This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1337 The wind comment is completely rotten

Chapter 1337 The wind comment is completely rotten
"You can just fight like this... As for me?"

"Sorry! Brother Cheng's captain always kills Daomei from level 18 to level [-], so I don't have to play like this."

Lin Cheng's arrogant words caused another riot in the live broadcast room.

"Ball!Be a person

"Seriously off-track teaching, why don't you teach us the skills to kill the knife girl from level 1 to level 18?"Hide it, right? "

"One thing to say, Brother Chengzi explained so clearly while laning, it's really amazing"

"Learned!Let's use the captain to match the sword girl"

"I suspect that General Hu is hiding in the live broadcast room at this moment to steal the teacher, and the World Championship is going to play against Brother Chengzi"

"Can! RNG went to the World Championship and met KT on purpose, so he deliberately let the sword girl beat the captain, right?Make a champion skin for Daomei again? "

"Depend on!Brother Orange is so insidious!Didn't he do it on purpose?I want to lie to others to compete with the knife girl"

"Fast forward to why not BAN Daomei? (insidious)"

The captain single-killed Daomei twice in the early stage of the laning, and then he can play more casually.

Lin Cheng chatted and laughed, and made a fuss about Daomei, and casually talked to the water friends about the captain's teamfighting ideas in different situations, as well as other strategies against other heroes that are more difficult to fight, such as Sword Demon.

Of course, the awareness of online gank defense is a very important point, but Lin Cheng can only give a rough idea about this.

There is no way, he knows that most of the water friends in his live broadcast room are real money.

No one can figure out the low-end jungler's thinking.

It can even be said that many low-end game junglers have no ideas at all, so Lin Cheng naturally doesn't bother to talk too much about his experience, lest the water friends will be suspicious of life when they play in a panic.

As for the operation, Lin Cheng didn't mention it at all, it all depends on the proficiency of the hero.

It's not that just a few words from Lin Cheng can teach others to instantly place a powder keg with extreme tangency like him. The same is true for other fire knives operations.

In this round, Lin Cheng had too much advantage in the early stage. The captain hit the road and beat Daomei and his teammates also had a great advantage. The opponent simply surrendered in 15 minutes.

"wipe!This wins?I'm still waiting for Brother Cheng's team battle"

"There is no teaching significance, I want to learn how to deal with the captain who was blown up by the sword girl"

"Brother Cheng Zi said, give yourself a big push and wait for the next one (funny)"

"The opposite side is really good! "

"Budou's signature knife girl was killed by Brother Cheng in such a way, shouldn't he be allowed to participate in the GEN·G World Championship? "

"Not necessarily, brother's hero pool is a bit problematic, maybe this year we can see the LPL top laner kill Budou"

"Be bold, not only can you see the LPL top laner violently kill Budou, but you can also see Cheng Zige violently kill the LPL top laner"

"I'm heartbroken! (bare teeth)"

After the game ended, Lin Cheng continued to line up.

Taking advantage of the time in line, he opened his browser and entered his team's Youtube channel, ready to watch some videos to pass the time.

The KT official channel just released the quick questions and answers recorded by the players some time ago this afternoon.

Click on Peanut's question and answer, the video has trilingual subtitles, but Lin Cheng doesn't need to translate it.


"Han Wanghao."





"Favorite TV show?"

"game of Thrones."

"What's your name for your teammates?"


"If not a jungler, which position would you play?"

"Let's go, I want to teach Lin Cheng a lesson."

Peanut Butter's quick questions and quick answers are very cheerful, and the water friends in the live broadcast room will always ask Lin Cheng for confirmation when they hear interesting answers.

For example, what Peanut calls his teammates.

As the main commander of the team, Peanut Butter speaks a lot in his voice, and he really likes to call his teammates children.

Even though Mr. Dai was older than him, and Lin Cheng expressed dissatisfaction with Peanut's self-proclaimed parental attitude, it was Peanut Butter's insistence that finally made Lin Cheng succumb.

"Who posted this barrage saying that Little Peanut is innocent? Damn! You only look at the face, right? He can speak Chinese to make me feel weird, but you actually say he is innocent?"

Lin Cheng is obliged to let the audience in the live broadcast room recognize the true face of Little Peanut, and spare no effort to expose the dark history of Peanut Butter while watching the video.

Little Peanut is really not a good person. When he first joined the old godfather, he brought a translator and quarreled with Xi Ye and was able to win the quarrel. Later, after he became proficient in Chinese, the level of yin and yang is still higher than most Chinese people.

Lin Cheng's explosive little peanut scandal made the live broadcast room a burst of joy, and later Lin Cheng clicked on his own quick question and answer, which made the water friends in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.


"Lin Cheng."






"a lot of."



"Favorite movie."

"Good sister-in-law."

"The homepage of the club has a photo of you playing a crab on the cover. What do you want to say?"

"Just wait for the lawsuit."

The style of painting on Lin Cheng's side was so crooked that even the kind-hearted sister-in-law spoke out, causing many people in the video comment area to call Jiang Enhui, the actor of Aite's sister-in-law, and let Lin Chengshe die again.

He likes black silk and long legs, and he also likes to watch "The Kind Sister-in-law". Lin Cheng's reputation has been completely rotten.

Of course, the water friends in the live broadcast room did not let Lin Cheng go, seeing the turbulent barrage made his eyes hurt.

Some people said that they found a bosom friend.

Gender men, like women, we are all a class of people.

Someone asked my sister-in-law if she had contacted Lin Cheng alone, and if the two had a private fan meeting or something.

Someone else claimed that he was the nightmare of Zhang San, a direct disciple of Luo Xiang, and that he could help Lin Cheng sue the club for using his ugly photo as the cover.

It can only be said that these water friends are also against the sky, with first-rate ability to live.

While talking and laughing, the Hanbok client lined up and entered the pre-selection interface.

Lin Cheng finally didn't have to explain that he had never met the actor who played the sister-in-law in private.

This game was lined up to old teammate Malrang.

Soon the two connected the voice.

"Jin Geuncheng! What do you say about this one?"

"I want to play Li Qing, you can also play Irelia, use your own skin."

"OK! Remember to catch more on the road!"

As a result, just after the agreement was made, Lin Cheng found out that Daomei was banned by the opposite party.

"Assi! Irelia is gone."

"Haha! Then help me snatch Li Qing."

"You are not allowed to play Li Qing, I choose Renekton, how about you Elise?"

"But I still want to use my own Li Qing skin."

"Elise! Elise! Elise! Elise!"

Lin Cheng began to chant scriptures.

Malrang had no choice but reluctantly took out the spider jungler, and the retro zoo Ueno combination was assembled.

Spider + crocodile, even if you look at the opponent, you have to shake first.

"Brothers! This is going to kill me."

Lin Cheng leaned on the back of the chair, crossed his legs, and took a sip of water in a slightly awkward manner.

"Turtle!Ueno Lianmai also plays spider + crocodile? "

"Ugly Face! "

"Has Brother Cheng ever considered top laner clowns?"You must be so sunny"

"Sunshine Boys Should Play Sunshine Girls"

(End of this chapter)

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