This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1188 Right!So right!

Chapter 1188 Right!So right!

As Lin Cheng said, even if he was caught with first blood, it would have no effect on the top lane, since he didn't hand in the summoner skills anyway.

Because he was killed in less than 1 minutes, Lin Cheng was resurrected and rushed back to the road, but he still stood in the front grass of the side road before the line of soldiers arrived.

Gwen's combat power at level [-] is very strong, but since he doesn't even have the ability to slow down before level [-], if Gwen wants to really gain an online advantage or even a solo kill, the treatment at level [-] is extremely important.

Seeing Gnar go online next to the soldier, Lin Cheng directly shifted out of the E skill of the front grass, and leveled A to break Gnar's bone coating.

Because of the existence of the soldiers and the triggering of the skeleton effect, Lin Cheng immediately turned his head and pulled into the grass after the tie A.

Gnar backhanded AQ and it looked like this wave of blood was making a small profit.

But the front grass position has been blocked by Gwen again, and Gnar doesn't dare to stand forward.

The first time Gwen's E skill strengthens the basic attack and hits the target, half of the CD will be returned. Lin Cheng soon waited for the second E skill.

Lin Cheng decisively stepped out of the grass and pressed the position sideways. When Gnar turned around and couldn't pull away, Gwen handed in E to get close, and he just walked around and cut

Gwen's passive Thousand Penetration and Hundred Holes will cause damage equal to the maximum health of the enemy hero, and provide Gwen with a recovery effect. After the E skill is displaced, it will strengthen Gwen's basic attack within 4 seconds, providing Gwen with an additional 100 Y yards of attack distance and attack speed bonus, E skill with passive effect is very capable of continuous combat.

Therefore, there are very few heroes who can fight Gwen to the end at the first level, let alone a poor first-level household like Gnar. Kingen pulls back and does not forget to fight back.

At this time, Gwen already had a range of 250 yards, and when Lin Cheng took the initiative to get stuck in the position, he forced Gnar to the front of the tower with a few scissors.

However, because Gwen took the damage of the long-range soldiers twice before driving Gnar away, Lin Cheng didn't seem to be very profitable in this wave of blood exchanges, but the important thing is that Gnar's position was completely separated.

The little soldier in front is about to die, and Kingen will lose experience if he shrinks in front of the tower.

In fact, the first level of Gwen is to keep the opponent from eating. Even if the long-handed hero is pulled for a short time to exchange blood, he will not lose any blood volume against Gwen, but because he dare not continue to fight with Gwen, it is easy to be chased by Gwen. open position.

In this way, Gwen is one of the few fighters who can stop long-handed heroes at the first level, including Jess, who is also afraid of Gwen's style of play at the first level.

Of course, this play is very risky.

If Gwen wants to drive people away, he has to exchange blood with E, and his own blood volume will not look good. It is easy to have accidents in the jungle, and it is not very suitable for the RANK environment.

But now that the jungler hasn't come up yet, Kingen has to think about how he has experience.

Seeing that Gwen retreated to make up troops, Gnar forced himself to throw his Q skill to make up the knife.

But just after Gnar came up and threw his Q, Lin Cheng just made up for the first pawn on the red side, and decisively turned his head back to get close again with his E skill.

The Conqueror layers just stacked up at the last moment, and Gwen cut down to trigger the full-layer Conqueror effect.

The small golden ax lighted up, and Lin Cheng directly turned on the sprint pressure position.

Cut!Cut!I scissor scissors!

Gnar's position is not very far from the defense tower, and Lin Cheng also knows that he can't kill Gnar even if he sprints.

His purpose is to press the blood line!
Let Gnar go straight up to jail.

Kingen didn't choose to hand in flash protection at the beginning, and it was a pure loss for him to hand in flash again after being chased by A twice by Gwen, who was full of conquerors.

Simply, Little Gnar was chased by Gwen and cut into the defense tower.

Lin Cheng's distance control is quite precise, and he has been walking to the A card position. After Gnar entered the tower, the limit distance was a little more A.

Now Gnar has less than a quarter of his health, and Gwen still has more than half of his health. With only one bottle of red medicine on both sides, the situation on the road has completely turned to Gwen.

Kingen showed Amumu covering his face and crying, and Lin Cheng responded with a blind monk clasping his fists.

Didn't you bring four people to arrest me just now?
It's a pity that there is no BLG team icon, otherwise Lin Cheng would like to highlight this team icon that is inextricably linked to him.

After all, BLG, a rich man, was not only the place where his two teammates stayed, but also Kingen's old club. He also tried to pursue Lin Cheng at a sky-high price.

Xiaomi: "Wow! Is Gwen so fierce? At the first level, he sprints and chases hard, obviously he can't kill Gnar."

Zeyuan: "But the biggest problem is that Gwen seems to be unable to eat the line! Gwen is stuck in the line, and Gwen's blood volume is not even good for experience."

"Gnar's hands are actually very short in the early stage, and Gwen's E skill will also increase the attack distance. If Gwen wants to learn experience, he will definitely be chased by E to cut him."

Xiaomi: "Hey! Kingen showed Amumu crying in the back, feeling wronged! How can there be a top laner playing like this in the LCK?"

Zeyuan: "Actually, Gwen, who played in the LPL a few days ago, also plays this way. He is tough at the first level, but even our LPL top laner is not so aggressive."

"Of course, the Gwen who played in the LPL two days ago was all with Ignition, and maybe the other side slipped away when they saw Ignition, so on the contrary, Gwen in the LPL has almost no chance to fight with opponents at the first level. , but Brother Cheng sprinted and chased after the scissors, which caught Kingen a little off guard."

Xiaomi: "Well~~~Brother Chengzi's style of play is really incompatible with LCK. Even in LCK, many top laners who are known for their aggressiveness are far less aggressive than Brother Chengzi."

Ze Yuan: "I can only say it's right! It's so right! The first-level river in front was caught dead, including the crazy suppression that came up. It's all right! Just now, the opponent expressed his welcome to Brother Chengzi with five catches and one." , this time it's Chengzi's turn to say something to the LCK top laners."

"Welcome back to the LCK, back to where I rule!"

Lin Cheng didn't know that there was a commentator far away in Shanghai who was milking him crazily.

The first wave established an experience advantage, and Gwen immediately took a step towards the river, pretending to be looking at the grass in the river, and then immediately went back to continue Jinar.

Just now because of the teammate's invasion, he made the vision of the lower half. Knowing that the prince is blue, Lin Cheng also pretended to be wary of the opponent's jungler with one hand and two catches.

Generally speaking, seeing that Gnar's blood volume has been suppressed, it is unlikely that the jungle prince will be caught, so Lin Cheng pretended to look around, which was equivalent to telling the prince not to come, and wasting everyone's time.

This kind of routine high-scoring game is very practical. A conscious jungler will not even look at the road after realizing that the opponent may look around, so as not to disrupt the rhythm of his early jungle.

Of course, this kind of low score game is useless at all.

The jungler in the low-score game probably doesn't care whether your position is good or not. When you look at the top lane: this hanger dares to press the line?Go straight up and make a wave.

So it's not completely unreasonable to say that the master of Shabike, a rather funny thing happened some time ago.

T1's substitute Ueno brothers went to play the gold game in duo, because they brought the king's jungler idea into the gold game. Zeus was caught by the opponent's gold jungler in the top lane.

(End of this chapter)

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