This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1322 Grievance Bureau

Remember: "Deft wants to eat plating, this minion line is a bit uncomfortable here, but the second life Oner is here! Oh yo! This bot lane is too fierce"

Wanwan: "The bot lane has been played from more than 5 minutes to 7 minutes. It's too bloody! In the end, it was a 3 for 3, which was acceptable to both sides."

"Heavenly! This is an LCK game? The dog's brains are out."

"My evaluation is higher than RANK!"

"Even the female tank wants to kill the blind monk."

"Small scene, our black iron first-level regiment can fight for 3 minutes (funny)"

"After the labor-management first-level team fights, it's just pretending to be a myth."

"Is this the news agency war? It's obviously a big fight in the bottom lane."

I have to say that the LCK director has a good rhythm, and during the playback, he suddenly gave the first perspective of Mr. Dai.

"Go to hell, brat"

The audience was boiling, and everyone felt Mr. Dai's anger.

The Chinese stream viewers were shocked even though they could not understand Korean.

"Haha! Daft seems to be swearing?"

"Isn't it? LPL will beep beep beep when they say dirty words, and LCK will release it directly?"

"That's not a bad word, is it?"

"It's not the first time that LCK directors bring rhythm. How come they get traffic."

"No fine?"

"Mr. Dai is a good old man. Look, he was forced by little Lu Bu."

"I've only heard Mr. Dai say Xiba once in all these years! Little Lu Bu has pushed the good guys into a hurry."

The other two lanes were not idle in this long-lasting battle in the bottom lane. Chaowei took the initiative to find cards to exchange blood to prevent the opponent from relying on the jungle area, and Lin Cheng spent a wave in front of the tower and directly punched up to force out the monkey big move.

In 8 minutes, Pioneer refreshed.

Because the monkey was forced out of the big move by Jess on the top road, T1 knew that the top half could not compete, and Nosuke took a group to sweep around the field of vision and entered the red side's bottom field.

The soldiers didn't advance the tower, and the blind monk and Braum touched the red square triangle grass.

It happened that the KT duo leaned over to get a vision, and the two sides faced each other on the triangle grass and fought.

Xin Zhao from Peanut was already in the lower wild area, so he approached immediately.

The cards had already fallen ahead of time, and in an instant there was a 3 vs 2 on the blue square, and Evert was taken by Jinx with a long-range rocket before he returned to the tower.

But the blue side is not so easy to retreat after killing someone. Bron's shield disappears, and Verus backhands a big move to keep people.

Mr. Dai activates the piercing arrow with full W to hit a good AOE.

Little Peanut's Xin Zhao W hit the card on the wall, and directly E stabbed it with Fearless Charge.

The three on the blue side tried to focus on Xin Zhao who was close to him, but they were swept away by Xin Zhao's big move, and cooperated with Verus to output cards.

Cards die quickly.

T1 Nosuke saw that the situation was not good, so the blind monk touched the wall under his eyes, and Bron W followed him.

But the super-powerful Zoe has already leaned over, and the wall-mounted hypnotic bubble accurately hit the blind monk.

Xin Zhao, on the other hand, tapped the exploding cones and fell towards the river.

Zoe turned back and leaped closer with the full flying stars.

Bloom's E skill CD is not good yet, choose the flesh to help block the flying stars.

Activate the art of death!

Originally, Keria's blood volume was not much, and Braum was directly killed by the full flying stars and Zoe's fireworks.

The blind monk also did not survive.

Taking advantage of the blind monk's sleeping hand, Peanut's W skill hit, he stabbed at the blind monk's chrysanthemum.

Although Oner flashed the residual blood in time to pull it away, the super powerful Zoe took another flying star and directly flashed to kill the blind monk.

In addition to the big recruitment of little Lu Bu, this wave of OBs, clips and Ws are all empty.

Remember: "Ah!!! How dare T1 do this? Before the bot line was pushed through, the blind monk took Braum and ran to the triangle grass. The key is that the situation doesn't look like it can jump the tower. ? It is impossible for Jinx to advance in this line, and it makes no sense for Nosuke to run to that position!"

Wanwan: "Well~~~ They just rely on the card ult to think that they can play more and less in the lower half. At that time, I saw that Xin Zhao's position was too late to retreat, and Zoe's support was faster than expected."

Remember: "I have to say that the fight was bloody! There were already 9 kills in 14 minutes, and the fight between the two sides was not a competition for neutral resources at all, not like the rhythm of the usual LCK teams."

"The news agency war has become a grievance situation, right?"

After killing the three people in T1, Little Peanut took advantage of the situation and took the first dragon into his pocket.

And T1 was not reconciled to losing Xiaolong in vain. After Oner was resurrected, he went straight to the upper half to control the vanguard.

KT doesn't do it either!Lin Cheng has such a big advantage on the road, why should he change the vanguard for you?

So, the blind monk fought the vanguard for a while and found someone coming from the opposite side.

The blind monk let go of the vanguard, and Xin Zhao made a gesture to take over.

But T1 obviously didn't want to let it go in vain, the monkey's ult had improved, and T1 didn't have the key ults of Xin Zhao and Verus, so the blue team thought it was an opportunity.

The two sides began to pull in the river in the upper half.

Lin Cheng's Jess hit the blind monk with one shot. Even though the economy lead is huge, Jess, who has not yet equipped his equipment at this time, does not have the effect of making the opponent lose his combat power with one shot.

At this time, a fight broke out below.

The bottom lane combination of the two sides rushed to the middle lane, and the super powerful Zoe hid in the corner with a hypnotic bubble and hit Bron, who was approaching from the middle lane.

Zoe pulled all the flying stars down, and Evert's female tank was behind him without saying a word, killing one by one first.

The next fight started, Little Peanut pulled off the vanguard and prepared to go to support with Jess.

The monkey rushed out of the shadows suddenly, making a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace and knocking them into the air.

Lin Cheng landed and turned on the W supercharger, and RE repelled the monkey who was still making trouble in the heavenly palace.

The blind monk has already touched his eyes and approached him, and his E skill slapped the floor to hang Tianyinbo to Jess at close range.

Lin Cheng's operation is very stable. While the hammer form W is turned on, Q is facing the blind monk who is close to his face.

Jessie Conqueror in Hammer Form with extreme attack speed is very fast, and beside him, Xin Zhao quickly stabbed the blind monk with his backhand.

The monkey who was beaten away came closer and activated the second-stage R to make trouble in heaven.

Lin Cheng's reaction was extremely quick. At the moment when the monkeys dodged, Jess dodged and pulled away without being knocked into the air again.

The blind monk activated the second-stage Q to prepare to force Jess.

But at this time, Little Peanut started to operate.

The monkey's two-stage knock-up didn't take long. Just as he landed, he saw the blind monk's second-stage Q shot. Peanut flashed decisively and stabbed the blind monk in the air.

Coincidentally, Xin Zhao held the third knock-up effect of the triple claw strike in his hand.

The second Q of the blind monk was hit.

Jess pulls to avoid the mad monkey who is still spinning, and switches to level A to reduce the blind monk's dual resistance, and then cooperates with Xin Zhao to take away the residual blood blind monk.

Lin Cheng's blood volume was actually not too dangerous. After the blind monk died, he recovered triumphantly, and the monkey had no chance to kill Jess again, and was killed by Jess again.

"Double Kill!"

Lin Cheng scored a double kill at the top, and 1 for 2 at the bottom.

Although KT succeeded in killing Bron, but Bron was dying and sent Verus flying with a backhand. Faker gave Jinx a yellow card to help Jinx take the head of Mr. Dai.

Little Lu Bu killed Verus and wanted to kill the half-blooded female tank, so he overturned because of his guilty pleasure, and was directly pointed out by Evert's E skill.

Chaowei Zoe Laman's flying stars cooperated with igniting to chase and kill Jinx.

In the end, this wave of team battles played 1 for 4.

Remember: "In this wave of pioneers, it seems that the two sides are going to fight... Let's fight! The middle road and the river are fighting at the same time! The monkey and the blind monk want to forcefully cut the bounty Jess, and the thinking is very clear!"

Wanwan: "But the blind monk's second stage Q was interrupted! Wow!!! Peanut flashed and interrupted the blind monk's Q, isn't this too cool?"

"Although sometimes the operation is outrageous, but when Brother Chengzi is in danger, Little Peanut always saves him bravely. This is not the first time!"

"He's really! There's nothing to say to Brother Cheng Zi!"

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