This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1226 You Are So Dirty

Chapter 1226 You Are So Dirty

After the interview was over, Lin Cheng was attacked by Peanut when he returned to the backstage.

Seeing that the lounge was empty, Lin Cheng originally thought that his teammates had already left, but Little Peanut took advantage of his inattention and rushed over from behind and viciously grabbed his neck.

"You kid just said I'm a dish?"

"Hey! Are you still there? Didn't you go away?"

"You still have the nerve to say it! I stayed here to settle accounts with you, and if I talk about my dish in the future, I will kill you! The effect of the whole show is not good."

"I don't have the effect of the whole program!"

Lin Cheng raised his head, "I'm serious."


Little Peanut's mentality collapsed.

You really think I'm a badass?

It's too much, okay?
He tightened his arms around Lin Cheng's neck, ready to teach Lin Cheng a lesson.

It's a pity that Lin Cheng's strength was too great, and he easily broke free with a quick dodge, and a beautiful one-sided grab with his backhand clasped Xiao Peanut's shoulder.

"Hmph! You dare to settle accounts with me alone? You don't even think about your own small body..."

"Don't bully Wang Hao!"

Chi Shengxi happened to see this scene, and began to criticize Lin Cheng when he came in.

Little Peanut started on the spot, "Nua help me! Lin Cheng hit me!"

Lin Cheng: "???"

Can I show some face?
What do you mean I hit you?
Although Little Peanut looks like a simple and handsome boy, he is actually full of bad things.

Only honest and honest people like Langxing think that Little Peanut is innocent, but Lin Cheng has seen through this guy anyway.

"Well, look at it! This guy Lin Cheng bullies people because of his good health. How good is his health? Can he beat people just because he's in good health?"

Fortunately, in order to record the post-match images of the team's 60 consecutive victories today, a camera was set up in the player's lounge. Lin Cheng pointed to the camera that hadn't been put away and said:
"I didn't use any violence! It was Han Wanghao who did it first. If you don't believe me, go watch the video!"

Chi Shengxi waved his hand funny, "What video are you watching? Don't be naive like a child, aren't you going to accompany your girlfriend? Hey! Clothes."

Chi Shengxi threw the bag in his hand over, and inside was a brand new T-shirt, which was still provided by the club sponsor.

"Thank you, Miss Shengxi."

Lin Cheng happily thanked him, and Little Peanut tried to put a pot of shit on Lin Cheng's head with an aggrieved look.

Of course Chi Shengxi knew that Little Peanut was playing, so he acted like a parent and taught them both a lesson.

Although Ji Shengxi is not much older than the team members, she took care of everyone in Iceland for a month, and she really has the attitude of a big sister.

Little Peanut saw that it was impossible to frame him, so he took advantage of Lin Cheng's opportunity to change his clothes and touched his back.

Squat down, clasp your hands into fists, index finger outstretched.

Labor and management want revenge!
Just when Millennium Kill was about to launch, Lin Cheng just finished changing his T-shirt and turned around.

The four eyes met, and the atmosphere was stagnant.

Lin Cheng looked down at Peanut Butter squatting on the ground, his expression changed from shock to serious, and then he looked like he was going to eat people.

"If you're angry, I'll go now! See you next week, Lin Cheng."

Little Peanut ran away with a whoosh, he knew that it would be miserable if Lin Cheng caught him.

"Han Wanghao, stop! You actually want to make such a murderous move? I declare that we have officially broken up with Ueno!"

Lin Cheng was about to go after him, but was pulled back by Chi Shengxi, "Okay, okay! Both of you calm down a bit, just make a fuss in the lounge, don't go out and lose the team members."

Lin Cheng quickly wrapped the T-shirt he had replaced on his head, only showing a pair of eyes, "Don't worry! I won't let others know my identity even if I go out to embarrass myself."

Chi Shengxi was speechless, "Who are you going out wearing a team uniform to deceive? You might as well be like a bank robber and put stockings on your head."

Hong Kong movies in the 90s had a great influence on South Korea, and the classic style of bank robbers with stockings on their heads is no stranger to Koreans.

Lin Cheng took off the T-shirt on his head, touched his chin as if thinking.

"You're right! If you're not angry, you can take off your stockings and lend them to me?"

While talking, Lin Cheng took a sneaky look at Chi Shengxi's beautiful black silk legs under his uniform skirt.

Chi Shengxi was amused by this guy, and rolled his eyes, "It's alright, alright, I'm leaving too, you should be careful outside."

"Can you stop using this tone of caring for a kid? Why are you worried about such a big person?"

"Stop talking nonsense! You won't be going back to the base today, will you?"

"Well~~ I will go home with my girlfriend in a while, and I will go back next Monday."

Chi Shengxi squeezed his eyes, "Remember to buy your girlfriend a cup of iced coffee when we have a date."

Lin Cheng was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"Experience for yourself! Iced coffee can help you spy on the military situation."

Chi Shengxi patted Lin Cheng's shoulder with a smile.

Lin Cheng wasn't stupid either, he quickly came to his senses.

Do you drink iced coffee when sister Shuyan's relatives come?

Don't you mean...
The iced coffee routine is deep!
Since Lin Cheng hadn't reached that step with his little wife, Chi Shengxi's routine really helped.

Just imagine, if one day the little wife is ready, it will be very disappointing for the two to be blocked by the evil aunt when their love is strong.

En~~~ At that time, Lin Cheng will buy a cup of iced coffee for the little wife first, and make sure that there are no relatives to disturb the matter, so things will go smoothly.

Learned learned!

Of course, Lin Cheng, who silently memorized this trick, pretended to be serious.

"Wow~~~ If you are angry, you are so dirty."

"You're dirty! Boys should care about girls in detail, do you understand? Where are you thinking?"

Chi Shengxi waved his hand, turned around and walked out leisurely on his high heels.

Lin Cheng didn't believe it, so he followed behind and asked, "Did someone pass you by like this?"


"Don't lie, otherwise how do you know so much about men's tricks?"

"If you say no, there will be no."

"I do not believe."

"Don't believe pull it down."

While talking, the two arrived outside the arena, and Lin Cheng saw the little wife standing at the door of the model shop at a glance.

Xiao Tong was looking curiously at the models of the contestants in the glass window, with a look of great interest.

Xiaotong is dressed a little fresh today, with a pink shirt and a JK-style dark pleated skirt. Her fair and straight legs are not wearing stockings, but the delicate skin still cannot find the slightest flaw. Compared with the wrapping of stockings, it is another kind nice.

"Hey! That's my little wife, let me introduce you."

Lin Cheng frightened and brought Chi Shengxi over, "Yo yo! The pretty girl is alone? Do you want to have a cup of coffee with my brother?"

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes.

I thought Lin Cheng would be a little different in front of his girlfriend, but in the end he still acted foolishly.

"Lin Cheng, you are going to die!"

Xiao Tong knew who it was as soon as he heard the cheap voice, and when he turned around, he punched Lin Cheng on the shoulder.

Seeing that there was someone beside Lin Cheng, Xiao Tong looked at Lin Cheng suspiciously.

"This is the operation of our club, Ji Shengxi."

"This is my little wife, Xiao Tong."

The two greeted each other.

Chi Shengxi's interpersonal skills are very strong, and he directly praised him without reservation.

"This is the girlfriend Lin Cheng shows off at the club every day? She's really pretty!"

Xiao Tong was a little shy, "No way, you are beautiful, sister."

Lin Cheng corrected: "Be clear! The gentle girlfriend I mentioned at the club is not her, but my eldest wife."

Chi Shengxi: "..."

Can this guy talk?

Xiao Tong punched her backhand angrily.

"Shut up! I hate it!"

 it's too hot!

(End of this chapter)

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