This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1323 Xiaotong doesn't count!

After the vanguard team battle, the score between the two sides reached 6:13, and the game only lasted 10 minutes.

Since the vanguard's hatred has been pulled back to blood just now, after winning the team battle, everyone in KT should deal with the pawn line, and return to the city when they are out of state.

It is very fast to be resurrected at this point in time. KT will not be able to fight again if it does not move the vanguard immediately.

The people from T1 were resurrected and came back to deal with the three-lane pawn line. Braum did not follow Jinx to the bottom lane, but went straight to the upper half of the field to make a circle of vision.

The teammates had already returned to the line. Lin Cheng's Jess ran back to the road and found that the line of soldiers was about to be pushed into the tower by the monkey. He stood in the stone man grass ahead of time.

For the top laner Jess, there are two bushes that should be checked in advance when danger is detected.

The blue square is the triangle grass, and the red square is the Golem grass.

Because these two bushes are the only place for the opponent to go around and want to pass your tower, standing in advance can detect the opponent's movement in time.

If you see the opponent's top laner pushing the pawn line aggressively and not knowing where the jungler is, Jess shouldn't stand under the tower and wait for the pawn line to come in slowly at this time, because the opponent's jungler is likely to take advantage of this time to go around the back.

Lin Cheng was very patient and waited until the pawn line had completely entered the tower before going out to clear the line.

At this moment, the blind monk hit the explosive cone and fell next to the stone man.

Seeing the blind monk ejected by himself, Lin Cheng, who knew that the card's ultimate move was still close to the CD, was not polite.

Jess hid in the grass and made a QE shot, switched his form and hammered it up.

After the star eclipse came out, Jess dealt a lot of damage, and the blind monk lost a lot of blood the moment he landed, so he quickly pulled his eyes away.

Fortunately, Oner has a quick reaction, and if you take a slow step and get interrupted by Jess' E skill, touching his eyes is very dangerous.

Chasing away the blind monk, Lin Cheng took two steps forward and prepared to dismantle the control guard left by the blind monk.

But as soon as he got close, he suddenly turned away from the real eye.

There are only Jinx and Monkey on the two sidelines in his field of vision. Lin Cheng wisely didn't go directly to the hammer form to line up his eyes.

Want to fish with real eyes?

In fact, from God's point of view, the four people on the blue side are all around. Lin Cheng's choice to line up his eyes will be enlarged by Bron's partition, and the monkey and the card are also kept at a distance that can follow.

It's a pity that Lin Cheng is too steady.

Retreat, wait for the skill CD, Jess cleared the cannon carriage under the tower with one shot.

When his teammates in the field got close, Lin Cheng stepped forward to grab the line.

Remember: "He's too steady! Brother Chengzi doesn't give a single chance this time around! Can you hold back your eyes? It's 30 yuan!"

Wan Wan: "Brother Chengzi has a really good sense of smell! T1 first grabs the vision of the upper half to target Jess, but Brother Chengzi is full of discipline. "

"Is this wave of oranges open?"I thought he was going to turn around suddenly"

"Xiao Tou is not worth it! "

"The operation of this squatting blind monk is really an old top laner who was trained by the military"

"Foundation!Brother Orange RANK Jess often breaks the Ueno Siamese in this way"

"Original words from Brother Cheng's live broadcast: First go to the jungler who squats on the opposite side and circles around, and if you beat the jungler to the opposite side, you won't dare to overtake me!" "

"Fierce and Steady!Brother Cheng is too spiritual"

"If this is another top order, even if the first wave can squat to the blind monk, the second wave will probably be caught by the real eye."

"Quickly ask Mr. Sun to learn about Brother Chengzi's anti-GANK thinking"

"Useless!Do you think Brother Sun doesn't understand?He just doesn't bother to do it"

"30 yuan!Do you think Brother Sun would not dare to take this eye because of the danger?He even spared a big fake monkey for 25 yuan"

His teammates helped him lean over to make a vision. He saw the enemy retreating from a distance, and Lin Cheng confirmed that he was almost caught just now.

With peripheral vision, Lin Cheng pushed back the pawn line.

Peanut activates Pioneer.

No one from the blue side came over, and it seemed that the vanguard had been let go by default.

However, just in the middle of the vanguard, the card suddenly opened up to cooperate with the blind monk and Braum to catch and kill the female tank who was about to return to the line in the lower river.

The people from T1 immediately approached the Dalong area, and the monkey even let the line approach.

Peanut can only pull off the vanguard hatred.

The blind monk tried to take over.

But KT's three upper middle and wild brothers are still watching around.

Remember: "Does KT still want to fight? Head-on 3 vs 4! It seems that they are not convinced and don't want to play the vanguard?"

"The monkey's ult is all done, so it's better not to fight Pioneer KT! Jinx still has a ult to support, and there may be accidents in a real fight."

Wanwan: "But the equipment gap is huge! Jinx, the only one in T1 who has a mythic outfit, didn't come. Jess and Zoe both have mythical outfits, and they have a chance to use them."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Cheng's QE shot hit the blind monk with precision, Zoe's hypnotic bubble gave the card, and Pull Feixing forced out Bron's shield.

"Don't worry, don't worry! Wang Hao don't take the initiative!"

Seeing that Xin Zhao W poked the blind monk, Lin Cheng quickly signaled his teammates to calm down.

They have only a little advantage of long-handed consumption in front, and they are really few people when they are forced to drive.

But the other side couldn't help it.

The monkey went down the river in stealth from the W triangle grass, and the E skill went straight to Jess, making a big disturbance in the sky.

The three KT brothers were very close in the upper river, and the monkey's big move knocked three of them into the air.

But the monkey rushed fast, and the people in the back row of T1 couldn't follow up immediately.

Lin Cheng's Jess landed on RE and hammered the monkey away, and pulled back with Zoe.

The blind monk has already activated the second stage of Q in Q and entered the field.

But just now when he caught the female tank and handed over his big move, Oner didn't have a chance to spin around in this wave.

Peanut's Xin Zhao poked at the blind monk in the face, and the guard of the new moon with his backhand swept away the monkey who was about to come to release the second-stage R.

Xin Zhao opened the big top in front to give the two middle and upper brothers a perfect output space. Jess in the hammer form jumps face to cooperate with Zoe Xin Zhao's damage to the blind monk in seconds.

It's useless for Bron to jump over, the shield is still on CD and can't help resist damage.

The Jinx rocket flew over, reducing the blood volume of Jess and Zoe to about half.

At this point the situation has become clear.

The monkey itself was beaten to pieces by Jess. The wave of the big move entering the field was not a threat without teammates and output. Xin Zhao was in the front so that Jess and Zoe, who were very fat in the early stage, had no pressure to output.

The three of them set fire and quickly killed Monkey and Braum.

Faker's cards didn't have a chance to output this wave, and he lost a yellow card to fix Xin Zhao who opened up.

In the end, Vanguard played 0 for 3 in the second battle against KT, and it was 1 for 3 including the captured female tank.


Wanwan: "T1 is the frontal damage, but it's not enough! The first wave of the monkey's big move knocked three people into the air, and no one followed him. When Xin Zhao's big move is used to fight backhands, the fat Jess and Zoe will be a little invincible."

Remember: "I can only say that the two sides have gone crazy! We will do it when we meet! In just over 12 minutes, 23 heads have been beaten, and the blood is so bloody that even the Vietnam competition area will shake their heads."

After this wave of pioneers was defeated, the score on the field became 7:16. The bloodiness of the young people in T1 did not bring good results.

Instead of torturing Pioneer, Little Peanut took off the Eye of Pioneer and put it in the middle. Lin Cheng came to the middle and Chaowei was about to demolish the first tower.

Little Peanut ran to get Xiaolong by himself.

Unexpectedly, T1's head was made of real iron. After the resurrection, a group of people went straight to Xiaolongkeng.

When Peanut disabled Xiaolong, he was already harassed by Jinx, and a shocking electromagnetic wave was shot from a distance.

Mr. Dai leaned over to cover.

"Leave me alone! The person on the other side may be coming, so don't fight! I'll take the dragon and leave."

Jess and Zoe in the middle lane have just led the vanguard to demolish the tower. The state is not good. Xin Zhao singled out Xiaolong and his blood is still left. Peanut's command is not to love to fight.

In fact, his judgment is very accurate, Xin Zhao just punished the people who punished Xiaolong T1, and they have already hired them.

Little Peanut failed to escape and was left in the river.

When Xin Zhao was beaten by three people, Verus returned to the city in his own triangle grass, and Zoe and Jess also returned to the city in the middle.

Remember: "KT is still hot! This wave of selling peanuts was very decisive. Although the scene was bloody, they didn't lose their minds because of the superiors. The middle tower was demolished and Xiaolong was also taken. Xin Zhao's head was given to him. .”

Wan Wan: "This is the real strong team! You can be reckless with you, and you can't stop you if you are reckless, but you won't send it away because of your bad brain. Don't look at the momentum of T1. It's already 14 economy behind in [-] minutes La!"

"Bengbu live!It's starting to get weird late at night, right? "

"Who Says The Brain Is Bad?Be careful of the lawyer's letter from the T1 legal department"

"Little Peanut River Road was surrounded and beaten, and his teammates returned to the city beside him, so he couldn't hold back"

"If it's Brother Cheng who gets beaten up, who in KT's group would dare to run first? "

"Because the orange seller was too decisive, Little Peanut was kicked by KT for stepping into the training room with his left foot the next day, right? (dog head)"

Returning to the city for a round of recuperation, the economic advantage has been transformed into an equipment advantage, and KT's lead in the situation is already very obvious.

The middle tower of T1 fell, and the vision near the middle road could not be maintained.

No one on the blue side dared to push out the midline. Even if Jinx switched to the midlane, he could only push the line in front of the second tower. The support Braum never had the intuitive protection ability of Thresh and Tahm. Jinx dared to come out to clear the line It is easy to die suddenly when caught.

In fact, little Lu Bu really died suddenly.

T1 Nosuke carefully cleared his field of vision in the wild, but Jinx dared to appear in Verus' field of vision.

Mr. Dai is not used to him either, R flashes his hand to control Jinx with the chains of corruption.

The female tank is given a large distance behind.

Jinx was second.

The blue side's vision in the middle road was untenable, and the most familiar operation rhythm of KT was unfolding rapidly.

Contain the soldiers in the middle, change the line to cooperate with the tower on the side, and then continue to oppress the field of vision in the wild.

The mid-term was the period when the Poke lineup was the strongest. Jess and Zoe not only crushed the audience with equipment, but most areas on the T1 map were completely black, giving KT [-]C unlimited room to play.

T1 has changed from the previous chaos to a horror game.

The rhythm is completely controlled by KT, and the young people of T1 can't find a chance to disrupt the battle now.

Because often the resource groups lose their combat effectiveness before they fight.

Jess' Q and Zoe's Q can't be answered now, whoever catches one has to go home, and whoever catches two has to count the seconds on the spot.

That is, they can eat a little bit of Verus' Q.

I can eat, but only a little bit.

Don't dare to eat too much.

If it is said that KT demonstrated its ability to fight fiercely earlier, it has demonstrated its rigorous operational ability since the middle of the game.

T1 was so suppressed that he didn't have any temper at all. He mustered up the courage to take three guarantees and one Jess, but Lin Cheng fought back on the spot. He cooperated with his timely support teammates to win three kills.

The card's two consecutive big moves were forced to explore the field of vision, which is enough to show how much pressure T1 has.

The fire dragon KT can easily pass the consumption control of the three Cs, and the 23-minute dragon soul team battle T1 must bite the bullet and take it.

The result of the hard connection is that the three-piece suit of Jess combined with Zoe's Q to directly kill Jinx, who is fully equipped with dual summons.

Then Everett's female general team battle started.

With a numerical advantage and crushing equipment, KT swarmed up and easily gave the opponent a group wipeout.

The middle line of soldiers was just below the high ground, and Lin Cheng and Chaowei double TP pushed down the T1 base.

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