This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1331 Auntie's Acting Skills

Chapter 1331 Auntie's Acting Skills
(This chapter has been revised and released, so let’s read it later)

Zhiyan didn't expect Lin Cheng's actions at all, and she was at a loss as she grabbed Lin Cheng's hair.

Since Ju Li would come back anytime, Lin Cheng didn't go too far.

Just a taste.


Zhiyan threw herself into Lin Cheng's arms, buried her head and dared not look at him.

"You hate it!"

"Ji Yeon."


"Smile happily all the time."

"Then don't make me angry."

"Hmm~~~ Why don't you send me an anger card? Give me a chance to make you angry if you behave well?"

"Wow!!! You still make me angry, don't you? Ignore you."

The two started to play, Zhiyan checked the time, "Why hasn't Julioni come back yet?"

"Let me go and see her. If there is anything wrong with such heavy rain, there will be someone to take care of her."

Zhiyan took the initiative to kiss Lin Cheng's cheek, "Be careful too."

"do not worry."

Lin Cheng squeezed his eyes, "I remember that Zhiyan said just now that she was willing to be in front of Ju Linu, I won't be polite later."

"I hate it! My sister is joking!"

Lin Cheng laughed and got out of the car, opened his umbrella and ran away quickly.

The rain kept hitting the umbrella, Lin Cheng walked along the path of the campground, and saw Ju Li sitting alone in the pavilion outside the washroom from a distance.

"Li Juli xi! Jiyan and I are worried about you, why don't you come here to enjoy the rain scene by yourself?"

Ju Li sat on the bench and glanced at Lin Cheng, "How can I be in the mood to appreciate the rain scene? I sprained my ankle just now."

Lin Cheng hurriedly leaned over, "Did you fall down? Is it okay?"

"Fortunately, it's just a sprain and I can't walk."

Lin Cheng squatted down, "Show me."

Ju Li subconsciously retracted her legs under the bench.

Lin Cheng couldn't help joking: "Hey! Although I like black silk and long legs, I'm famous, but you don't have to be like a thief, right?"

On the contrary, Ju Li felt embarrassed, "What is it to guard against thieves? I'm just not used to it."

"Which one?"


"Which foot is twisted?"

"This one."

Ju Li subconsciously shook her right leg.

The stockings on her right leg were soaked in rainwater from the knee down, and the black silk became extremely transparent. Lin Cheng grabbed her ankle and looked down.

"Yeah! I'm fine."

Ju Li shrank her legs and tried to pull back.

"Don't move!"

Lin Cheng looked up at her, "Do you think I'm taking advantage of you? Show me, if it's serious, I'll have to drive you to the hospital."

Ju Li didn't move, Lin Cheng reached out and took off her sneakers.

The insides of her shoes were almost soaked, and the black stockings wrapped around her feet became completely transparent. The white soles of her feet were clearly visible under the light, and the delicate toes were painted with rose red nail polish.

Exposed to the light, Ju Li's toes curled up tightly, seeming a little shy.

Lin Cheng didn't take advantage of it at this time, and took a closer look at her ankle, especially the part below the ankle joint that was covered by the heel.

"There is no obvious swelling, does it hurt when you move?"

Lin Cheng pinched her wet soles and gently circled them.

Just in time, a drop of water dripped slowly along the transparent black silk-wrapped heel.

She felt ashamed of the scene.

But Lin Cheng looked serious and she couldn't say anything.

"It doesn't hurt much."

"Stand up and have a look."

Ju Li stepped on the shoe with her right foot and stood up in front of Lin Cheng, "This hurts."

"Can you go?"

"Can't go."

Lin Cheng frowned, "It shouldn't be!"

Lin Cheng is already very experienced with ankle sprains. Since the teammates of the former football club rarely used ankle braces and other equipment professionally like professional players, all kinds of ankle sprains are very common. Everyone will check each other as soon as they are injured. , Lin Cheng used to help his teammates with beriberi to screen for injuries.

It doesn't matter if you have a minor injury, but a serious injury is often accompanied by a ruptured ligament or a fracture, so you can't wait to be sent directly to the hospital.

Generally speaking, a slight ankle sprain should not significantly affect walking. If the ankle is severely sprained, swelling and effusion should quickly form, which will affect normal walking.

A situation like Ju Li who can't see anything from the outside but can't walk is beyond Lin Cheng's understanding.

Lin Cheng squatted beside him and looked down at his feet, making Ju Li feel a little uncomfortable.

"It should be fine, right?"

"Sit down and I'll take a look."


Ju Li really wanted to say no, she was actually not in that pain.

But seeing Lin Cheng's serious expression, it's hard to say anything.

In fact, although Ju Li sprained her ankle, it did not affect her walking. It was just that she was afraid of embarrassment when she went back after experiencing the scene in the car, so she prepared to sit in the pavilion for a while.

When Lin Cheng came to find her, she simply reasoned that her ankle was sprained and she couldn't walk.

In the end, I didn't expect Lin Cheng to be so professional, and Ju Li's character would not admit that she had lied just now, so she could only bite the bullet and say that her ankle was so painful that she couldn't walk.

Lin Cheng grabbed the sole of her foot and examined it carefully for a while. He continued to try harder to turn her ankle inward, but Ju Li didn't respond.

Lin Cheng suddenly pressed her heel and gave it a slight push.

Ju Li glanced at him, but didn't cry out.

Lin Cheng smiled.

He got it.

"Julie Xi!"


"Is it fun?"


"It's nothing."

Lin Cheng knew that he had been tricked, so he reached out and scratched the soles of her feet in retaliation.

Ju Li shrank her feet.

"Yeah! What are you doing?"

Lin Cheng stared at her black silk feet with a smile, "My sister's feet are beautiful."

"You are very strange! Is this also in the scope of inspection?"

Ju Li retracted her feet and looked at Lin Cheng like a pervert.

"Okay, okay! It's nothing serious, let's go back."

Lin Cheng conveniently put the sneakers on for his sister-in-law.

I didn't care to appreciate it just now, but I have to say that the completely wet black silk is another kind of beauty...
Amitabha, Amitabha, this is my sister-in-law.

Lin Cheng restrained himself, "Have you already gone to the toilet?"


"Can I go?"


Ju Li obviously didn't know that she had been seen through, and she still insisted.

Lin Cheng chuckled, which was particularly piercing in Ju Li's ears.

Had he already found out?

Before Ju Li could figure it out, Lin Cheng had already squatted down in front of her.

"Hey! I'll carry you back."


(End of this chapter)

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