This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1295 The Defying Lineup!Stop pretending!The show is on, right?

This summer, T1's rotation dragged the supervision and coaches away, but no one noticed that McGee actually made arrangements in DRX.

Except for Kingen and P, who are still on the court, DRX's middle and lower assistants have all changed compared to the spring split.

The Solka who punched and paid homage to Meikou in Hedao was carried away with a chair.

The duo of Bao and Becca was demoted to the secondary league because the hero pool could not support Mai Ge's usual bot lane style.

Of course, Maggie certainly doesn't think that his substitutions and BPs have brought the team to where it is today, and he was calmly communicating with the players before the game.

Lin Cheng didn't care who the opponent changed, but he was a little surprised when he entered the competition room and found the opponent's ID.

The opposite ID is Taeyoon.

I asked Mr. Dai, this young teenager's name is not Tae Yoon, he changed his ID just because he likes Kim Tae Yeon and Lim Yoon Ah in Girls' Generation.

It's a pity, what a good young man, why don't you like my Zhiyan?
Hmm~~~ No way!Except Cheng Ge, no one else is allowed to use Zhiyan's name as ID.

Lin Cheng was inexplicably distracted for a while, then turned around and joked with the coach.

"Coach! I want to play top laner Yasuo today!"

"Okay! If you cheat, you are not allowed to go home this weekend, and you will stay for more practice."

"Uh~~~ Let's forget it, Yasuo spicy chicken hero dog doesn't play."

"Ha ha!"

Teammates laughed.

KT has secured the top spot in the regular season, and everyone has no burdens now. The game is actually just another training game for them.

It is of course best to win, but it is also feasible to practice more lineups.

The BP between the two sides finally officially started.

I thought it was a game with disparity in strength and nothing to watch. Everyone was more concerned about when KT's winning streak would end. What I didn't expect was that the two sides jointly contributed a very heaven-defying lineup selection in this round.

KT's first three BAN positions on the blue side were given to Xin Zhao, Crocodile and Calista.

The three BAN positions of the red square DRX are Daomei, Qinggangying and Gwen.

At the beginning of the selection, the blue side snatched the blind monk.

And DRX is a bomber.

Yu Tong: "Bomberman! Bomberman is very popular in Korean server recently. Last year, Mai Ge was an avid Bomberman fan. Even players like Chaowei played Bomberman under Mai Ge's command last year. Now Bomberman is so popular. There is no reason not to choose fire."

Eleven: "Some teams have already used the Bomberman system before. It seems that DRX wants to throw Bomberman down and play by themselves, focusing on the upper half."

KT has seen a lot of Bomberman in the training match.

Fighters running rampant in the middle of the summer game is obviously a scene that Riot doesn't want to see.

In the previous version, in order to enhance the heroic status of traditional mages, Riot lowered the price of some core mage equipment, and at the same time, the designer increased the bounty of the second side tower. This move directly made Bomber more up.

Bomberman's early combat effectiveness is not very good, but his ability to push lines and towers is first-class. It is easy to use defensive towers to roll up the economy when walking on the sidewalk. Moreover, Bomberman's ultimate move is easier to hit after being strengthened, so it can be played safely. The location produces a lot of AOE.

Now Bomberman has reached the top of AD position data in Hanbok.

Although there is no soul of AD, this version of Bomberman is really easy to mix.

RANK is easy to use, and gradually some teams have moved the routine to the arena.

Fist is actually quite speechless. The original intention of this wave of planning is to bring traditional mages back to the mainstream. Unexpectedly, fighters are still running rampant in the middle lane. On the contrary, the ecology of the bottom lane has begun to become non-mainstream again.

After grabbing the bomber, the second floor of the red square then locked the female tank.

KT chose Aphelios + Thresh on the blue side.

The third floor of the red square sacrificed Zoe.

Yu Tong: "Don't tell me! The first three hands of Mai Ge are quite thoughtful. Zoe + Bomber's Poke ability is very strong, and the fixed-point explosion is very powerful."

"After equipping it, Zoe only needs to hit the hypnotic bubble, and the bomber's ult combined with Zoe's Q can basically see everyone in seconds."

Eleven: "Well~~~ Bomber's long-range and damage ability is too strong, and even the female tanks behind can help Poke. As long as you control the people and let Ziggs give him a boost, the crispy hero will have no combat power even if he doesn't die."

In the second round of BAN, the purpose of both sides is very clear.

Blue side with BAN Olaf + Viego.

At present, after the damage to wild monsters has been strengthened, Foyego gradually appears in the jungle position more and more. KT's two moves can be regarded as targeting the AD jungler.

And the red side is BAN Jiaoyue + Rambo, which obviously defaults to the blind monk.

Start the second round of selection.

DRX locked the prince in seconds on the fourth floor of the red square.

Obviously, Maggie's ideal routine is to use the prince's ultimate move to provide the bomber with a chance to stably hit skills, which is somewhat similar to the previous version of the prince + female gun.

Soon, the last two hands of the blue side were determined.

Syndra + Sett.

The red side chose Lucian at the end.

Yu Tong: "Kingen's Lucian? In my impression, Kingen seems to have never used this hero at all this year."

Eleven: "But after all, if you fight Sett, Sett won't be able to touch Lucian at all. I'm afraid Brother Cheng will be under some pressure in this laning."

Everyone tacitly agreed that Lin Cheng would take Serti up.

Because only the blind monk can go to the jungle on KT's side, it is a matter of course to shake Sett up.

However, everyone was dumbfounded when they started to exchange heroes.

Because Aphelios was handed over to Lin Cheng.

Chaowei got Sett.

And Mr. Dai took Syndra down.

The camera is shown on the player's seat.

Lin Cheng was talking to his teammates, Mr. Dai had a bright smile on his face, and Chaowei was trying his best not to show his canine teeth.

Everyone is numb.

Yu Tong: "No! I can understand the lineup of Mike, but I really can't understand the lineup of KT."

Eleven: "KT has no problem with the selection of these five heroes, but the split line feels wrong. It's like players in an entertainment game switching positions... But KT has already secured the top spot in the regular season in advance. It is true that they There's no pressure right now."

Yutong: "Zeyuan can't cry and faint in the toilet now? What do you mean? The last round of GEN·G was full of firepower. After the GEN·G, KT started to work hard. Aphelios can be the top laner Did you take it out?"

The barrage is lively.

"Fuck! Top laner Aphelios? You only dare to play in RANK!"

"Please call him Teacher Orange from now on!"

"KT's lineup is outrageous!"

"It's rare to see Mai Ge's BP is normal than the opponent (cover face)"

"Soldiers go to the middle lane to beat up mages, mages go down to abuse AD, AD go to top lane to torture top laners! A closed loop is formed, right?"

"You play top lane AD, I play mid lane fighter, he plays bottom lane mage, we can all have a bright future (funny)"

"At this time, a certain commentator fainted in the toilet."

"Zeyuan: It's not fair! Why did you hit GEN·G with heavy punches last week? Start working after the fight?"

The last 20 seconds have passed, and KT has not exchanged heroes.

Both teams are confirmed.

Blue square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Su of the Crescent Moon, Aphelios)

Jungle: Peanut (Blind Monk, Li Qing)

Mid lane: Chovy (Wu Hao, Seti)

Bot lane: Deft (Dark Head, Syndra)
Support: Effort (Soul Lock Warden, Thresh)
Red party DRX:

Top lane: Kingen (The Paladin, Lucian)
Jungle: Pyosik (Prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV)

Mid: Jett (Twilight Protoss, Zoe)

Bot lane: Taeyoon (Blaster, Giggs)
Support: Jun (Dawn Goddess, Leona)

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