This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1333 Motion sickness

Chapter 1333 Motion sickness
Lin Cheng's QA at the speed of light stunned Ju Li.

Facing Lin Cheng's barrage of counterattacks, she didn't know what to say for a while.

Lin Cheng silently praised his wit.

hum!This is the world's best laning ability.

You raise your hand before an attack, and I immediately interrupt the spellcasting and backhand you in seconds.

How do you fight with me?
"Forget it! I also know that my sister probably didn't mean to see my jokes."

"I forgive you!"

Juli: "???"

She felt suffocated.

Eh!Why should I ask you to forgive me?

Still unreasonable?
"Are you proud? Are you still shameless?"

Her voice was gnashing her teeth, which was very different from Lin Cheng's initial impression of the awkward and slightly emptiness image that sat together.

Lin Cheng couldn't help laughing out loud.

Before, he thought that Li Juli was a particularly difficult person to get along with, and he couldn't see her too much joy and anger, but he didn't expect her image to change drastically in front of him in just one day.

"why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing."

"Is it funny? I mean, are you proud of yourself?"

"No no!"

"Then you still laugh."

"I didn't laugh."

"Fart! You're just laughing."

"Good sister, please forgive me."

Julie stopped talking.

Lin Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

It is windy and windy outside, but the small space inside the car is easy to give people a sense of security, and it becomes easier to fall asleep with the sound of raindrops hitting the window.

the next day.Lin Cheng woke up from Zhiyan's teasing.

Feeling stuffy for a while, Lin Cheng opened his eyes and saw Zhiyan pinching her nose with a smile.

"You woke up so early?"

"It's getting late, lazy pig, get up quickly."

Ju Li disappeared, Lin Cheng simply pulled Zhi Yan into his arms.

"Sleep with me again."

"Just one minute."

"5 minutes."

"2 minutes."

"No! Three minutes."

"Deal! Just sleep for another 3 minutes."

Zhiyan blinked slyly, Lin Cheng pinched her nose helplessly, hugged Zhiyan and closed her eyes.

Huddled in Lin Cheng's arms and adjusted a comfortable posture, Zhiyan raised her head and stared straight at his handsome face.

Ju Li poked her head in, "The coffee is ready."


Zhiyan put her finger between her lips, made a silent gesture, and whispered: "Let Lin Cheng sleep for another 3 minutes."

Ju Li curled her lips, too lazy to care about these two people.

Lin Cheng didn't stay in bed, and after 3 minutes, he braced himself and got out of the car with Zhiyan.

Unlike last night's wind and rain, today's weather is very good, the sky is blue and the sun is very warm.

The ground of the campsite is covered with gravel, and the drainage capacity is very strong. There is no obvious water accumulation on the ground overnight.

Ju Li sat on a chair with her legs crossed and enjoyed her coffee leisurely.

"Morning, Julixi!"


Lin Cheng yawned and stretched his waist, "The weather is so nice!"

His stretching posture was exaggerated, and he wished he could stretch his body back to 90 degrees.

"Pants fell."


Lin Cheng quickly stood up straight, and quickly lowered his head to check his pants.

Apparently, he saw that his pants were still on, and he was being teased by Ju Li.

Zhiyan laughed, and the corners of Juli's mouth curled up.

"Cut! Is it fun?"

Lin Cheng pouted, and sat down on the chair.

After experiencing some awkward and strange getting along with each other last night, Lin Cheng found that his relationship with Ju Li seemed to be inexplicably closer. At least in the past, Ju Li would not take the initiative to joke with him.

"Hey! Coffee."

"Thank you."

The three of them sat together, and the morning sun was shining on their bodies, making them very comfortable.

After taking a sip of coffee, Lin Cheng's facial features wrinkled into balls.

"Hiss~~~ Drinking coffee like this on an empty stomach feels like a smell of cigarette butts, but the atmosphere is still very comfortable."

Ju Li nodded, "Camping should be such a pleasant feeling!"

"Indeed! This is camping, don't mention the pain in the ass yesterday."

Seeing Lin Cheng staring at her, Zhiyan said first: "Don't blame me for not checking the weather forecast. What we encountered last night was completely accidental."

Lin Cheng was overjoyed, and Zhiyan's reaction was not slow, a bit like he rebelled against Ju Li last night.

"Yes yes yes! Of course it has nothing to do with us Zhiyan, I am just intoxicated in the morning sun and air."

"Unfortunately, I have to go back today."

"I'm not in a hurry to leave now, we'll talk about it after we finish the barbecue."

Lin Cheng and his two sisters sat and chatted leisurely in the sun, and casually ate some sandwiches for breakfast.

Next to it is a tributary of the Han River, and the three of them went for a walk by the river after breakfast.

Jiangfeng caressed their cheeks, and the warm sunshine fell on their bodies. They were pleasantly surprised to find a wicker chair swing on the grass by the river.

Zhiyan and Ju Li sat on the rattan chair, and Lin Cheng gently pushed the swing behind.

"Wow!!! The wind blows so comfortably! Lin Cheng pushes harder."

Ji Yan waved her arms excitedly, and Ju Li grabbed her.

"Don't move around, be careful to fall."

"It's okay! Lin Cheng will catch my sister, right?"

"Understood, even if I am crushed to death below, I will guarantee that you will be unscathed."

"Ha ha!"

Zhiyan's silver bell-like laughter wafted in the wind, and the two pairs of long white legs under the denim hot pants swayed, Lin Cheng suddenly felt a little bit disappointed.

With such a good opportunity last night, he didn't seem to have carefully felt the touch of Zhiyan's beautiful legs.

Even his sister-in-law's black silk had a strange temptation after it was wet by the rain. He had already started to use it, but he didn't observe carefully at all.

Forget it, forget it, I can't chase after yesterday, I'd better take a second look to make up for it.

So, Lin Cheng acted as a toolman and pushed the swing beside him, while secretly looking at the two pairs of beautiful legs.

Jiyan's legs are long, thin and eye-catching, while Juli's legs are a little plump, and they are not the same in beauty.

Of course, in terms of feel, Lin Cheng felt that his sister-in-law was better.

Don't ask him how he knew, it was just that he accidentally bumped into it when he was helping her check her ankle last night.

Yes, completely unintentionally.

However, compared to the early stage videos that Lin Cheng had watched, he felt that his sister-in-law's legs were much thinner and more beautiful than before.

In the past, both Zhiyan and Juli were gluttonous and mellow, and they always had to worry about body management. Now they are getting thinner and thinner after not having much activity. This is why Lin Cheng always persuades Zhiyan to eat on time.

After staying by the river for a long time, the three of them returned to the camp around ten o'clock and started to barbecue.

After setting up the portable gas stove and putting on the baking tray, Lin Cheng became a barbecue master without hesitation.

This kind of barbecue does not require any technical content, and the fruits of Lin Cheng's labor finally received unanimous praise from the two women.

After eating the barbecue, it was time to leave, Lin Cheng drove slowly away from the campsite.

Lin Cheng summed up the trip without shame: "Although there were a few small setbacks, overall our camping was a success."

Jiyan looked at the pine forest outside the window, "I don't know why, I seem to be a little bit reluctant, Ernie, what do you think?"


Ju Li responded, and a series of somewhat embarrassing scenes from last night flashed through her mind inexplicably.

"Then let's come together next time, shall we?"

Just as Ju Li was about to agree, she suddenly changed her words, "No! I don't want to come with you two again."


Juli was silent for two seconds.

She can't say, seeing Lin Cheng secretly bullying you feels very embarrassing, right?
In the end, Ju Li gave a rather perfunctory answer, "I get motion sickness."

Ji Yeon:"???"

(End of this chapter)

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