Chapter 1288 Dress for You
Lin Cheng swears that he is really just curious about how girls go to the bathroom when they are wearing jumpsuits.

So he didn't think too much, and asked directly.

He never found such questions difficult to ask.

But the eyes of the two women were a little strange.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Are my questions weird?"

Zhiyan laughed and didn't speak.

It was Xiao Min who said, "It's not fact, I'm also curious about how some boys go to the toilet wearing a full-body jumpsuit?"

"Huh? There are still boys wearing jumpsuits?"


"Then I can't answer this question, because I don't even know there are men's jumpsuits."

"But I can answer your question, first you guess how a girl wears a swimsuit-style jumpsuit to go to the toilet?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "Take them all off?"

"It's true...but don't you think it's troublesome if you think about it?"

"Is there a hidden zipper?"

Lin Cheng began to wonder if the high-fork swimsuit had a zipper design.

Xiao Min glanced at Lin Cheng, and directly revealed the answer.

"Pull aside."

"Put aside?"

Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then showed a strange smile.

"Ah! Don't think about it!"

Zhiyan rushed forward and grabbed Lin Cheng's neck.

"I didn't think about it."

Lin Cheng cried out for injustice.

"Who knows what's going on in your head? A guy with black silk and long legs."

Lin Cheng felt a little wronged, it was those netizens who harmed people, and now the whole network knew that he was full of black silk and long legs.

He didn't bother to explain, he bit the coffee straw in Zhiyan's hand and took a sip.

Seeing Lin Cheng's gloomy expression, Zhiyan leaned into Lin Cheng's ear with a smile, and whispered: "If you really want to know, next time my sister can wear it for you to see."


Lin Cheng almost spit out the coffee.

Needless to say, he was really moved.

Move aside!

What kind of scenery should it be?

Xiaomin also heard Jiyan's words, and reached out to scratch her armpit, "Ah! Can such words be said so openly?"

Zhiyan was also ticklish, so she quickly stood up to avoid her sister's attack, "I'll go change my clothes first, and later we'll go out to buy groceries and prepare lunch together."

After Zhiyan finished speaking, she couldn't help but add to Xiaomin: "You must not take this opportunity to bully Lin Cheng."

Hyomin: "???"

"Park Zhiyan, are you going too far? I am your older sister."

Hyomin was dissatisfied, Jiyeon turned and ran into the bedroom with a chuckle.

Seeing that Lin Cheng was still looking at the tablet in her hand, Xiao Min generously handed it over, "Hey! Do you want to save it and enjoy it slowly?"

"Tch! It's not interesting."

Lin Cheng curled his lips, and frantically stroked the kitten next to him.


Xue Hua waved her paw dissatisfied and pushed Lin Cheng's hand away.

The little Teddy next to him looked at Snowflake eagerly, his little tail wagging like a propeller, looking very envious.

Xiao Min quickly hugged Dobby in her arms to comfort her.

Soon, Jiyan changed her clothes and came out.

She changed into a black dress. The tight belt completely outlined her slender waist, and her long legs under the skirt were wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, which looked very feminine.

"Dangdang! How is it? Does it look good?"

Lin Cheng took a serious look up and down, nodded: "It looks good! If you don't laugh out loud, you are a temperamental beauty."

Zhiyan was dissatisfied, "What? Does my sister have no temperament when she smiles?"

Lin Cheng couldn't help but reached out and touched her head, "If you don't smile, you are a temperamental beauty, and when you smile, you are a sunny and lively beauty... I like both of them."

Lin Cheng silently added in his heart.

Just a little silly!
Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Zhiyan smiled brightly.

On the other hand, Xiaomin next to her had goosebumps.

"Ah! You two are enough! Do you have to do this in front of me? I shouldn't have come here so early today."

Jiyeon put her arms around Hyomin's arm with a smile, "Oni is the best! I'm going to go grocery shopping. Today we will cook a sumptuous meal together."

"Please get rid of you. Apart from cooking instant noodles, it's not bad if the food you make can be eaten."

Zhiyan was dissatisfied, "Can't you show me some face in front of Lin Cheng? What should I do if Lin Cheng has a bad impression of me?"

"Anyway, I'm also Lin Cheng's friend, so I must be responsible for his life and safety, right?"

Xiao Min raised her index finger solemnly, "What if he is poisoned to death by you without his knowledge?"

"Ha ha!"

Zhiyan's smile was low, but she was amused by her sister's joke, and she was as happy as a child.

Lin Cheng also couldn't help interjecting: "Uh~~~ We seem to have cooked together, right? That's when you almost blew up the kitchen. Does Zhiyan think that I still have expectations for your cooking skills?"

Zhiyan stopped smiling, she pursed her mouth and wrinkled her nose at Lin Cheng, looking childish.

"Ignore you! Let your eldest wife cook for you!"

Lin Cheng held out his hand.

Ji Yeon squinted at him.


Lin Cheng didn't speak.

Jiyeon thought for a moment, then stretched out her hand.

Lin Cheng held her hand, "But now you are by my side! If you don't cook, who will cook for me?"

"You don't think I'm cooking badly?"


Jiyeon grinned happily.

Lin Cheng discovered that this simple-minded man was actually more coquettish than the little wife.

Seeing her like this, Xiao Min was furious at the side, but she was genuinely happy in her heart.

At least, the current maknae is really happy.

"Get ready to go grocery shopping!"

Lin Cheng originally thought that he was going to go grocery shopping with them, but he didn't expect that he would be left at home by himself in the end.

Zhiyan and her sister went grocery shopping, while Lin Cheng was in charge of arranging the study at home.

In the evening, they will broadcast live here to celebrate the 12th anniversary of their debut with fans.

In fact, they originally planned to live broadcast in the studio, but later decided to switch to their home. Anyway, this live broadcast will not be live dancing, so there is no requirement for the venue.

Lin Cheng just happened to be caught as a coolie, so he started to decorate the study at home alone.

The table and bookcase were moved aside, and the words Tara 12TH were pasted on the wall with ribbons, representing their 12th anniversary celebration.

Zhiyan prepared a pot of sunflowers in advance, which is said to be their official aid.

Only then did Lin Cheng understand why the old driver in his live broadcast room had such a cheering line: When the sun blooms, I promise you a sea of ​​lemons.

It turned out that they were really waiting for them to start all over again.

While Lin Cheng was busy, Ju Li came.

"Uh~~~ You sit down for a while, they will be back soon."

"it is good."

To be honest, communicating alone with Ju Li, the oldest of the four, was the most difficult.

Her personality is not as cheerful as that of En Jing and Xiao Min. Although they are familiar with each other, basically she can't strike up a conversation unless Lin Cheng takes the initiative to talk, and the atmosphere is a bit awkward.

But after all, she is Zhiyan's older sister, Lin Cheng felt that it was not good to see others like this.

Lin Cheng, who had just entered the study, poked his head out.

Unexpectedly, Ju Li happened to be about to come in, so the two met face to face.

It was the first time that Lin Cheng was so close to her face, he could clearly see the small beauty mole on the tip of Ju Li's nose.

Ju Li brushed her long blond hair, and turned slightly sideways, and seemed a little uncomfortable with this distance.



"Would you like to come in and see how I arranged it? If I'm not satisfied, I can change it."

"it is good."

Lin Cheng turned his head and couldn't help but glance at the past again.

How can the mole on the tip of the nose be so beautiful?

But none of this matters.

It's tiring to have too many sister-in-laws, and there are too many people that Lin Cheng wants to please.

(End of this chapter)

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