This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1236 I don't want to lose to T1

Chapter 1236 I don't want to lose to T1
Soon, the first game BP began.

T1 is the first to BAN and choose first on the blue side.

As the most feared top laner in the arena today, T1 also respected Lin Cheng enough. In the first three moves, he lost Daomei, Qinggangying, and Gwen.

Jun Ri: "Sure enough! Now the top three BANs of all teams basically have to respect Cheng Zige, but he still doesn't dare to let go of his three most threatening heroes."

Yutong: "To be honest, the first three BANs have the same effect on Brother Chengzi! Brother Chengzi can be C in everything he chooses, but every time he releases heroes like Qinggangying and Daomei, the results are unacceptable to the opponent. You still have to get a BAN later on."

Joon-il: "I feel that only by increasing the BAN to [-] can Riot limit Brother Cheng, otherwise no matter who is facing KT, it will be a natural BP disadvantage, and the pressure given by Brother Cheng is too great.

"The game hasn't even started yet, and the BP alone makes the opponent feel suffocated. How can you play this?"

Seeing T1's top three BAN Lin Cheng was also speechless.

No one listened to what I said last time?

Why don't you just target the worst one while playing games, is it interesting to stare at my hero BAN every day?

No matter how many BANs you have, I can only choose one.

Go to the hero of BAN Peanut, BAN three and grab another Peanut and it will be useless.

Lin Cheng secretly glanced at Little Peanut next to him.

Not knowing Lin Cheng's sinister thoughts, Little Peanut smiled at Lin Cheng in a friendly manner.

"Lin Cheng, what do you choose? Do you want me to guarantee it?"

Lin Cheng felt ashamed.

Although Peanut Butter often uttered harsh words to make Lin Cheng look good, but from the beginning of the game, the BP wanted to protect the big daddy on the road.

Lin Cheng began to reflect on his bad behavior of making fun of peanuts every day.

The top three BANs of the red side KT were given to Xin Zhao, Calista and Verus.

In fact, Teddy's Kalista and Verus are not very powerful in laning, and they are often used to develop peacefully with their opponents. However, these two heroes are both tool ADs in T1, which fit Teddy's compatibility very well.

In the LPL, Kalista basically gave up if she didn’t have an advantage in laning. T1’s Kalista is completely a tool for protecting and assisting the start of the team. As the only auxiliary core of the LCK, Keria is also worthy of tactical tilt.

At the beginning of the selection, the blue side grabbed EZ.

Jun Il: "EZ is fine! There aren't many easy-to-use ADs now, so I'll definitely get them in the first round."

Yu Tong: "But there are still a lot of strong heroes. It feels like the price is a little bit high to grab the EZ. However, T1's EZ grab is a clear card to keep the upper half."

The hero EZ is undoubtedly Teddy's signature. Although the big core hero is not as good as little Lu Bu, it is obvious that Teddy's EZ is much better than little Lu Bu.

Little Lu Bu had played EZ before, but it was almost impossible to find such a person when he was selected.

Many people say that EZ is a bastard, just because the hero's way of dealing damage is relatively safe. In fact, it is very difficult to master this hero. EZ's influence on the situation in the mid-term is more than that of most ADs.

The red side didn't hesitate, and grabbed the blind monk + Senna with a backhand.

The blind monk can swing in the middle and upper fields, and Senna is a very comfortable choice for playing EZ.

On the second and third floors of T1, there are female tanks + Rambo.

The third floor of the red square locks the bright moon, and continues to retain the possibility of the blind monk swinging up and down.

That is to say, Effort does not play blind monk, otherwise KT can also learn from T1 to make a combination of Senna + blind monk.

Jun Il: "Here we come! Little Peanut's Bright Moon! This is also a very popular AP jungler in the current version of RANK, but currently not many professional players choose it, although many people are practicing crazily in ranking."

Yu Tong: "The main reason is that Jiaoyue didn't have the ability to do things before level [-]. Many teams in the LCK don't particularly like such heroes, and Jiaoyue itself is very popular with players. If she doesn't play well in team battles, this hero will be useless."

The second round of BANs begins.

KT disabled Nightmare + Crocodile on the red side.

On the blue side, T1 is even BAN Tam + Titan, preventing Senna from completing a comfortable match in the bottom lane.

The selection process began, and the fourth floor of the red square shone brightly.

Mr. Dai: "How is it? Xianghao, do you want to try?"

There are Senna + Brilliant combo in RANK. These two guys have full laning ability when they go down the road, and they have everything in hand length consumption recovery control.

In the training match, KT tried this bottom lane combination, and the effect was not bad, but the problem was that the ability to start a team was too poor.

In the professional arena, never expect to rely on a hero like Guanghui to get the prize first, it can only be used as a follow-up control.

And Effort is obviously very cautious when dealing with his old club, "Forget it! Be steady! I don't want to lose to T1."

I don't want to lose to T1!

Lin Cheng cried to death.

The little brother is so serious, he has to give a little effort.

Therefore, the fourth floor of the red square finally locked the Effort's signature Brave Niu Niu, and entered the arena in conjunction with the Bright Moon team battle.

Evert has played a lot of highlights with the bull's head, but more than half of his death title is also contributed by the bull's head, which is very exaggerated when the hero is at a disadvantage.

The last two hands of the blue side T1 sacrificed the Czar + Jess.

Seeing these two heroes, T1 fans are desperate.

"Classic! The Tsar is here again! You know the T1 pill when you see the Tsar."

"Brother Li, the Tsar pushes and the four teammates are all watching the show, how dare you give him the Tsar?"

"Tsar + Jess = T1 doesn't want to win."

"The Rat Man has been hugging Jess all his life, right? Brother Cheng Zi dares to take Jess, isn't he courting death?"

"I'm going to kidnap the jungler again on the road!"

"Don't be embarrassing! When was the ICU kidnapped? Didn't it blow up to the base and explode?"

KT locked Yasuo directly with the last hand.

Yu Tong: "Yasuo! Is Yasuo the blind monk's upper middle field? This upper middle field is very strong, but the hands are too short."

Jun Ri: "I'm more looking forward to who this Yasuo will play. Could it be Brother Chengzi? Chaowei hasn't bought Yasuo for a long time. I wouldn't be surprised if Brother Chengzi plays Yasuo."

"Fuck! Yasuo is so happy in this lineup! Three teammates can knock them into the air."

"Could it really be Chengge Yasuo? I'm looking forward to it."

"Although I'm not in Jianghu, there are already legends in Jianghu, don't let me down (funny)"

"Once Chengzige Yasuo takes it, T1's direct win rate will be full (dog head)"

This Yasuo is naturally not played by Lin Cheng. Yasuo goes in the middle and cooperates with Haoyue's high intensity in the middle field. Going to the road to fight Jess is purely asking for trouble.

Of course, if Chaowei doesn't mind, Lin Cheng is also willing to accept the challenge.

But the younger brother Evert said earlier that he didn't want to lose to T1, so Lin Cheng didn't joke about exchanging heroes with Chaowei.

It's not that he feels that Yasuo is unstable, it's just a little sacrifice for the team.

Anyway, he is very confident in himself, Yasuo.

Very very very confident.

Both teams are confirmed.

Blue square T1:

Top Road: Canna (Future Guardian, Jace)

Jungler: Cuzz (Mecha Enemy, Rambo)

Mid lane: Faker (Desert Emperor, Azir)
Bot Lane: Teddy (Explorer, Ezreal)
Support: Keria (Goddess of Dawn, Leona)
Red square KT:

Top Road: Cheng (Blind Monk, Li Qing)

Jungle: Peanut (Goddess of the Bright Moon, Diana)
Mid lane: Chovy (Fighting Swordsman, Yasuo)
Bottom lane: Deft (Soul Cleansing Lance, Senna)

Support: Effort (Tau Chief, Alistar)
(End of this chapter)

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