This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1132 Why do you want to operate?

Chapter 1132 Why do you want to operate?

"What? You haven't won yet? Your request is too much... I really misunderstood this brother!"

Faced with the unreasonable demands of the bully Lin Xiaocheng, Chaowei naturally sternly refused.

Lin Cheng: "Just kidding! Don't be so serious, do you think brother's Irelia will be compared to your blind boy?"

Chaowei: "Fight well! Respect your opponent! Come on!"

Hearing what his teammates said, Lin Cheng was a little ashamed.

have a look!What is Dou Yizhong's bearing?

What is a pattern?

Respect your opponent!

What a holy word.

Even though Lin Cheng was only joking at first, at this moment he still felt that his status was being compared.

Of course, what he didn't know was that after Chaowei respected his opponent with righteous words, he silently calculated in his heart how to give away his head without showing any traces after the victory was decided.

Originally, this wave of Little Peanuts was ready to release the vanguard in the middle, but Chaowei was already killed before he arrived on the scene. Lin Cheng decisively hit the road and pushed the line and leaned in the middle.

Chaowei resurrected TP, and the three pushed the line to force the vanguard.

Because Nightmare was still involved in the top lane, after receiving the information that Galio had disappeared from the bottom lane, RNG dared not defend the middle tower with few people in front, so KT quickly pulled out the first middle tower.

Once the middle tower was broken, KT simply triggered muscle memory. Everyone knows how to operate the game reasonably.

The red duo moved to the middle lane and began to crowd the field of vision. Effort and Peanut tried their best to set up eye positions on the upper river to cover Lin Cheng's pressure line.

Originally, Nightmare was under a lot of pressure on the road. After receiving the information from Galio, Guo Zige didn't dare to stand under the tower, and let the remaining blood go up the tower.

After breaking the outer tower on the road, Lin Cheng went home to repair his equipment.

There are a lot of options for Daomei’s outfits in the myth version. Lin Cheng once asked the forum for help with Daomei’s outfits when the myth version was first launched. At that time, netizens laughed like crazy.

In this round, Lin Cheng prepared to use his shield and bow for the second time.

In fact, the idea of ​​​​Knife Girl's mythological outfit selection is very simple.

In general: if you feel that you can kill randomly, you will use the shield and bow, if you have more control and prolonged hand-to-hand combat, you will be thirsty for blood, and if you have more meat on the opposite side, you will be distracted.

Lin Cheng felt that this round could kill randomly, so he chose the shield bow with the highest output.

KT's operation idea is very clear. Taking advantage of the mid-lane transition, they broke the outer tower of RNG's lower lane in 17 minutes.

In 18 minutes, the water dragon refreshed.

When RNG has no vision, it is very simple.

Although the water dragon soul is very important, since the first dragon was under control, this is only the second dragon in KT's game.

After taking down Xiaolong, just in time to push forward in the bottom lane, KT's three middle and bottom brothers made a move to join forces and forcibly demolish the second tower.

Except for Nightmare who was dragged by the pawn line and couldn't get away from the top lane, RNG everyone went to the bottom lane to gather for defense.

But Peanut's Morgana has already sneaked from the wild to the top road.

KT came to a Mingxiu plank road to secretly hide Chencang, and the goal of the attack was actually to hit the road.

RNG's line of soldiers and vision are very poor, and Morgana's movements have not been detected.

KT's middle and bottom three brothers were pulling each other in the bottom lane, and when Peanut got close to the top lane, Nightmare was still clearing the line under the tower.

Morgana accurately threw a Q skill across the wall to the nightmare under the tower.

Brother Guozi reacted quickly this time, W Dark Shelter blocked the black magic ball flying from the wall.

Little Peanut flashed across the wall directly and used his big move and golden body to keep people.

Lin Cheng who was hiding in the autistic grass rushed out.

In front of Nightmare, Lin Cheng had already played the flash and stopwatch, and there was no way to deal with Morgana's way of retaining people.

Lin Cheng gave Twin Blades without using any other skills. The sharp blade impact suddenly took advantage of the equipment to hack Nightmare to death quickly.

Little Peanut carried the second-generation Pioneer on him, and after capturing Nightmare, he decisively crushed the Pioneer's Eye.

On the other side, it was discovered that there were two people on the top lane of KT, and the first reaction of the four people in front of RNG was to force open.

However, KT's personnel position on the front side remained very good, and Titan Flash only drove to Galio, which was instantly resolved by Calista's big move.

Rambo's big move wanted to keep people, Mr. Dai did not hesitate to flash + heal to pull the position.

The blind monk is flexible enough, and RNG's forced opening failed.

The bottom road didn't start, but the KT brothers above had taken the vanguard to demolish the second tower.

"Let's go! The opponent is back on defense!"

"It can be demolished! Dismantle the Highland Tower first."

Daomei demolished the tower very quickly, and Lin Cheng was ready to cooperate with Pioneer to quickly demolish the highland tower before leaving.

Miller: "Ouch! We were pulled by KT in this wave! RNG didn't expect that the opponent's goal was to go up the road. KT beat them all around and killed Nightmare, not to mention pulling them up the tower."

Wawa: "But these two are very greedy! They still want to demolish the high ground! Can RNG keep it?"

Lin Cheng quickly demolished the high ground tower on the blue side road, but Rambo ran over with the wolf head faster than the two expected. Little Peanut put a black shield on himself to avoid being slowed down by the harpoon, but Wei fought as an LPL Wild is definitely not lacking in decisiveness.

He dared to flash out from behind the enemy tower to gank. This situation also flashed without hesitation and slowed down Sword Girl Lan Punishment. Rambo shot the second electronic harpoon at Sword Girl.

Lucian slid directly to the position of the strong wind, sweeping out the holy gun baptism from a long distance.

Da da da da!
The bullets from the baptism of the holy gun shot over in waves.

It was not easy for Lin Cheng to move after being slowed down, so he simply set up the W distance breaking dance to block the damage.

But this W is one, and the rest of RNG are approaching.

Gala's void search hit the sword girl in a defensive posture, and Kai'Sa directly flew over with a big move to sprinkle Icacia with heavy rain.

Lin Cheng's HP drops very quickly, and he has not finished the third Death Dance yet. Ruin + Shield Bow is a relatively fragile build, even if W is set up, it will lose blood under Rambo's fire. Also very fast.

"Oh! Lin Cheng, I can't control you anymore, everyone on the other side is here! I'll run away first!"

Little Peanut didn't have a big move or a black shield at this time. He just fought the nightmare first and then resisted the tower. His blood volume is not very healthy, so he can only ask Lin Cheng later if he has any last words.

Lin Cheng had no time to talk to his teammates.

He felt that he was not without opportunities to operate.

Just when Kai'Sa flew over to output, Lin Cheng flashed and adjusted his position.

White light and shadow burst out.

Lin Cheng W flashed and adjusted the angle to get close to Kai'Sa, and the fully charged Dance of Distance Break hit the three of them at the same time.

Vanguard Blade shot.

Daomei threw her face to face, and Gala who had flashes might be able to react, but there was no flash on him.

The vanguard's blades spread out, and the lavender blades formed a diamond-shaped sword array. At the same time, they imprinted Kasa Rambo and Lucian, and stacked three layers of Ionian enthusiasm effects.

Miller: "Xiao Wei! Flash punishment to the harpoon! Xiaohu Kuangfeng forward and output! Daomei is left behind! This is a 1000 yuan head!"

Remember: "Morgana didn't dare to save, this wave... Hey! W flash! Daomei is three older! He wants to fight back! Brother Chengzi wants to operate!"

Wawa: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! The Titans are coming! The nightmare has been resurrected, why do you operate? There are five people in this wave of RNG!"

 Don't ask why I stopped here, because I just finished writing, I haven't eaten yet, and my blood sugar is so low that I feel dizzy
  By the way, RNG hit the needle today

(End of this chapter)

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