This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1225 Stop it!Stop targeting me!

Chapter 1225 Stop it!Stop targeting me!

Li Zhenxian: "In the first game, when you climbed down the tower, there was a rather interesting scene. Cheng's Viego was about to become a god, but you happened to transform into Kalista and was immediately dropped by the opponent. "

"Well~~~ From our point of view, even if you don't pick up the soul, you can hit the defensive tower casually. Why did you choose to transform into Kalista? That was the only time you died in this BO3."

Lin Cheng: "I didn't expect to be caught in seconds. I just picked up the soul and wanted to get back the blood. If I had known it, I would definitely not have picked up the soul."

Li Zhenxian said with a smile: "Voyego of many players has suffered because of forcibly picking up souls. It seems that obsessive-compulsive disorder is really not suitable for playing this hero."

"I don't have obsessive-compulsive disorder! Don't talk nonsense."

Lin Cheng said very seriously: "That wave is really not my problem. A certain well-known AD player jumped on my face with a deep-sea impact. He should be responsible for this terrorist attack."

"Terrorist attacks are coming, there is a lot of resentment."

"One thing to say, it is indeed a terrorist attack. Mr. Dai perfectly suppressed Brother Cheng Zi to get up."

"The pilot's air strike personally ended Brother Orange's super god ambition! 23333."

"Mr. Dai has always been good at producing program effects."

"Brother Chengzi also said that he doesn't have OCD, and RANK played Yasuo's random pick-up and pretended I didn't see it? (Funny)"

"Draven flashed to pick up the ax and he was the one who caught the axe. At that moment, I was possessed by Uzi."

Li Zhenxian: "In the second game, Cheng chose his signature hero, Camille, and led the team to victory with a very good performance. Have you ever thought that the opponent will release Camille?"

"Actually, it was expected. After all, no matter what, there are only three ban positions in the first round. No matter how much the opponent targets, they can't ban my hero."

When Lin Cheng said this, he couldn't help looking at the camera and said seriously: "Actually, I also have something to say to the coaches and players of other teams."

"Stop it! Stop targeting me!"

Lin Cheng's tone was a bit aggrieved: "I don't understand! You guys don't target the best one in the game, what do you mean by staring at the BAN with the widest hero pool every day? Go press Peanut's hero!"

The more he talked, the more angry Lin Cheng spread his hands, "Anyway, BP can't kill me, why are you still banging me so fiercely? Do you not want to win?"

There was laughter on the spot.

The barrage blowout in the live broadcast room.

"Ahahaha! What is this? Don't you want to win?"

"The classic little bear spread his hands! Qijiang is possessed."

"Brother Chengzi: Don't you just target me when you're playing games? Go target Little Peanut! (Funny)"

"Little Peanut was murdered! 23333"

"Little Peanut: I'm tired! Destroy it! Where's the world's No. [-] Ueno combination?"

"One thing to say, it's true that Brother Chengzi can't be killed no matter what, I think what he said makes sense!"

"Other teams: Do you think that we will release Daomei after saying that? Dream! You play a hook!"

Everyone was very happy, only the world where Peanut was injured was born.

At this time, Peanut Butter was packing his things backstage and watching the broadcast with his teammates. He was more wronged than Lin Cheng.

"What? What's the matter with this friend? I'm competing to catch him, but he still says I'm bad?"

KT Hanhans laughed happily.

"Don't help him on the road next time, come and sit down on the road and watch him get military training."

"What do you say about this wave? Is Brother Wang Hao the best?"

"I don't know, I'm not anyway."

"I'm not the best either."

"Then I'm not."

Little Peanut: "..."

Xiba!You all say that you are not the best, are you beating around the bush or talking about me?
You and Lin Cheng are all in the same group!

After finally suppressing his smile, Li Zhenxian adjusted his mood and continued to ask:
"Before this game, GEN·G was also an unbeatable team, but today you gave GEN·G their first defeat in the summer competition very easily. Did you make any special preparations before the game?"

Lin Cheng shook his head: "We just defeated the original defeat. Isn't this a matter of course? What special preparations are needed?"

These words highlighted an arrogance, and the KT fans on the scene responded with cheers and shouts.

This is the confidence of the world's number one top laner!
We KT are invincible!

I have to say that since there are spectators, the scene after each KT game is the most lively, and many people even think that watching Lin Cheng's interview is more exciting than the game.

Li Zhenxian: "Let me make a digression. According to the latest test server news, it seems that Ariel will be strengthened in the next version. What does Cheng think?"

Lin Cheng's face collapsed: "You ask me what I think? I can't even play with Irelia, so how can you tell me?"

"Haha! This tone is too messy."

"I'm silver, you ask me? (Eat melon)"

"The designer's brain is not good! Brother Cheng has played Daomei to the BAN position to buy a house, and still strengthen it?"

"The problem is that only brother Chengzi's sword girl is strong, the designer can't cut the sword girl anymore, right?"

"It is conceivable that Brother Cheng and Sister Dao will be even less likely to be released in the future."

"Sword girl players all over the world are ecstatic, only brother Chengzi is sad and flows upstream."

"In the future, everyone will use the KT champion skin knife girl in the competition, and the green grassland on the head of Brother Chengzi (funny)."

Lee Jung Hyun: "There are only three teams left for KT in the first round. Although Hanwha is hard to find a win at the moment, they will face T1 and DK soon. How determined is Cheng for the remaining games?"

Lin Cheng: "Of course I hope to keep winning, so let's win Hanwha first and then consider the match against T1 and DK."

"Although Hanwha's current record is not very good, those who have no way out are the scariest. We will not let our guard down."

Hearing Lin Cheng's answer, the KT fans at the scene once again gave warm applause.

Although Lin Cheng often shows his face in interviews, he will go all out no matter who his opponent is during the game. This is what fans like about him very much.

"Thank you Cheng for accepting our interview, and congratulations again on today's victory."

"Thank you."

Lin Cheng nodded and waved to his little wife before leaving the stage.

Chinese streaming studio.

Zeyuan: "After watching Brother Chengzi's interview, I can only say that GEN·G did not lose today. Although sometimes you may feel that Brother Chengzi's words are quite expansive, but his attitude towards the game itself is very strict."

Wan Wan: "En~~~~ Yes! But Cheng Zi's interview is really interesting, just as interesting as his real personality."

The bullet screen is like this.

"Why is Wanwan's voice not as loud as it was during the commentary?"

"What else could it be? I heard that Brother Cheng's girlfriend is off the court (funny)."

"Wanwan mentality collapsed!"

"Wife Wanwan, cry if you want to cry!"

"If Wan Wan decides to leave Brother Cheng Zi, I'm willing to be the taker!"

"The more you talk, the more outrageous it is."

(End of this chapter)

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