This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1187 Brother Chengzi, welcome to the LCK!

Chapter 1187 Brother Cheng, welcome back to the LCK!

Since the summer split has just started, everyone has no intuitive understanding of Gwen's strength on the field. Now most people think about this hero: RANK is more powerful, and he is also good-looking.

Lin Cheng took out Gwen in the first game of the new season, and many Chinese stream viewers were ready to learn skills on the bullet screen.

This has actually become a meme. In the beginning, many viewers went to Wanwan's OB live broadcast room to watch Lin Cheng's ranking skills, but later found that watching Lin Cheng OB was purely for fun.

The brain can see it, and the hands are useless.

Still look better at night.

Later, everyone changed to go to the live broadcast room to watch Wanwan and enjoy Lin Cheng’s operation by the way. Although every time they entered the live broadcast room, the barrage greeted each other saying that they were going to learn skills from Brother Cheng Zi, but in fact, few people were I really care about Lin Cheng's operation.

Speaking of which, everyone found that Lin Cheng's female hero seems to be very powerful.

From Daomei Qinggangying to Riwen Jianji, everyone is exceptionally good-looking, and it is true that Lin Cheng's old-fashioned name has been confirmed.

Now another good-looking heroine has joined the hero pool, and the audience also has great expectations for Lin Cheng.

In fact, when Gwen first came out, many people felt that this hero was too weak, and it was much worse than Sett's strength when he was born.

In fact, it is also because the designers have fed the players in the past two years. Most of the previous new heroes had ugly winning rates when they were in the groping stage when they were first born. Appearance whets the player's appetite.

So at the beginning, there were still many people complaining that Gwen was too spicy, with a brittle body, a low panel value, no explosion, and a lack of control. This kind of garbage fighter dog would not play.

As a result, the official symbolically enhanced two points of Gwen's armor and a few points of skill damage shortly after Gwen came out, but it did not change Gwen's situation at that time.

However, as time goes by, the player's understanding of this hero has become more and more in-depth.

Everyone gradually discovered that this hero mechanism is actually very strong, but her gameplay is a bit different from ordinary fighters. She is not the kind of hero who enters the field instantly.

But now Gwen's winning rate has been soaring all the way, and the RANK data has climbed from the tail of the crane to the first echelon, and there is obviously a trend of continuing to rise.

It can only be said that the designer really doesn't understand the game. When the player came out, he immediately strengthened it. When he found out about this hero supermodel, he probably started to think about how to weaken it.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main line of Precision: Conqueror, Calmness, Resilience, Perseverance, and the secondary line of Resolute: Wind of Recovery, Recovery.

Gwen's recovery ability is very exaggerated. With the Conqueror, the endgame does not need the bonus of triumph, so Lin Cheng took the initiative to let go of the dignity of the owner of the Arc de Triomphe this time.

Gwen's AP bonus is very low. In the early stage, he relies heavily on basic attacks and passive damage. When going out, he chooses Dolan Sword + Red Potion.

What is Doran's Shield?Lin Cheng said that he didn't need it.

KT started with a very peaceful position, the five of them paralleled the river, and Lin Cheng stood guard at the entrance of the river outside the triangular grass.

Seeing that Gnar gave way to the grass and ran down the river, Lin Cheng didn't think much about it, and squeezed into the grass to take his place.

However, just after Gwen swayed her beautiful blue skirt into the river grass, the red wolf's head lit up above her head.


Seeing that the situation was not right, Lin Cheng turned around and headed towards the triangular grass.

Gnar turned back from below again.

Galio had already turned on the predator and chased him up from the river like a mad dog, followed by the prince and the duo.

"Brothers! I seem to be dying again."

Lin Cheng's Gwen chose sprint + TP as a summoner skill in this round, but the level [-] sprint + E skill at this position obviously couldn't open the position. Galio, who had left his shoes, drove the predator to move faster. Much faster than Sprinting Gwen.

Lin Cheng simply sprinted and refused to pay, and was ridiculed by Galio who charged up close.

DRX five-person fire bombing.

There was no room for manipulation at all, Lin Cheng died suddenly in the river, and Verus took the first blood.

Zeyuan: "Here we come! The classic round! Another first-level catch! Brother Chengzi died again! Haha! No one thought that the first blood of KT in the summer split would be sent out in this way."

"Another first-level sneak attack! Brother Chengzi has been caught and killed countless times in the river, and he may have forgotten the bloody and tearful lesson of being targeted by the LCK team at the first level after a trip to Iceland. This time it is a classic again."

Xiaomi: "Well~~~ It is true that DRX is very well prepared. In fact, in most cases, the first-level predator rune is useless, but this round Solka is going out with shoes. This is something Brother Cheng never expected .”

Zeyuan: "I can only say that being targeted every time at the beginning is the daily life of the world's first league. Brother Chengzi, welcome back to the LCK!"

"Fuck! Brother Chengzi sent another blood, 23333."

"Laughing! Brother Cheng should be the player with the most deaths at the first level, right? I can't count how many times."

"Be bold, no player can die more at the first level than Cheng Zige (funny)"

"Mr. Dai has been fighting for so many years, it seems that he has never died once at the first level, right? It is not easy for Brother Cheng to die so many times at the first level."

"The key is that the opponent catches the opening every time, and the routine is hard to guard against. Brother Chengzi is also suffering."

"Can't you afford it? Just to go out with shoes against Brother Cheng Galio?"

"Brother Chengzi: Don't play hot!"

The director was very good, and the big screen immediately gave Lin Cheng's player's perspective.


The director obviously didn't understand Chinese, so he burst out Lin Cheng's foul language.

Lin Cheng was used to being caught, so he calmly signaled his teammates while saying shit.

"Brothers! I seem to be dying again."

"You go to the field of vision, leave me alone."

This calm look made the audience burst into laughter.

Although Lin Cheng gave him first blood, everyone felt that the problem was not a big deal. Instead, they talked about witnessing another first-level death of Lin Cheng.

This is the confidence of fans of KT, the most powerful team in the universe.

Zhiyan in the auditorium leaned over with a smile and asked Ji Shengxi who was two seats away on the right: "Will Lin Cheng be fined for swearing? I heard that LCK doesn't allow swearing?"

"It's not a big problem! This level is fine."

Chi Shengxi is already very experienced in this issue. Last time, Little Peanut also said 'fuck', and everyone just smiled lightly when he was exposed.

"Ah~~~ Is that so? Won't you be suspended or something?"

Chi Shengxi: "???"

What are you thinking?Where did the ban get so exaggerated?

Ji Yeon is still very sorry.

It would be nice if Lin Cheng was suspended for a few days...
As for Lin Cheng's first blood, the teammates had something to say.

Little Peanut: "What's the matter with Lin Cheng? How many times have you died here? Time and time again? Change the soup but not the medicine!"

Lin Cheng: "Don't worry! Although the first blood was sent, this first blood will not affect my early laning. Anyway, the first blood is taken by Verus."

Mr. Dai curled his lips: "What? Of course it doesn't matter if you are on the top lane. What should I do if Verus leads by 400 yuan in the bottom lane?"

"Then what should I do? Give away all the blood!"

Lin Cheng said straight away: "Why don't I give a head to the opponent's top laner and mid laner? Then we will have the same start in every lane."


Are you talking about people?
(End of this chapter)

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