill is pulled away, and the blind monk immediately sticks to the output with W touching his eyes.

Just when Xiaohu had already run in front of his own tower, Chaowei suddenly RQQ landed on Landing A and directly completed the beheading.

"Nice! Jihoon did a great job!"

Lin Cheng couldn't help but call for his teammates on the road.

Before Chaowei's wave of solo kills, Lin Cheng was under a lot of pressure. He was afraid that his teammates would collapse completely and his first show of the sword girl champion skin would be ruined.

At this time, Lin Cheng on the road had already eaten nearly three layers of tapas alone, that is, clearing the line quickly after the Nightmare level came up, otherwise the first blood tower would have been taken down by Lin Cheng.

The fighting power of Daomei is very strong after she is out of ruin, and two or three of them are easy to be manipulated.

The scene of Chunjue catching Niu Baosaomei is still vivid in my memory. RNG didn't want to test Lin Cheng's swordsman's proficiency, so they completely lost interest in Lin Cheng, leaving Mengmeng alone to fight the pressure.

Of course, it may be because the absolute core Xiaohu is not on the top today, so other people in RNG are not interested in taking a second look at Top Road.

It seems that RNG's tactic is to protect the top, but in fact it is Xiaohu.

Brother Guozi was sacrificed by tactics, and Little Peanut originally wanted to cooperate with Lin Cheng, but when he saw Mengmeng touched a stopwatch, he lost interest immediately.

Taking out a stopwatch so early, how afraid of death is the opposite side?
"Does Lin Cheng want to let the vanguard go?"

"Don't let it go! I can push it flat on the road, and save the vanguard to put it in the middle."

Lin Cheng knows that pushing the tower too early is not necessarily a good thing. Dao Mei is not as easy to irritate teammates as Qing Gangying. Breaking a tower too early is actually giving Nightmare a chance to play.

And due to the particularity of Nightmare's skills, even if the sidewalk is pushed to the second tower, it can still quickly support the wild area. At this time, Lin Cheng chose to continue to let Nightmare go to jail under the first tower.

At 11 and a half minutes, Xiao Mingyou went to the middle lane to cooperate with Nakano to initiate GANK.

Seeing that the blind monk in front of the tower was hooked out with a hook by the Titan, Xiaohu directly handed in E and Rambo to follow the output.

But the blind monk was not dropped in seconds at the first time. Chaowei touched his eyes and kicked Lucian towards the defensive tower with R flash, and hit Tianyinbo with his backhand Q.

Xiaohu saw that he was carrying the tower, so he quickly ran out.

But the blind monk's second-stage Q has followed, and Chaowei insisted that AEA kill Lucian first with residual blood, and then was killed by Rambo.

Miller: "Hey! This wave made Chaowei also show off! Three-on-one was actually replaced by him."

Wawa: "This blind monk's operation is very smooth, and it's a bit different from our pre-match guess... Regardless of the result of this game, the BP behind RNG will be difficult to do, and the blind monk can also swing in the upper middle of KT .”

Remember: "Ah~~~ There is a very bad news. Xiaohu switched to the middle lane today and got two waves of solo kills by Chaowei. Although KT was sent by someone today, the status of Brother Chengzi and Chaowei is really full! "

"It's broken! Brother Chengzi and Chaowei killed faster than Everett sent!"

"Come on, Evert! Send some RNG to play."

"It's off the mark! It's only been 10 minutes since we played, and the opponent has been doing solo kills."

"Xiaohu was solo-killed on the top lane, then solo-killed when he ran to the middle lane, and Yaoren was solo-killed by Chaowei. This scene seems familiar!"

"It's too similar to the taste of Chun Jue Da Niu Bao!"

"I changed it and found that I couldn't beat anyone,"

"Little Tiger's Diary in Iceland: The day I was solo-killed by KT middle and top!"

KT's in-team voice.

"Pretty! Jihoon is nice!"

Lin Cheng first called his teammates, and then hesitantly said: "I have a discussion with you, can you stop showing?"


Lin Cheng joked: "It's not easy for me to play Irelia once, so don't steal my limelight... If you have a big advantage later, why don't you send two waves?"

(End of this chapter)

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