This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1294 The Possibility of Fans Governing the Team

This photo is on a larger scale.

The lace of the black stockings and the white thighs formed a sharp contrast, and the so-called absolute realm of Two-dimensional is not as beautiful as Jiyan at this moment.

And Lin Cheng finally saw the style of the fabric he stripped aside today.

The skirt was pulled up slightly.

Translucent black, lace, and the shape is so beautiful!

Lin Cheng was going crazy.

I should have known that I should have eaten this fool no matter what today.

Jiyeon: Do you still want to watch it? (shy)
Lin Cheng: Of course (poor)
Jiyeon: Think beautifully!Go to bed obediently! (laughing out loud)
Lin Cheng: You are too hateful! (angry) (angry)
Seeing the angry expression sent by Lin Cheng, Zhiyan almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

This little brother is so cute.

She changed her posture, lying on the sofa with her upper body, her legs dangling on the armrests, her beautiful black silk legs dangling under the light.

Imagining Lin Cheng scratching her ear and cheek on the other side, Zhiyan couldn't stop laughing.

But soon, her swinging legs stopped.

Hmm~~~ Will he be angry?
Shouldn't it?
But it's hard to say... After all, the stinky brother is so stingy!
Ji Yeon began to feel a little worried again.

Probably because she cared too much, she even felt that the joy she got from teasing Lin Cheng was a little less.

She bit her lip and took a sneak peek at her sisters.

never mind!It was him anyway.

Show this stinky brother... it's actually okay.

With her back to her sisters, she secretly reached out her hand to the root of her thigh.

Fingers hooked on the translucent lace, ready to be slowly pulled aside.

A touch of incomparably fair and bright color emerges from the black gauze.

The faint corner is indeed a beautiful scenery.

"Ji Yeon!"

Zhiyan shuddered, quickly pulled down the hem of the skirt, and turned to look at Enjing.


"It's rare to have a rest tomorrow, do you want to go to Hwaseong with your sisters?"

Realizing that her sisters didn't notice her movements, Ji-yeon was relieved.

"No! I don't want to run around tomorrow."

"Why are you the same as Giulioni? You have to stay at home on a rare rest day..."

Enjing muttered something, and immediately ignored the maknae.

After this interruption, Zhiyan didn't dare to think about sending any larger-scale photos to Lin Cheng.

But she knew Lin Cheng's hobby, so she began to secretly take pictures of her beautiful black silk legs and send them to him.

Stretch the instep and point the toes outward, so that the legs look longer, and the thin stockings on the toes are also very sexy.

Lin Cheng was very absorbed in watching it, but he found something different in the next photo.

They also have beautiful black silk legs, but they are a little plumper than Zhiyan and not so thin, and the posture of the owner of the beautiful legs is also sitting on the sofa, not half lying down like Zhiyan.

Lin Cheng thought for a while, it seemed that there was only one person wearing black stockings during the day.

Lin Cheng: Isn't this you?
Jiyeon: Guess (funny)

Then, she sent another photo.

It really is Li Juli!

She was sitting on the sofa, watching TV earnestly, her legs wrapped in black stockings were crossed, and she didn't realize that Jiyan was secretly taking pictures of herself.

Lin Cheng: Is there anyone who cheats on your sister like you?

Jiyeon: Then I'll go tell Julieoni?
Lin Cheng: Forget it, don't tell her, the one who gets scolded after you say it is me!
Jiyeon: (grinning her teeth) Then who do you think has better legs, me or Julioni?
Lin Cheng: I don't know.

Jiyeon: Mo?One has to be said.

Lin Cheng pretended to be dead, saying that he couldn't stand it anymore.

After being teased by Hanhan, he really wants to open the browser.

If it wasn't for the match tomorrow, he would definitely come to the door in the middle of the night to let Zhiyan know the consequences of teasing her.

Lin Cheng found that Zhiyan seemed particularly enthusiastic today.

In fact, this is also normal. The two confirmed their hearts to each other a month and a half ago, but they didn't see each other for nearly 50 days when it was supposed to be the hottest time.

Not to mention that Zhiyan is so stupid, Lin Cheng is actually similar, but the way of expression is slightly different.

Talking to Zhiyan for an hour and a half.

Finally, when the sisters urged Zhiyan to rest, Lin Cheng had time to visit the forum.

Today's Korean Internet forum is very lively.

T1 won again!
In the afternoon game, T1 beat BRO 2-0.

After kicking Danny, T1 has not lost a game so far. It really has a reborn momentum, and the fans are already boiling.

Their wreath truck works!

really! T1, even if the fans rule the team, is more useful than those brain-dead executives.

T1 fans are posting to celebrate the truck and wreath victory.

Looking at the faces of T1 fans on the forum, Lin Cheng wished he could hug a watermelon and eat while watching.

This time, T1 fans have tasted the sweetness, and I am afraid that the club's high-level executives will be affected by it in the future.

Whenever the record is not good in the future, or if a popular player is replaced, T1 fans will start trucking wreaths to force the palace as soon as they are upset. Zhao Mashi probably will be dizzy.

E-sports fans actually have very little influence on the club, but T1 is a strange thing in the e-sports circle. This team is engaged in fan economy, and they really dare not go against the fans.

In fact, in most projects club management and fans are at odds.

The management has a lot of things to consider, and fans can be a keyboard warrior, venting if they are not happy, let their temper go.

In fact, Lin Cheng was also thinking, is it possible to have a team ruled by fans in the future?

This concept is actually not very exaggerated, and this situation is not uncommon in football.

But esports is not the same as football after all.

Several football giants in Europe are membership-based, and members are eligible to participate in management voting. Even the home owners of the Premier League giant Chelsea are fans. It is obviously impossible for e-sports fans to have such power as football fans.

In order to oppose the UEFA plan this year, Chelsea fans directly blocked the gate of Stamford Bridge to prevent their home team from entering the game. Do T1 fans dare to block the gate of LOL PARK?
Because the owners of Chelsea's stadium are the fans, and the stadium is lent to Chelsea by the fans. If the fans are unhappy, they can not let Chelsea go in and play.

But if T1 fans dare to block the door of LOL PARK, they will be arrested by the police immediately.

This year, the American capital **** wants to take advantage of the epidemic situation to reshuffle European football. It is tempted to provide 40 billion US dollars in loans to the giants to lead the establishment of the European Super League. It wants to try to run the European football giants like the NBA. .

But because the fans did not allow it, the establishment of the European Super League was destroyed overnight by the fans of various giants. This is the first time that American capital has kneeled so quickly in Europe.

But after all, e-sports culture doesn't have much foundation yet. At present, e-sports fans have little influence on the team, and the main thing is that capital controls the team.

Maybe one day, there will be such an e-sports team that belongs entirely to fans.

Or maybe, that day will never come.

Of course, although T1 currently seems to have fans affecting the management, it is actually only because the fan economy is in the interests of the team, and it will be difficult to say in the future.

But at least the current T1 fans are happy.

Li Ge started as steady as a dog!Danny is gone!The team is getting better!
This is a victory for the fans!
Wreath of victory!
Victory for trucks!
As a result, T1 fans began to look forward to the news agency battle left in the regular season.

We found the right five! KT dare to touch it?

It doesn't have to win, as long as it can win a game from KT, it shows the progress of the team. Wait until the playoffs to settle the score with KT.

I want to fight for my breath, not to prove that I am great.

Instead, I want to tell everyone that what I lost, I must get back.

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