This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1334 I only teach the captain once, 1 You are optimistic

Chapter 1334 I will only teach the captain once, 369 You are optimistic
Back in Seoul, Zhiyan and Juli were going to the practice room in the afternoon, Lin Cheng bid farewell and left alone.

There was still no one in the house, and they stayed there until four o'clock, when Lin Cheng ran to pick up Enxi's little girl, and the house became lively.

When Han Shuyan came back, the little girl Enxi was looking for Lin Cheng all over the room.

The two of them played hide-and-seek at home, and the little girl was a ghost for a long time and couldn't find Lin Cheng. Lin Cheng was extremely wronged, and when he saw Han Shuyan open the door, he immediately rushed forward in aggrieved manner.

After figuring out what was going on, Han Shuyan comforted the little girl and shouted:
"Ah Cheng! Where are you?"

"I'm at home."

Lin Cheng's voice came from inside.

"Where is the house?"

"I can't tell you! Say it and I'll lose the game of hide and seek."

Han Shuyan smiled helplessly, this guy is serious about playing games with Enxi.

When Enxi heard the voice, she ran to the back room with her short legs to find someone, and then no matter how Han Shuyan called Lin Cheng, she just kept silent.

Casually throwing down the bag in her hand, Han Shuyan kicked off her high heels, and followed the little girl to find someone.

The moment she entered her bedroom, Han Shuyan almost died laughing when she looked up.

The bedroom door was facing the side of the closet. Lin Cheng propped his feet on the top of the closet, and his hands on the wall above the bedroom door, sticking to the ceiling in a toad-like posture.

Han Shuyan looked up and saw Lin Cheng gritted his teeth with a ferocious expression, as if his face was straining, and his arms were trembling slightly.

Obviously, this pose is very tiring.

Seeing his girlfriend found him, Lin Cheng tried his best to smile at her.

This smile is very forced.

Han Shuyan is both funny and distressed.

What is this guy trying to do?Playing games with Enxi is so serious?

The little girl was too short, and she wouldn't have been able to spot Lin Cheng if she hadn't raised her head on purpose. After searching around, she scratched her head with her stomach full of doubts, and prepared to change rooms to continue searching.

Han Shuyan waved to Lin Cheng, "Okay! Come down quickly."

"Wow! Sister Shuyan is really, I am going to win."

Seeing that he was exposed by his girlfriend, Lin Cheng muttered and slowly slipped down.

Only then did she realize that the little girl clapped her hands happily, "Enxi has found my uncle!"


Lin Cheng jumped to the floor.

Han Shuyan pulled her boyfriend up with some distress, looked at his red palm and frowned, "Ah! Why are you so hard playing a game with Enxi? What if you get hurt?"

Lin Cheng chuckled, "It's okay! It'll be fine."

Han Shuyan wrinkled her delicate nose.

Lin Cheng didn't give his girlfriend a chance to continue complaining, and quickly kissed her on the cheek, then Lin Cheng turned to look at Enxi, "Hey! It's my uncle's time to be a ghost, Enxi, go and hide."

"Uncle, don't peek."

The little girl thumped and ran out.


Han Shuyan reached out and pinched her boyfriend's face, "Don't do such dangerous things again."

Lin Cheng grabbed her hand with a smile, "Sister Shuyan loves me, right?"

Han Shuyan rolled his eyes at him, "I don't feel sorry for you, it's better to teach you a lesson if it hurts."

"Wow!!! Really? You are so cruel."

Lin Cheng looked down at his girlfriend's beautiful legs treacherously, and quickly touched her stockings.

Under Han Shuyan's professional skirt today is a pair of flesh-colored pearlescent silk stockings, and the slightly oily shine in Lin Cheng's eyes is extremely alluring.

"Hmph! If that's the case, I don't feel sorry for sister Shuyan tonight. My brother will tear up my sister's stockings today."

"Ah! What nonsense?"

Han Shuyan waved her pink fist angrily, and Lin Cheng ran away laughing.

"Have Enxi hid it? Uncle is here to catch you."

"Uncle Lapi! Enxi hasn't hidden it yet."

Lin Cheng bared his teeth and claws like a crab and rushed out of the bedroom. Looking at his arrogant back, Han Shuyan couldn't help but curl up at the corner of his mouth.

Although this guy has no shape, who made him his boyfriend?
Lin Cheng and Enxi played like crazy, and would run to the kitchen to make trouble for Han Shuyan from time to time, and even once Lin Cheng got under the cabinet and caught the little girl out.

Enxi kept giggling, and Han Shuyan was not willing to put on a straight face to teach her boyfriend a lesson, and silently cleaned up the kitchen messed up by these two.

When Xiao Tong came back, he finally had a helper in the kitchen. Under the little wife's "roll" formula, Lin Cheng couldn't be too arrogant and continued to rush around the kitchen.

The little girl was very discerning, and she didn't hide in the kitchen when she saw her uncle slumped. She didn't really survive until Zheng Shiyan came back.

After the warm and lively dinner, it happened that the LPL playoffs were in progress, so Lin Cheng didn't watch TV with his wives, and ran back to his room to turn on the computer and watch the game.

Regardless of the large number of LPL teams, but since the summer split is only nine weeks long, the LPL has already entered the playoffs when the LCK played its last week of regular games.

Today, August 8th, is already the third match of the LPL playoffs. The king of traffic, Taobo, played against LNG.

When Lin Cheng watched it, the game was already in the fourth round, and LNG temporarily led Taobao 2:1.

When I came in, I saw Syndra fighting Ziggs in the bottom lane, Yasuo fighting Lucian in the middle lane, and supporting the troll fighting the female tank. Lin Cheng had to admire both sides' understanding of the version.

The two teams played back and forth in the early stage. Taobo has always led the economy but the small rhythm is on the LNG side.

Tarzan was crazy about making troubles. No one expected that icon, who had been appraised by the LPL audience two years ago, was extremely active in LNG, and Tarzan's mid-field rhythm was clearly ahead of Taobo.

Taobo's offensive lineup in the early stage was not running smoothly, but Taobo was losing heads in the fight.

In the words of White Crescent:
Too much focus on the laning, brothers, our team will not be able to fight with a slight disadvantage.

As Lin Cheng was the top laner, this round naturally focused on the top lane.

Especially 369, who played against him in the World Championship last year.

bring it on! 369, let me see your progress!
Looking forward to confronting you again in the World Championship.

It's a pity that Lin Cheng's refueling turned into poisonous milk. In the middle of this round, Taobo once had an economic advantage, and the team broke up at the first touch, and was sent away by LNG 3:1.

In this way, Taobo's journey this year ended early, and they didn't even qualify for the bubbling match.

In fact, the captain of 369 in this round was not bad in the lane, and he died a lot because of crazy military training.

But apart from the laning, 369 didn't have any sound, and there was no obvious illness, but the damage that the captain didn't blow up a powder keg in the audience was really unreasonable.

You must know that 369's equipment is always online, and he also has a collector. If you hit two barrels of Taobo in a team battle, it will be very easy to fight.

However, Lin Cheng watched a few waves. In the middle and late stages of the 369 team battle, he didn't even blow up a barrel. He would throw a barrel at the enemy's feet and get hit. It's hard to believe that this is the captain he has used a lot in his career.

Too focused on laning, bro!
Of course, it doesn't make sense to blame 369 for the loss of the game. There are more heavyweights than him on the field.

Brother Zhuo doesn't like others to judge him so he won't say anything.

Karsa drove the radar to go shopping.

Brother Shouzi's Lucian took a blood in the early stage and went invisible directly, but was chased and hacked by Icon's Yasuo.

Brother Shuizi came to classic sudden death again.

In the last wave, Taobo’s economy was not at a disadvantage. Shuizi Gexindra died directly on the high ground and told LNG clearly: Today, you don’t want to leave me anymore?
In short, Taobo lost the game and these people are not innocent.

Of course, Lin Cheng knew what was going on without reading the public opinion on Weibo. It was probably another pot-sharing meeting.

The game was over after watching only one game. Lin Cheng guessed that the big and small wives were watching dramas and would not give him a chance to take advantage of it, so he turned on the live broadcast and prepared to play two ranks.

The name of Douyu's room is changed to: Captain Teaching, 369 can come in and take a look.

Lin Cheng's title is simply too ridiculous.

Many people took a quick look and thought it was a small anchor who came from somewhere to make a fuss, but they took a closer look.

Well!Douyu has certified the live broadcast room of the world's number one top order.

In an instant, many water friends and people who eat melons poured in.

The first thing Lin Cheng said when he opened the game client was: "I just watched Taobo's game and my hands were itchy. I'm going to come up and play RANK."

"Captain, I will only teach you once, 369, take care!"

 Thank you guys for your support.

  I am too embarrassed to lick my face and speak loudly in this update.

  Also, don't scold me, I can write both daily and games.

(End of this chapter)

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