Chapter 1235

On July 7, KT ushered in the challenge of the news agency's sworn enemy.

Since the start of the summer split, T1's record has not been good, currently hovering in the middle and lower reaches of the standings with 3 wins and 4 losses.

Originally, the main lineup was determined for T1 in the second half of the spring split, but the unsatisfactory start of the summer split led to Danny, the master of arrangement and combination, starting to work hard again. In the last two rounds, T1 frequently changed the starting lineup in an attempt to find the correct five players.

It's a pity that T1's magic power of the water dispenser seems to be time-consuming, and often the new rotation players perform well, but after a good game, they immediately pull their hips in the next game.

And Danny, who was under increasing pressure from public opinion, obviously didn't have time to adjust the players. He changed players immediately after his performance was not good. It seems that the arrangement and combination of T1 is already a bit of a vicious circle.

Since the beginning of the year, no one thought that T1 had caught the neigui for 7 months and hadn't successfully detoxified it.

But the good thing is that now Danny dare not let Faker substitute. Relatively speaking, T1 fans are in a stable mood, and there is no move to send wreaths.

Before the match, the atmosphere in the KT lounge was very relaxed.

Those who play with mobile phones play with mobile phones, and those who chat with each other chat.

"Who is the opposing team starting today? Will Gumayusi be there? This time we meet, we must take revenge."

Mr. Dai casually cared about the T1 starters. He suffered a loss in the lane when he faced Xiao Lu Bu in spring, and he is still worried about it.

"I don't know, just look at which of their ADs will play in ranking and it will be clear."

"Don't worry! Whoever they go to, as long as we don't get sick, we can hit them casually."

There is nothing wrong with what Lin Cheng said. Mr. Dai suffered a disadvantage against Lu Bu in the spring because he was not used to his opponent's style of play.

Xiao Lu Bu's laning details are good, and he plays fiercely, but in other words, he is very pretending.

Recently, when T1 put Keria and Gumayusi on the field together, almost 100% of them chose a strong combination to grab the grass in advance to take advantage, and then Xiao Lu Bu used various positions under the cover of Keria to press the blood line hard.

The LCK's AD is generally not aggressive in the lane, and after a little bit of a loss, he shrank back and let Xiao Lu Bu push the line and rub the taper, making him look like a god of war.

The main thing is to be cowardly and let the LCK opponents get used to it.

Keria often starts to swim away from the line, and Xiao Lu Bu dares to press the line in front of the opponent's duo alone, but the opponent doesn't know the position of the support, but they dare not move him.

Even when Xiao Lu Bu stood alone in the center line, he often pushed the line of other mid laners by himself. T1 fans would sigh after seeing it: This guy is so fierce, no one dares to touch him like this!
In fact, his style of play would become a breakthrough in minutes against a bloody opponent.

It's just that the LCK opponents couldn't grasp the countless opportunities that seemed to be given for nothing.

Switching to the LPL environment, Xiao Lu Bu's pretense might be like Brother Shuizi's madness and sudden death.

In fact, it is the opponent's counseling that will maximize the benefits of Xiao Lu Bu's style of play. This is why when Xiao Lu Bu wins the game in T1, he often has a great advantage in the bottom lane.

Once Xiao Lu Bu has an advantage in the laning phase, he can often perform at the level of God of War. When he debuted in the Spring Split, he will get several quadruple kills.

However, once there is no advantage in the online game, Lu Bu's performance will not be bright. As a rookie, he obviously cannot adapt to various game situations.

Lin Cheng also had some regrets.

If it wasn't for Mr. Dai who couldn't play the top lane, he must switch to the bottom lane to teach little Lu Bu a lesson.

This guy may be even more arrogant than Lin Cheng. He had won the game and arrogantly said that he wanted to teach Lin Cheng a lesson. Lin Cheng didn't know where he got his confidence.

Although Lin Cheng is a bloated monster, he hates any bloated monster except himself.

Seeing the heated discussions among the team members, Chi Shengxi couldn't help interjecting: "Hey! We must win this time, otherwise the fan meeting will be embarrassing."

Little Peanut: "Don't worry if you are angry! We will never lose to T1 now."

Mr. Dai: "I will not let go of every chance to beat T1."

Chaowei: "Come on! We must win!"

Effort: "This time we have to perform well."

These four brothers can be said to be the Avengers. Either they were suppressed as SKT opponents for a long time, or they were abandoned by T1. They all played T1 more vigorously than Lin Cheng.

In order to cooperate with his teammates to enhance the atmosphere, Lin Cheng also put out a harsh sentence: "Sister Shengxi, don't worry! If I lose, I will go to the Han River Bridge to run naked."

As soon as Lin Cheng said this, all the idiots showed contemplative expressions.

En~~~ Do you want to temporarily put aside the grievances with T1 and play this guy?

After all, he said he was going to run naked.

Lin Cheng didn't notice the strangeness of his teammates. When he saw Chi Shengxi lowering his head and playing with his mobile phone, he couldn't help but leaned over and whispered, "Na! Let's discuss something."


"Can you change your request for me to cosplay the river crab? Although I promised to make a short video, why do I play the river crab?"

"Everyone wants to cosplay canyon creatures, you don't want to cosplay Daomei and Gwen, what's wrong with letting you play the crab?"

"But why do the characters they play stand up? And I have to crawl on the ground?"

"You don't like this character?"

"Well, can I change it?"

Lin Cheng tried to make himself look pitiful.

Without raising his head, Chi Shengxi quietly changed the subject: "I watched the live broadcast last time."


"Someone said in a live broadcast that I catch fish at work, and I like drinking coffee and watching the scenery by the window."

Lin Cheng asked tentatively: "Sister Sheng Xi is angry? I'm just talking about the effect of the show."

"It's not angry, the show is very interesting."

"Then can you change my role? I can cosplay the prince, I am so handsome and have a good figure..."

"No! You just play the crab."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Women, what a vengeful creature.

Soon, players from both sides appeared.

At this time, Lin Cheng also knew about T1's starting lineup.

Canna, Cuzz, Faker, Teddy, Keria
Like the lineup in the second half of the Spring Split, Danny did not send Lu Bu, who performed well in the previous round, but chose the relatively stable Teddy.

Canna is a top laner who needs to be protected by his teammates. If Lu Bu plays the bottom lane as the core, Canna will be beaten by Lin Cheng, so Danny chose to let Teddy play.

Teddy is not as good as Little Lu Bu in laning, but it is indeed more suitable to play a tool hero to cooperate with teammates than Little Lu Bu, allowing teammates to devote more energy to the upper half.

In the Chinese live broadcast room, Jun Ri and Yu Tong are the commentators today.

Joon Il: "Come on, in the first news agency match this summer, the T1 lineup went back and forth and returned to the original lineup, but what they are facing now is KT, which has just created a 27-game winning streak in the league! What will this group of veterans do?" Can it cause trouble to KT, which is in a hurry?"

Yu Tong: "KT is undoubtedly the best team in the world right now. Relatively speaking, T1 is a bit precarious right now. It's almost halfway through the summer split and they still haven't found a fixed starting lineup. This will impact the world. The number of places in the competition is definitely not a good thing."

Jun Il: "Speaking of it, it is thanks to KT's wonderful performance in the international arena. This year, the LCK has four places to participate in the S competition. If T1 can adjust it, the chances are quite high."

"It's over! T1 will be 3-5 after this match, how will we enter the World Championship?"

"Can we win all of them in the future? No way? It's very blue!"

"Don't be embarrassed! It's hard to go straight, but there may be a chance to play in the bubbling match."

"After all, there are four places, and the LCK has only ten teams. The chances of T1 are still great."

"The guys from T1 scold Brother Cheng every day, but the four places in the LCK are still won by KT."

"Brother Li, stop in a daze! Take the younger brothers to rush again!"

"I just want to see Brother Cheng beat Faker to tears!"

(End of this chapter)

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