This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1355 Silenced T1 Fans

Peanut's Leopard girl invaded the Oner wild area in the early stage, and won the second game with a strong Carry game. The teammates laughed before the opponent's base exploded.

"Yo ho! Brother Wang Hao! You deserve to be Nidalee who wants skin."

"The bright moon on the opposite side is so miserable, I haven't been able to eat wild monsters, should I hang up early if I change rank?"

"I can see it! You don't know how fierce you are unless you force yourself. It is recommended that you set up a flag for peanut butter every time before a game, and run naked on the street if you lose. Then you will be the god of the jungle!"

Unsurprisingly, Lin Cheng's joke attracted Peanut Butter's death stare.

Due to the abusive behavior in the first game, T1 fans booed during the field, and Lin Cheng thought he would still be booed this time.

As a result, I took off the headphones and only heard the cheers of KT fans.

The home team won two cities in a row, and the KT fans at the scene were very excited.

Another day of beating T1.

After seeing the content of the first two games, the T1 fans at the scene were already silent.

The experience of T1 this summer was magical. The arrangement and combination in the first half made them lie flat for a while, and the winning streak after kicking out the coach in the second half gave them a bold idea.

Although they lost in the last round of the regular season, T1 fans are still very optimistic and expect that setbacks will allow this group of young people to continue to evolve.

Xiao Lu Bu's full-fledged provocation also made them feel that the T1 players really have the confidence to overthrow KT.

If it weren't for the gratifying results in the playoff version of the training match, little Lu Bu wouldn't be so careless, right?

So there is a real chance to beat KT?

Such speculation was widely spread among T1 fans before the game.


Doesn't seem to be today.

You know, they even used witchcraft to target Lin Cheng before the game, but Lin Cheng still beat Canna steadily.

And compared to Lin Cheng, Canna is more like the person who has been cursed by witchcraft.

In the first game, Qinggang Ying was so desperate that he was killed by the sword demon in the lane, and even went down to be solo killed by the AD jumping over the tower.

In the second round, the stone man turned out to be very clever, even if he exploded in the lane, the team battle always wanted to hit a perfect big move to reverse the disadvantage, but in the end, he was caught in seconds without even holding the big move in his hands.

Finally, the stone man made a big move under the eyes of all the people, but he actually missed in the midst of three people, and the effect of the show was full.

In fact, Canna's performance was crucial in the second half of the T1 Summer Split, but his performance today was inexplicably scary.

It is absolutely believed that he was cursed by witchcraft.

Today's director is very brave. After the game, he always shows the fans of both sides a steady screen.

In the camera, a male KT fan stood up and applauded excitedly, the smile on his face bloomed like a chrysanthemum.

The camera turned to him, and there was a T1 fan just an empty seat away. This little brother was slumped on a chair wearing a mask, his eyes were dull, and the support board in his hand was also put down.

"Laugh!All the stalls have been silenced"

"What happened to the director of LCK?" T1 black powder, right? "

"Tsk Tut!Who should I show my face to? (funny)"

"It can only be said that people's sorrows and joys are not connected"

"I remember booing brother Chengzi after the forced match in the last round, but this time I was beaten stupidly, 233333"

"keep going!Go on the music, go on the dance! "

"The stalls at the scene are all slumped on their chairs, only the online ones are still dancing"

T1 lounge.

Coach Moment held his head and sighed almost throughout the second game.

While sighing, Moment was also racking his brains to think about the game strategy for the third game.

But there is no solution to this problem.

The strength of the players is not comparable, and there is a clear gap in the quality of the team. In this situation, the only way to win is to rely on a unique strategy.

But Mr. Moment is also not good at this.

Not capable!
If he could design a tactical system that can win by surprise in a short period of time, he would not have led the aircraft team to an [-]-game losing streak.

As another assistant coach, Plot, as a former interstellar professional player, he has not been in contact with LOL for too long, let alone this ability.

Although it sounds like the coaching staff of T1 is quite useless, they are indeed quite useless.

But after all, it was only temporarily pushed up to fight the fire, and the new coaching staff should not be too demanding.

In fact, T1's BP and tactical design are basically player-oriented. After driving away Danny, the players don't want another iron-handed coach to override them. The temporary coaching staff said that they are responsible. Takeaway is not wrong either.

What is gratifying is that although players like Cuzz are like actors on the field, after participating in the work of the coaching staff, they have indeed brought great help to the team's BP and tactics with their rich experience.

Every time they win a game, the two coaches of T1 are very humble when interviewed by the media after the game. They are all thanking the players, as if they are just younger brothers in the club.

But after all, he is a head coach with independent team leadership experience, and Mr. Momet does not want to be just a mascot for the club to maintain Faker's authority.

He also hopes that he can show enough leadership ability.

So when the players were being beaten on the court, Moment and Plot were also discussing frantically in the lounge, hoping that the next round would bring a little change to the team's BP.

As a result, after discussing for a long time, both of them were very depressed.

"Forget it, they are coming back soon, so don't rush to propose any changes at this time, let the players play according to the training match."

After a pause, Moment added another sentence: "Prepare the water and bananas first, the players need to replenish a little energy at this time."

Plot nodded, not feeling that it was wrong for the coach to do this kind of thing.

After all, the T1 coaching staff is short of people, and they used to be in the role of odd jobs in the team.

Of course, he is also a professional coach at any rate. After the players returned to the waiting room, Moment immediately put away his negative emotions and began to pour chicken soup to let the players relax.

come on!trust yourself!We are a good enough team and we can do better in the next game.

Believe in yourself and have no regrets.

The players were all numb. At this time, it would not be very useful for Redmi to arrange tactics. Moment's approach actually fits the current situation.

And it can be regarded as taking advantage of strengths and avoiding weaknesses.

It's a pity that the players are not too emotional. Little Lu Bu, who threatened to silence the KT fans before the game, has become popular, and he is silently eating bananas with a slumped face.

Faker bit his finger and didn't speak. Although he is the most legendary player in the history of LOL, he is not that kind of leader, and he is not good at standing up to stabilize the emotions of his teammates at this time.

The captain remained silent, and the other young players were even more silent. The atmosphere did not improve because of the efforts of the coaching staff.

Moment sighed silently.

If it was KT's coach, the job would be much easier, right?

In fact, Mr. Kang Dongxun's relaxation was beyond his imagination.

On the other side, KT's training room.

Mr. Kang Dongxun did not take advantage of the break to arrange tactics. He surrounded the table with the players and ate hamburgers and fried chicken. A group of people ate happily.

"Eat less, just put your belly on it, don't overeat and affect your state."

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "Understood, give me another chicken leg."

The coach handed over the biggest chicken leg.

Lin Cheng thought for a while, then handed it to Little Peanut.

"Hey! You've worked hard on the peanut butter, and here's the big chicken drumstick for you."

"Lin Cheng, you are a good person!"

"You're welcome, just treat me like a dog in the next round."

Little Peanut didn't bother to pay attention to Lin Cheng, and changed the subject:
"That's right! Sister Sheng Xi said that after the finals, she would take us to explore the haunted house. Which one of you will go?"

Lin Cheng: "A ghost house adventure? Are there real ghosts? If so, I'll go."


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