Chapter 1330 Detection

Although Lin Cheng was thick-skinned and could be said to be shameless in many cases, it was unavoidable that he felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by his sister-in-law strangely under such circumstances.

Probably because there is too little communication with Ju Li, Lin Cheng would be ashamed if Eun Jing or Xiao Min were present.

"Haha! Just kidding."

Zhiyan took the initiative to put her black silk legs on Lin Cheng's again, "Even if you want to do strange things, my sister is willing."

This fool made Lin Cheng speechless for a moment.

Ju Li couldn't help but pinched Manny's waist, "Ah! Can such a thing be said so openly?"

"Oh! So what should I do? I just want to."

Ji Yeon grunted and buried her head in Ju Li's arms.

Ju Li rolled her eyes helplessly, but Lin Cheng couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly.

Although this silly man seemed careless, she really didn't hide her affection for him.

If it wasn't for her lying in Ju Li's arms, Lin Cheng really wanted to drag her over and kiss her fiercely.

Lin Cheng didn't really take off Zhiyan's shoes, but just gently stroked her calf wrapped in black silk, and occasionally joined Zhiyan and Ju Li's chat.

"It seems to be raining! It's floating on my face."

"No? Lin Cheng, what do you think?"

"It seems to be raining, and I feel it too."

"Then what should we do? Into the tent?"

"Hide in the car first and connect the tent."

Zhiyan originally prepared a car tent. This kind of tent is not as strong as a professional tent in terms of wind and water resistance, but it is easier to install and can be connected to the interior of the car.

Lin Cheng dumped the rear of the car into the tent, and the trunk was fully opened, just in time for the car and the tent to form a connected airtight space.

The backrests of the car's backseat folded flat and extended to form a bed for resting on.

Ji Yeon spread out a cushion on the bed, and the three of them sat in a row on the board extending from the trunk.

The sound of raindrops hitting the car window came clearly.

"Wow! It's really going down!"

"Will it be too big?"

"Then what should I do? How about going to find a hotel nearby?"

"No! Just sleep in the car overnight."

Zhiyan enjoyed it, she got up and lay down on the bed in the carriage and turned over, "Lin Cheng should also sleep in the car, in case it rains heavily, the tent will get flooded at night."

"Will it be too crowded? I'd better sleep underneath."

The original plan was that Zhiyan and Juli would sleep in the car, and Lin Cheng would sleep under the tent.

After all, Zhiyan's Land Rover is not a RV. Although it has a lot of room to expand, it is still a bit reluctant to sleep three people.

"Oh, it's okay, the four of us were squeezed in the car before."


It was hard for Lin Cheng to imagine the crowded scene of four people.

Zhiyan didn't know what Lin Cheng was thinking, she frowned in distress, "But now there is a problem."


"We still prepare barbecue! How can we barbecue now that it's raining?"

Ju Li pointed to the extended space propped up by the tent, "Or just bake here."


Lin Cheng resolutely stopped, "You can't light a fire in the car tent, let's eat some sandwiches to support ourselves, and go out to barbecue after the rain stops."

Ju Li felt a little regretful, "Well, I'm not hungry anyway, but I always feel that something is missing when camping without barbecue."

Zhiyan nodded, "I'm not hungry either, I'm already full after eating instant noodles."

Lin Cheng sighed, "It seems that I am the only one who is hungry."

Jiyan took out the sandwich, "Hey! I've wronged you! Do you still want instant noodles?"

"I feel like throwing up when I hear instant noodles."

Shaking his head, Lin Cheng sat at the table in the corner of the tent and ate a sandwich, while Zhi Yan and Ju Li lay on the bed in the carriage and watched Lin Cheng eat.


"Look, O'Neill, does Lin Cheng look more like a refugee?"

Jiyeon showed her photo with a smile.

The hanging lights illuminated the situation inside the tent. Since it was connected to the carriage, the space of the tent seemed even narrower. The cloth surface of the tent was slightly shaken by the blowing. The image of Lin Cheng huddled on the table in the corner and gnawed a sandwich was a bit desolate.

Ju Li was overjoyed, "Why does he feel so wronged eating sandwiches?"

"But he's still handsome, isn't he?"

"You know he's handsome, so you don't have to keep praising him."


The two girls were watching TV dramas on the tablet, and Lin Cheng sat at the table playing with his mobile phone after eating and drinking, and he didn't have the nerve to squeeze in.

"Lin Cheng, come up and watch together."

Zhiyan took the initiative to move her position, and unceremoniously pushed Ju Li aside to lean against the wall of the carriage.

Sighing, Ju Li didn't bother to talk about her.

"Then I really squeezed in?"

"hurry up."

Lin Cheng didn't hesitate to get into the carriage and lay down next to Zhiyan.

Compared to the bleakness in the tent below, the carriage was much warmer, and Zhiyan even gave half of the thin quilt to Lin Cheng.

In a stable space, the sound of raindrops hitting the car windows seems to be moving. This atmosphere does give people an inexplicable sense of security.

"Turn off the light, it's uncomfortable to watch the tablet like this."


Lin Cheng got up again and turned off the wall lamp, and the carriage darkened immediately, leaving only the light of the flat panel.

Compared with Tesla's smart camping mode, Zhiyan's car is obviously less comfortable, but Shengzai's interior space is indeed large enough, and it's not too crowded for three people to lie down.

Zhiyan attached the tablet holder to the side of the rear of the carriage, and the three of them turned their heads to look at it while lying on their side.

"Is my head not blocked?"

The tablet was on Ju Li's side, and she shrank her neck carefully, for fear that she would block Lin Cheng's view from the other side.

"It's okay, don't worry about me, I can see it."

Seeing Zhiyan's profile from the side, Lin Cheng stretched out his arms to hug her.

Zhiyan slipped into Lin Cheng's arms and leaned against him in a comfortable position.

Lin Cheng's mouth slightly raised.

It seemed like it was the first time for him to watch TV with his arms around Ji Yeon.

Speechless for a while.

Although Zhiyan is very active, she is very quiet when watching TV.

After staring at it for more than an hour, Lin Cheng began to lose focus.

Zhiyan's body is soft but not lacking in fitness due to years of dance practice, she feels very good in her arms, she is tightly pressed against Lin Cheng's chest, and Lin Cheng gradually becomes distracted.

He quietly stretched out his hand and placed it on Zhiyan's slender waist.

Then slowly poked into the hem of the clothes.

Zhiyan had already sensed Lin Cheng's movements, looked at her sister beside her, and bit her lip.

She was a little worried about being discovered by her sister, but she didn't want to reject Lin Cheng.

After struggling for a while, he didn't have time to stop Lin Cheng's movements.

Although Zhiyan was thin, but her skin felt very elastic, Lin Cheng slowly moved up with one hand.

He remembered the joke he had told her back then.

How much is there on this silly stage?
I'm going to check it out for myself.

Finally, Lin Cheng stopped his hand.

Is this no pad?
Not too small.

But after all, she is not the little girl she was back then, in fact, it is understandable in terms of development.

Feeling that Lin Cheng's fingers were playing tricks, Zhiyan bit her lip and quietly pulled the quilt.

(End of this chapter)

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