This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1289 Sister-in-laws don't have a fuel-efficient lamp

Chapter 1289 Sister-in-laws don't have a fuel-efficient lamp

While Lin Cheng continued to arrange the room, he chatted with his aunt every now and then.

But Curie didn't talk much.

Her personality is not very introverted, but a purely passive personality.

Lin Cheng listened at first, and occasionally responded with a few words, but unlike Xiao Min and En Jing, she would take the initiative to find a way to chat with Lin Cheng. Once Lin Cheng didn't speak, the atmosphere would basically be cold.

This made Lin Cheng find it difficult to communicate with Ju Li alone.

Seeing that she was not like this when communicating with Zhiyan and the others, Lin Cheng thought at first that she had some opinion of him.

Later, Lin Cheng felt that there might be a generation gap between the two, after all, this sister-in-law was more than ten years older than him.

But Ming Mingyan often bullies Ju Li, this explanation doesn't make sense, Lin Cheng can only attribute it to the fact that the two are not familiar enough.

Feeling monotonous with only the words Tara 12TH on the entire wall in the background, Lin Cheng stood on the table and prepared to stick a crown with ribbons.

With a foundation in art, Lin Cheng's hands-on ability is still very strong, and soon the majestic golden crown pattern took shape.

"You look over there for me, I'm afraid the post will be crooked."


"Is it crooked?"


"Is it really okay? Why do I feel a little crooked?"

"not bad."

Although it was confirmed, Lin Cheng still jumped off the table uneasy, stood on the opposite side of the wall and looked up for a closer look.

"What's the matter? It's all crooked! Make me have to do it again."

While complaining, Lin Cheng climbed up the table to readjust the position of the ribbon on the wall.

"Really? But I think it's really okay."

Julie was a little unconvinced.

What's the matter with Lin Cheng's admonishing tone?It's okay to be bullied by Zhiyan, but why does everyone think Li Juli is easy to bully?

Lin Cheng didn't know that the woman next to her was elegant in appearance but rebellious in heart. She muttered while working, "You have to be more serious! Who am I working so hard for... Let's see how it works?"

Ju Li stretched out her hand to show the frame of the camera, and began to observe carefully.

"It seems to be a little crooked, you lean a little to the left."

"Pass, a little to the right."

"There are too many, go a little further to the left."


"A little lower... that's right! That's fine."

"But isn't it the same as before?"

"Where is it? It's obviously different."

Lin Cheng took a careful look.

It's obviously the same as before!

He turned his head to look at the blonde woman, hesitant to speak.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing."

Lin Cheng wanted to say something, but seeing her innocent look, he couldn't say it.

This Li Juli either has bad eyesight, or has a good face and a dark belly.

After posting the pattern of the crown, Lin Cheng used ribbons to post their Chinese names and simple Chinese slogans. Presumably, the domestic audience who watched the live broadcast at night will be pleasantly surprised.

Ju Libi gestured for the camera and began to criticize.

"This position is not good, please move my name to the left of the crown."

"No, no, no! You have to stay with the team members."

"Come down a little more."

It was sore to follow the command with his arms raised all the time, Lin Cheng couldn't help but turned his head and looked at her helplessly.

"Li Juli xi~~~"


"Do you have a problem with me?"


Anyway, Lin Cheng regretted letting her in to supervise his work, so he could only change the topic casually.

"That's right! What kind of boy do you like?"


Ju Li froze for a moment, then smiled embarrassedly.

However, asking such a question with Lin Cheng's character would not cause people to misunderstand.

"What? Are you sorry to answer?"

"No! I like Kwon Sang Woo's type, very masculine and reliable."

"Quan Xiangyou? Do you like married men?"

"That's not true! I mean that tall and good-looking boys are easy to give people a sense of security."

Tall and in good shape.

Lin Chengxin said, isn't that me?

However, considering the identities of the two parties, Lin Cheng wisely did not make jokes.

It would be bad to leave a frivolous image among Jiyeon's older sisters.

Although everyone knows that Lin Xiaocheng is full of black hair and long legs, but he still wants to work hard to be an upright person, a person who is out of vulgar interests.

Of course, liking black silk long legs is definitely not a bad taste.

This is a matter of principle, and Lin Cheng will never give in.

Being successfully diverted from the topic by Lin Cheng, Li Juli finally stopped pointing fingers at Lin Cheng's work, and Lin Cheng quickly sprinkled artistic inspiration on the wall.

Then Lin put the sunflowers that Zhiyan had prepared in advance and the flower basket he had prepared in the middle of the study, and they were probably in front of the camera during the live broadcast at night.

"Okay! Are you satisfied with this? If not, I can change it."

As soon as Lin Cheng said this, seeing that Ju Li was really ready to comment, he quickly changed the subject, "Forget it! Let's talk about it when Zhiyan comes back."

"it is good."

When the two returned to the living room, Li Juli took out her mobile phone.

Lin Cheng wanted to find something to chat with, but when he saw his sister-in-law seriously playing with his mobile phone, he simply played with his tablet, and occasionally touched Snowflake and Dobby.

Finally, Jiyeon and Hyomin are back.

"Lin Cheng! Did you obediently look after the house when your sister was away?"

Lin Cheng opened the door, and Zhiyan stuffed the bag in her hand to Lin Cheng, and then she found the figure sitting on the sofa.

"Woo~~~ Long time no see, O'Neill!"

Zhiyan threw herself into Ju Li's arms and began to act like a baby.

Xiaomin saw that Jiyan was acting coquettish and cute to Juli, so she simply recruited Lin Cheng to help in the kitchen.

Lin Cheng honestly helped with cooking.

"Hey! Lin Cheng."


"How on earth did you and Jiyeon get together?"

"What does it mean to get together? Is this what a sister said?"

Xiao Min sneered, "If you dare to do it, you don't dare to be told? You have a girlfriend in the first place."

Lin Cheng: "..."

He could tell that these sister-in-laws didn't have a fuel-efficient lamp.

In comparison, Miss Enjing is much cuter.

Brother Jing, when will you show up?

I don't think your legs are thick, you're still a soft girl to get along with.

"Hmph! Are you guilty..."

Before the words finished, I saw Zhiyan approaching leisurely.

Xiao Min hurriedly stopped the rest of the words.

Zhiyan leaned against Lin Cheng and watched him clean the bracken with a smile.

"Do you want my sister to help you cook?"


Zhiyan raised her chin, "Then call my sister to listen."

Seeing this simple and complacent look, Lin Cheng couldn't help but want to laugh.

He leaned close to Zhiyan's ear, and whispered purposely in an ambiguous voice:
"Good sister, help younger brother, okay?"

After finishing speaking, he deliberately blew into her ear.

Zhiyan's heart skipped a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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