This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1336 Deprivation of the right to use the skin

Chapter 1336 Deprivation of the right to use the skin

After Lin Cheng finished pulling the line, he got into the grass on the side road in front of his opponent, and Dao Mei immediately inserted the jewelry eye into it.

But the hatred of the long-range soldiers has been pulled away, and the captain decisively stepped out of the position to drive them away.

Facing a captain holding a fire knife, Daomei could only retreat to the tower.

"We are immortal, try to see if we can Q out."

The melee soldier's attack had already triggered the captain's indestructible effect just now. Seeing that the duration of the indestructible grip was about to expire, Lin Cheng made a gesture to turn around.

Daomei also turned around.

For any top laner, the first level will not let go of the opportunity to have experience close to the pawn line.

But the captain immediately made a ghostly probe, turned around and shot the Q gun fire negotiation at the limit distance, and Dao Mei's turning around was a step slower.

Moreover, Lin Cheng's Q stuck position has not yet attracted the hatred of the soldiers, which is basically equal to the indestructible grip of a single shot.

Lin Cheng continued to frantically test his position.

Frequent back and forth in the top order game will put a lot of pressure on the opponent. Once the opponent's eyes and reactions are slightly behind, they may be seized.

At this time, if the sword girl admits to being cowardly, it is a big deal to shrink under the tower and hang up without hearing experience, but it is obviously impossible for the player who can choose the sword girl to play the same way as the bastard.

It is extremely difficult to control the position if you want to secretly hear the experience from the extreme distance, but also want to keep from being Q by the captain.

Daomei accidentally gave Captain Q a distance under the tower.

Seeing that she was about to lose her experience, Daomei chose to forcibly step up, and after A, the captain immediately W charged up.

Lin Cheng's captain backhanded his passive fire knife to speed up his retreat, taking advantage of the opportunity to make up for the remaining blood soldiers next to him.

"Don't worry! Hit the fire knife and run away. The real damage of the fire knife can't be blocked by the sword girl W. We will use the Q after the sword girl W disappears."

While Lin Cheng was explaining, Daomei's fully charged W aimed at the captain.

Lin Cheng swallowed the corruption potion, took two steps, and fired a Q skill with an indestructible effect.

Daomei's blood volume has only reached [-]%.

"As you can see, the sword girl is almost finished in the first level in order to gain experience. The corruption potion I brought, the sword girl Dolan sword, we can still torture him when the soldiers enter the tower."

"At this time, what we have to do is to make the minion push the lane slowly with the back-end knife. If he can Q, he can Q. He doesn't give the distance and doesn't have to force it. Pay attention to the development of the last knife."

It can be seen that Budou, as a rookie in the LCK, is not at all timid in his style of play. He frantically pokes his head back and forth and does not want to give up any chance to learn experience, but the captain seizes the opportunity and consumes blood.

Before Lin Cheng's back-to-back knife grabs the second, he presses beyond the limit distance of the defense tower. When he sees that the opponent does not give him the distance, he makes a gesture and prepares to turn around and make up troops.

Daomei was once again deceived by Lin Cheng's tentative steps, and she turned her head and took two steps to negotiate again.

Lin Cheng immediately put the gunpowder barrel under his feet, drew his knife A and went up while taking a small step back.

Budou had obviously been stretched to the point where he lost his mind. Just now, he walked back and forth and ate the captain's Q, and habitually took two steps forward while the captain didn't have the Q.

In the early stage, the gunpowder barrel decayed its health every second. Lin Cheng retreated half a step from barrel A and saw that the opponent's position was not well maintained.

"The opportunity is here! You can kill it! Wait for a second, his W is not good."

Lin Cheng turned around and looked back, suddenly flashed a shot with an inextinguishable Q gun fire and ignited it at the same time.

Hit the road to complete a solo kill.

"Two-level single kill! It's a bit easy."

Lin Cheng couldn't get enough of it, "Damn it! Why is this sword girl so good? I wanted to tell you the normal way of laning, but I didn't even think about a second-level solo kill!"

After a pause, he curled his lips, "Didn't you say that Budou is Daomei Renzhuli? That's it? How dare you use Cheng's skin? Daomei doesn't play like this."

"Laugh!This knife girl is so disheveled that Brother Chengzi was killed before he finished his teaching process.》

"Sword girl is really good food!I heard how many games did my brother substitute for him? "

"Is it possible that it's not Daomeicai?It's Brother Cheng who pulled it off well"

"Like to twist?Turning your head back and forth and eating Captain Q like crazy"

"Isn't this knife girl playing with Brother Ba?Classic pull yourself back and forth"

"Don't be embarrassing, Brother Ba can eat a tower knife in 3 minutes"

"Let's go!Why do you need to use the captain to beat Daomei with Brother Chengzi? "

"If there is such a pull, I will choose the sword girl to kill the captain violently, and I still have to be angry? "

"Budou was deprived of the right to use the skin of Brother Orange, hahaha"

Although Lin Cheng himself was surprised by this solo kill, the laning thinking was also clearly expressed.

The captain used the corruption potion to suppress the sword girl at the first level. If the captain slowly pushed the line, the sword girl would not be able to guarantee her status if she wanted to gain experience.

However, when the status is low, it is difficult to find an opportunity to stack up and passively fight in the early stage. According to Lin Cheng's thinking, if you handle it properly, even if you don't kill alone, you can completely suppress the sword girl for a long time.

"Did you see the first-level treatment just now? Under normal circumstances, you can suppress it like I did."

"It doesn't matter if the sword girl doesn't know the experience and maintain the blood volume at the first level. Then when the soldiers enter the tower, the sword girl will definitely be lowered. bloody."

Originally, this wave of swordsmen was solo-killed and was about to blow up the line, but it happened that the red side's jungler Bobby was in the upper half, and came up to force the swordsmen to block the line of soldiers outside the tower.

Lin Cheng flashed just now that his tower rushing state was not very good, and he didn't try to forcefully push the line in. He returned to the city to make up for Yaoguang and ran out.

Because the pawn line was stuck outside the red square tower, 4 minutes before Lin Cheng sent a signal, his jungler Fiego ran over to help counter-squat wiring.

Lin Cheng played a wave, and Daomei was caught by Foyego and flashed.

The pawn line is sent into the tower, and the blue square pushback line begins to form.

Now Lin Cheng felt comfortable. When the pawn line was pushed to the middle position, he went to the left and right sides to arrange two gunpowder barrels in advance, keeping the distance between the two gunpowder barrels just enough not to trigger each other.

"We are about to ignite, don't be afraid, try to play more proactively in the early stage."

"Just like me, put a bucket under your feet, Q if you have a Q, and pay attention to the position of the little soldier with residual blood."

"Did you see the blood cannon cart next to the gunpowder barrel? We deliberately kept a distance from the gunpowder barrel and gave him a chance for the Q cannon cart to grab the barrel. He will come up [-] percent."

As soon as Lin Cheng's words were spoken, Daomei Q killed the cannon chariot, and turned around to grab the powder keg on the captain's left.

But the script was written by Lin Cheng, so it was impossible for him not to respond.

The captain had already issued Q in advance, and before Daomei A could go out, the gunpowder barrel exploded at Daomei's feet.

At this moment, the captain's right still had a gunpowder barrel that had decayed to one HP, and Lin Cheng backhanded the EA second barrel and blew up Daomei again.

Daomei's blood volume was only half again, so she turned around and pulled towards the grass on the side.

"Did you see? We just got another bucket, and we put the bucket under our feet to block his way back."

Lin Cheng's next bucket was placed in the middle of the pawn line. When Daomei was half-healthy, he just chose the last two bloody pawns on the Q blue square. A large wave of red square soldiers fought back.

However, the difference in status is too great. Lin Cheng fires the fire knife and ignites at the same time. Even if the sword girl fails to grab the barrel, she is still able to complete a solo kill without any suspense.

"Oh! The other side is too good!"

Lin Cheng was a little helpless, "If you play the captain, you may not have the chance to solo kill like me. Let me briefly talk about the normal line of thinking."

"Level [-] card knife girl experience. Before the third level, I have been pressing hard. If the jungler happens to be in the half zone, I will almost brush it up. The fourth and fifth levels are a little bit more wretched."

"At level six, if the sword girl comes up to force a wave, you must put barrels under your feet. If there is an ignition, as long as you grab another barrel later, the sword girl will not be able to beat the captain."

"If there is no obvious equipment advantage in the wave of Daomei's defeat, if Daomei is fully passive, she must be at least two levels ahead of him to fight, otherwise she will use barrels and big moves to save her life, and when she is dragged to level 13, she will fight Daomei casually."

"How? Is it easy?"

It can be seen that Lin Cheng really wants to teach the group of fun people in the live broadcast room to be good captains.

"He warmed me up and cried" was posted on the bullet screen one after another.

"You can just fight like this... As for me?"

"Sorry! Brother Cheng's captain always kills Daomei from level 18 to level [-], so I don't have to play like this."

(End of this chapter)

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